Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Well-known member
As shown by your quote in an earlier post, your "values" come from libertarian doctrine, so your support of Donald Trump who embraces those so-called "values" is understood.

You are way off base. Libertarians may get some of their views from people like me but I don't get any of my views from politicians or political platforms. None. I am not a political cultist, like democrats who will back any stupid thing promoted by the democrat party because they have no strong connection to the wisdom of God instead.


You are way off base. Libertarians may get some of their views from people like me but I don't get any of my views from...
I'm pretty sure that libertarian doctrine was around long before you were born, hence they didn't wait for you to be born to get their "views" (you borrow from them, not them from you).


There's a Trump homosexual activist that currently goes by the name of "Trump Gurl" (aka Trump Train, etc. etc. etc.) that is spreading lies in another thread.

Here is what he said about Milo Yiannopoulos who is now identifying as a EX homosexual and is going through reparative therapy to overcome his homosexual desires (and no, Trump Gurl is not a girl).

"But he needs to keep in mind that he was born with that disorder and it can creep back up on him any time if he is not vigilant in his prayer and his abstinence. His announcement "that he is no longer a homosexual" is not accurate."

While those who have same sex desires (or for the T in the LGBT acronym, those who cross dress and mutilate their genitals) definitely have mental problems, they were not "born" with them (sexual molestation during childhood is a huge factor in what causes homosexual desires) and there is definitely spiritual and psychological therapy out there to help these morally and psychologically confused people, not matter what Donald Trump and his LGBT movement say to the contrary.


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Well-known member
I'm pretty sure that libertarian doctrine was around long before you were born, hence they didn't wait for you to be born to get their "views" (you borrow from them, not them from you).
I get my views and values from Christians and the Bible, which have been around for thousands of years.


I get my views and values from Christians and the Bible, which have been around for thousands of years.
This is neither:

marke said:
I am not motivated to try to regulate what people do in private. ..

Nor do you get your "views" from the Bible when it comes to voting for politicians:

Exodus 18:21.

Before I move on to the next subject, at least say that Donald Trump was the "lesser of two evils", to which I'll thank you for admitting that you voted for evil but that the wolf in sheep's clothing is more evil than the one that doesn't disguise itself.

Gee, it sounds like I've had conversations with your kind before huh?


Well-known member
This is neither:

marke said:
I am not motivated to try to regulate what people do in private. ..

Nor do you get your "views" from the Bible when it comes to voting for politicians:

Exodus 18:21.

Before I move on to the next subject, at least say that Donald Trump was the "lesser of two evils", to which I'll thank you for admitting that you voted for evil but that the wolf in sheep's clothing is more evil than the one that doesn't disguise itself.

Gee, it sounds like I've had conversations with your kind before huh?
Misrepresenting my views may be convenient for you but it is not honest. I don't vote for evil, I vote against evil. My vote for Trump was a vote against the demonic democrat witch who despises Christians and Christian values.


Misrepresenting my views may be convenient for you but it is not honest.

You wrote the following, I didn't:

marke said:
I am not motivated to try to regulate what people do in private. ..
I don't vote for evil, I vote against evil. My vote for Trump was a vote against the demonic democrat witch who despises Christians and Christian values.
The rainbow flag of perversion and death that Donald Trump proudly waves, represents a God-hating, child molesting/indoctrinating, institution destroying evil movement.

You really blew it on this sock puppet account Aaron by letting your libertarian ideology be known. How about creating another sock puppet and coming back to this thread and trying a new con game? (Sigh, he tries so hard).


With rainbow flag waver Donald Trump and his first pro LGBT SCOTUS pick Neil Gorsuch paving the way for homosexuality and transgenderism to be protected under the 1964 Civil Rights Act via the Bostock v Clayton Co. GA SCOTUS ruling, and with the House of Representatives passing the equivalent to it with the Equality Act (EA), there are people out there that have the audacity to believe the religious freedom and homosexual/transgender so-called "rights" can coexist, hence the phony 'Fairness For All Act' proposed in Congress.

Phony Tony "Big Tent" Perkins of the Family Research Council has an article that explains the details of this act and why it shouldn't be passed.

Readers should note that the FRC said the following:

"All Americans deserve dignity, respect, and the equal protection of the law. This is why all Americans already have these protections under our law. "

Sorry Tony, but not all Americans engage in a perverse behavior whose political movement hates God, molests and indoctrinates children and destroys invaluable institutions, so forgive me for not showing evil "respect" or wanting that changeable behavior to have "equal protection under the law",.

Aside from that piece of propaganda, it's a good article and I'll share the details in an upcoming post.

The Unfairness of the “Fairness for All Act





Well-known member
You wrote the following, I didn't:

marke said:
I am not motivated to try to regulate what people do in private. ..

The rainbow flag of perversion and death that Donald Trump proudly waves, represents a God-hating, child molesting/indoctrinating, institution destroying evil movement.

You really blew it on this sock puppet account Aaron by letting your libertarian ideology be known. How about creating another sock puppet and coming back to this thread and trying a new con game? (Sigh, he tries so hard).
Christians are saddened when leaders like Trump and Obama cater to ungodly sexual perverts for political reasons, but we can be encouraged by the fact that good men like Mike Pompeo still stand strong against such wickedness.

The denials to U.S. embassies have come from the office of the State Department's undersecretary for management, Brian Bulatao, a longtime associate of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who also worked for him at the CIA. Under State Department policy, embassies that want to fly the flag on their flagpoles are expected to obtain permission from Washington.
During the Obama administration, the government granted blanket permission to embassies overseas to fly the pride flag during June. This year, U.S. diplomats said, embassies were told they can display the pride flag in other places, including inside embassies, but that requests to fly it on the flagpole must be specifically approved.


(Evidently someone doesn't want to talk about the 'Fairness for All' Act).
Christians are saddened when leaders like Trump and Obama cater to ungodly sexual perverts for political reasons, but we can be encouraged by the fact that good men like Mike Pompeo still stand strong against such wickedness.
*January 3, 2019, Trump's State Department Spokeswoman Acknowledges the GLAAD's (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Spirit Day
(page 111, post #1660)

*June 14, 2019 [Trump's] US Department of State Praises Botswana for Decriminalizing Homosexual Behavior
(page 146, post #2189)

Try again.

The denials to U.S. embassies have come from the office of the State Department's undersecretary for management, Brian Bulatao, a longtime associate of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who also worked for him at the CIA. Under State Department policy, embassies that want to fly the flag on their flagpoles are expected to obtain permission from Washington.
The issue of flying Trump's/Pompeo's rainbow flag of perversion and death at US Embassies has been discussed numerous times since Donald Trump became POTUS. The denial was based on a violation of US flag protocol, but the rainbow flag was allowed to be displayed elsewhere on US government property. Many US Embassies, the German one run by openly homosexual Richard Grenell included, ignored the denial and flew the flag anyway.

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Back to the article "The Unfairness of the “Fairness for All Act"

"FFA attempts to find a compromise between the First Amendment-protected right to religious liberty and the demands of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) lobby. However, because the LGBT agenda seeks government-mandated acquiescence to their ideology regarding human sexuality and gender, they are unwilling to allow any divergent views regardless of their basis, be it religion, science, or safety concerns. Their unwillingness to compromise is particularly evident in the fierce attacks directed against faith-based wedding vendors and faith-based adoption and foster care agencies detailed below. The LGBT lobby will not be satisfied until the government forces all Americans to accept their ideology. FFA is anything but fair. It sends the message that anyone who holds to a traditional view of marriage and lives their lives and operates their business according to that view is a bigot and their actions are unacceptable and discriminatory. If FFA passed into law, the federal government would impose a belief system and ideology about sexual behavior and identity on all Americans, with few exceptions. It is poorly drafted and sacrifices religious freedom, true equality,"

There can be no middle ground here, as it's either the government's role to protect and support homosexuality and transgenderism, or to protect and support religious freedom. It can't do both.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There can be no middle ground here, as it's either the government's role to protect and support homosexuality and transgenderism, or to protect and support religious freedom. It can't do both.
Yes it can. False dichotomy. Hint: It has to do with rights. Like the right to masturbate, which I'm sure you agree is a real human right.


aCultureWarrior said:

There can be no middle ground here, as it's either the government's role to protect and support homosexuality and transgenderism, or to protect and support religious freedom. It can't do both.

Yes it can. False dichotomy. Hint: It has to do with rights...
I guess I haven't caught on how right and wrong, good and evil, sexual perversion and decency can coexist. Maybe you can attempt to explain that?

Let's start off with homosexuals who like to cross dress, and perhaps take it a step further and have their genitals mutilated (the "T" in the LGBT acronym) and then use the same restroom, fitting rooms and locker room as women and little girls, as well as competing in sports with them. How does that work if a Christian complains about having a mentally ill male changing in the same locker room as her and other girls?

After you explain that we'll continue with the subject of homosexuals mocking God's institution of marriage and how Christians that own businesses can't support that faux marriage by baking cakes, making floral arrangements and photographing these faux marriages and still claim to be followers of Christ.
I do look forward to your reply, and please, make it in a somewhat timely manner.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
aCultureWarrior said:

There can be no middle ground here, as it's either the government's role to protect and support homosexuality and transgenderism, or to protect and support religious freedom. It can't do both.

I guess I haven't caught on how right and wrong, good and evil, sexual perversion and decency can coexist. Maybe you can attempt to explain that?

Let's start off with homosexuals who like to cross dress, and perhaps take it a step further and have their genitals mutilated (the "T" in the LGBT acronym) and then use the same restroom, fitting rooms and locker room as women and little girls, as well as competing in sports with them. How does that work if a Christian complains about having a mentally ill male changing in the same locker room as her and other girls?
I don't know. Has that happened? What is the court record? Because if there's a court record of what happened, then that's your answer. You should go read the court record, and then you'll know "How does that work".
After you explain that we'll continue with the subject of homosexuals mocking God's institution of marriage and how Christians that own businesses can't support that faux marriage by baking cakes, making floral arrangements and photographing these faux marriages and still claim to be followers of Christ.
I do look forward to your reply, and please, make it in a somewhat timely manner.
It's either a business or it's a charity. Are these people expecting to be compensated? Then it's a business. Then they have to treat everybody the same, like a heathen man and a publican Matthew 18:17 There are only two options, you either treat someone like a fellow individual member of the Body of Christ, or you treat them like an heathen man or a publican. That means you have to be moral towards them, which means you can't violate their rights, and they have the same human right as you do, to masturbate. We can't discriminate against them because we don't approve of the way that they masturbate, but that the way that we masturbate is OK Romans 2:1


aCultureWarrior said:

Let's start off with homosexuals who like to cross dress, and perhaps take it a step further and have their genitals mutilated (the "T" in the LGBT acronym) and then use the same restroom, fitting rooms and locker room as women and little girls, as well as competing in sports with them. How does that work if a Christian complains about having a mentally ill male changing in the same locker room as her and other girls?

I don't know. Has that happened? What is the court record? Because if there's a court record of what happened, then that's your answer. You should go read the court record, and then you'll know "How does that work".

Please answer the question: Who has more "rights", the cross dressing homosexual who has had his genitals mutilated and thinks that he's a female therefore can use the same restroom, fitting rooms and locker rooms as women and little girls, as well as competing in sports against them, or the women and little girls that expect to have a right to privacy in those restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms and the right to compete in sports against other females?

aCultureWarrior said:

After you explain that we'll continue with the subject of homosexuals mocking God's institution of marriage and how Christians that own businesses can't support that faux marriage by baking cakes, making floral arrangements and photographing these faux marriages and still claim to be followers of Christ.
I do look forward to your reply, and please, make it in a somewhat timely manner.
It's either a business or it's a charity. Are these people expecting to be compensated? Then it's a business.
A Christian owned business, and Christians don't leave their love for God and their fellow man at the door of their business.

Then they have to treat everybody the same,
Except that in Christianity homosexuality is a sin, a sin that can be repented, but a sin that will keep people out of Heaven if repentance doesn't take place.

Thank you for showing that Christianity and homosexuality/transgenderism can't coexist. You made the case quite well as to why they can't.
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