Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
That's like saying the absence of someone who was a victim of theft is irrelevant.

It is.

If I have a video of a guy robbing a bank,
the presence of people who keep their money there is not required for either
a bank robbery or a conviction.

Again, suppose two fellows commit a home invasion and a rape.
The fact that one of them got away and is at large,
is irrelevant at the trial of the other.
We can still hang whoever happens to be in custody.

Murder victims are always absent at trials.

You are correct; in a trial someone comes forward to state that he participated in the adulterous act or two witnesses would come forward to testify to observing it.
A confession from the adulterer (male) is not required, nor is it likely.

The only practical way to uphold the law on adultery is with two innocent eyewitnesses,
who are themselves not participants, and who have credibility.
Otherwise you are performing a lynching.

The presence of the adulterer (or rapist) is not required,
nor is it likely when the discoverer is likely to be the husband.
(1) The male (on top) is likely to run faster, while the woman will be at a disadvantage.
(2) The male is more likely to be killed, so he will be motivated to run faster.

In the case of Jesus letting the accused adulterous walk free (yet telling her to "sin no more", remember that He is God and knew that she committed the sinful act) no witnesses came forward so it wasn't a prosecutable offense.
Whatever Jesus knew stayed with Jesus,
just as whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Everybody knows you go to Vegas to gamble and hire hookers.
But a plane ticket is not sufficient evidence to convict on adultery.

There is no doubt the woman was guilty of sin,
but there is no credible evidence she was actually guilty of adultery either.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

John 8: 10-11

I discussed the ancient Roman justice system briefly in Part 3 with Arthurrrrr Brain.


What I said stands.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That's like saying the absence of someone who was a victim of theft is irrelevant.

It is.

If I have a video of a guy robbing a bank,
the presence of people who keep their money there is not required for either a bank robbery or a conviction.

While the video would undoubtedly be used as evidence, personal testimony from a bank teller (or other witnesses who observed and/or heard the robber demand money) would be used to get a conviction.

A better example of a theft case would be the police stopping someone who is driving a car not registered to them. The owner would have to come forward and either say that the driver was authorized to drive his or her car, or that he wasn't (i.e. it was stolen).

Again, suppose two fellows commit a home invasion and a rape.
The fact that one of them got away and is at large,
is irrelevant at the trial of the other.
We can still hang whoever happens to be in custody.

Witnesses are needed to testify against the home invaders.

Murder victims are always absent at trials.

While witnesses do help, circumstantial evidence is enough to convict.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You are correct; in a trial someone comes forward to state that he participated in the adulterous act or two witnesses would come forward to testify to observing it.

A confession from the adulterer (male) is not required, nor is it likely.

The only practical way to uphold the law on adultery is with two innocent eyewitnesses,
who are themselves not participants, and who have credibility...

I doubt that there are many cases where witnesses observe the act of adultery. In the case that we're talking about, Jesus let the adulterer go because no one stepped forward (a man with a guilty conscience...i.e. the adulterer, testimony would be as admissible as two witnesses).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In the case of Jesus letting the accused adulterous walk free (yet telling her to "sin no more", remember that He is God and knew that she committed the sinful act) no witnesses came forward so it wasn't a prosecutable offense.

Whatever Jesus knew stayed with Jesus,
just as whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

This is a first for me Naz: someone comparing Jesus Christ with the sinners that run Las Vegas.

There is no doubt the woman was guilty of sin,
but there is no credible evidence she was actually guilty of adultery either.

The specific sin that she was accused of was adultery. Again: Because no witnesses came forward so that the case could be turned over to the Roman authorities (the man who partook in the adulterous act or at least two witnesses) Jesus let her go with a stern warning.

What I said stands.

The evidence I provided speaks for itself.

That being said: The LGBTQueer movement (the 'gay christian' aspect of it) loves to use this story in an attempt to show that Jesus approves of homosexuality. He doesn't, never has, never will.


...The specific sin that she was accused of was adultery. Again: Because no witnesses came forward so that the case could be turned over to the Roman authorities (the man who partook in the adulterous act or at least two witnesses) Jesus let her go with a stern warning.

... The only practical way to uphold the law on adultery is with two innocent eyewitnesses,
who are themselves not participants, and who have credibility.
Otherwise you are performing a lynching.

There is no doubt the woman was guilty of sin,
but there is no credible evidence she was actually guilty of adultery either.

AWC and Nazaroo have completely missed the significance of "The Woman Taken in Adultery."

Was it recorded in John's Gospel to provide the reader with an example of a how a guilty woman was released through a legal technicality in the law - such as the lack of sufficient witnesses?

No, it was presented to test Jesus concerning the application of the Mosaic Law (Lev. 20:10, Deut. 22:22-24) and it is within that context that He chose to frame His response.

Jesus already knew of her guilt - if she was innocent, all that would have been required is for Him to ask her accusers to produce the witnesses, there would have no significant message to be conveyed to the reader and no need for John to record this encounter in his Gospel.

Jesus was well aware of the motives of the chief priests and Pharisees, a group whom He probably considered to be far more sinful than the woman presented before Him.

This incident is reminiscent of the Transfiguration - where it is Satan, instead of the chief priests (they are both one and the same), who also attempts to put Jesus to the test.

These are both part of a reoccuring theme of "testing," and in both instances Jesus' words penetrate to the very heart of the matter.

He rebukes Satan directly for tempting Him and He rebukes the religious leaders, Pharisees and the surrounding crowd indirectly by forcing them to judge themselves and come to the conclusion that they, like the woman, are all sinners.

If Jesus had truly wanted the woman punished according to Mosaic or any other set of laws that our resident Pharisees AWC and Nazaroo would care to invoke, He could have cast the first stone.

Instead He treated her with love, compassion and forgiveness, providing Christians with a concrete example of how to conduct their daily lives - which is the message the Gospel is trying to convey. (The Greatest Commandment)
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..... That being said: The LGBTQueer movement (the 'gay christian' aspect of it) loves to use this story in an attempt to show that Jesus approves of homosexuality. He doesn't, never has, never will.
I didn't arbitrarily select "The Woman Taken In Adultery" as my example to refute AWC's ongoing campaign against LGBTs without a purpose.

Instead of the woman caught in a heterosexual encounter, what would have happened if she had been caught in a "same-sex" act?

According to Mosaic Law, the punishment would have been one and the same - death by stoning.

In "The Woman Caught In adultery" we have Jesus demanding that only those without sin should cast the first stone - in stark contrast with AWC "casting the first stone" by insisting that "Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized" which presumably would result in some form of punishment.

Are we now to believe that unlike the chief priests, Pharisees and the surrounding crowd, AWC is without sin?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're in a political forum, but I'll make exceptions.

You're correct, my bad. I meant I'm less interested in talking about politicians (like Cruz) and more about your opinions on the topic.

My "opinion" isn't what matters here. If I were to change my mind on homosexuality this instant it wouldn't change the fact that amongst other things:

1) It's an extremely destructive behavior.

2) Since it was decriminalized, homosexuals (and their allies) have created an agenda that is destroying invaluable institutions.

3) Without repenting, those who engage in it will spentd eternity in damnation.

4) A nation that doesn't honor God will not be blessed by Him.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm simply stating that people who have accepted Jesus Christ into their life and are obedient to His Word, have a freedom that you and other proud and unrepentant sinners can't relate to.

That's very much possible. To each his own. That's why I'm not going to criticize your actions with regard to christian doctrine about sin and which commandments in the bible you don't actually follow.
From my perspective: it's your life and your choice. All I'm asking is that you treat others in the same way and don't interfere with their lives.

If I stand by and allow people to destroy their lives knowing that they can be helped, I'm neither loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind, nor am I loving my neighbor as I'd love myself (i.e. I can't call myself a follower of Christ).
Matthew 22:36-40

If I weren't a Christian and had the knowledge that I do about homosexual behavior and amongst others things the child molesting/indoctrinating agenda that goes along with it and stood by and did nothing about it, I'd have to look at myself in the mirror and call myself what I'd be:

"A pervert".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Companionship, sex and procreation. Those who engage in homosexuality fail at all three.

You couldn't be more wrong.
But as we all know, a picture is worth a 1000 words, so enjoy :)

[TheDuke posts a picture of Madame Elton John, some guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and 2 beautiful children that they're indoctrinating.]

I talked about Elton John and his new 'toys' (adopted children) in earlier threads.

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

I would like nothing more than to discuss all 12 points and how they relate to the Madame that you seem to admire so much.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think God-hating liberals defend Islam so much?
"Their common foe is . . . Christianity."

I'm really amazed at how you live in a bubble. Has it ever occurred to you that there are plenty of religious liberals?

There very well might be plenty of religious liberals (Buddhists and other pagan religions whose morals 'evolve' from time to time), but there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian". Amongst other things Holy Scripture defines morality, and those who believe in God's Word "conserve" His teachings.

Has it ever occurred to you that not all are defending islam? (pro-tip: listen to Hitchens) Has is ever occurred to you that muslims hate EVERYONE? the Sharia for instance allows for people with other religions to live under it while they pay a tax, whereas atheists are to be beheaded instantly?

Muslims do in fact hate anyone that doesn't bow to their false religion. Secular humanists (in this case those who embrace the homosexual agenda) hate anyone that doesn't bow to their iron fisted agenda.

I could talk about how homosexuals hate themselves, but we're trying to keep our post's shorter (which we're not succeeding at).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't you find it rather...ahem...queer that heterosexuals aren't afflicted with it in westernized countries but for some reason it runs rampant amongst heterosexuals in Africa?

Thanks for proving my point with your own data :)

My "data" being a CDC chart showing that those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately are infected with HIV/AIDS (90+% vs 3% of heterosexuals, and those heterosexuals were mostly black women who became infect by black bisexual males who were on the "down low").

Again: Do your own research on AIDS in Africa until I get to that segment (I have a couple articles sitting in wait, but I'll hold off on that topic as other more important matters must be dealt with first).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you rather have a General Practitioner do heart surgery on you or a specialist? Therapists who have studied what causes homosexual desires have and continue to help people who wish to change.

Oh I see, you think that these "conversion specialists" know what they're doing. So check this out:


I'm well aware of the propaganda the LGBTQueer movement has used to smear reparative therapy. I've covered it numerous times and have a fairly extensive list of articles in page 1's index on the subject (feel free to educate yourself).

If I were gay, I'd stay the hell away from them!

No one can force you to change, but if you really wanted to, there are many reputable organizations that have helped so many people with homosexuality. Unfortunately the child molesting LGBTQueer movement is doing everything in their power to put them out of business.

God bless those organizations that help people with same sex attraction!

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that you used the term "gay christians" above, so I strike my earlier comment.

Wait, does that mean you really think that there is no such thing?
Oh the wishful thinking......

At least be fair and give "adulterous christians", "incestuous christians", "bestial christians", etc. etc. etc., equal time.

All sarcasm aside: Homosexuality (along with other sexual behaviors outside of traditional marriage) is, has been and will always be a sin.

Repentance (turning away from sin) is required to be a Christian. I've talked about how the LGBTQueer movement HATES God so much that they're bastardizing His Word to meet their own selfish desires. That's hatred of God, not loving Him.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

He loves mankind so much that He died a horrific death for us. He wants us to repent and accept Him as our Savior instead of spending eternity in damnation. If that isn't love, nothing is.

Well, interesting. But how does your answer relate to my question?

PS: That is one wretched kind o' love. "saving" us from the very hell he created. Great!!!!!

Hell has many forms: Look at the HIV/AIDS chart again and tell me that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't living a "hell on earth".

God has rules to live by (a righteous society and the government that represents them enforces those rules) and rules that will allow mankind to spend eternity with Him.


New member
My "opinion" isn't what matters here. If I were to change my mind on homosexuality this instant it wouldn't change the fact that amongst other things....
Oh dear, so now your conceit has reached its pinnacle: you can't even tell when you're describing your opinion.

If I stand by and allow people to destroy their lives knowing that they can be helped, I'm neither loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind, nor am I loving my neighbor as I'd love myself (i.e. I can't call myself a follower of Christ).
Thanks for demonstrating just why religion is so dangerous. Your arrogance and conceitedness is truly no different than those of other religious fanatics.
Tell me, how would you like it, if somebody else decided to "help" you?

[TheDuke posts a picture of Madame Elton John, some guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and 2 beautiful children that they're indoctrinating.]
I talked about Elton John and his new 'toys' (adopted children) in earlier threads.
If I'm not mistaken, he's usually referred to as "the bi*ch" not madame :)
And BTW, I don't admire him, nor his music. He's just an example for a successful, happy person with "Companionship, sex and procreation".

.... but there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian". .....
:doh: I see, so I guess they aren't "real" christians. Only people with exactly your mindset can be "real", eh?

No one can force you to change, but if you really wanted to, there are many reputable organizations that have helped so many people with homosexuality. Unfortunately the child molesting LGBTQueer movement is doing everything in their power to put them out of business.
Yes, of course, scientific research is just propaganda. Why did I even try?
The link you provided was indeed very obvious prop.

All sarcasm aside: Homosexuality (along with other sexual behaviors outside of traditional marriage) is, has been and will always be a sin.
Yeah, I've already told you about liberal christians, same applies to homos.
I guess, you never sin, right?

Hell has many forms: Look at the HIV/AIDS chart again and tell me that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't living a "hell on earth".
God has rules to live by (a righteous society and the government that represents them enforces those rules) and rules that will allow mankind to spend eternity with Him.
So are you dodging the question on purpose, or what?
Again: show me where in your bible homosexuality is condemned.


New member
My "opinion" isn't what matters here. If I were to change my mind on homosexuality this instant it wouldn't change the fact that amongst other things:

1) It's an extremely destructive behavior.
This is an opinion and not a fact. You dress up your opinion with false and fabricated studies and by presenting cherry picked data to make it look like a fact.

If this claim were a fact you wouldn't have to rely on fake studies and propaganda.

2) Since it was decriminalized, homosexuals (and their allies) have created an agenda that is destroying invaluable institutions.
Except no agenda exists and you can't give examples of these destroyed institutions.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm simply stating that people who have accepted Jesus Christ into their life and are obedient to His Word, have a freedom that you and other proud and unrepentant sinners can't relate to.

If I stand by and allow people to destroy their lives knowing that they can be helped, I'm neither loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind, nor am I loving my neighbor as I'd love myself (i.e. I can't call myself a follower of Christ).
Matthew 22:36-40

If I weren't a Christian and had the knowledge that I do about homosexual behavior and amongst others things the child molesting/indoctrinating agenda that goes along with it and stood by and did nothing about it, I'd have to look at myself in the mirror and call myself what I'd be:

"A pervert".
And what do you call yourself when you present false information as fact?

[TheDuke posts a picture of Madame Elton John, some guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and 2 beautiful children that they're indoctrinating.]

I talked about Elton John and his new 'toys' (adopted children) in earlier threads.
Unable to respond with facts you resort to hateful name calling and an attempt to spread your lie about "indoctrination"

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

I would like nothing more than to discuss all 12 points and how they relate to the Madame that you seem to admire so much.
Still trying to push that waste of paper as fact? Sad

I could talk about how homosexuals hate themselves, but we're trying to keep our post's shorter (which we're not succeeding at).
you could talk about how unicorns only eat rainbow colored soft serve ice cream - that would have the same amount of factual information as your "homosexuals hate themselves" claim

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't you find it rather...ahem...queer that heterosexuals aren't afflicted with it in westernized countries but for some reason it runs rampant amongst heterosexuals in Africa?

My "data" being a CDC chart showing that those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately are infected with HIV/AIDS (90+% vs 3% of heterosexuals, and those heterosexuals were mostly black women who became infect by black bisexual males who were on the "down low").

Again: Do your own research on AIDS in Africa until I get to that segment (I have a couple articles sitting in wait, but I'll hold off on that topic as other more important matters must be dealt with first).

I've often said that there is no difference between the rhetoric of a racist and the rhetoric of a homophobe. And you keep proving me correct.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you rather have a General Practitioner do heart surgery on you or a specialist? Therapists who have studied what causes homosexual desires have and continue to help people who wish to change.
lets take a look at the studies and statistics these 'therapists' have published to back up their claims and their methodology...oh that's right, they haven't published anything (outside of vanity press) to support their claims

I'm well aware of the propaganda the LGBTQueer movement has used to smear reparative therapy. I've covered it numerous times and have a fairly extensive list of articles in page 1's index on the subject (feel free to educate yourself).

No one can force you to change, but if you really wanted to, there are many reputable organizations that have helped so many people with homosexuality. Unfortunately the child molesting LGBTQueer movement is doing everything in their power to put them out of business.

God bless those organizations that help people with same sex attraction!
If only there were some way that these 'therapists' could provide evidence for their theories and the success of their 'treatments'.

of course even if they were to legitimately publish research supporting their work they would still be left to explain just how hold therapy* and having forcing children strip naked for therapy sessions is good therapeutic practice and not child abuse.

*hold therapy is a technique used by reparative therapists where the homosexual child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. Parents are also encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child to express how they feel about their child. This 'therapy' will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay.

At least be fair and give "adulterous christians", "incestuous christians", "bestial christians", etc. etc. etc., equal time.
Don't forget black Christians.

All sarcasm aside: Homosexuality (along with other sexual behaviors outside of traditional marriage) is, has been and will always be a sin.
just like eating shrimp

Repentance (turning away from sin) is required to be a Christian. I've talked about how the LGBTQueer movement HATES God so much that they're bastardizing His Word to meet their own selfish desires. That's hatred of God, not loving Him.
you seem to be engaging in projection here

Hell has many forms: Look at the HIV/AIDS chart again and tell me that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't living a "hell on earth".

yes, having individuals try to use a virus as justification of their own petty bigotries could be viewed that way

God has rules to live by (a righteous society and the government that represents them enforces those rules) and rules that will allow mankind to spend eternity with Him.
rules like not lying and not hating your neighbor?


...And what do you call yourself when you present false information as fact?...

Welcome back TB. I'd respectfully asked the moderators to give you some slack from being sent to the woodshed while posting in this thread. These are my reasons for doing so:

1). Since the drag queen known as 'Chuck' who was going to 'marry' a guy that planned on having his genitals mutilated to become a make believe woman left TOL (I assume a 50 point ban is pretty much permanent) you've been the best thing to happen to this thread.

2). I admire how you go deep into the bowels of Hell (i.e. research LGBTQueer propaganda) to present your case.

While I would ask that you return the favor when it comes to not reporting me for alleged TOL policy violations in my own thread...

well, you wouldn't be a valuable member of the LGBTQ 'community' if you didn't do your best to silence Christians would you?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My "opinion" isn't what matters here. If I were to change my mind on homosexuality this instant it wouldn't change the fact that amongst other things....

Oh dear, so now your conceit has reached its pinnacle: you can't even tell when you're describing your opinion.

Take for instance if I were to say "In my opinion, those who engage in homosexual behavior lead a very healthy lifestyle." The truth is that they don't (check out the CDC reports in the index on page 1 or check the CDC website yourself to find out the truth).

Or if I were to say: "In my opinion, the LGBTQueer movement has nothing to do with the indoctrination of children." Again, that would be an opinion, not the truth.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I stand by and allow people to destroy their lives knowing that they can be helped, I'm neither loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind, nor am I loving my neighbor as I'd love myself (i.e. I can't call myself a follower of Christ).

Thanks for demonstrating just why religion is so dangerous. Your arrogance and conceitedness is truly no different than those of other religious fanatics.

Your 'religion' (the religion of man: atheism) is even more dangerous than the false religion of Islam (and when talking about Islam, we're talking about some real barbarians).

atheist atrocities

Tell me, how would you like it, if somebody else decided to "help" you?

I wouldn't have it any other way. Over 2,000 years ago He died a horrific death for me. His Word "helps" me daily and has shown me the way to eternal salvation.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[TheDuke posts a picture of Madame Elton John, some guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and 2 beautiful children that they're indoctrinating.]
I talked about Elton John and his new 'toys' (adopted children) in earlier threads.

If I'm not mistaken, he's usually referred to as "the bi*ch" not madame :)
And BTW, I don't admire him, nor his music. He's just an example for a successful, happy person with "Companionship, sex and procreation".

I take it you don't want to discuss Linda Harvey's "12 ways homosexual adults endanger children"?

Being that the "sex" part isn't natural, there is always concern for STD's and other things tha comes with an unnatural sex life.

Companionship? You can have close friends of the same sex without turning it into something perverse.

Regarding John's music: I wonder if he wrote this after attending countless funerals of friends that died from AIDS?

Funeral for a friend/love lies bleeding

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
.... but there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian". .....

I see, so I guess they aren't "real" christians. Only people with exactly your mindset can be "real", eh?

Their issue is with God.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No one can force you to change, but if you really wanted to, there are many reputable organizations that have helped so many people with homosexuality. Unfortunately the child molesting LGBTQueer movement is doing everything in their power to put them out of business.

Yes, of course, scientific research is just propaganda. Why did I even try?
The link you provided was indeed very obvious prop.

Take it up with all of the EX homosexuals that have been able to leave a very destructive behavior and lifestyle behind. Remember the words spoken by many a homosexual when arguing for the yet to be found/will never be found 'gay gene':

"Who would want to have homosexual desires?"

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
All sarcasm aside: Homosexuality (along with other sexual behaviors outside of traditional marriage) is, has been and will always be a sin.

Yeah, I've already told you about liberal christians, same applies to homos.
I guess, you never sin, right?

I'm human, I struggle with sin. The big difference here is that I don't promote it and I try (with God's help) to make myself a better follower of Christ.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hell has many forms: Look at the HIV/AIDS chart again and tell me that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't living a "hell on earth".
God has rules to live by (a righteous society and the government that represents them enforces those rules) and rules that will allow mankind to spend eternity with Him.

...Again: show me where in your bible homosexuality is condemned.




New member
Take for instance if I were to say "In my opinion, ....
Or if I were to say: "In my opinion, ...
You disappoint me aCW. I thought you were an adult. Do you really think that an opinion is voiced by exclamation? TB above seems also to have noticed it :)
So lemme explain: when you state something subjective as if it were fact, then you're voicing your personal opinion. Just like when I say that "religion is poison for the mind", it's my opinion and not an objectively verifiable fact. Learn to spot the difference, mate.

Your 'religion' (the religion of man: atheism) is even more dangerous than the false religion of Islam (and when talking about Islam, we're talking about some real barbarians).
Oh, for crying out loud. I thought you wanted to keep these short, now you're digressing into 3 huge new subjects.
So, in a vain attempt to put a lid on it, here are some facts:
1) Atheism - lack of belief (or disbelief) in deities. That ain't no religion.
2) Islam isn't a "false" religion any more that christianity is. Who gets to decide and based on what?
3) The "wonderful world" of the Khmer is NOT an example for atheism. Among many of the stupid policies of this extreme ideology was the banning of religion. But what do you reckon caused all the harm, all the deaths from malnutrition, lack of medical service, executions etc. ? Was is because people were not allowed to pray? Atheism cannot be dangerous for a simple reason: it says nothing about how to live or how to rule, just not to waste your time talking to the ceiling.

Tell me, how would you like it, if somebody else decided to "help" you?
His Word "helps" me daily and has shown me the way to eternal salvation.
Oh, man. So here we go again, lemme spell it out for ya:
How would you feel, if another person with a different religion, say a member of ISIS for instance, would pay you a visit and tell YOU what's wrong or right?
Do you honestly wish to live in a society where opinions can be enforced onto others just because of a say-so? How can you not be able to place yourself in someone else's shoes, maybe religion has driven out all empathy from your system.....

I take it you don't want to discuss Linda Harvey's "12 ways homosexual adults endanger children"?

Being that the "sex" part isn't natural, there is always concern for STD's and other things tha comes with an unnatural sex life.

Companionship? You can have close friends of the same sex without turning it into something perverse.
Look, if you wish we can go through the points, but what for? You'll just claim that they are substantial and I will claim otherwise. If you really want to see something dangerous, how about "bible camp" or some of Ken Ham's work?

Not natural? Then what do you think is, if homosexuality has always been present in human societies and is also encountered in other primates. I understand that you don't like it. Wanna hear a secret? Neither do I. And nobody forces either of us to engage in it. All I'm asking you is to drop the bigotry.

Take it up with all of the EX homosexuals that have been able to leave a very destructive behavior and lifestyle behind. Remember the words spoken by many a homosexual when arguing for the yet to be found/will never be found 'gay gene':
You mean like this guy:


So on the final topic. Many thanks for providing the link. It was indeed very insightful.

According to the commentary, homosexuality is the result of sin and is in itself a sin, which is no different than other sin but is the kind of sin punishable by immediate death. (feel free to correct me if I'm saying something wrong)

Well, then back to my original question, why are you preoccupied with homos, when there's loads of other sin?????

Also as food for thought:
Wouldn't it be actually better for you, if sinfulness would spread around so that the tribulation will commence during your lifetime, no?


Looking over TB's earlier post, I want to address one topic that has been addressed before, but needs to be again:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I could talk about how homosexuals hate themselves, but we're trying to keep our post's shorter (which we're not succeeding at).

you could talk about how unicorns only eat rainbow colored soft serve ice cream - that would have the same amount of factual information as your "homosexuals hate themselves" claim

You must have heard about "bug chasers" :

The following is excerpted from Bug Chasers, by Gregory A. Freeman, published Jan 23, 2003, by Rolling Stone:

Carlos nonchalantly asks whether his drink was made with whole or skim milk. He takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded Starbucks, and then he gets back to explaining how much he wants HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. His eyes light up as he says that the actual moment of transmission, the instant he gets HIV, will be “the most erotic thing I can imagine.” He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but, in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug…

Carlos is part of an intricate underground world that has sprouted, driven almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected with HIV get together with those who are willing to infect them. The men who want the virus are called “bug chasers,” and the men who freely give the virus to them are called “gift givers.” While the rest of the world fights the AIDS epidemic and most people fear HIV infection, this subculture celebrates the virus and eroticizes it. HIV-infected semen is treated like liquid gold.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2007/01/22/bug-chasers-the-men-who-long-to-be-hiv/


February 2003 cover of Rolling Stone magazine.


New member
I take it you don't want to discuss Linda Harvey's "12 ways homosexual adults endanger children"?
we have. multiple times.

Take it up with all of the EX homosexuals that have been able to leave a very destructive behavior and lifestyle behind.
here is the testimony of Joseph Callahan and the destructive lifestyle he found himself in: "I committed to seeking Jesus to "cure" me of my homosexuality. And it worked -- or so everyone thought. I was an outspoken "ex-gay" who had (miraculously) found "healing" from my old "sinful" nature, and spoke and wrote on how others could also find "freedom" from homosexuality.
It only took four and a half years for the façade to wear down, for me to be unable to continue lying to everyone around, and most important, for me to be unable to keep lying to myself. I left the church, publicly, while explaining I was never "cured," I was "still gay," and I could no longer keep lying and pretending."

Remember the words spoken by many a homosexual when arguing for the yet to be found/will never be found 'gay gene':

"Who would want to have homosexual desires?"
The actual words are: Why would anyone choose to be the target of hate, lies and discrimination?"


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Take for instance if I were to say "In my opinion, ....
Or if I were to say: "In my opinion, ...

You disappoint me aCW. I thought you were an adult. Do you really think that an opinion is voiced by exclamation? TB above seems also to have noticed it :)
So lemme explain: when you state something subjective as if it were fact, then you're voicing your personal opinion...

Except I presented two examples that have strong evidence backing my claim. Attempt to refute them if you wish.

Just like when I say that "religion is poison for the mind", it's my opinion and not an objectively verifiable fact. Learn to spot the difference, mate.

(Yet another God-hating Brit). You aren't by chance my good friend Al (alwight) using another name are you?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Your 'religion' (the religion of man: atheism) is even more dangerous than the false religion of Islam (and when talking about Islam, we're talking about some real barbarians).

Oh, for crying out loud. I thought you wanted to keep these short, now you're digressing into 3 huge new subjects.
So, in a vain attempt to put a lid on it, here are some facts:
1) Atheism - lack of belief (or disbelief) in deities. That ain't no religion.

All men 'worship' something. Besides, SCOTUS ruled a while back that secular humanism and atheism are both 'religions'.

2) Islam isn't a "false" religion any more that christianity is. Who gets to decide and based on what?

One side has to be right, while the other side has to be wrong. Good and evil cannot coexist. Throughout the ages Christianity has brought great things to societies and individuals. Atheism/secular humanism and Islam have brought nothing but misery and death.

3) The "wonderful world" of the Khmer is NOT an example for atheism. Among many of the stupid policies of this extreme ideology was the banning of religion. But what do you reckon caused all the harm, all the deaths from malnutrition, lack of medical service, executions etc. ? Was is because people were not allowed to pray? Atheism cannot be dangerous for a simple reason: it says nothing about how to live or how to rule, just not to waste your time talking to the ceiling.

As shown in the above video and throughout this 4 part thread: When secular humanist man organizes, death follows.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
His Word "helps" me daily and has shown me the way to eternal salvation.

Oh, man. So here we go again, lemme spell it out for ya:
How would you feel, if another person with a different religion, say a member of ISIS for instance, would pay you a visit and tell YOU what's wrong or right?
Do you honestly wish to live in a society where opinions can be enforced onto others just because of a say-so? How can you not be able to place yourself in someone else's shoes, maybe religion has driven out all empathy from your system.....

Back to facts vs opinions. Christianity has brought goodness to men and nations (fact), atheism and Islam have brought nothing but death (fact).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I take it you don't want to discuss Linda Harvey's "12 ways homosexual adults endanger children"?

Being that the "sex" part isn't natural, there is always concern for STD's and other things tha comes with an unnatural sex life.

Companionship? You can have close friends of the same sex without turning it into something perverse.

Look, if you wish we can go through the points, but what for? You'll just claim that they are substantial and I will claim otherwise.

Please don't think I'm here to convince you of right from wrong. If you can't even make up your mind if God exists, I don't expect to have any impact on your worldview.

If you really want to see something dangerous, how about "bible camp" or some of Ken Ham's work?

Thanks for acknowledging that Christianity is a threat to your way of life.

Not natural?

One only look at the diseases that are associated with it.

Then what do you think is, if homosexuality has always been present in human societies and is also encountered in other primates. I understand that you don't like it. Wanna hear a secret? Neither do I. And nobody forces either of us to engage in it. All I'm asking you is to drop the bigotry.

Sinful behavior has been present since the beginning of mankind and will be until Jesus returns.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Take it up with all of the EX homosexuals that have been able to leave a very destructive behavior and lifestyle behind. Remember the words spoken by many a homosexual when arguing for the yet to be found/will never be found 'gay gene':

You mean like this guy:

Not all people trying to leave an immoral behavior are successful at it. God's Word, righteous laws and cultural mores' is the answer.

So on the final topic. Many thanks for providing the link. It was indeed very insightful.

According to the commentary, homosexuality is the result of sin and is in itself a sin, which is no different than other sin but is the kind of sin punishable by immediate death. (feel free to correct me if I'm saying something wrong)

No worse than any other sin when it comes to repentance and eternal life. Homosexuality (because it is a perversion) has been dealt with in a very stern manner throughout history (God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; instructed the Jews to execute those caught in the act and had been a felony throughout the majority of US history).

Well, then back to my original question, why are you preoccupied with homos, when there's loads of other sin?????

Sexual anarchy is a grave threat that needs to be dealt with.

Also as food for thought:
Wouldn't it be actually better for you, if sinfulness would spread around so that the tribulation will commence during your lifetime, no?

You're talking about anarchy. Jesus will return when He's good and ready. I'll do my best to make this world a better place until He does.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I would ask that you return the favor when it comes to not reporting me for alleged TOL policy violations in my own thread...

like the times you claimed I was a child molestor

I'd pointed out numerous times that molestation comes in many forms.

Indoctrinating children to accept immoral behavior as something normal is one.

What, no comment on bug chasers? You must have a LGBTQueer 'study' somewhere that discusses it.


I just ran across this old post from lovemeorhateme (aka Pete). As shown through his personal experiences, those who proudly engage in homosexual behavior don't want others to change.

Originally Posted by aSeattleConserv
Thanks for sharing this story, one of thousands upon thousands out there.

Don't leave him yet Knight, as his nightmare WILL continue (there is nothing worse than a traitor in the eyes of the sodomite movement):

Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay and Trash Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

"Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair last week, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table."

It appears that tolerance is a one way street for the Gay Mafia.

I agree. I am a traitor in the eyes of the homosexual community, and I have already been called names, told I'm a liar, and even threatened because I am a former homosexual. I also often get told either I wasn't gay to begin with, or I still am gay as it's not possible to change.

I was doing outreach at Cardiff gay mardi gras two days ago. I'd never done outreach at a pride parade before. I used to go to pride events as a gay man. Some people took our tracts and read them, some binned them, some burned them. One of the guys I was with started preaching, and then asked me to preach and share my testimony, which I did. Many people tried to shout me down, and some looked ready to assault us! I did have some meaningful conversations with people about my story after this, and I hope and pray that they will also come to know God like I did.

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More on the case in Oregon where Christian bakers refused to sell out God and bake a cake for a 'gay' wedding:

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake

“I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”


Melissa Klein, the owner of the bakery that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding ceremony, has revealed that the state of Oregon seized all of her bank accounts weeks before she planned to pay the settlement from the suit brought against her by the couple.

According to Fox News, Klein and her husband were hit with a penalty of over $135,000 in July payable to the lesbian couple who cited "emotional suffering" for the mom-and-pop bakers holding to their Christian beliefs. The state, ignoring the couple's religious liberty, agreed and said the small business, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, couldn't discriminate against the rights of LGBT customers.

The Kleins quickly gained support for standing up for their own rights and began receiving donations which were kept in a separate account from their personal banking in order to pay the settlement. But in the weeks before Christmas, Mrs. Klein was shocked to find out that Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industries had confiscated all the money in all of her accounts.

“It was like my breath was taken away,” Melissa Klein said to Fox's Todd Starnes. “I panicked. Everything was gone.”

“We had three accounts,” she continued. “I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”

An attorney for the couple said the fight is not over and the couple "will continue to work to ensure that every American has the First Amendment right to express their faith-based beliefs, and to conduct their daily affairs according to their conscience."


Have I mentioned before that good and evil cannot co-exist?



New member
Except I presented two examples that have strong evidence backing my claim. Attempt to refute them if you wish.
done that numerous times, you just change the topic and after a while bring back the same old false claims

All men 'worship' something. Besides, SCOTUS ruled a while back that secular humanism and atheism are both 'religions'.
Not true.

the supreme court ruled: "At one time it was thought that this right [referring to the right to choose one’s own creed] merely proscribed the preference of one Christian sect over another, but would not require equal respect for the conscience of the infidel, the atheist, or the adherent of a non-Christian faith such as Islam or Judaism. But when the underlying principle has been examined in the crucible of litigation, the Court has unambiguously concluded that the individual freedom of conscience protected by the First Amendment embraces the right to select any religious faith or none at all." Wallace v Jaffee

Back to facts vs opinions. Christianity has brought goodness to men and nations (fact), atheism and Islam have brought nothing but death (fact).
Goodness like the inquisition, genocide, witch hunts, slavery...

One only look at the diseases that are associated with it.
the very same diseases associated with heterosexuality.

Not all people trying to leave an immoral behavior are successful at it. God's Word, righteous laws and cultural mores' is the answer.
But he did leave an immoral behavior, he stopped lying

No worse than any other sin when it comes to repentance and eternal life. Homosexuality (because it is a perversion) has been dealt with in a very stern manner throughout history (God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; instructed the Jews to execute those caught in the act and had been a felony throughout the majority of US history).

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. Ezk 16:49
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