Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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in all 3 "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads since it's inception back in March of 2012!

The word is getting out, and now that faux marriage has been forced upon America and persecution is going to increase even more so, more people are going to realize that perversion and decency can't co-exist and that returning to righteous laws is part of the answer.

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Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

SCOTUS ruled otherwise.

End of Thread.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

SCOTUS ruled otherwise.

End of Thread.

More about what I witnessed today:

I was a few blocks away from the parade route, but saw many people (so many young ones!) walking to and from the parade in various costumes (many were lewd, fitting in perfectly with the LGBTQueer "culture").

What was so sad is that they thought for some reason they're victorious, but none of them seemed happy. I could tell that deep down inside that they knew that their life is messed up. HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, anal cancer, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide, etc.

How can you and others like Art Brain, Stan and alwight live with yourselves knowing that you promote so much pain and misery?
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Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

You did your best. I commend you for this. You tried. You did what you were supposed to do.

SCOTUS ruled otherwise.
It's over.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

You did your best. I commend you for this. You tried. You did what you were supposed to do.

SCOTUS ruled otherwise.
It's over.

Nice try but aCW is OCD. He just keep recycling the same old same old crap.

As "Christians" I guess you two boyz will be out sharing the gospel with proud and unrepentant sinners ey? (handing out condoms to 12 year olds at pride parades isn't considered sharing the gospel by the way).



New member
As "Christians" I guess you two boyz will be out sharing the gospel with proud and unrepentant sinners ey? (handing out condoms to 12 year olds at pride parades isn't considered sharing the gospel by the way).


handing out condoms to 12 year olds at pride parades

Say ye of "him"....., whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?


Say ye of "him"....., whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

I'm not sure what that has to do with you and Stan's celebration of an abomination, but back to Seattle Pride:

"Went to the Seattle Pride Parade + Festival today. Afterward, a friend asked us how it was. "There was a lot of leather, nudity, and we got a bunch of condoms." Is that what being gay is all about? Is it all about unabashed promiscuity and the celebration of fetishes?"

While I've shown throughout this 3 part thread that it is indeed a huge part of homosexual "culture", tell us boyz, "Is that what being a proud and unrepentant homosexual is all about?"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
More about what I witnessed today:

I was a few blocks away from the parade route, but saw many people (so many young ones!) walking to and from the parade in various costumes (many were lewd, fitting in perfectly with the LGBTQueer "culture").

What was so sad is that they thought for some reason they're victorious, but none of them seemed happy. I could tell that deep down inside that they knew that their life is messed up. HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, anal cancer, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide, etc.

How can you and others like Art Brain, Stan and alwight live with yourselves knowing that you promote so much pain and misery?

What, you could tell all that so far away from an event you apparently didn't even want to witness and just "happened" to have been down town the exact same day it was on? What did you have on you, a pair of binoculars and a mind scan device?


New member
What, you could tell all that so far away from an event you apparently didn't even want to witness and just "happened" to have been down town the exact same day it was on? What did you have on you, a pair of binoculars and a mind scan device?
Come on AB we all know that the righteous and holy just instinctively know the "real" state of mind of those they deem as "evil" and the "perverted".
My guess is that aCW was keen to go downtown because he knew he could get away with wearing that leather thong and gimp mask he likes to wear around the house.:eek:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How can you and others like Art Brain, Stan and alwight live with yourselves knowing that you promote so much pain and misery?

What, you could tell all that so far away from an event you apparently didn't even want to witness and just "happened" to have been down town the exact same day it was on? What did you have on you, a pair of binoculars and a mind scan device?

Come on AB we all know that the righteous and holy just instinctively know the "real" state of mind of those they deem as "evil" and the "perverted".
My guess is that aCW was keen to go downtown because he knew he could get away with wearing that leather thong and gimp mask he likes to wear around the house.:eek:

I guess you two boyz are so calloused from your own pain and misery that you can't (or just plain don't want to) see it in others.

Back later with photos from the Seattle Pride Parade (unlike Al and Art, at least these people are proud enough to admit what they stand for).


New member
I guess you two boyz are so calloused from your own pain and misery that you can't (or just plain don't want to) see it in others.
Well, if you say so aCW, after all life's a bi*ch and then you die, right?
Did your leather thong chafe much?:plain:

Back later with photos from the Seattle Pride Parade (unlike Al and Art, at least these people are proud enough to admit what they stand for).
So they're not all bad then?
If you moved away from Seatle you'd soon miss them I suspect? :(


And now yet another taste of homosexual...


I'm wondering if GFR7 was on the planning committee for Seattle's annual march of the moral degenerates (aka a "gay pride parade"), as disco music was present (and we all know that like disco, LGBTQueer pride, indoctrination and total domination of society will just...

"fade away").

Seattle Pride Parade revelers celebrate marriage equality

June 28 2015

Joyous cheers and disco music surged through downtown Seattle Sunday as the always-irreverant annual Seattle Gay Pride parade became an ecstatic celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to legalize gay marriage in America.

The crowded, noisy revelries were punctuated by a few raindrops, which only prompted one diva on a float with a sound system to lip sync the Barbra Streisand standard, “Don’t Rain On My Parade.”

For many participants, the celebration was a time to reflect on how far the cause of gay rights has advanced in the past few decades, and to thank the pioneers of the movement for their courage in the face of condemnation and discrimination...

Read more: http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/seattle-pride-parade-revelers-celebrate-marriage-equality/

The liberal fag rag of a wannabe newspaper called "The Seattle Times" (not to be confused with the liberal fag rag of a wannabe online newspaper called "The Seattle Post Intelligencer"), posted 41 pictures, I'll share a few.

Surprise surprise, children of all ages are present for this celebration of perversion.



And of course it wouldn't be a LGBTQueer parade without the whips and chains crowd.



More photos celebrating perversion "pride" in the next post.


More from Seattle Pride 2015

Did I mention that the indoctrination of youth is a huge part of the LGBTQueer movement? (The two Boy Sodomizers of America in the back of the picture are obviously discussing who gets to sleep in which tent come camping season: little Bobby's or little Timmy's).



And a LGBTQueer parade wouldn't be complete without a representative from B. Hussein Obama's new military:



And this little bull dyke from the King County Sheriffs Dept. is obviously yelling out "Romans 13:4!" to the crowd.



View more "pride" at this link

Back later with photos from the Seattle PI.


New member
Stop with the disco comments. :madmad:

Now that Justice Kennedy has proven himself a senile and driveling old sentimental hippie, I don't think any of it will ever fade away now......:sam:

These pics from this weekend's NYC Pride hold none of the dignity of Martin Luther King and his sober, modest followers. Thank God I didn't go in with my family.....

How dare gays compare themselves to them?





Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How can you and others like Art Brain, Stan and alwight live with yourselves knowing that you promote so much pain and misery?

I guess you two boyz are so calloused from your own pain and misery that you can't (or just plain don't want to) see it in others.

Back later with photos from the Seattle Pride Parade (unlike Al and Art, at least these people are proud enough to admit what they stand for).

Er, no, not really. I'm more wondering why a guy who says he doesn't attend these parades just "happened" to be in town on the day it was on, and was somehow close enough to see all these people and read their minds in the process. Highly odd...

But don't let me keep you from looking at a load of pictures of homosexuals to put on here...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess you two boyz are so calloused from your own pain and misery that you can't (or just plain don't want to) see it in others.

Er, no, not really.

(That's about as profound as Art Brain can get. Now back to sleazy innuendos, his specialty).

I'm more wondering why a guy who says he doesn't attend these parades just "happened" to be in town on the day it was on, and was somehow close enough to see all these people and read their minds in the process. Highly odd...

Highly queer isn't it Art?

One of these days (before all of the disco music has finally been destroyed and Gay Pride Parades are no more), I'll pop a handful of "be patient with these lost souls flaunting depravity in front of children" pills and with camera in hand, will attend a march of the moral degenerates parade and photograph the really good stuff that you and your fellow LGBTQ'ers don't want people to see.

But don't let me keep you from looking at a load of pictures of homosexuals to put on here...

Trust me Art, I'm gong to continue to share "gay culture" even though it seems to bother you so (and I just hate it when Art Brain is bothered by my thread).


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

How ironic that it was a Supreme Court decision that legalized "gay marriage" - the very institution that conservatives have been trying for decades to "stack" with "right wing" justices to impose their agenda on the rest of us!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(That's about as profound as Art Brain can get. Now back to sleazy innuendos, his specialty).

Hmm, projection all round there aCW. They're your speciality remember? You are, after all, the one between the two of us who's been sent to the penalty box on multiple occasions for the use of them.

Highly queer isn't it Art?

One of these days (before all of the disco music has finally been destroyed and Gay Pride Parades are no more), I'll pop a handful of "be patient with these lost souls flaunting depravity in front of children" pills and with camera in hand, will attend a march of the moral degenerates parade and photograph the really good stuff that you and your fellow LGBTQ'ers don't want people to see.

You mean you already haven't?

Trust me Art, I'm gong to continue to share "gay culture" even though it seems to bother you so (and I just hate it when Art Brain is bothered by my thread).

Oh, I'm sure you'll continue scouring the net for gay pics for hours a day despite it being very odd behaviour for a supposedly straight married man...

It's also a bit hard to be bothered by something woefully inept and laughable.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

How ironic that it was a Supreme Court decision that legalized "gay marriage" - the very institution that conservatives have been trying for decades to "stack" with "right wing" justices to impose their agenda on the rest of us!

Agenda? What agenda?

Give me a break jgarden, I'd shown how the left has "Judge shopped" to get all of the right pieces in place for not only this decision, but for rulings like Lawrence v Texas.

Thank you for acknowledging (in a roundabout way) that the side that controls government, controls society.
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