Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As it's been shown time and time again, the LGBTQ movement is nothing but a bunch of child molesters.
Back later with what's going on in New Jersey, another one of the the States that has banned therapy for youth with homosexual desires/gender confusion.
The rainbow flag waving child molesters are winning this culture war Arthur, no doubt about that. I wonder how much longer this insanity will go on, as history isn't on their side.
Regarding New Jersey, one of the 15? States to make it illegal for licensed therapists to discuss homosexuality with a teen that wants to do something about his or her unnatural homosexual desires and/or gender identity confusion:
Did you know that those great purveyors of morality in the New Jersey legislature allow incest in their State?
An adult female in Minnesota met her estranged biological father and the two fell in love and found out that that New Jersey allows incestuous marriages. She has decided to move there with her father/lover/and soon to be husband and start a family. Much to her dismay, New Jersey (those great purveyors of morality) don't allow marriages other than heterosexuals who aren't related, and of course Bruce and the guy he met in a public restroom toilet stall. Being the clever one that she is, the young woman has decided to just shack up with her father/lover/and wanna be husband and have children out of wedlock.
A 'married' father and daughter in Australia.
Aren't romance stories just great Arthur?
As it's been shown time and time again, the LGBTQ movement is nothing but a bunch of child molesters.
Back later with what's going on in New Jersey, another one of the the States that has banned therapy for youth with homosexual desires/gender confusion.
Dude, it's gonna be banned across the board in due course so deal with it. The abusive and useless practices have been shown up for what they are and about time too.
The rainbow flag waving child molesters are winning this culture war Arthur, no doubt about that. I wonder how much longer this insanity will go on, as history isn't on their side.
Regarding New Jersey, one of the 15? States to make it illegal for licensed therapists to discuss homosexuality with a teen that wants to do something about his or her unnatural homosexual desires and/or gender identity confusion:
Did you know that those great purveyors of morality in the New Jersey legislature allow incest in their State?
An adult female in Minnesota met her estranged biological father and the two fell in love and found out that that New Jersey allows incestuous marriages. She has decided to move there with her father/lover/and soon to be husband and start a family. Much to her dismay, New Jersey (those great purveyors of morality) don't allow marriages other than heterosexuals who aren't related, and of course Bruce and the guy he met in a public restroom toilet stall. Being the clever one that she is, the young woman has decided to just shack up with her father/lover/and wanna be husband and have children out of wedlock.

A 'married' father and daughter in Australia.
Aren't romance stories just great Arthur?