Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without straying off the topic of why homosexuality, incest, pornography, prostitution, adultery and recreational drug use should be legal and sex with children shouldn't, in biblical days people died at much younger ages and because of that, marrying after puberty was common.

that is a misconception based on a misunderstanding of "average life expectancy" of historic eras. We often see that people in a specific era had a life expectancy of whatever. this number was low based on infant and child mortality rates. If you lived in the biblical era and you survived the first few years of life then you would certainly expect to live into or beyond your 60s

Who am I to question someone that represents a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies when it comes to Biblical history? (Traci has never been wrong before, why would he be wrong now?).

I'd ask you to answer my original question that I asked Jr.

(Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is).

but since you only defend homosexuality, never mind.


New member
First:The 1972 Gay Rights Platform really was a text, composed for the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago.


Can anyone document that this National Coalition of Gay Organizations existed? Well no they can't. No one had heard of this group before 1991 when the text you are citing first appeared.

Lets pretend this organization did exist. What was the venue in Chicago where it's convention was held?
How many attended?
Who were the speakers?

Second: If there is any doubt as to the existence of a gay agenda to reshape our culture, one need only read Michelangelo Signorile and other gay advocates who have openly said that "we should fight for gay marriage, and once granted, transform marriage altogether": - or After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s. OR in fact, The Homosexualization of America (1982)

While the book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s is indeed real there is no evidence that this book was used for a strategy by the LGBT movement.
In fact, the book had an extremely small run and no one actually seems to have read it.

Have you actually read it?


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
(Sigh, GFR7 tries so hard to pretend that he's conservative).

That essay is by Carter on the website First Things, a highly religious and ULTRA CONSERVATIVE website of which I am a subscribing member you first class IDIOT




New member
(aCW gives homosexualist GFR7 a condescending pat on the head and says) :One should always listen to a 20 year old who belongs to a godless cult that bases it's morality on whether or not 'consent' is used when it comes to opining.
Get your ugly paw off my gorgeous head. :madmad::chuckle:

At twenty, CL has 50 IQ points on you at least, and powers of reason and logic at his beck and command, denied you, you first class idiot.


Originally Posted by GFR7
First:The 1972 Gay Rights Platform really was a text, composed for the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago.


Can anyone document that this National Coalition of Gay Organizations existed? Well no they can't. No one had heard of this group before 1991 when the text you are citing first appeared.

Lets pretend this organization did exist. What was the venue in Chicago where it's convention was held?
How many attended?
Who were the speakers?

Second: If there is any doubt as to the existence of a gay agenda to reshape our culture, one need only read Michelangelo Signorile and other gay advocates who have openly said that "we should fight for gay marriage, and once granted, transform marriage altogether": - or After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s. OR in fact, The Homosexualization of America (1982)

While the book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s is indeed real there is no evidence that this book was used for a strategy by the LGBT movement.
In fact, the book had an extremely small run and no one actually seems to have read it.

Have you actually read it?

Please don't insult me Traci by acting like GFR7 is against the Gay Rights Movement, because as I've shown throughout Part 3, he's a close ally of yours.

If you want to address the information that I've provided showing where the meeting took place, the homosexual organizations that attended them, then address the question to me.

(BTW, I'm still waiting for that link).


New member
Yes: I have read After the Ball and did a presentation on it for a Philosophy Club;
only a paranoic would think I am an LGBTQ ally.

aCW has shown zippo with his weirdo table of contents :chuckle:


New member
@Tracer Bullet:

I am pretty certain that the Symposium of Gay Allies (National Coalition of Gay Organizations)
took place in Chicago in 1972,
where the agenda was drafted

- below is a photo of the attending chairpersons, Chicago, 1972:



Is it my imagination, or is the Jr. Libertarian ignoring this post?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

Originally Posted by GFR7
He doesn't want to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.


Regarding TracerBullet and his accusation that the 1972 'gay agenda' is a vast right wing conspiracy: here is where he undoubtedly got that information from:

The FRC produced a anti-homosexual propaganda video in 1992, entitled The Gay Agenda. The first video included “expert testimony” from psychologist and sex researcher Paul Cameron, who has made a career of twisting psychological studies to support the condemnation of homosexuality and connect it to child molestation...

In 1993, the FRC followed up The Gay Agenda with two other videos: The Gay Agenda in Public Education (1993) and The Gay Agenda: March on Washington (1993). All three videos and an associated feature film entitled Stonewall: 25 Years of Deception contained interviews with a slew of antigay “experts” such as Cameron, and have been widely used by churches and far right organizations as evidence that a gay agenda not only exists, but is bent on undermining the very values on which America was founded. As I have stated many times, Christians, particularly protestant preachers, will spread their lies, twist the facts around and claim that the Gay Agenda was a document which was penned by Gays, which boast their long term agenda. These people will tell this blatant lie not only to the listening audience on their Christian broadcasts, but also to their own congregation. As I have stated many times, Christians will go to any lengths, to lie, cheat, twist the truth, and steal to perpetuate their apostate, perverted Christian religion with their phoney Christian god.


If Traci didn't actually write those loving tolerant words, he most certainly could have.



@Tracer Bullet:

I am pretty certain that the Symposium of Gay Allies (National Coalition of Gay Organizations)
took place in Chicago in 1972,
where the agenda was drafted

- below is a photo of the attending chairpersons, Chicago, 1972:


On the count of 3, everyone laugh at GFR7's sense of humor when it comes to a group of proud and unrepentant moral degenerates getting together back in 1972 to amongst other things, abolish age of consents laws (for you Libertarians out there that means that your comrades in the LGBTQueer movement want to legalize child rape).

No muffin (that was for you zoo22), this is what the group or your LGBTQueer "fore-fairies" pretty much consisted of:





New member
@Tracer Bullet:

I am pretty certain that the Symposium of Gay Allies (National Coalition of Gay Organizations)
took place in Chicago in 1972,
where the agenda was drafted

- below is a photo of the attending chairpersons, Chicago, 1972:


Is that a family portrait?


New member
Regarding TracerBullet and his accusation that the 1972 'gay agenda' is a vast right wing conspiracy: here is where he undoubtedly got that information from:

The FRC produced a anti-homosexual propaganda video in 1992, entitled The Gay Agenda. The first video included “expert testimony” from psychologist and sex researcher Paul Cameron, who has made a career of twisting psychological studies to support the condemnation of homosexuality and connect it to child molestation...

In 1993, the FRC followed up The Gay Agenda with two other videos: The Gay Agenda in Public Education (1993) and The Gay Agenda: March on Washington (1993). All three videos and an associated feature film entitled Stonewall: 25 Years of Deception contained interviews with a slew of antigay “experts” such as Cameron, and have been widely used by churches and far right organizations as evidence that a gay agenda not only exists, but is bent on undermining the very values on which America was founded. As I have stated many times, Christians, particularly protestant preachers, will spread their lies, twist the facts around and claim that the Gay Agenda was a document which was penned by Gays, which boast their long term agenda. These people will tell this blatant lie not only to the listening audience on their Christian broadcasts, but also to their own congregation. As I have stated many times, Christians will go to any lengths, to lie, cheat, twist the truth, and steal to perpetuate their apostate, perverted Christian religion with their phoney Christian god.


If Traci didn't actually write those loving tolerant words, he most certainly could have.


And where is the documentation of this "agenda" existing before 1991?


I cannot imagine scouring the Internet to poke around on gay websites and homosexual news. On some level, those who do this obviously enjoy it.

What is it really that causes them to become so fixated on same sex relationships?


And where is the documentation of this "agenda" existing before 1991?

Boy Traci, you act as if you're ashamed that a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes, fairies and child molesters got together back in 1972 and created an agenda that would better serve their perverted cause.

You're acting like homosexual organizations didn't exist in 1972 (Gay Liberation Front/GLF, North American Conference of Homophile Organizations/NACHO, Pedophile Harry Hay's Mattachine Society, etc. etc. etc.)

In fact you're acting like the rslevinson "All Things Queer
coverage, commentary & community
for people with brains *and* an attitude!"

website showing the original 1972 'Gay Agenda' is a figment of my imagination.

Whatever happened to fag pride Traci?

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New member
aCultureWarrior said:
No muffin (that was for you zoo22)


Will you kindly stop adding, "that was for you zoo22" each and every time you call me "princess", "muffin", "cupcake", or "buttercup"???

It is insulting. :AMR1:

You called me these names long before zoo pointed it out, and there is no need to keep adding it is for him simply because he finds it suspect.

In fact, I won't tolerate it: You can find yourself another "ButterCup", you big brute!!! :madmad:



Paul mentions pagans throughout his letters.


"[Paganism] doesn't have the same kind of associations of what you can't do sexually -- what is sinful, what is inappropriate -- as some other religions seem to reference, and many people like the notion that all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals, one of the things that we attribute to the great goddess. And if people are doing ethical sexuality, no matter what kind of sex acts are being engaged in, many, many pagans would find that completely acceptable. Consent, ethics -- go for it."
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