Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Welcome back to the WHMBR! thread GFR7 (this is the longest you've stayed away).

No, I don't remember how we used to be friends, because we never were. And yes, facing the truth can be "dreadful" for those that don't want to hear it.

Well, we had a bond. A sort of love/hate-father/son union (I was the loving son and you were the hating father). :plain:


1. Did you miss me? :think:

2. Did you mean it when you called me a loser who needed to get a life? :AMR1:


New member
I also base it on the fruit of the spirit in a Christian's life. As it says in Galatians 5:22-23 'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.'
:BRAVO: :thumb:


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Post from Part 2 on Michael Jackson

Neither was OJ Simpson (who was obviously framed on another crime hence being in prison and taking away his ability to go out and find the real murderer of his wife and her male friend).

Borrowing the word that my widdle friend zoo22 likes to use quite often, your entire post was...
Even the thought of pedophilia, let alone anything resembling the road to pedophilia, is creepy to most of us. It makes sense that we would leer at somebody doing anything resembling the road to or any other activities connected with pedophilia. People who feel safe and happy especially around children, tend toward careers and hobbies that have them helping children; teachers, daycare workers and camp workers, scout leaders, etc. Jackson chose an odd way to get his fix, but that doesn't in and of itself imply guilt of criminal activity, especially since it would have been difficult for him and other celebrities to engage in the typical activities that others do who also love spending time with kids.


New member
Is it my imagine or did the boyz just compare these two things:



with this


and laugh about it?

AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year

...An estimated 30,000 gay men in this country became infected with HIV in 2010. Gay men are only about 2% of the U.S. population, but we're now the fastest growing group of new infections, accounting for 63% of total infections in recent years. Most of these are young gay men, and over half of these 13-24 year-olds are black gay men. Why aren't these numbers shocking us?

Nearly 7,000 gay men still die from AIDS in this country each year. I realize that gay marriage is important and worth fighting for, but shouldn't our national gay rights groups be doing more than token levels of activism around HIV/AIDS? This is by far the biggest health care issue in the gay community,...

Boy, there is so much work to be done in the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement:

1) Repeal existing sodomy laws (so that little Nelson Sloan can go about sodomizing whatshisname without the humiliation of being arrested).

2). Find a cure for all of those STD's that are still killing those who partake in homosexual behavior in droves.

My my, with all of that work that needs to be done how does the LGBTQueer movement find time to camp out at Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties and elementary school playgrounds looking for new recruits?
Call me an old cynic aCW but I have a few doubts about your altruistic intent.
On one hand homosexuality is an abomination decreed by God who is simply to be obeyed because He says so, while on the other you are trying to convince us that your real concern is for the self inflicted harm that these poor fools have brought upon themselves (sob!).
So which is it, are you simply following divine orders, or are you an unusually caring person, or are you a homophobic bigot? :sherlock:


New member
I base my beliefs on how Christians should speak to others on the Bible. More specifically 1 Peter 3:15-16 'But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.'

I also base it on the fruit of the spirit in a Christian's life. As it says in Galatians 5:22-23 'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.'
I am sure that we stand in agreement. Still, Christ often was rather harsh with those "religious leaders" who should have known better. Don't misunderstand, I am not saying that the kind of rudeness that exists on almost every thread on TOL is justified, but, in the end, Christ will be having some serious things to say with the likes of CW and the antagonists in his small minded cartel .


New member
I would posit that it is you who is a complete ignoramus when it comes to matters of both science and scripture. In the case of science, there is no proof that people are born homosexual.
There is no "proof" that bacteria causes illness - It's just what all the evidence says.

all the evidence says that sexual orientation is inborn.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Post from Part 2 on Michael Jackson

Even the thought of pedophilia, let alone anything resembling the road to pedophilia, is creepy to most of us. It makes sense that we would leer at somebody doing anything resembling the road to or any other activities connected with pedophilia. People who feel safe and happy especially around children, tend toward careers and hobbies that have them helping children; teachers, daycare workers and camp workers, scout leaders, etc. Jackson chose an odd way to get his fix, but that doesn't in and of itself imply guilt of criminal activity, especially since it would have been difficult for him and other celebrities to engage in the typical activities that others do who also love spending time with kids.

Obviously you're choosing to keep blinders over your eyes by not reading The Smoking Gun article on Michael Jackson.

The last paragraph alone is enough to convince anyone with a half of a brain that Jacko was a child molester.

It was during his recap of the children's interviews that [clinical and forensic psychologiist Dr. Stanley] Katz provided Detective Zelis with an unsolicited, and surely surprising, analysis of Jackson. The entertainer, he offered, was really just a regressed adolescent who behaved like any 10-year-old boy prone to "w*****g off" with his buddies. That is a professional opinion not shared by Santa Barbara county detectives and prosecutors, who have spent 18 months building the case that Michael Joe Jackson preys on young boys.

You can take your Michael Jackson posters down off of your walls now Jed, as the truth has been revealed.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Post from Part 2 on Michael Jackson

Obviously you're choosing to keep blinders over your eyes by not reading The Smoking Gun article on Michael Jackson.

The last paragraph alone is enough to convince anyone with a half of a brain that Jacko was a child molester.

It was during his recap of the children's interviews that [clinical and forensic psychologiist Dr. Stanley] Katz provided Detective Zelis with an unsolicited, and surely surprising, analysis of Jackson. The entertainer, he offered, was really just a regressed adolescent who behaved like any 10-year-old boy prone to "w*****g off" with his buddies. That is a professional opinion not shared by Santa Barbara county detectives and prosecutors, who have spent 18 months building the case that Michael Joe Jackson preys on young boys.

You can take your Michael Jackson posters down off of your walls now Jed, as the truth has been revealed.
Are you advertising fagdom, so people will be more efficient at it?

Every once and while, I say this. Stop advertising faggotry. Wacko Jacko did not get away with as much as you imply. Anything he did was either supported or revoked easily with his wealth.


Are you advertising fagdom, so people will be more efficient at it?
Every once and while, I say this. Stop advertising faggotry.

(I can't help but speculate that Omni is threatened by the truth that is shown in this 3 part thread).

Wacko Jacko did not get away with as much as you imply. Anything he did was either supported or revoked easily with his wealth.

Jackson was acquitted of raping little boys. In my world that's "getting away with it".


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year

Call me an old cynic aCW but I have a few doubts about your altruistic intent.

While sitting here at my PC there's a two word term that I frequently call you Al that starts with the word "old", but doesn't end with the word "cynic".

On one hand homosexuality is an abomination decreed by God who is simply to be obeyed because He says so, while on the other you are trying to convince us that your real concern is for the self inflicted harm that these poor fools have brought upon themselves (sob!).
So which is it, are you simply following divine orders, or are you an unusually caring person, or are you a homophobic bigot? :sherlock:

The "Divine Orders" that I get Al come from Jesus Himself and say:

"Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself".

I can't follow that "Divine Order" if I sit back and watch as people proudly engage in an absolutely filthy and deadly behavior (a changeable one), one that was caused by environmental factors such as being molested as a child or growing up without a father.

No Al, loving my neighbor means in this case recriminalizing laws that will help these morally lost and extremely sexually confused individuals find the way to righteous living.


Firstly aCW, you are a hopelessly unashamed homophobic bigot with absolutely no intention of providing a reasonable, fair and balanced case against homosexuals or in seeking to apply similar measures or sanctions to heterosexuals who often do pretty much identical things.
Citing poor lifestyle choices and paedophilia as specifically homosexual traits is a crock and what's more you know it.

You simply hate the idea of homosexuality and insist that it is some kind of personal choice, imho perhaps because of your own sexual ambiguity and a forlorn hope that you can somehow choose to reject it.
While I'm sorry for your own mental turmoil but we each have our own crosses to bear, if you'll pardon the Christian analogy.
You are a very sad person aCW. :plain:

Dear Alwight,

You have hit the nail on the head!! I agree with everything you've said here. Too bad aCW doesn't. Gays deserve to be loved also. Ask God about that if you get a chance. You'd probably never hear His answer in your heart or ears!! With God's Love, gays can repent at the time when they are ready to pull it off. It's not easy and you have to be at the right point in your life and decide whether you choose being gay or choose God and what He wants for you. I was gay for years and I am POSITIVE that God still loved me through all of it. I am now asexual, an abstainer for God and Jesus, and a virgin with women still. See Rev. 14:4. 'These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins, and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes.'

I'm glad my life does not rest in your hands. It rests in God's and Jesus' Hands.




Everyone has a choice whether or not to act on their sinful desires. Everyone.Of course we need to love people who are caught up in sin, but as part of loving them we need to share the gospel with them, and the hope that is in Christ Jesus and warn them that if they don't repent and believe they won't make it to heaven. They will ultimately end up in hell. But I add the caveat that we must do this with gentleness and respect.

Dear lovemeorhateme,

I love you, In Christ. That means I love you the way Jesus loved His disciples and even washing their feet. Hey, I agree with your post, except I know that God loves the person, but not the sins. But Jesus said forgive 70 x 7. With God and I, it has been 7,000 x 700!! He's stuck by me through thick and thin. I mean He's loved me through other sins also. I must tell you that some girls are sodomized by their boyfriends. It's part of their having sex. Just wanted to let you know that.

God Watch Over You Always!!






New member
While sitting here at my PC there's a two word term that I frequently call you Al that starts with the word "old", but doesn't end with the word "cynic".
You seem about as able to comprehend cynicism as you do irony aCW, the subtleties of life and language just seem to pass you by in your perhaps polarised, extremist and absolutist mind-set.:(

The "Divine Orders" that I get Al come from Jesus Himself and say:

"Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself".
That's something whoever wrote the gospels told you Jesus said anyway.

I can't follow that "Divine Order" if I sit back and watch as people proudly engage in an absolutely filthy and deadly behavior (a changeable one), one that was caused by environmental factors such as being molested as a child or growing up without a father.
What this has to do with criminalising all homosexuals is anyone's guess. :idunno:

No Al, loving my neighbor means in this case recriminalizing laws that will help these morally lost and extremely sexually confused individuals find the way to righteous living.
Somehow aCW the innate love you claim to have for your fellows doesn't really come shining through here on ToL. :nono:
I think others may tend to agree with me about that from my experience.
In your polarised view all homosexuals have to be tarred with the same brush, yet it doesn't seem to matter to you that some, probably many more, heterosexuals also do bad things.
I think you simply use your God, Jesus and scripture as a handy convenience for your own homophobic ends. I'm quite sure that if your God is true then He really doesn't need you to organise things for Him. :nono:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As cute as sd is Art (she's not your type, she's a female), one really can't take her serious on this topic because homosexuality hasn't been considered a capital offense during the 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (there's no legal precedence for it).

Well SD certainly isn't 'my type' as I prefer women who aren't dingbat crazy. Your projection is once again duly noted however and one can only wonder how stifling that closet must be by now...

You and SD do share rather a lot in common though, not the least being that nobody takes either of you seriously. The pair of you are absolute loons.


New member
aCW: Go ahead and ignore me. I will go back to watching O'Reilly's Killing Jesus: ( the Jesus is actually quite robust and inspiring.) :think:

Fie on you and your whole stinking suburban Seattle life.

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