Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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ACW seems to think that...

Donald Trump is a tax and spend liberal.

Trump demands action to reduce deficit, pushes new deficit spending

Nov. 25, 2018

President Trump is demanding top advisers craft a plan to reduce the country’s ballooning budget deficits, but the president has flummoxed his own aides by repeatedly seeking new spending while ruling out measures needed to address the country’s unbalanced budget.

...In total, government debt has risen roughly $2 trillion since Trump took office, and the federal government now owes $21.7 trillion, according to the Treasury Department.

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...w-deficit-spending/ar-BBQ4CBu?ocid=spartandhp


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Donald Trump is a tax and spend liberal.

Trump demands action to reduce deficit, pushes new deficit spending

Nov. 25, 2018

President Trump is demanding top advisers craft a plan to reduce the country’s ballooning budget deficits, but the president has flummoxed his own aides by repeatedly seeking new spending while ruling out measures needed to address the country’s unbalanced budget.

...In total, government debt has risen roughly $2 trillion since Trump took office, and the federal government now owes $21.7 trillion, according to the Treasury Department.

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...w-deficit-spending/ar-BBQ4CBu?ocid=spartandhp


Eh, I'm no Trump fan, far from it. He sure ain't a liberal either. Next thing, you'll be calling him Aaron as well...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Donald Trump is a tax and spend liberal.

Trump demands action to reduce deficit, pushes new deficit spending

Eh, I'm no Trump fan, far from it. He sure ain't a liberal either.

You keep forgetting Aaron that this 5 part thread isn't here to convince you of anything, it's for those who are interested in the truth.

BTW, I've been pushing the thread on the www via the "Yuge" website that I spend most of my debate time on these days. While I don't really expect anyone to join TOL and debate me, without a doubt many are visiting the WHMBR! links that post.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Donald Trump is a tax and spend liberal.

Trump demands action to reduce deficit, pushes new deficit spending

You keep forgetting Aaron that this 5 part thread isn't here to convince you of anything, it's for those who are interested in the truth.

BTW, I've been pushing the thread on the www via the "Yuge" website that I spend most of my debate time on these days. While I don't really expect anyone to join TOL and debate me, without a doubt many are visiting the WHMBR! links that post.


Yeah Meredith, they'll be hanging on your every word.



BTW, I've been pushing the thread on the www via the "Yuge" website that I spend most of my debate time on these days. While I don't really expect anyone to join TOL and debate me, without a doubt many are visiting the WHMBR! links that post.


Yeah Meredith, they'll be hanging on your every word.


While numerous (alleged) conservative websites have banned me/deleted my posts for telling the truth about Donald Trump, the hardcore secular humanist/atheist ones seem to be interested in me not only exposing Donald Trump, but exposing the child molesting/disease ridden, anti Christian bigoted LGBT movement, as unlike so many other (alleged) conservatives, I don't play partisan politics and am only interested in the truth.

After all Aaron, the truth will set you free.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
BTW, I've been pushing the thread on the www via the "Yuge" website that I spend most of my debate time on these days. While I don't really expect anyone to join TOL and debate me, without a doubt many are visiting the WHMBR! links that post.

While numerous (alleged) conservative websites have banned me for telling the truth about Donald Trump, the hardcore secular humanist/atheist ones seem to be interested in me not only exposing Donald Trump, but exposing the child molesting/disease ridden, anti Christian bigoted LGBT movement, as unlike so many other (alleged) conservatives, I don't play partisan politics and am only interested in the truth.

After all Aaron, the truth will set you free.

Do you call all of them Aaron as well?



Well-known member
How about abortionists? Can we go after them in this theocracy that you envision America becoming?

Abortionists! Sure.
I thought you wanted the theocracy!
So let's extend the theocratic list:


Did I miss anybody? How about Calvanists? I'm not sure what they are, but they get a lot of negative feedback here, and that's good enough for a theocracy. Hey- what about those god-denying Unitarians?


With these pro homosexual statements made by Donald Trump just a few years ago, one can look at the pro homosexual people that he's hired in his administration and the pro homosexual actions that he's taken since being elected President to have a better understanding of what Trump said in this article.

Is Donald Trump 2016’s most LGBT-friendly Republican?


With his penchant for name-calling and plans to deport every undocumented immigrant living in the United States, Donald Trump hasn’t exactly established a reputation for tolerance. Yet the real estate mogul and reality TV host might nevertheless be the most LGBT-friendly Republican running for president.
Asked whether private companies should be able to fire employees simply because they’re gay, Trump told “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday that he didn’t think sexual orientation “should be a reason” for letting workers go.
The question is a significant one for any White House hopeful – currently, 31 states lack employment protections for LGBT Americans, by the Human Rights Campaign’s count, and there are no federal barriers to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Trump’s response, however, marked a significant departure from the rest of the crowded GOP presidential pack, many of whom have pledged to expand protections for those wishing to turn away LGBT people on religious grounds.

It’s not the first time Trump has taken a pro-LGBT stance. As far back as 2000, Trump was advocating the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation – something the currently-pending Equality Act would basically do if lawmakers on Capitol Hill ever decided to pass it.

“[A]mending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans – it’s only fair,” Trump told The Advocate in February, 2000. In the same interview, Trump said he favored “a very strong domestic-partnership law” that guaranteed same-sex couples equal legal rights as married, heterosexual couples. Trump also said he believed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – the military’s then-ban on openly gay service members – had “clearly failed.”
Trump’s spokesperson, Hope Hicks, did not immediately respond to msnbc’s request for comment on where the presidential candidate stood on the Equality Act. But his longstanding support for ending discrimination against gay people has been well documented.
In his 2000 book, “The America That We Deserve,” Trump outlined his dream of a nation “unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax policies, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation.” Eleven years later, Trump told CBN’s “The Brody File” that gay people were “tremendous” and that “there can be no discrimination against gays.”

Read more: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/donald-trump-2016s-most-lgbt-friendly-republican

Stating that Obergefell v Hodges "Is settled law...it's done"; allowing openly homosexual men and women (and some transgenders) to serve in the military; reappointing lesbian/Christian bigot Chai Feldblum as the head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; appointing SCOTUS Judge Neil Gorsuch who didn't stand up for religious liberty in the Masterpiece Bakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission case, Trump's actions match his earlier words.



Well-known member
Homosexual/homosexual activist Dan Savage is another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"


One can find the worst excesses of any particular movement and turn that into an argument about why said movement should be banned. Or one could be intellectually honest and realise that the extremist outliers are not representative of that movement as a whole.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One can find the worst excesses of any particular movement and turn that into an argument about why said movement should be banned. Or one could be intellectually honest and realise that the extremist outliers are not representative of that movement as a whole.

at what point do you realize that all the outliers are falling on one side of the mean, and appreciate the significance of that?

at what point do you realize that the "outliers" are indeed representative of the general population?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Homosexual/homosexual activist Dan Savage is another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

One can find the worst excesses of any particular movement and turn that into an argument about why said movement should be banned. Or one could be intellectually honest and realise that the extremist outliers are not representative of that movement as a whole.

As shown in the above video, Dan Savage and his 'husband' were invited to the Obama White House. Here's a picture of them meeting with then Vice President Joe Biden.


If you want to call Barack Hussein Obama an "extremist" for inviting a homosexual activist to the White House during his Presidency, then go right ahead.

BTW Pete, when we were last talking about reparative/conversion therapy, Art Brain shared a post of yours stating that you'd been through it and how horrific it had been.

Would you be so kind as to share:

1). The location (city and country) this therapy took place in.
2). The name of the therapist
3). The approximate date that this therapy took place.

Thanks Pete.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Homosexual/homosexual activist Dan Savage is another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

As shown in the above video, Dan Savage and his 'husband' were invited to the Obama White House. Here's a picture of them meeting with then Vice President Joe Biden.


If you want to call Barack Hussein Obama an "extremist" for inviting a homosexual activist to the White House during his Presidency, then go right ahead.

BTW Pete, when we were last talking about reparative/conversion therapy, Art Brain shared a post of yours stating that you'd been through it and how horrific it had been.

Would you be so kind as to share:

1). The location (city and country) this therapy took place in.
2). The name of the therapist
3). The approximate date that this therapy took place.

Thanks Pete.

Savage is an extremist, though others such as Obama might not see him in such terms.

I fail to see what knowing any of this information could possibly help you with. I was referred by a pastor who had already performed an “exorcism” on me back in 2001/2002 to the True Freedom Trust here in the UK. I was referred to one of their counsellors, who identified as ex-gay, who I only knew as Roger. We used to meet weekly in the town of Eastbourne, United Kingdom, and this took place around 2002.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown in the above video, Dan Savage and his 'husband' were invited to the Obama White House. Here's a picture of them meeting with then Vice President Joe Biden...

Savage is an extremist, though others such as Obama might not see him in such terms.

Dan Savage and his 'husband' were both invited to the Obama White House on two occasions:

For the 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception and again for the anti-bullying conference." (It Gets Better Project).

Dan Savage is no more extreme that other proud and unrepentant homosexuals who like Savage, attend "pride parades" and indoctrinate children to the ways of homosexuality. Savage and his LGBT allies also are doing their best to outlaw therapy for minors who want to rid themselves of same sex attraction/gender identity confusion.

That being said: Obama didn't outdo Donald Trump though, as Trump hired as his first Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who took the world's biggest God-fearing "morally straight" youth mentor organization and turned it into what Bryan Fischer of the AFA called "The Boy Sodomizers of America".


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW Pete, when we were last talking about reparative/conversion therapy, Art Brain shared a post of yours stating that you'd been through it and how horrific it had been.

Would you be so kind as to share:

1). The location (city and country) this therapy took place in.
2). The name of the therapist
3). The approximate date that this therapy took place.

I fail to see what knowing any of this information could possibly help you with. I was referred by a pastor who had already performed an “exorcism” on me back in 2001/2002 to the True Freedom Trust here in the UK. I was referred to one of their counsellors, who identified as ex-gay, who I only knew as Roger. We used to meet weekly in the town of Eastbourne, United Kingdom, and this took place around 2002.

There are quite a few horror stories being passed around by the LGBT movement when it comes to reparative/conversion therapy, stories that turned out to be bold faced lies (see my earlier posts in this thread for examples). While what you went through doesn't sound at all like legitimate therapy (exorcism?), looking at the True Freedom Trust website, they seem like a pretty legitimate organization.

I see that Kit the Coyote is still following this thread (the truth kinda grows on ya doesn't it Kit?).


Further research on the UK's True Freedom Trust organization makes me suspicious of them. A wiki article on the organization states "...It takes the view that homosexual activity is sinful, but being homosexual is not sinful in and of itself and, therefore, advocates celibacy for those of its gay and lesbian members who do not consider marriage to someone of the opposite sex to be a viable option."

Roaming through the True Freedom Trust website I came across this article which pretty much confirmed why I was suspicious:

Vicky Beeching's 'Undivided' trap: why evangelicals need a better story

"The second aspect I often read is some form of conversion attempt. By this I mean some therapy, or prayer or other similar exercise that was intended to change a person's sexual orientation. When this fails, as it normally does, the individual becomes despondent and confused. The key problem with these kinds of approaches is that they operate by necessity out of a framework where heterosexual attraction is morally superior to homosexual attraction, and frankly this is a concept we cannot find in the Bible. Rather the Bible's focus in this area is on specific sexual activity."

A man having a natural attraction to a woman, which often leads to matrimony is not morally superior to same sex desires which as shown throughout this 5 part thread were desires that didn't come naturally?

Obviously these people are for keeping their homosexual identity, (even though they're not physically having sex with someone of the same sex) while at the same time calling themselves "Christian".

Theologian Denny Burk disagrees:

Celibate Gay Christians: Is That Biblical?

...The defining element of same-sex attraction is desire for a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex. Once that desire is removed, it is no longer SSA. It is just friendship. In that sense, same-sex attraction is not a means to better, more holy friendships. It is an impediment to them. When one feels himself desiring a sexual relationship with a person of the same-sex, the only appropriate response is repentance from sin (2 Tim. 2:22). It is not right or helpful to think of that sinful attraction as the foundation for building holy friendships. It is not.
The nature of those attractions, as a matter of fact, is precisely what is in dispute at the moment. My hunch is that the Roman Catholic influence at spiritualfriendship.org has something to do with our differences over this question. Roman Catholics have historically approached the issue of indwelling sin much differently than Reformed protestants. The Roman Catholic view of “desire/lust” (or “concupiscence”) is that it is not necessarily sinful. As I mentioned earlier this week, the evangelical position has in the main taught the opposite. Reformed evangelicals believe that the Bible teaches that desire for sin is sin.

Read more: https://www.christianity.com/christ...celibate-gay-christians-is-that-biblical.html

Calling yourself a "Gay Christian" (even if you use an * saying that you're celibate) is an oxymoron. Simply put, you can't identify with sin (by calling yourself a 'Gay Christian', etc.), and still call yourself a follower of Christ.

"And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

1 Corinthians 6:11


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"The Roman Catholic view of “desire/lust” (or “concupiscence”) is that it is not necessarily sinful. As I mentioned earlier this week, the evangelical position has in the main taught the opposite."
Haven't evangelicals taught that there is temptation, which does not make us guilty of any sin, and indulging temptation, that does? There's the thought, and then there's the choice to embrace the thought; that last part's the sin, isn't it? How can we any of us control what thoughts pop into our heads? How can we be held responsible for something that isn't voluntary?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"The Roman Catholic view of “desire/lust” (or “concupiscence”) is that it is not necessarily sinful. As I mentioned earlier this week, the evangelical position has in the main taught the opposite. Reformed evangelicals believe that the Bible teaches that desire for sin is sin."

Haven't evangelicals taught that there is temptation, which does not make us guilty of any sin, and indulging temptation, that does? There's the thought, and then there's the choice to embrace the thought; that last part's the sin, isn't it?
Or there's the choice to keep the sinful thought but not to engage in the behavior, which it appears that celibate 'Gay Christians' are doing.

God/Jesus says that both are wrong as seen in these many verses.

How can we any of us control what thoughts pop into our heads?

How can we be held responsible for something that isn't voluntary?

The idea is to become more like Christ. Read His Word, pray, allow only good thoughts into your head, and when temptation enters it:

The Apostle Paul: His Secret to Fighting Sexual Sin
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