Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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As promised, articles by Mission: America's Linda Harvey and syndicated columnist Selwyn Duke showing how the Republican Party has become homosexual/transgender friendly (Unfortunately Harvey doesn't expose the truth about rainbow flag waver Donald Trump and that many of the homosexuals in her article were hired by Trump to work in his administration).
Harvey does bring up the phoniness of the supposedly good alternative to the Equality Act known as the "Fairness For All Act" which I will address soon.

Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy​

Linda Harvey​

April 8, 2021

“It’s for the children!” Politicians, pundits, activists of all stripes rush to play the baby card to draw support to their cause or candidacy.

But often it’s completely insincere. Despite a national pro-family platform, kids can’t depend on many Republicans.

More and more Republicans embrace and even promote “LGBTQ” demands, oblivious to the corresponding deviant, harmful behaviors. So America’s children are exposed and vulnerable, because what is routine for adults today will seem normal to 11-year-olds within a decade.

The stats already tell us the promotion of sexual alternatives to kids is unfortunately working, as well over 15% of the nation’s youth now call themselves “queer,” a percentage that has risen sharply in recent years, but it’s not due to inborn proclivities. Research has failed to turn up any dependable biological key. The expansion of this sub-population is instead the rotten fruit of depraved, incessant promotion and social engineering.

Which few politicians have any interest in challenging.

H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” is a far-left, radical, anti-child, anti-Christian measure. But so is the alternative, GOP-supported “Fairness for All Act” in the U.S. House, which tosses a few religious exemption bones to the faith community but still legitimizes depraved, immoral conduct.

Someone tell the libertarian/compromised Republicans how much damage their advocacy is doing. Asa Hutchinson, who thinks government has no role in protecting healthy children from medical mutilation. Charlie Kirk, who has smugly dismissed concerns about faux same sex "marriage" in the past. (Some say his beliefs are changing. We'll see.)

Mitt Romney. Marco Rubio, whose campaign was heavily backed by pro-homosexual billionaire Paul Singer and who famously said he believes homosexuality is not a choice. Lisa Murkowski. Susan Collins. The congressional representatives who voted for the “Equality Act”-- John Katko and Tom Reed of New York, and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

Ric Grennell. CPAC. American Opportunity Alliance. Catalyst PAC. American Unity PAC. Big Tent Republicans. Log Cabin Republicans. The once-conservative Chamber of Commerce, now fully transitioned into a shill for the homosexual/ transgender agenda.

And of course, Kristi Noem. Robert Oscar Lopez wrote an excellent piece about Noem’s recent betrayal on the transgenderism-in-sports issue. Lopez also mentioned something often forgotten -- Mike Pence’s infamous compromise while Indiana’s governor. And there’s also the left turn of Chick Fil A (yes—check it out—they caved, too).

In the media, numerous “conservative” pundits refuse to grasp the danger of the pink agenda. Glenn Beck epitomizes the libertarian divide—he tolerates homosexuality but opposes “trans” advocacy to children.

Read more: https://www.missionamerica.com/article/children-endangered-as-gop-applauds-sexual-anarchy/


Linda Harvey


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy
It's not sexual anarchy. Rape is still very illegal. Child rape is super illegal. Our government is, and remains, very authorized to enforce these sexual laws against rapists of all sorts.

GOP doesn't applaud sexual anarchy, GOP applauds political and legal morality, that of separating Church sexual ethics from government. Imposing your ethics upon others with the law is immoral /evil /wicked /wrong. GOP applauds not doing that.


Well-known member
As promised, articles by Mission: America's Linda Harvey and syndicated columnist Selwyn Duke showing how the Republican Party has become homosexual/transgender friendly (Unfortunately Harvey doesn't expose the truth about rainbow flag waver Donald Trump and that many of the homosexuals in her article were hired by Trump to work in his administration).
Harvey does bring up the phoniness of the supposedly good alternative to the Equality Act known as the "Fairness For All Act" which I will address soon.

Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy​

Linda Harvey​

April 8, 2021

“It’s for the children!” Politicians, pundits, activists of all stripes rush to play the baby card to draw support to their cause or candidacy.

But often it’s completely insincere. Despite a national pro-family platform, kids can’t depend on many Republicans.

More and more Republicans embrace and even promote “LGBTQ” demands, oblivious to the corresponding deviant, harmful behaviors. So America’s children are exposed and vulnerable, because what is routine for adults today will seem normal to 11-year-olds within a decade.

The stats already tell us the promotion of sexual alternatives to kids is unfortunately working, as well over 15% of the nation’s youth now call themselves “queer,” a percentage that has risen sharply in recent years, but it’s not due to inborn proclivities. Research has failed to turn up any dependable biological key. The expansion of this sub-population is instead the rotten fruit of depraved, incessant promotion and social engineering.

Which few politicians have any interest in challenging.

H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” is a far-left, radical, anti-child, anti-Christian measure. But so is the alternative, GOP-supported “Fairness for All Act” in the U.S. House, which tosses a few religious exemption bones to the faith community but still legitimizes depraved, immoral conduct.

Someone tell the libertarian/compromised Republicans how much damage their advocacy is doing. Asa Hutchinson, who thinks government has no role in protecting healthy children from medical mutilation. Charlie Kirk, who has smugly dismissed concerns about faux same sex "marriage" in the past. (Some say his beliefs are changing. We'll see.)

Mitt Romney. Marco Rubio, whose campaign was heavily backed by pro-homosexual billionaire Paul Singer and who famously said he believes homosexuality is not a choice. Lisa Murkowski. Susan Collins. The congressional representatives who voted for the “Equality Act”-- John Katko and Tom Reed of New York, and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

Ric Grennell. CPAC. American Opportunity Alliance. Catalyst PAC. American Unity PAC. Big Tent Republicans. Log Cabin Republicans. The once-conservative Chamber of Commerce, now fully transitioned into a shill for the homosexual/ transgender agenda.

And of course, Kristi Noem. Robert Oscar Lopez wrote an excellent piece about Noem’s recent betrayal on the transgenderism-in-sports issue. Lopez also mentioned something often forgotten -- Mike Pence’s infamous compromise while Indiana’s governor. And there’s also the left turn of Chick Fil A (yes—check it out—they caved, too).

In the media, numerous “conservative” pundits refuse to grasp the danger of the pink agenda. Glenn Beck epitomizes the libertarian divide—he tolerates homosexuality but opposes “trans” advocacy to children.

Read more: https://www.missionamerica.com/article/children-endangered-as-gop-applauds-sexual-anarchy/


Linda Harvey
The promotion of sodomy is very bad, no matter what political party one belongs to. We can credit the republican party over democrats for leading in the fight to free slaves, to give blacks the right to vote, to end segregation, and for being the first political party to promote civil rights for blacks in America. That does not mean democrats never supported those things, but democrats were always in the minority when those freedoms for blacks were first pushed in America.

Likewise, we can credit the democrat party for leading in the fight to legalize abortion, to legalize sodomy, to legalize pot, to legalize gambling, to legalize the teaching of evolution over creation in schools, and so much more. That does not mean no republicans supported those wicked things, but to constantly attack the republican party for its sparse support of those things while ignoring major contributions of democrats is unwise. And to suggest voting for democrats instead of republicans because some republicans support evil is just plain stupid.


It's not sexual anarchy. Rape is still very illegal. Child rape is super illegal. Our government is, and remains, very authorized to enforce these sexual laws against rapists of all sorts.

GOP doesn't applaud sexual anarchy, GOP applauds political and legal morality, that of separating Church sexual ethics from government. Imposing your ethics upon others with the law is immoral /evil /wicked /wrong. GOP applauds not doing that.
Matt Barber, who was once a syndicated columnist but appears to have gone back to practicing law, wrote this definition of the term "sexual anarchy" some years back from his article by the same name, a term which I've used throughout this 5 part thread:

"Make no mistake: Children are the target of what I call the “sexual anarchy movement.” Whether it's the movement's pedophile wing that seeks to literally rape children, or its radical pro-abortion, homosexualist and feminist wings, which seek to rape the minds of children, the larger sexual anarchy movement has a shared goal: Attack, corrupt and destroy God's design for human sexuality. Children are just collateral damage."

A more specific definition of sexual anarchy would be:

"A school of philosophy and other thinking that believes that anyone should be free to have sex with anyone else.
from one's relatives, minors ,or any other person ect.

Thoughts on Linda Harvey's article, especially her not denouncing Donald Trump for the homosexual activist that he is?


Likewise, we can credit the democrat party for leading in the fight to legalize abortion, to legalize sodomy,
Credit most definitely goes to libertarians and their democratic allies for leading the fight to legalize abortion (actually it was SCOTUS Justices who were appointed by Republican Presidents that gave the US the Roe v Wade decision) and homosexuality, but that was back when the Republican Party actually stood for traditional family values, which as shown in my posts, it no longer does.

Thoughts on Linda Harvey's article, especially her not denouncing Donald Trump for the homosexual activist that he is?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Matt Barber, who was once a syndicated columnist but appears to have gone back to practicing law, wrote this definition of the term "sexual anarchy" some years back from his article by the same name, a term which I've used throughout this 5 part thread:

"Make no mistake: Children are the target of what I call the “sexual anarchy movement.” Whether it's the movement's pedophile wing that seeks to literally rape children
These are just violent criminals and I'm sure there is nobody who approves of the violent crime of paedophilia, who isn't also just a paedophile themselves already. So Barber without justification lumps together paedophiles and non-paedophiles.

He definitely could argue that a certain policy position would make things easier for paedophiles. That is the kind of policy position that could be argued would make things easier for mass murderers, if instead of criminalizing masturbation we were talking about criminalizing firearms.

In both cases, it's not necessarily true, it's only true if we aren't clear on what constitutes lawful exercise of an authentic human right, and what is plainly and objectively immoral /evil /wicked /wrong. To rape is sin, and it is also evil and immoral, and it is also, with justification, penalized by our regime, in our laws.
, or its radical pro-abortion, homosexualist and feminist wings, which seek to rape the minds of children
So Barber begins with an invalid joining together of paedophiles with people who don't approve paedophilia, and now he (I'm assuming "Matt" uses male pronouns here---I know I'm out on a limb) invokes metaphorical rape in the attempt to depict his position as cogent and singular, but in fact he's just saying, in an overly-complicated way---one might call it "sophistic", as in "sophist"---that he has a certain ethics, and he wants our regime to impose it upon everybody else.
, the larger sexual anarchy movement has a shared goal: Attack, corrupt and destroy God's design for human sexuality. Children are just collateral damage."
See? He has an ethics. He wants it imposed upon others who don't share his ethics. This is immoral and wrong. People have a right to the lawful pursuit of happiness, and this is ethics. If a regime imposes somebody else's ethics upon you, then that regime is being immoral /wicked /evil /wrong.

Even if you impose God's own ethics upon others, it's still wrong. God is not immoral, He doesn't promote any immorality, nor does He approve it. And God is ethical, just like we are, we are made in His image, including His ethics.
A more specific definition of sexual anarchy would be:

"A school of philosophy and other thinking that believes that anyone should be free to have sex with anyone else.
from one's relatives, minors ,or any other person ect.

Thoughts on Linda Harvey's article, especially her not denouncing Donald Trump for the homosexual activist that he is?
President Trump is a masturbation activist first (and who isn't?), and homosexual activism spills naturally from that cup.


These are just violent criminals and I'm sure there is nobody who approves of the violent crime of paedophilia,
Barber showed in his article the movement within the LGBT movement to legalize "man-boy love", i.e. sex with children. I've also shown throughout this 6 part thread that pedophilia/pederasty is a huge part of homosexual/transgender 'culture', and that legalizing it is as well.
President Trump is a masturbation activist first (and who isn't?), and homosexual activism spills naturally from that cup.
So you're back on your masturbation obsession I see (anything to avoid talking about the true subject at hand: how legalizing homosexuality has brought moral depravity to America and how the Republican Party, lead by Donald Trump is on the front lines of promoting homosexuality and transgenderism).

Back later with Selwyn Duke's article exposing the Republican Party and his somewhat limp wristed denunciation of Donald Trump.


Well-known member
Credit most definitely goes to libertarians and their democratic allies for leading the fight to legalize abortion (actually it was SCOTUS Justices who were appointed by Republican Presidents that gave the US the Roe v Wade decision) and homosexuality, but that was back when the Republican Party actually stood for traditional family values, which as shown in my posts, it no longer does.

Thoughts on Linda Harvey's article, especially her not denouncing Donald Trump for the homosexual activist that he is?
Have you ever said anything nice about a sodomite activist? If so, does that mean you should be held responsible for the leftist democrat push to force sodomy on all Americans?


Have you ever said anything nice about a sodomite activist?
As I recall, I've never said a nice word about Donald Trump. What's nice to say about someone who promotes the God-hating, child molesting/indoctrinating, institution destroying homosexual/transgender agenda like Donald Trump does?

If so, does that mean you should be held responsible for the leftist democrat push to force sodomy on all Americans?
How convenient that you're ignoring that Donald Trump and his boy toy Richard Grenell were not only forcing homosexuality/transgenderism on America by supporting the LGBT agenda, but forcing it on the rest of the world with their homosexuality/transgender decriminalization crusade.


Well-known member
As I recall, I've never said a nice word about Donald Trump. What's nice to say about someone who promotes the God-hating, child molesting/indoctrinating, institution destroying homosexual/transgender agenda like Donald Trump does?

How convenient that you're ignoring that Donald Trump and his boy toy Richard Grenell were not only forcing homosexuality/transgenderism on America by supporting the LGBT agenda, but forcing it on the rest of the world with their homosexuality/transgender decriminalization crusade.
The kind of support for sodomy you interpret from Trump's statements and actions is like a trickle compared to the democrat flood of mandates that all Christians abandon their religious convictions against sodomy. Under democrat leadership, Christians can be jailed and destroyed if they do not disrespect God by showing open acceptance of sodomy in everyday life.


The kind of support for sodomy you interpret from Trump's statements and actions is like a trickle compared to the democrat flood of mandates that all Christians abandon their religious convictions against sodomy. ...
I get it that you believe that your rainbow flag waver is better than theirs, but post after post that I've presented has shown differently. Why don't you just stick with libertarian ideology and say that the republicans are better for the economy then democrats, and we can discuss that instead of your façade of being against homosexuality?


A few posts ago I shared excerpts from Mission: America's Linda Harvey article "Children are endangered while the GOP applauds sexual anarchy" and a page ago I responded to a post that syndicated columnist Selwyn Duke wrote to me regarding his article "Sexual Anarchy: the GOP fiddles while kids' souls burn".

Here is an excerpt from Duke's column:

Sexual Anarchy: The GOP Fiddles While Kids’ Souls Burn​

by Selwyn Duke April 13, 2021

Have you heard the story about the engine and the caboose? The caboose doesn’t want to go where the engine is taking it, but the latter has all the energy and provides the movement. So the caboose sometimes is lighter and pulled more swiftly and sometimes is heavier and provides more resistance, but reaching the destination is a foregone conclusion — all that will vary is the arrival time.

This is a metaphor for the conservative-liberal struggle, and bringing it to mind is a recent article at Mission: America titled “Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy.” Complaining about how even Republicans are “slouching toward Gomorrah,” author Linda Harvey writes:

More and more Republicans embrace and even promote “LGBTQ” demands, oblivious to the corresponding deviant, harmful behaviors. So America’s children are exposed and vulnerable, because what is routine for adults today will seem normal to 11-year-olds within a decade.
The stats already tell us the promotion of sexual alternatives to kids is unfortunately working, as well over 15% of the nation’s youth now call themselves “queer,” a percentage that has risen sharply in recent years, but it’s not due to inborn proclivities. Research has failed to turn up any dependable biological key. The expansion of this sub-population is instead the rotten fruit of depraved, incessant promotion and social engineering.
Which few politicians have any interest in challenging.
H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” is a far-left, radical, anti-child, anti-Christian measure. But so is the alternative, GOP-supported “Fairness for All Act” in the U.S. House, which tosses a few religious exemption bones to the faith community but still legitimizes depraved, immoral conduct.
Children have also, do note, been so indoctrinated with MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, or “transgender”) propaganda that there’s been an explosion in youths “identifying” as the opposite sex or one of scores of imaginary “genders.”

Harvey then goes on to outline the Who’s Who of GOP Sexual-devolutionary Enablers, citing names such as Marco Rubio, Charlie Kirk, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Kristi Noem, Mike Pence, John Kasich, Mike DeWine, and J.D. Vance. Why, even President Trump has been weak, to say the least, in this area.

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/sexual-anarchy-th

If you want to call Donald Trump, who has been a longtime homosexual/transgender activist, including into his Presidency "weak" on fighting for decency, so be it Selwyn, but the truth is still the truth and you have a job as a syndicated columnist to share that truth with others.

Conservative columnists, start living up to your responsibilities and tell the truth about Donald Trump's support of the evil homosexual/transgender agenda.



Well-known member
I get it that you believe that your rainbow flag waver is better than theirs, but post after post that I've presented has shown differently. Why don't you just stick with libertarian ideology and say that the republicans are better for the economy then democrats, and we can discuss that instead of your façade of being against homosexuality?
I have no allegiance to any political party. My allegiance is to Jesus who opposes abortion, sodomy, communism, socialism, and anarchy.


I have no allegiance to any political party. My allegiance is to Jesus who opposes abortion, sodomy, communism, socialism, and anarchy.
Then how about we work together and expose libertarian ideology and political activism for the evil that it is and how that evil ideology has permeated the Republican Party? With many libertarians and democrats crossing Party lines to vote for rainbow flag waver Donald Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, it's important to expose the ideology that fuels evil people like Donald Trump, wouldn't you agree?

Tell me what you know about libertarianism....


Well-known member
Then how about we work together and expose libertarian ideology and political activism for the evil that it is and how that evil ideology has permeated the Republican Party? With many libertarians and democrats crossing Party lines to vote for rainbow flag waver Donald Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, it's important to expose the ideology that fuels evil people like Donald Trump, wouldn't you agree?

Tell me what you know about libertarianism....
By demonizing republicans or libertarians as though the republican or libertarian party supported sodomy you make it impossible to support any candidate. Democrats all support sodomy as a Marxist bloc, leaving no political party, by your standards, to turn to for standing up to leftist demons in support of God's laws and morals.


aCultureWarrior said:
Then how about we work together and expose libertarian ideology and political activism for the evil that it is and how that evil ideology has permeated the Republican Party? With many libertarians and democrats crossing Party lines to vote for rainbow flag waver Donald Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, it's important to expose the ideology that fuels evil people like Donald Trump, wouldn't you agree?

Tell me what you know about libertarianism....

By demonizing republicans or libertarians as though the republican or libertarian party supported sodomy you make it impossible to support any candidate.

So you do know something about libertarianism (surprise, surprise). It's already been established from recent articles written by Linda Harvey and Selwyn Duke, as well as posts by me going back way before your rainbow flag waver Donald Trump became POTUS, that the Republican Party has become very homosexual and transgender friendly. As far as the Libertarian Party being pro homosexual/transgender, they've had that in their Party platform for decades and the candidates that run on the LP ticket for political office warmly embrace that platform.

Did you not know that Ron Paul and his fellow libertarians are rainbow flag wavers?
Democrats all support sodomy as a Marxist bloc, leaving no political party, by your standards, to turn to for standing up to leftist demons in support of God's laws and morals.
The "standards" I follow when it comes to voting comes from the Bible. In Exodus 18:21 God instructs mankind to "21 ...select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens."
Do you consider people like Donald Trump who proudly support the homosexual/transgender agenda, "trustworthy"?

Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2:13-15 defines the role of civil government, and supporting Trump's rainbow flag of perversion and death definitely doesn't fall anywhere under the role of a righteous civil government.

BTW, tell me what you know about libertarianism, and try to keep the words "liberty" and "freedom" to a minimal.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Barber showed in his article the movement within the LGBT movement to legalize "man-boy love", i.e. sex with children. I've also shown throughout this 6 part thread that pedophilia/pederasty is a huge part of homosexual/transgender 'culture', and that legalizing it is as well.
Paedophiles are violent criminals.
So you're back on your masturbation obsession I see (anything to avoid talking about the true subject at hand: how legalizing homosexuality has brought moral depravity to America and how the Republican Party, lead by Donald Trump is on the front lines of promoting homosexuality and transgenderism).
You have six threads on this. lol.


You have six threads on this. lol.
Was it the words "Part 6" in the thread title that gave it away?

BTW, will you return soon and defend libertarianism? (any or all of your vast sock puppet accounts can come forward and do so). I just love hearing the words "consent", "liberty" and "freedom" being used out of context.


Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:
Then how about we work together and expose libertarian ideology and political activism for the evil that it is and how that evil ideology has permeated the Republican Party? With many libertarians and democrats crossing Party lines to vote for rainbow flag waver Donald Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, it's important to expose the ideology that fuels evil people like Donald Trump, wouldn't you agree?

Tell me what you know about libertarianism....

So you do know something about libertarianism (surprise, surprise). It's already been established from recent articles written by Linda Harvey and Selwyn Duke, as well as posts by me going back way before your rainbow flag waver Donald Trump became POTUS, that the Republican Party has become very homosexual and transgender friendly. As far as the Libertarian Party being pro homosexual/transgender, they've had that in their Party platform for decades and the candidates that run on the LP ticket for political office warmly embrace that platform.

Did you not know that Ron Paul and his fellow libertarians are rainbow flag wavers?

The "standards" I follow when it comes to voting comes from the Bible. In Exodus 18:21 God instructs
aCultureWarrior said:
Then how about we work together and expose libertarian ideology and political activism for the evil that it is and how that evil ideology has permeated the Republican Party? With many libertarians and democrats crossing Party lines to vote for rainbow flag waver Donald Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, it's important to expose the ideology that fuels evil people like Donald Trump, wouldn't you agree?

Tell me what you know about libertarianism....

So you do know something about libertarianism (surprise, surprise). It's already been established from recent articles written by Linda Harvey and Selwyn Duke, as well as posts by me going back way before your rainbow flag waver Donald Trump became POTUS, that the Republican Party has become very homosexual and transgender friendly. As far as the Libertarian Party being pro homosexual/transgender, they've had that in their Party platform for decades and the candidates that run on the LP ticket for political office warmly embrace that platform.

Did you not know that Ron Paul and his fellow libertarians are rainbow flag wavers?

The "standards" I follow when it comes to voting comes from the Bible. In Exodus 18:21 God instructs mankind to "21 ...select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens."
Do you consider people like Donald Trump who proudly support the homosexual/transgender agenda, "trustworthy"?

Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2:13-15 defines the role of civil government, and supporting Trump's rainbow flag of perversion and death definitely doesn't fall anywhere under the role of a righteous civil government.

BTW, tell me what you know about libertarianism, and try to keep the words "liberty" and "freedom" to a minimal.
I don't share your preoccupation with certain individuals who seem to support sodomy. What difference does it make what they call themselves politically? If they opose God they are in trouble no matter what political party they belong to.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Was it the words "Part 6" in the thread title
It was.
that gave it away?
Glad to see you owning your obsession!
BTW, will you return soon and defend libertarianism? (any or all of your vast sock puppet accounts can come forward and do so). I just love hearing the words "consent", "liberty" and "freedom" being used out of context.
Pedophiles are violent criminals. "...rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer." The wrongdoer is a violent criminal. "the sword" is for them.

"the sword" is for violent criminals. Not masturbators. And certainly not selectively and highly discriminatorily, targeting just one category of masturbators, who masturbate with others of the same sex. But not those doing the exact same things, just with opposite sex partners instead.

The sword can't be that precise. If there's no violent crime, then the sword should just pay attention somewhere else, such as looking for where violent crime might be happening, rather than where we know it's not happening. It's not happening while or when people are wanking.

Paedophiles are violent criminals, they are not "wanking", they are committing violent crimes against children, and "the sword" most definitely is raised against them.
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