Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hey, have you been following the Jussie Smollett story...

So as someone who claims to be acting as part of a religion associated with televangelists and faith healers, you want to start comparing notes on people who commit fraud to sensationalize themselves?

There are a lot of Matthew Shepard wannabe's in the movement that you represent Kit.

The truth behind America’s most famous gay-hate murder

I've talked about numerous other fraudulent 'hate crime' allegations that were made by homosexuals throughout this 5 part thread, Jussie Smollett's case shouldn't be ignored.


There's dozens of articles on the alleged 'hate crime' attack against openly homosexual actor Jussie Smollett on January 29 of 2019. The liberal New York Times did an article showing the timeline of the events that have occurred, but being the pro homosexual periodical that it is, they left out many details.

The supposedly 'conservative' American Thinker shared some information about the incident that is noteworthy, information that they received from a CNN article, but most of the American Thinker article is defending Donald Trump and his lemmings.

Here's a few things that made me suspicious about the incident from the get-go:

*Smollett's manager: Smollett and his manager Brandon Moore told Chicago Police they were speaking on the phone at the time of the attack. Because of the financial relationship between Smollett and Moore, [Chicago Police spokesman Anthony] Guglielmi said police have to verify the call took place during the attack. Guglielmi added this is a typical request. Police have asked both Smollett and his manager for phone records or their actual phones to verify the call occurred at the time of the attack. Smollett and Moore have not yet turned over their phone records or physical phones to Chicago Police.

When I initially heard that Smollett refused to turn over his phone to Chicago PD, I thought he probably had homosexual pornography (or maybe even kiddy porn) on it and didn't want CPD to see that. Refusal by Smollett and his manager to confirm that the phone call took place during the attack is a big red flag for me.

*Chicago police say Jussie Smollett did not mention the alleged attackers shouting, “This is MAGA country” during the initial police interview. Investigators heard the claim in media reports and called the actor. He later relayed it to detectives in a supplemental interview.

Trump supporters aren't 'homophobes'. They gave openly homosexual/activist/Trump supporter Peter Thiel a standing ovation at the Republican National Convention when he belittled the culture wars, and flocked to hear openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia/Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos when he made his 'I love my daddy Trump' national tour prior to the Presidential election. Granted, it could have been the neo Nazi/KKK faction of the Trump movement that committed the crime, but they're usually homosexuals themselves and if anything they assaulted Smollett after he turned down their request for a 'date'.

*Smollet fought off his attackers


I don't think so.

Here is a picture of the 'racist' Osundairo brothers who after being questioned by CPD, claim that Smollett paid them to stage the attack.


Hopefully Chicago PD will charge Smollett with filing a false police report (and if federal investigators were involved, charge him with a federal crime), but don't hold your breath, as there are plenty of rainbow flag wavers in powerful positions that will see to it that doesn't happen.
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Hopefully Chicago PD will charge Smollett with filing a false police report (and if federal investigators were involved, charge him with a federal crime), but don't hold your breath, as there are plenty of rainbow flag wavers in powerful positions that will see to it that doesn't happen.

I stand corrected, as it appears that the wheels of justice are turning in the right direction.

Sources: Brothers expected to testify before grand jury in Jussie Smollett case

Feb. 19, 2019

Chicago — The Jussie Smollett mystery moved into a Chicago courthouse on Tuesday. Two brothers who said the actor paid them to stage an attack on him were talking to prosecutors, sources told CBS News.
The brothers spent the afternoon at the Cook County courthouse, where a grand jury was deliberating. It's a possible sign of increasing legal peril for the actor who says he was assaulted three weeks ago.
It was not immediately clear if they had actually testified yet, but they are expected to, according to sources. That could lead to an indictment of 36-year old Smollett.

Police said the two brothers said during interrogation last week that Smollett paid for them to fake an attack. While initially the two were considered possible suspects, their cooperation has led the investigation in the direction of Smollett himself.

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebr...ssie-smollett-case/ar-BBTPqbU?ocid=spartanntp

Being that the Cook County Jail is one of the roughest in the country, I almost feel sorry for what lies ahead for openly homosexual actor Jussie Smollett if convicted of this crime.
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Add this to his rainbow flag waving resume'.

Trump to Launch Worldwide Fight to Decriminalize Homosexuality

Feb. 19, 2019

The Trump administration will launch an effort to decriminalize homosexuality in countries where it is still illegal, as part of a diplomatic push for LGBTQ rights... NBC News reported Tuesday that the effort is to be led by U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, a staunch Trump supporter who is among the highest-ranking openly gay officials ever to serve in the U.S. government.

...Although the decriminalization strategy is still being hashed out, officials say it’s likely to include working with global organizations like the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as well as other countries whose laws already allow for gay rights. Other U.S. embassies and diplomatic posts throughout Europe, including the U.S. Mission to the E.U., are involved, as is the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

...There are 72 countries that still criminalize homosexuality, and eight that apply the death penalty, according to NBC. One is U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, according to a report by a gay rights organization cited by NBC News.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/national-...rldwide-fight-to-decriminalize-homosexuality/

So much for respecting national sovereignty ey Donald?

It appears that LGBT ally Donald Trump wants a rainbow colored world.



Wow, the news of Republican President Donald Trump wanting to decriminalize laws against homosexuality worldwide is the talk of conservative organizations and websites!

Here are some links:

Peter LaBarbera's "Americans For Truth About Homosexuality":

Family Research Council:

American Family Association:

Liberty Counsel:

Matt Barber's Barbwire:


Etc. etc. etc.

No, I didn't forget to add the links, because there aren't any.




Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

There is a reoccurring theme in the Bible whereby those in their "self-righteous" indulge in passing harsh judgements on others, have actually passed judgement on themselves!

"aCultureWarrior" can voice his disapproval of "homosexuality," but to demand their "recrimminalization" without an ounce of Christian charity in his heart crosses the line!


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

There is a reoccurring theme in the Bible whereby those in their "self-righteous" indulge in passing harsh judgements on others, have actually passed judgement on themselves!

"aCultureWarrior" can voice his disapproval of "homosexuality," but to demand their "recrimminalization" without an ounce of Christian charity in his heart crosses the line!


Pastor Scott Lively wrote an article in WND about Trump's worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality crusade. Basically Lively is blaming it on Trump's openly homosexual Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, failing to acknowledge that Donald Trump has a very long history of homosexual and transgender activism. Many Trump apologists are arguing that Trump is doing this because of harsh penalties against homosexual behavior (the death sentence) in Muslim countries, but they're ignoring that there are other countries that criminalize homosexuality that don't consider it a capital offense.

Homosexuality Is Still Illegal In These 9 Caribbean Countries

Besides, only 8 of the 72 countries that criminalize homosexuality support the death penalty for those convicted of homosexuality.

Instead of scrapping laws against homosexuality, why not work with those 8 countries to change their penalty phase?

I was embarrassed when I read this from Scott Lively, a Christian pastor:

" I have long stated that I believe Donald Trump is God’s man in the White House, and I still believe that because I assume he does not yet have full control of the State Department (the deepest part of the deep state)."

Nice try Scott, but Donald Trump chose as his first head of the State Dept. a guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America" (Rex Tillerson). Trump's replacement of Tillerson for the head of the State Dept. isn't any better (Mike Pompeo).

Scott Lively is yet another supposed 'conservative' syndicated columnist that is more concerned with staying in good terms with the Republicrat Party and keeping his lucrative job of writing columns for pro republican periodicals instead of telling the truth about yet another homosexual activist that is in the White House, i.e. he's selling out God for 30 pieces of silver.


Shame on you Scott Lively!
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For those of you that haven't heard, thanks to the efforts of Senator Mike Lee of Utah, Obama/Trump appointee and openly lesbian/homosexual activist Chai Feldblum wasn't confirmed by the Senate as a Commissioner on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The Agency That Monitors Employment Discrimination Just Lost Its Only Openly Gay Commissioner

According to the EEOC website, the acting chair person is Victoria A. Lipnic, who as a Republican, appears to be a rainbow flag waver like her boss Donald Trump is.

A Message from Acting Chair Victoria A. Lipnic
Post from Acting Chair Victoria A. Lipnic - June 2018
LGBT Month 2018

African-American, Quaker, gay, singer, sportsman, pacifist, consci*entious objector (and, consequently, prisoner), union organizer, civil rights icon, liberal, neo*conservative … Bayard Rustin was all these things - some only for a period, and some all his life. Most importantly, his principal lifelong identity was as a fearless and relent*less warrior for human rights for all.
Being all those things at once might invite compliments like "Renaissance man" or "multitasker" today, but during his lifetime (1912-1987), that package of mostly non-mainstream affinities and affiliations was guaranteed to get him in a whole heap of trouble with a lot of folks. And it did. (He was also a communist at one point.) "Brother Outsider" he was called, and he never flinched from doing what he thought was right, most of which solidified his stance as an outlier.

… In the 1980s, after fighting for cause after cause, Rustin turned his attentions to the gay rights movement, pointing out that gays had become the most vulnerable group, needing and deserving protection from ill treatment.
During LGBT Month, we at the EEOC should remember outsiders like Bayard Rustin who took the hardest knocks of being on the fringes of society, and fought long and hard to bring everyone inside - into the American family. When it comes to our work at the EEOC, and equal opportunity for people to work, our goal is that we should all be insiders.

Read more: https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/chair/lgbt_2018.cfm

Basically a Democrat rainbow flag waver has been replaced with Republicrat rainbow flag waver.


Victoria A. Lipnic
Acting Chair of the EEOC

For more on Bayard Rustin:


Let's see what's happening in Donald Trump's rainbow flag waving military:

Federal judge temporarily blocks military from discharging HIV-positive airmen


A federal judge ordered the Department of Defense to halt the pending discharge proceedings against two HIV-positive members of the U.S. Air Force, LGBTQ legal group Lambda Legal said Friday.
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema approved a preliminary injunction because "the plaintiffs were likely to succeed in preventing their discharge through the lawsuit," according to a statement from Lambda Legal.
Brinkema rejected the Trump administration’s motion to dismiss, allowing the airmen to continue serving until their case goes to trial.
“This is a major victory in our fight to ensure everyone living with HIV can serve their country without discrimination,” Scott Schoettes, counsel and HIV Project Director at Lambda Legal, said in a statement.

… The two airmen, who filed lawsuit in December under the pseudonyms “Richard Roe” and “Victor Voe,” were given discharge papers just days before Thanksgiving. The papers said they had been found “unfit for continued military service” despite complying with medical treatment and physical fitness requirements.
The two allege in their lawsuit that the Pentagon is discriminating against service members with HIV via a long-standing DOD rule that says they can’t deploy outside of the U.S. without a waiver.
The Trump administration, however, introduced a rule in February 2018 declaring that any service member who can’t be deployed outside the U.S. for more than one continuous year should be separated.

Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/admini...porarily-blocks-military-from-discharging-hiv

So openly homosexual/bisexual men and women can serve in Donald Trump's rainbow flag waving military, but if they get 'sick' (a word that denotes a homosexual contracting HIV/AIDS) doing the highly disease ridden things that homosexuals do, they're no longer welcome in Donald Trump's rainbow flag waving military?




Back on page 101, I posted an article written by Dr. Michael Brown in February of 2016 entitled

I've Had It With the Line 'But We're Not Electing a Pastor-in-Chief'


Oh how Brown's morals have changed in a 3 year period.

Coming up: A critique of Mike Brown's article

Evangelicals and Trump: Why as an Evangelical, I Support President Trump Despite His Flaws

(Yes Mike, wanting to DECRIMINALIZE homosexuality worldwide is a bit of a "flaw" isn't it?)


Dr. Michael Brown getting read to count his 30 pieces of silver


Before I critique Dr. Michael Brown's pathetic article explaining why Christians can and should support Donald Trump's Presidency, I wanted to share the article by Christian Post reporter Napp Nazworth from Feb. 6, 2019 that Michael Brown was responding to:

Evangelicals trade moral authority for political gain in defending Trump

While Nazworth did make an excellent point when he said

"Amid sexual misconduct scandals, Americans are rethinking the wisdom of the sexual revolution and its "anything goes as long as there is consent" sexual ethic. What a wonderful opportunity to point out what conservative Christians have been saying all along — sex is a spiritual act and should be saved for the covenantal devotion of marriage. Instead, many of us are supporting a misogynist who bragged about assaulting women, and paid hush money to a porn star and a Playboy bunny. Why should anyone trust us?"

there was no mention of Trump's pro LGBT agenda. There was no mention that Trump sold out God's institution of marriage by stating that the Obergefell v Hodges SCOTUS ruling "is done, it's settled, and I'm fine with that."

Nazworth also made a comment about Trump supposedly being pro life and appointing SCOTUS Justices that would overturn Roe v Wade:

"One common argument is that, despite all the problems with backing Trump, the alliance will ultimately be fruitful because it will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This is a powerful argument for pro-lifers, who've worked long and hard to put an end to legalized abortion. Personal sacrifices are certainly worthwhile to stop the death of unborn babies. No one should believe protecting their public persona is more important than this...

"Worked long and hard to put an end to legalized abortion?" No mention that Donald Trump and his Republicrat associates signed legislation that fully funded Planned Parenthood FIVE TIMES in Trump's first 16 months in office? That's hardly "working hard to put an end to legalized abortion".

Nazworth continues with:

Suppose that through Trump's judicial appointments, the Supreme Court achieves a majority willing to overturn Roe. (The odds of this happening appear good after the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh.)

Either Napp Nazworth is completely ignorant of recent events, or he's telling a bold faced lie. Nazworth's article was published on Feb. 6, 2019, and only 2 months before the article was written, Donald Trump's 2nd SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh (not to be confused with Trump's first SCOTUS pick Neil Gorsuch who sold out Christians in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v CO Civil Rights Commission ruling) sided with Planned Parenthood in his first SCOTUS ruling.

While there are many things in Napp Nazworth's article that are questionable, I won't concentrate on him as he's not a Donald Trump defender, I'll return with a critique of Dr. Michael Brown's defense of Trump.


President Donald Trump meets with a group of evangelical leaders in the Oval Office on Monday Dec. 11, 2017 in Washington, D.C. He was presented with the "Friends of Zion Award."


As I mentioned while talking about the Jussie Smollett staged hate crime incident: This could open people's eyes up to the rampant fraudulent hate crimes that homosexual activists are reporting.

LGBT leader Nikki Joly charged with burning down own house

Feb. 26, 2019

Transgender campaigner Nikki Joly has been charged with arson over a fire which burned down his house and killed his five pets.
Police in Jackson, Michigan, initially investigated the August 2017 blaze as a hate crime against Joly, according to The Detroit News.

The police has now charged the 54-year-old LGBT+ rights leader, who was reportedly instrumental in his city passing a ban on anti-LGBT discrimination just months before the fire.
Joly also set up Jackson’s first Pride Centre and Pride parade in 2017. He was named Citizen of the Year by Michigan news site MLive for his efforts.

...The fire claimed the lives of two German Shepherds and three cats owned by Joly and his partner Chris, who he has since married.

Read more: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/02/26/lgbt-leader-nikki-joly-charged-burning-house/


Transgender/homosexual activist and suspected arsonist/pet killer Nikki Joly (who doesn't appear to be very happy living the lie that she has been living)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
As I mentioned while talking about the Jussie Smollett staged hate crime incident: This could open people's eyes up to the rampant fraudulent hate crimes that homosexual activists are reporting.

LGBT leader Nikki Joly charged with burning down own house

Feb. 26, 2019

Transgender campaigner Nikki Joly has been charged with arson over a fire which burned down his house and killed his five pets.
Police in Jackson, Michigan, initially investigated the August 2017 blaze as a hate crime against Joly, according to The Detroit News.

The police has now charged the 54-year-old LGBT+ rights leader, who was reportedly instrumental in his city passing a ban on anti-LGBT discrimination just months before the fire.
Joly also set up Jackson’s first Pride Centre and Pride parade in 2017. He was named Citizen of the Year by Michigan news site MLive for his efforts.

...The fire claimed the lives of two German Shepherds and three cats owned by Joly and his partner Chris, who he has since married.

Read more: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/02/26/lgbt-leader-nikki-joly-charged-burning-house/


Transgender/homosexual activist and suspected arsonist/pet killer Nikki Joly (who doesn't appear to be very happy living the lie that she has been living)
We must respect people. We don't have to agree with them, but we must respect them. I believe that 'Love your neighbor' means at minimum, 'Respect your neighbor.' And when our neighbor doesn't respect us, then we must recall our prayer, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." :idunno:


We must respect people. We don't have to agree with them, but we must respect them. I believe that 'Love your neighbor' means at minimum, 'Respect your neighbor.' And when our neighbor doesn't respect us, then we must recall our prayer, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." :idunno:

Jesus said this in the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

You "respect" those that break the laws of God and in the case of transgender Nikki Joly the laws of man, by showing them a better way, the way of Jesus.

Hopefully she'll get some jailtime and get that help through prison ministries. I see no other way for her.


Now for a response to Dr. Michael Brown's Feb. 7, 2019 response to Napp Nazworth:

Evangelicals and Trump: A Response to Napp Nazworth (aka Evangelicals and Trump: Why as an Evangelical, I Support President Trump Despite His Flaws) :

In a recent Christian Post editorial, Napp Nazworth claims that evangelical Christians who voted for Donald Trump have compromised their witness and hurt the work of the gospel. He also believes that evangelical leaders who have been brought into Trump’s inner circle have become nothing more than useful idiots (my words), being duped by the allure of power.
With all respect to Napp, whom I honor as a committed Christian and fine journalist, I believe he has overstated his points and confused the roles of politics and the gospel.

Ahhhhh, so you can vote for an immoral man or woman whose policies go against Judeo-Christian doctrine and still be a follower of Christ?

Before sharing my perspective, however, let me make clear that: 1) to the extent evangelical supporters of Trump have looked to him to change the moral fabric of the nation, we have made a gross miscalculation; 2) to the extent evangelical leaders have excused the President’s bad behavior (especially in the present, with his tweets and his treatment of others), we have compromised our moral authority (a major point made by Napp); and 3) to the extent evangelicals have exchanged voting for praying and preaching, we have lost sight of our mission.

I should end this post right here, as Dr. Michael Brown made my case, but Brown is insistent on making him and other sellouts to God and country feel better about themselves.

As the author of the book Donald Trump Is Not My Savior: An Evangelical Leader Speaks His Mind About the Man He Supports As President, I am under no illusions when it comes to our Commander in Chief.
That being said, I differ with Napp’s thesis for four principle reasons.
First, he confuses our vote for a political leader with our personal morality and witness. He wrote, “Before the election, I warned my fellow evangelicals to not vote for Trump, that associating with a person of Trump's character would damage us.”
But you can vote for someone without tying your soul to that person. You can vote for someone with reservation, even expressing that publicly. You can vote for someone while having a moral difference.

Huh? You voted for Donald Trump because you believed that he would promote legislation that agreed with your moral worldview Michael. By your constant defense of Donald Trump, you've tied your soul to a pathological liar who promotes things that God abhors.

One of the main reasons I voted for Trump (after opposing him strongly in the primaries) was because I was voting against Hillary Clinton.

But but but, you could have voted for Hillary Clinton Michael even though you had a "moral difference" with her. After all, it's not as if you were "tying your soul" to her.

I felt she would be a staunch opponent of our religious liberties, a zealous advocate for abortion, and a supporter of radical LGBT activism.

Let's see: Donald Trump's first SCOTUS pick (Neil Gorsuch) didn't side with religious liberty in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission case. Trump signed legislation fully funding Planned Parenthood 5 times in his first 16 months in office, and his second SCOTUS pick (Brett Kavanaugh) sided with Planned Parenthood in his first SCOTUS ruling. As far as LGBT activism: proposing that homosexuality should be criminalized worldwide is something that even democrat B. Hussein Obama didn't do.

I've read enough of your lies Dr. Michael Brown, so I won't continue with my response to your response. I do have some advice though:

Instead of continuing to sell out God and country by failing to tell the truth about Donald Trump, obviously because as a syndicated columnist your 30 pieces of silver would no longer be deposited into your bank account, why don't you and others like Peter LaBarbera, etc. etc. etc. get a job flipping burgers until you can once again back a real conservative? It'll make you look respectable not only to others, but you'll be able to look at yourself again when you look into a mirror and not see something that is despicable.



I see that the Libertarian Conservative Political Action Conference/CPAC is holding their annual conference.

As I reported last year, CPAC banned MassResistance from the conference because they wanted to promote their book "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" at the conference.

One of the stars of the Libertarian conference that has the audacity to call itself conservative is Candace Owens.

Looking at her resume', not but a couple of years ago Ms. Owens was a hardcore liberal democrat (hence being one of the many democrats and Libertarians that crossed Party lines to vote for Trump). Owens evidently likes Trump for a few things that are important to liberal democrats, like embracing same sex (faux) marriage.



Raising star of the Libertarian movement: faux conservative Candace Owens.
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