Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
John 15: 18-20

...And do quit with this martyr stuff dude. I doubt anyone on this thread actually hates you. You're a bit too much of a clown to elicit such a visceral response, sorry an all...

Try to think outside of that tiny little box that you call a brain for a moment and look at the big picture Art.

There is an attack on Christianity here in America and throughout western civilization by the godless secular humanist movement. If you would like to get off of your drama queen soapbox for awhile, you and I (or any of your LGBTQueer allies like Stan or alwight) can discuss the long list of posts showing persecution of Christians, whose only 'crime' was being a follower of Jesus Christ.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
John 15: 18-20

Try to think outside of that tiny little box that you call a brain for a moment and look at the big picture Art.

There is an attack on Christianity here in America and throughout western civilization by the godless secular humanist movement. If you would like to get off of your drama queen soapbox for awhile, you and I (or any of your LGBTQueer allies like Stan or alwight) can discuss the long list of posts showing persecution of Christians, whose only 'crime' was being a follower of Jesus Christ.
The poor persecuted majority card do I see?
aCW darts back into the fold once more where he isn't particularly wanted either I suspect.:nono:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Try to think outside of that tiny little box that you call a brain for a moment and look at the big picture Art.

There is an attack on Christianity here in America and throughout western civilization by the godless secular humanist movement. If you would like to get off of your drama queen soapbox for awhile, you and I (or any of your LGBTQueer allies like Stan or alwight) can discuss the long list of posts showing persecution of Christians, whose only 'crime' was being a follower of Jesus Christ.

The poor persecuted majority card do I see?
aCW darts back into the fold once more where he isn't particularly wanted either I suspect.:nono:

What were the words that your great LGBTQueer icon (Dan Savage) said when it comes to persecuting Christians?

"We're pushing back".


Thanks for acknowledging that people of faith are being fired, fined, forced out of business, threatened with jail time and subjected to threats and acts of violence simply for being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Now if you would be so kind as to share that with the drama queen and his tiny little brain, as it appears that he hasn't caught on yet.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
John 15: 18-20

Try to think outside of that tiny little box that you call a brain for a moment and look at the big picture Art.

There is an attack on Christianity here in America and throughout western civilization by the godless secular humanist movement. If you would like to get off of your drama queen soapbox for awhile, you and I (or any of your LGBTQueer allies like Stan or alwight) can discuss the long list of posts showing persecution of Christians, whose only 'crime' was being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Oh boy, you're not being persecuted doofus, laughed at sure but not persecuted so quit with the martyr wailing. Considering this entire thread has been nowt but a personal soapbox/blog since part one your projection is more than a little ironic...


Try to think outside of that tiny little box that you call a brain for a moment and look at the big picture Art.

There is an attack on Christianity here in America and throughout western civilization by the godless secular humanist movement. If you would like to get off of your drama queen soapbox for awhile, you and I (or any of your LGBTQueer allies like Stan or alwight) can discuss the long list of posts showing persecution of Christians, whose only 'crime' was being a follower of Jesus Christ

Oh boy, you're not being persecuted doofus, laughed at sure but not persecuted so quit with the martyr wailing. Considering this entire thread has been nowt but a personal soapbox/blog since part one your projection is more than a little ironic...

Why don't you admit that after all of those years of being called cruel names and mocked for just being "who you are" that it feels oh so very good to...

"push back".


Originally Posted by Angel4Truth
Weird, a great many gays ive known personally speak of being molested as a child. Seems there is a huge connection if you ask me

so do a great many straights.

Sorry but there isn't a connection between homosexuals and pedophiles.

The thread's "Queen of Denial" throne is currently occupied by a drama queen, so save your bold faced lies for another thread.

Thanks to you and your LGBTQueer movement, children and youth will be denied therapy after being raped by a homosexual, so your movement's numbers will rise.

That must make you feel good ey TracerBullet?


New member
Thanks for acknowledging that people of faith are being fired, fined, forced out of business, threatened with jail time and subjected to threats and acts of violence simply for being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Now if you would be so kind as to share that with the drama queen and his tiny little brain, as it appears that he hasn't caught on yet.
Is this about say Christian cake shops and wedding cakes for gay couples aCW? :rolleyes:
Seems to me that if some so called Christians think that they have a right to persecute homosexuals or to preach hellfire without any incurred "push-back" then perhaps they should think again?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for acknowledging that people of faith are being fired, fined, forced out of business, threatened with jail time and subjected to threats and acts of violence simply for being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Now if you would be so kind as to share that with the drama queen and his tiny little brain, as it appears that he hasn't caught on yet.

Is this about say Christian cake shops and wedding cakes for gay couples aCW? :rolleyes:

Etc. etc. etc. (alwight has been paying attention in class).

Seems to me that if some so called Christians think that they have a right to persecute homosexuals or to preach hellfire without any incurred "push-back" then perhaps they should think again?

The poor persecuted majority minority card do I see?

Yeah, telling a couple of proud and unrepentant sinners that celebration of their sin goes against Christian doctrine and therefore they can't accommodate them with floral arrangements, photography, wedding cakes, etc. etc. etc. is real "persecution" isn't it Al?
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Thanks for acknowledging that people of faith are being fired, fined, forced out of business, threatened with jail time and subjected to threats and acts of violence simply for being a follower of Jesus Christ.

IF most Christians were actually followers of Jesus.

It's not because they are "following Jesus." It's because they are homophobic, bigoted, patriarchal, authoritarian, elitist, hypocritical and judgmental.

Everything Jesus was not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why don't you admit that after all of those years of being called cruel names and mocked for just being "who you are" that it feels oh so very good to...

"push back".

No can do bud because it never happened, but my word you like your little fantasies don't you? Are they biblically condoned again? For some reason you haven't answered on that yet.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why don't you admit that after all of those years of being called cruel names and mocked for just being "who you are" that it feels oh so very good to...

"push back".

No can do bud because it never happened, but my word you like your little fantasies don't you? Are they biblically condoned again? For some reason you haven't answered on that yet.


I thought that I made it clear long ago when you were on one of your many derailment rants (cigarette smoking, Phil Robertson), that I'm doing your mental instability a great disservice by playing along with your drama queen rants.

The current topic is persecution.


Either Christians (and some people who aren't Christians, but simply voiced their opinion on the topic of homosexuality) who have been subjected to fines, loss of employment, threat of imprisonment and subjected to violence and property damage by LGBTQueer activists are the people who are being persecuted for simply following Christian doctrine, or they're not.

Focus Art on giving me a...ahem...straight answer, I know that you can do it.


Let's talk sports:

With the Golden State Warriors winning the NBA Championship for the first time in 40 years, I had to ask myself what happened to their previous coach who for the last two prior seasons lead the Warriors to the playoffs?

Mark Jackson Firing Caused by Perceived Anti-Gay Stance?

June 2, 2014

Could Mark Jackson’s religious stance on gays have lead to his dismissal from the Golden State Warriors?

All signs seem to point in that direction, according to SFBay, which cited comments made by Jackson during a shoot-around on a road trip before Jason Collins signed with the Brooklyn Nets in February.

Collins, the first openly gay player in the NBA, was mentioned after a joke was made about the signing of former Warriors assistant coach Brian Scalabrine to a 10-day contract. A source close to the Warriors, mentioned Jackson’s response being “Not in my locker room.”

“I will say this. We live in a country that allows you to be whoever you want to be. As a Christian man, I serve a God that gives you free will to be who you want to be,” he said. “As a Christian man, I have beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong. That being said, I know Jason Collins, I know his family, and am certainly praying for them at this time.”

...homophobic, bigoted, patriarchal, authoritarian, elitist, hypocritical and judgmental

Jackson’s remarks were in direct conflict with Warriors president Rick Welts, who voiced his support of Collins after the athlete announced he was gay in 2013. Welts is noted for being the only openly gay, high-ranking executive in the NBA.

Read more at http://www.eurweb.com/2014/06/mark-...erceived-anti-gay-stance/#CqpO2uEX4rx38KTm.99



Jackson’s remarks were in direct conflict with Warriors president Rick Welts, who voiced his support of Collins after the athlete announced he was gay in 2013. Welts is noted for being the only openly gay, high-ranking executive in the NBA

...Disagreements and discussions with conflict between and among different people is just part of being human....


And now a few words from a bigoted, patriarchal, authoritarian, elitist, hypocritical and judgmental homophile:

...Disagreements and discussions with conflict between and among different people is just part of being human....

Yes, there will always be "conflict" between those who proudly embrace immoral behavior and those who stand up for God's Word.

The question is: Which side is going to win? (I'll help you with the answer: God doesn't lose).


New member
Weird, a great many gays ive known personally speak of being molested as a child. Seems there is a huge connection if you ask me.

Well I can't say the same thing as I have really not gotten to know many, but the ones I have known were NEVER molested. Pedophiles stick with either girls or boys and never have adult sexual contact. So to say the ones that molest boys are gay but the ones that molest girls aren't, is ludicrous. It is a DIFFERENT aberration all together.
Many pedophiles are related to their victims ,so are all people that succumb to incest homosexual? I think, it best to keep the lines of definition clear from ambiguity, so as not to give people like aCW more bad info to run with.


Originally Posted by Angel4Truth
Weird, a great many gays ive known personally speak of being molested as a child. Seems there is a huge connection if you ask me.

Well I can't say the same thing as I have really not gotten to know many, but the ones I have known were NEVER molested. Pedophiles stick with either girls or boys and never have adult sexual contact. So to say the ones that molest boys are gay but the ones that molest girls aren't, is ludicrous. It is a DIFFERENT aberration all together.
Many pedophiles are related to their victims ,so are all people that succumb to incest homosexual? I think, it best to keep the lines of definition clear from ambiguity, so as not to give people like aCW more bad info to run with.

Good point Stan, I wouldn't want a video from openly homosexual Walter Lee Hammond II to give me "bad info to run with".

WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality, there will be profanity and obscenity.


Nor would I want words straight out of the mouths of other homosexuals to give me "bad info to run with".

[yt='Gays' admit that they weren't born that way]2h5pI7KASjU[/yt]

Oh and Stan: the thread's Queen of Denial throne is currently occupied by someone who worked very hard to get there, but hang in their kid, as one never knows when there might be an opening.


New member
Good point Stan, I wouldn't want a video from openly homosexual Walter Lee Hammond II to give me "bad info to run with".
Nor would I want words straight out of the mouths of other homosexuals to give me "bad info to run with".
Oh and Stan: the thread's Queen of Denial throne is currently occupied by someone who worked very hard to get there, but hang in their kid, as one never knows when there might be an opening.

I really don't care what gay people say on video.
Did you used to work for the National Enquirer or do you still?
The only Queen I see here is YOU, but you're just paranoid to admit it.

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