Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Morpheus said:
With all his bluster he comes across something like, maybe, a prison guard in some back-woodsy red state like, say, Indiana. Someone with a self-impressed flimsey authority position with no real teeth, originally sought to boost his deflated ego. The type of guy you'd feel sorry for if he weren't so utterly obnoxious.


aCW resides in both Kentucky and Washington State and has worked as a homicide detective.

aCultureWarrior said:
You might want to take your hypothesis up with ex homosexual lovemeorhateme who will tell you that being molested as a child lead to his same sex desires. If GFR7 had an ounce of decency in him, he'd do the right thing and tell you as well. I've also shown numerous times during my "regurgitated rants" throughout this 3 part thread testimony by ex homosexuals saying that being molested as a child lead to their homosexual desires and later behavior.
It can play a big part, I am certain. When did I ever deny this?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You might want to take your hypothesis up with ex homosexual lovemeorhateme who will tell you that being molested as a child lead to his same sex desires. If GFR7 had an ounce of decency in him, he'd do the right thing and tell you as well.

It can play a big part, I am certain. When did I ever deny this?

Yeah, I must have missed the dozens of times that you mentioned it in the Part 3 thread.

How about you tell us now how being molested as a child (refer to Part 3's most important post)

lead to your confusion regarding normal human sexual behavior and ultimately lead to you engaging in homosexual behavior?

Your honesty will help many more like you, i.e. it would be the decent thing to do GFR7.


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What happened in your childhood that made you befriend people who proudly engage in an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior and state in an internet forum that you wouldn't be particularly concerned about having your innocent grandchildren being around such people?

You have much in common with someone ^ who recently posted in this thread:

What causes homosexual desire?

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father

I'm sorry about your childhood Morpheus. Due to the fact that I was raised by two very loving parents in a very healthy environment, I can't even begin to relate.

Fixed that for ya.

You might want to take your hypothesis up with ex homosexual lovemeorhateme who will tell you that being molested as a child lead to his same sex desires. If GFR7 had an ounce of decency in him, he'd do the right thing and tell you as well. I've also shown numerous times during my "regurgitated rants" throughout this 3 part thread testimony by ex homosexuals saying that being molested as a child lead to their homosexual desires and later behavior.

So God, who created man in His own Image, gave some people that elusive 'gay' gene but not others?

(Don't cha just love it when supposed "Christians" compare man with animals?).

I covered the differences between man and animals again somewhat recently in this post Morphie, you might want to review it to see how ridiculous you sound.

The myth of homosexuality in nature.

As shown, psychological damage can lead to same sex desires as much as physical molestation can.

Drop your theories Morphie, those poor children were severely damaged by someone they trusted and most likely loved. That damage lead to a twisted and perverted outlook towards normal human sexuality.

So now you proudly embrace the LGBT rainbow flag and see people like me (and more importantly God) as your enemy.

Any plans this summer on which LGBTQueer pride parade you'll be taking the (imaginary) grandkids to Morphie?

So, in other words, you have no practical experience dealing with either abused children or homosexuals, and the extent of your training is limited to websites of like-minded hacks. I have never been molested, had sexual relations with a man or ever had the slighted inkling of desire to do so, been married 42+ years with 2 natural-born children, 3 adopted, well over 100 foster kids, 16 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren, and hundreds of others who made my home their second home (basically a place they felt safe and loved); yet you feel compelled to project homosexuality upon me because I am pointing out your ignorance and bigotry. I have suggested it before, and will repeat it now, seek professional help for your mental health issues. You will never find real joy carrying around all that hatred and bitterness. I don't know the source of it, whether it is physiological, environmental, or a combination of the two; but, a professional mental health team would likely find the source given enough time. I do know that you're never going to get better feeding your illness the way you are here.


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And these are the very same things that cause people to have dark skin and to be left handed.

Isn't it impressive how he uses his older posts as references to support his claims? Who else uses his own older writings as references? Rush Limbaugh. You wouldn't think that there would be such a limited supply of crazy.


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He doesn't have his teeth and lives in the back-woods?

I'm not surprised he doesn't have any teeth, but I'm surprised he lives in the woods.

Like, some shack out there in the woods? Or an old abandoned truck or something? What happened to his teeth? Never mind, I really don't want to know.

Anyway, that's definitely a good reason not to go in the back-woods. Ol' toothless.

Maybe "a van down by the river"?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You might want to take your hypothesis up with ex homosexual lovemeorhateme who will tell you that being molested as a child lead to his same sex desires. If GFR7 had an ounce of decency in him, he'd do the right thing and tell you as well.

Yeah, I must have missed the dozens of times that you mentioned it in the Part 3 thread.

How about you tell us now how being molested as a child (refer to Part 3's most important post)

lead to your confusion regarding normal human sexual behavior and ultimately lead to you engaging in homosexual behavior?

Your honesty will help many more like you, i.e. it would be the decent thing to do GFR7.
Okie :D


So, in other words, you have no practical experience dealing with either abused children or homosexuals, and the extent of your training is limited to websites of like-minded hacks.

("like minded hacks". I just love it when the LGBTQueer activist comes out in people like Morphie).

Other than sharing what "like minded hacks" such as Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera, Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber, American Family Association's Bryan Fischer and Mass Resistance's Brian Camenker have to say about homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda, I do have quite a bit of experience with those who engage in homosexual behavior.

To repeat what I've written before:

1). I live and work in city that proudly states that 12% of it's population engage in homosexual behavior*

*I don't believe that 4, 5 and 6 year olds who were recruited by
LGBTQueer activists at Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties and McDonald's Playlands and told that they were homosexual or a little girl trapped in a little boy's body were included in that number.

2). I worked a vice detail for many years and saw how sick these lost souls who engage in homosexual behavior are, many of them youth.

3). I see the moral depravation that liberals like you created on a daily basis Morphie, so don't think for once second I'm naïve about what you stand for and the lives that you've destroyed.

I have never been molested, had sexual relations with a man or ever had the slighted inkling of desire to do so, been married 42+ years with 2 natural-born children, 3 adopted, well over 100 foster kids, 16 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren, and hundreds of others who made my home their second home (basically a place they felt safe and loved);

Just think of all the good that you could have done if you'd only turned to God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture instead of secular humanist LGBTQueer activists propaganda.

yet you feel compelled to project homosexuality upon me because I am pointing out your ignorance and bigotry.

Yet you had no qualms whatsoever "projecting" that I was molested as a child because I stand for decency, righteous laws, and repentance of sinful behavior.

I have suggested it before, an will repeat it now, seek professional help for your mental health issues. You will never find real joy carrying around all that hatred and bitterness. I don't know the source of it, whether it is physiological, environmental, or a combination of the two; but, a professional mental health team would likely find the source given enough time. I do know that you're never going to get better feeding your illness the way you are here.

One side is going to win this culture war Morphie and one side is going to lose. Right now you, your baby murdering-sodomite-sodomite loving President and the LGBQueer/sexual anarchist movement is winning. But there is one very important thing that should scare the living hell out of you Morphie, and it's this:

God doesn't lose.



Since we're currently talking about children being adopted/foster cared by perverts, I thought I'd share this short video of a major television news network having the pervert of all perverts (who without a doubt was repeatedly raped as a child by a homosexual Catholic Priest
http://bigthink.com/videos/how-my-priest-helped-me-come-out ) on their Sunday morning show talking about parenting.

Pervert Dan Savage on parenting-CBS Sunday Morning

I've covered that thavage they call Dan quite a bit in this 3 part thread, here's just one post showing what ole Danny boy has done and why he shouldn't be allowed to be within a mile of any child, let alone raising one.


It appears that Dan "U" Savage! has this thing for Sarah Palin now (not a crush "thing", a foaming at the mouth hatred of Christians "thing").

WARNING! Typical filth that comes out the mouths of proud and unrepentant homosexuals:




Dan Savage: Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"




New member
What in blazes does Dan Savage have to do with the price of beans in January, you first class idjut? :think:

In any event I think Savage married Terry Miller because he is the type of man he wanted but couldn't get in
high school. :idunno:



One of the most hilarious things I've ever seen was National Organization for Marriage President
Brian Brown eating dinner cooked by these two hooligans and an uber-liberal NY Times journalist: (I don't like that they took a homeless
woman's boy to raise as their own, rather than helping her, either):





New member

What are you trying to say? Are you Zoo's absent father? If so he really did overcome a disastrous childhood. Like him, I had my great-grandfather and the grandmother of a friend who took me under their wings and showed me what a loving parent looked like.

So if your childhood was as idyllic as you claim, what happened? Did you need a neighbor to teach you to be a toad? Or maybe it's that tumor against your brain. No wait. That isn't a tumor, it's doogy. You really need to get your head out of there.



What are you trying to say? Are you Zoo's absent father? If so he really did overcome a disastrous childhood. Like him, I had my great-grandfather and the grandmother of a friend who took me under their wings and showed me what a loving parent looked like.

So if your childhood was as idyllic as you claim, what happened? Did you need a neighbor to teach you to be a toad? Or maybe it's that tumor against your brain. No wait. That isn't a tumor, it's doogy. You really need to get your head out of there.

And your point for highlighting this thread is what exactly?

Oh, nevermind, I think it's pretty obvious why you'd be so much of a tosspot to even bring it up. More allusions to other poster's being gay?

Man, you are as thick as you are boring and nauseating, no mean feat in some respects I suppose...

Just pointing out again that early childhood experiences effect our lives as adults.


I'm just amazed at how accurate Paul Cameron is.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” [John 8:7 KJV]



You really haven't followed the thread at all have you Morphie?

The homosexualization of both the American Psychiatric Association and American Psychological Association is so...

yesterday (well, not really yesterday, more like a week ago, but time does fly when you're having fun exposing perverts in the WHMBR! threads).

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