Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Employing those who identify as homosexual, or in this case allowing them to be mentors to young boys, sure can be expensive.

Boy Scouts membership fees nearly double in wake of sex-abuse lawsuits

Oct. 26, 2019

With hundreds of sex-abuse lawsuits piling up like logs on a campfire, it will soon cost nearly twice as much to become a Boy Scout of America.
The once-storied organization sent out a notice to leaders that the registration fee will nearly double from $33 to $60 on Jan. 1, blaming the increase on the rising “cost of insurance.”

“Everybody knows what this is really all about,” fumed Charles Greinsky, vice president of the Staten Island Council Boy Scouts of America, who has been involved in scouting since 1963. “This is about the pedophiles and the insurance we have to pay because of these pedophiles and the fact that the Scouts knew about many of them for years.”
Greinsky called the hike “horrendous,” charging that the scandal-scarred Scouts have been “mismanaged at the national level” for years. “The Scouts have been fighting for survival. There’s been a dwindling membership. … I’m afraid that scouting is on the verge of extinction,” he said.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2019/10/26/boy-s...-nearly-double-in-wake-of-sex-abuse-lawsuits/

No Chuck, scouting isn't on the verge of extinction, a once God-fearing youth mentor organization that now allows openly homosexual boys and men to participate as scouts and Scout Masters is rightfully on the verge of extinction. Thanks to Donald Trump's former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who served as the National President of the Boy Scouts of America, an organization that once taught boys the importance of being morally straight and how to grow into manhood, the BSA has turned into a place where pederasts go to live their lifelong fantasy:

Unsupervised campouts with 12 year old boys.



Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

Are we safe in assuming that "aCultureWarrior" won't be voting for Pete Buttigieg in 2020?

The very fact that an openly "gay" presidential candidate has progressed so well in the polls speaks volumes as to how far some segments in American society have come!


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

Are we safe in assuming that "aCultureWarrior" won't be voting for Pete Buttigieg in 2020?

The very fact that an openly "gay" presidential candidate has progressed so well in the polls speaks volumes as to how far some segments in American society have come!

Speaking of "Mayor Pete": I see that his father studied to be a Jesuit Priest but took a secular job at the University of Notre Dame where he worked for 29 years. That very well might explain Mayor Pete's introduction into homosexuality, as he most likely came into contact with one or more of the pedophile priests that Catholic Church moved around the country.


Religious freedom or freedom of expression? Religious freedom for all or in order to receive religious freedom you first have to take a government handout?

Coming up next: Two cases that really aren't victories for religious freedom.


The Alliance Defending Freedom/ADF is pounding their chest claiming yet another victory for religious freedom when it actuality it's not (ask Christian baker Jack Phillips who is going through his 3rd LGBT discrimination lawsuit: https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/06...-lakewood-jack-phillips-masterpiece-cakeshop/).

I'll put a number in brackets at the end of a sentence that I want to comment on.

Kentucky Supreme Court Rules for Christian T-Shirt Company

Nov. 2, 2019

The Kentucky Supreme Court made a significant First Amendment ruling October 31, dismissing a seven-year-old case against a t-shirt company whose Christian owner declined to do business with a homosexual group.
In its decision the high court ruled that the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO), a Lexington-area homosexual activist group, did not have legal standing to sue the t-shirt company Hands on Originals, or owner Blaine Adamson, for declining to provide shirts with a pro-homosexual message that conflicted with Adamson’s Christian convictions.
The case dates back to 2012, when GLSO chose Hands on Originals to print gay-themed t-shirts for a local Lexington homosexual gay “pride” event. When Adamson declined, citing his Christian beliefs, referring GLSO to other companies who would provide the service,[1] the group filed a discrimination suit with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission.

Two years later the commission ruled that Adamson had violated the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance, and as punishment required him to go through “diversity” training.
Adamson and his legal representatives, the First Amendment advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), challenged the decision and were victorious in a Kentucky court in 2017. The Lexington Human Rights Commission in turn appealed the case to the state supreme court, which ruled in Adamson’s favor, finding that GLSO “lacked statutory standing” to make a discrimination claim against Adamson and his business.
Key to the case ruling was the court’s finding that while Adamson had inquired about the nature of the event for which GLSO had requested him to print t-shirts, he did not inquire into the sexual orientation of the organization’s representatives, meaning that there was no intent to discriminate against an individual.[2]

Writing for the court, Justice Laurance VanMete noted “the record is clear that no individual claimed Hands On had discriminated. Because GLSO itself was the only plaintiff to file a claim ... and it did not purport to name any individual on whose behalf it was bringing the claim, GLSO lacked the requisite statutory standing.”[3]

Read more: https://www.thenewamerican.com/cult...eme-court-rules-for-christian-t-shirt-company

[1]So basically t-shirt "artist" Blaine Adamson, who identifies as a Christian, told some proud and unrepentant homosexuals that wanted shirts printed to celebrate their sin, that he wouldn't do it, but he would gladly point them in the direction of another company that would help them seal their eternal damnation. So much for Jesus' teachings of "Go and sin no more."

[2]Key to the case ruling was the court’s finding that while Adamson had inquired about the nature of the event for which GLSO had requested him to print t-shirts, he did not inquire into the sexual orientation of the organization’s representatives, meaning that there was no intent to discriminate against an individual.

It sounds like Blaine Adamson won this case on a technicality instead of on the basis of religious freedom.

[3]Yet no pro LGBT anti discrimination laws were overturned in the ruling, meaning that the ADF once again hung those Christians who aren't "artists" out to dry.

I should note that other articles talking about the case (you can read more at the ADF website) stated that two openly lesbian business women from CT spoke out in favor of Adamson. Obviously they're not concerned about the threat of religious liberty.


Blaine Adamson smiling until the next discrimination lawsuit shows up at his door.


More disease for those who engage in homosexuality:

Clusters of Drug-Resistant Diarrhea Found Among Gay And Bisexual Men
Nov. 5, 2019
The journal Clinical Infectious Disease recently published findings showing that a cluster of antibiotic-resistant bacteria called Campylobacter coli has been found in a number of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Seattle, Wa., and Montreal, Canada.

According to researchers, one of the bacterial strains has acquired a new gene that makes it able to resist antibiotics via the DNA sequences known as CRISPR, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Shortchanged Palindromic Repeats. (Not to be confused with the gene-editing technology also known as CRISPR.)

“Bacteria acquire CRISPR sequences from infecting viruses called bacteriophages, which insert fragments of DNA into bacterial genomes,” the University of Washington School of Medicine reported in a news release. “In this case the CRISPR sequence appears to have included the drug-resistance gene.”

The study, led by Dr. Alex Greninger, assistant professor of laboratory medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine, discovered nearly identical bacteria among these unrelated populations, suggesting that it is being transmitted by men who have sex with men.

Campylobacter is one of the most common causes of diarrhea around the world. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it impacts 1.3 million people in the United States every year. People usually recover without treatment, but for those with serious cases, antibiotics are used. However, this new strain is resistant to those antibiotics.

“Enteric infections can be sexually-transmitted infections,” Greninger said in a release. “The international spread of related isolates among MSM populations has been shown before for Shigella, so it makes sense to see it in Campylobacter, as well.”

Men who have sex with men, specifically, are at higher risk of multidrug-resistance because they’re more likely to have taken antibiotics to treat past STIs, the authors state.

While STI rates have increased significantly over the last few years, less is known about STIs with enteric bacteria.

“The global emergence of multidrug-resistant enteric pathogens in MSM poses an urgent public health challenge that may require new approaches for surveillance and prevention,” they wrote.

Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"


More disease for those who engage in homosexuality:

Clusters of Drug-Resistant Diarrhea Found Among Gay And Bisexual Men

Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Feigning concern for the health and safety of homosexual men again? :rolleyes:


Feigning concern for the health and safety of homosexual men again? :rolleyes:

There's no denying that homosexuality is a "culture of death" is there?
As far as my feelings on the subject: Matthew 22:36-40 are commandments, not suggestions. I always like to add that God's institutions come with loving Him, in this case His institution of civil government.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

Are we safe in assuming that "aCultureWarrior" won't be voting for Pete Buttigieg in 2020?

The very fact that an openly "gay" presidential candidate has progressed so well in the polls speaks volumes as to how far some segments in American society have come!
You mean, in that, we just casually are aware of what people for decades have been saying is done in private, behind closed doors, now openly and crassly, even and maybe especially now in the presence of children, impressionable children, that people are practicing fornication of various sorts, and we're all casually aware of this supposed secret private choice that everybody's making, and acting like fornication and chastity are both alien concepts and aren't real and anybody who thinks that fornication and chastity are worthy of respect and not of contempt are evil? Is that what you mean by "how far some segments in American society have come!"?


Quote: Originally posted by jgarden

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5
Are we safe in assuming that "aCultureWarrior" won't be voting for Pete Buttigieg in 2020?
The very fact that an openly "gay" presidential candidate has progressed so well in the polls speaks volumes as to how far some segments in American society have come!

You mean, in that, we just casually are aware of what people for decades have been saying is done in private, behind closed doors, now openly and crassly, even and maybe especially now in the presence of children, impressionable children, that people are practicing fornication of various sorts, and we're all casually aware of this supposed secret private choice that everybody's making, and acting like fornication and chastity are both alien concepts and aren't real and anybody who thinks that fornication and chastity are worthy of respect and not of contempt are evil? Is that what you mean by "how far some segments in American society have come!"?

jgarden is right. Even the supposed conservative party elected a rainbow flag waver, so it shows how depraved America has become.

BTW, are you referring to homosexuality as "fornication of various sorts"?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yep. Fornication offends chastity. That's one sort of fornication. Fornication should be taught against to children and adolescents and young adults. With the fear of God if necessary, but definitely taught against, because offending against chastity is a pit that people fall into and there isn't any reason to let children and adolescents and young adults fall into a pit without warning them very gravely that there's a pit that they don't want to fall into.


Yep. Fornication offends chastity. That's one sort of fornication.Fornication should be taught against to children and adolescents and young adults. With the fear of God if necessary, but definitely taught against, because offending against chastity is a pit that people fall into and there isn't any reason to let children and adolescents and young adults fall into a pit without warning them very gravely that there's a pit that they don't want to fall into.

Fornication is traditionally defined as sex between a man and a woman who are not married to each other. I've never heard of homosexuals being called fornicators, in fact the Bible even distinguishes between the two: Corinthians 6: 9-11


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Fornication is traditionally defined as sex between a man and a woman who are not married to each other. I've never heard of homosexuals being called fornicators, in fact the Bible even distinguishes between the two: Corinthians 6: 9-11
Yeah I am a member of an ancient Church who uses words even more traditional than the words you're familiar with, and to my Church fornication is every offense against chastity, and every sort of fornication is grave matter, which means the most serious sort of sin that there is. The fornication word you're using is one type of grave matter, one sort of offense against chastity, but even the KJV's "fornication" is more expansive in meaning than just the one sort of fornication that you mention here. And children must be taught that fornication of all sorts are as grave as looking both ways before crossing a street, and not getting into a stranger's car. Fornication /all offense against chastity are the gravest of things to teach against with our children. Fornication of all sorts is a pit to fall into, and when we leave our children and adolescents and young adults to "learn for themselves" they too often fall into a pit, and there is no advantage to falling into a pit, not for learning a lesson better, not for developing character, not for any good thing but only disadvantages and bad things. Chastity is healthy and fornication of all sorts is unhealthy, in all sorts of ways. It's falling into a pit.


Yeah I am a member of an ancient Church who uses words even more traditional than the words you're familiar with, and to my Church fornication is every offense against chastity, and every sort of fornication is grave matter, which means the most serious sort of sin that there is.

More ancient that the church in Corinth, the church that the Apostle Paul wrote letters to distinguishing between sexual sins?

The fornication word you're using is one type of grave matter, one sort of offense against chastity,...

Except that a man and woman who have sex outside of marriage are no longer committing a sin once they get married to one another. Can you say the same thing about those that engage in homosexuality?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
More ancient that the church in Corinth, the church that the Apostle Paul wrote letters to distinguishing between sexual sins?
No, same Church. The one in the Bible.
Except that a man and woman who have sex outside of marriage are no longer committing a sin once they get married to one another.
That's a distorted way to look at it. You make light of grave sin.
Can you say the same thing about those that engage in homosexuality?
How about masturbation? All grave matter. All needs to be called what it is to our children, adolescents, and young adults, that all of this is gravely immoral, and unhealthy, with no advantage at all, it's just like falling into a pit. Don't do any of it. Flee.


Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

More ancient that the church in Corinth, the church that the Apostle Paul wrote letters to distinguishing between sexual sins?

No, same Church. The one in the Bible.

Interesting, I didn't know that the Church of Corinth still existed. How many other "members" do they have?

Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Except that a man and woman who have sex outside of marriage are no longer committing a sin once they get married to one another.

That's a distorted way to look at it. You make light of grave sin

A sin that is no longer a sin once the man and woman join in matrimony.

Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Can you say the same thing about those that engage in homosexuality?

How about masturbation?...

How about you answer my question? Here it is again in the event that you missed it the first time:

Can you say that those who engage in homosexual acts out of wedlock are no longer committing a sin once they're 'married' to each other yet continue to engage in homosexual acts with one another?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"More ancient that the church in Corinth, the church that the Apostle Paul wrote letters to distinguishing between sexual sins?"

Interesting, I didn't know that the Church of Corinth still existed. How many other "members" do they have?
I said "the one" in the Bible. The Corinthians were "members of the one Church in the Bible", like the Romans too were "members of the one Church in the Bible", and how the Thessalonians were also "members of the one Church in the Bible". The one Church in the Bible is my Church, it's the ancientest Church, the first one. I can show her to you in the Bible, she is the Church in the Bible.

The Apostles are the authority in matters of faith and morals, because the Lord Jesus gave them His teaching authority, and it is traditional in my Church to always, as a policy, defer to the Apostles whenever their teachings conflict with any other source's teachings in matters of faith and morals. And the Apostles taught that offenses against chastity are all grave, grave sins. There are only two types of sins, according to the Apostles, there are grave sins, and there are light sins, and fornication of all sorts is all grave matter, and none of it is light matter.

According to my ancient Church light sins are forgiven already, almost as if we never even did them, but grave sins sever our communion with her, and fornication of all sorts is all grave sin, and so all of it severs communion with the one Church that is in the Bible.
How about you answer my question? Here it is again in the event that you missed it the first time:

Can you say that those who engage in homosexual acts out of wedlock are no longer committing a sin once they're 'married' to each other yet continue to engage in homosexual acts with one another?
Homosexual acts are a sort of fornication, as is masturbation.

Do you masturbate?


Milo Yiannopoulos move over, there's a new flamer in town who is Donald Trump's #1 fan. His name is Ricky Rebel and the Republicrats love him.

Many of you will recall that openly homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos was the hottest ticket around during the 2016 Presidential campaign with his "I love my daddy Trump!" college campus tour. Then a video surfaced of Milo talking about the joys of adult-child sex (the PC term is "Man-Boy Love") and it was bad PR for the Trump campaign to admit that he was into things that homosexuals do so they dropped Milo like the proverbial hot potato.

I'll be sure to share more videos and articles of Trump's newest supporter in the weeks and months to come.



This sell out of God by Chick fil-a CEO Dan Cathy shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone:

Chick-fil-A no longer donates to controversial Christian charities after LGBTQ protests

Nov,. 18, 2019

Chick-Fil-A said on Monday that it has stopped funding two Christian charities after coming under fire in recent weeks from LGBTQ activists.

The fast-food chain’s foundation has donated millions of dollars to The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Both organizations have a history of opposing same-sex marriage.

Chick-fil-A said it no longer funds the organizations.

“We made multi-year commitments to both organisations and we fulfilled those obligations in 2018,” a spokeswoman for Chick-fil-A told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, adding the company would focus its giving on “education, homelessness and hunger.”

When reached by CNBC, the company declined to comment further.

The Salvation Army said in a statement to CNBC that it was “saddened” to learn that a corporate partner was diverting its funding to other organizations.

“We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population,” the organization said.

Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/18/chic...-protests.html

What's so ironic about this sell out is that the LGBT movement never forgets. They'll continue to HATE Chick fil-A because they once stood for God's Word, and in their hateful world, there is no forgiving that.

Remember that Dan Cathy sold out God close to 2 years ago.


Homosexual activist Shane Windmeyer & Chick fil-A CEO Dan Cathy


I've noticed a few from the so-called "Christian right" that are admonishing Chick fil-A for giving into the gaystapo by not funding two organizations that take a strong stand on traditional family values. What's so hypocritical about these people and organizations is that they supported and continue to support the Presidency of homosexual activist, i.e. rainbow flag waver Donald Trump.
But that's different isn't it Michael Brown?
A Christian Appeal to Chick fil-A

11-19-2019 Michael Brown

As a leader in the church, and speaking on behalf of many followers of Jesus, I am submitting this appeal to the ownership and management of Chick-fil-A.

Please do not cave in to LGBT activists and their allies. Please do not capitulate to the pressure of the radical left. Please do not throw the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the Salvation Army under the bus. Please reverse your decision to no longer fund these important Christian organizations.

Do you remember when millions of Christians stood with you when the radical left called for a boycott of your fine company? Do you remember when they turned the boycott into a "buycott"?

These same Christians are scratching their heads today. They are wondering why the company they love so much now feels the need to satisfy the demands of people who despise many of the common values we hold dear.

Read more: https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/in-the-line-of-fire/78858-a-christian-appeal-to-chick-fil-a

Avid Trump supporter and major hypocrite Michael Brown
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