Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Are you afraid to stand up for what's right and tell someone what happens when they stand for that which is wrong?
No, but people are going to stand by their beliefs regardless of what I say. Did my hundreds of anti-same sex marriage posts change his mind, or Tracer's, or Rusha's? ( I am not really allowed to post those anymore, btw :( )


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you afraid to stand up for what's right and tell someone what happens when they stand for that which is wrong?

No, but people are going to stand by their beliefs regardless of what I say...

Yet you had no problem in the past few months giving me 101 reasons why homosexuality shouldn't/can't be recriminalized.

Come on GFR7, for once in your life do something good: Tell Miss Pottymouth (for those of you that aren't aware, Art Brain was given a warning for using vulgar language) that his consensual relationship doctrine has been extremely harmful.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you afraid to stand up for what's right and tell someone what happens when they stand for that which is wrong?

Yet you had no problem in the past few months giving me 101 reasons why homosexuality shouldn't/can't be recriminalized.

Come on GFR7, for once in your life do something good: Tell Miss Pottymouth (for those of you that aren't aware, Art Brain was given a warning for using vulgar language) that his consensual relationship doctrine has been extremely harmful.
Right, but for the Luka Magnottas of this world, it was gay porn, Craigslist bondage ads, YouTube sadism and necrophilia, which was the problem: Not gay marriage (which I am still against).

For once in my life do something good????????? I've done plenty of good for my son and others.


Hi, My name is Luka...... I live on the second floor.............



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Come on GFR7, for once in your life do something good: Tell Miss Pottymouth...that his consensual relationship doctrine has been extremely harmful.

Right, but for the Luka Magnottas of this world, it was gay porn, Craigslist bondage ads, YouTube sadism and necrophilia, which was the problem: Not gay marriage (which I am still against).

Yet they're all part of the LGBTQueer (sexual anarchist) movement.

For once in my life do something good????????? I've done plenty of good for my son and others.

Tell us about the "good" that you did while being paid to write for a homosexual publication.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Come on GFR7, for once in your life do something good: Tell Miss Pottymouth...that his consensual relationship doctrine has been extremely harmful.

Yet they're all part of the LGBTQueer (sexual anarchist) movement.

Tell us about the "good" that you did while being paid to write for a homosexual publication.

Not until you respond to the Luka pic and caption :AMR1:


Not until you respond to the Luka pic and caption :AMR1:

What's to respond to? As I mentioned in an earlier post: Luka Magnotta is the end result of what "consensual morality" has brought to our once civilized society.

Now tell us of "the good" that being a homosexual journalist brought to anyone let alone an entire nation.


New member
I wanted you to respond to Luka living on the second floor. :AMR1:


You mean for a few weeks , when I did editing and sold advertising?

I supported my family. :D :wave2:


I wanted you to respond to Luka living on the second floor. :AMR1:

I have no idea nor do I want to know what that means amongst the homosexual culture.

You mean for a few weeks , when I did editing and sold advertising?

I supported my family. :D :wave2:

You worked for and were paid by people who you admitted molest children.

You think that you're better than Luka Magnotta. Hardly, it's people like you that created him.


New member
I have no idea nor do I want to know what that means amongst the homosexual culture.

You worked for and were paid by people who you admitted molest children.

You think that you're better than Luka Magnotta. Hardly, it's people like you that created him.

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was

I had NO idea who was paying me or whom I worked for, and it was a short stint. It was a publishing company which ran 30 papers which paid me.

I did NOTHING to create Magnotta, and it's surreal to suggest so.


Matthew 5:43-48 (Love for Enemies)

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?
48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

- love your neighbor

- love your enemies

- pray for those who persecute you

- if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

For one who claims to be a Christian, apparently the OP is either uninforned or choses to ignore Christ's command that we should "love our neighbors" including those we would consider to be our "enemies."

There is a reoccuring theme throughout the Bible that how we choose to judge our "neighbors" (including those who hate and persecute us) is how we will be judged by God!

The OP would "recriminalize" homosexuals oblivious to the fact that that it was the "criminal" from "The Thief on the Cross," and not those who were administering "justice," who was promised a place in "Paradise!"


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I have no idea nor do I want to know what that means amongst the homosexual culture.

You worked for and were paid by people who you admitted molest children.

You think that you're better than Luka Magnotta. Hardly, it's people like you that created him.

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was

(Again, it's a fag culture thing).

I had NO idea who was paying me or whom I worked for, and it was a short stint. It was a publishing company which ran 30 papers which paid me.

Yet numerous pages back you stated that you worked for a "homosexual publication".

So many personalities, so little memory.

I did NOTHING to create Magnotta, and it's surreal to suggest so.

He, like many lost souls who engage in homosexual behavior is a product of the environment that he or she was raised in.

If the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist/consensual morality movement didn't create people like Luka Magnotta, who did?


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Yet numerous pages back you stated that you worked for a "homosexual publication".

So many personalities, so little memory.
I said I did a short stint for some lgbtq paper-

but my paycheck came from the publishing company which owned the rag, see? :cigar:

Luka, like many lost souls who engage in homosexual behavior is a product of the environment that he or she was raised in.

If the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist/consensual morality movement didn't create people like Luka Magnotta, who did?

Who did?
You ask who did???

The radical feminist culture.
The daycare culture.
The corporate culture....
The no fault divorce culture.
The gender bending culture.
The pushing of toxic psychotropic drugs by psychiatrists on young people (pushing pills for big Pharma business culture).
Multiculturalism's silent partner.
The Porn culture.
The violent film culture.
They put Luka on the second floor.



And now a few words from a pagan who got a hold of a Bible and like any good pagan or atheist, uses Holy Scripture to meet his own selfish desires:
Who appointed "aCultureWarrior" to pass judgment on the religious beliefs of others just because they have the audacity to challenge his assertions?

The Bible is replete with verses admonishing believers not to pass judgment on others - obviously "aCultureWarrior" thinks that none of them apply to him.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Yet numerous pages back you stated that you worked for a "homosexual publication".

So many personalities, so little memory.

I said I did a short stint for some lgbtq paper-

but my paycheck came from the publishing company which owned the rag, see?

Boy, the next thing you'll be doing is saying that you're not proud of the 'weeks and weeks of research' you did in homosexual infested Provincetown (where you were forced to take all of your meals in homosexual bars and restaurants).

Take a side in this culture war or get out of the way GFR7, you're making a total fool out of yourself.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And now a few words from a pagan who got a hold of a Bible and like any good pagan or atheist, uses Holy Scripture to meet his own selfish desires:

Who appointed "aCultureWarrior" to pass judgment on the religious beliefs of others just because they have the audacity to challenge his assertions?

As much as you and other homosexualists would like to think that homosexuality is a "religious belief", it's not, it's a deviant behavior.

The Bible is replete with verses admonishing believers not to pass judgment on others - obviously "aCultureWarrior" thinks that none of them apply to him.

Do you believe that God is an anarchist and doesn't want righteous laws legislated and enforced?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you had no problem in the past few months giving me 101 reasons why homosexuality shouldn't/can't be recriminalized.

Come on GFR7, for once in your life do something good: Tell Miss Pottymouth (for those of you that aren't aware, Art Brain was given a warning for using vulgar language) that his consensual relationship doctrine has been extremely harmful.

I was actually given an infraction for it, not a warning and fair enough. I'm not going to whine about it but to be called 'vulgar' by the likes of you is just too rich considering how many times you've been booted into the penalty box for your insidious innuendo - or was it all just so mean and unfair when you had your time outs?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Yet numerous pages back you stated that you worked for a "homosexual publication".

So many personalities, so little memory.

Boy, the next thing you'll be doing is saying that you're not proud of the 'weeks and weeks of research' you did in homosexual infested Provincetown (where you were forced to take all of your meals in homosexual bars and restaurants).

Take a side in this culture war or get out of the way GFR7, you're making a total fool out of yourself.
I took my stand a long time ago. And I was forthcoming about P-town;
I might have kept that info to myself, you know.

The fool is you, you big blabbering idjut. :D


I was actually given an infraction for it, not a warning and fair enough. I'm not going to whine about it but to be called 'vulgar' by the likes of you is just too rich considering how many times you've been booted into the penalty box for your insidious innuendo - or was it all just so mean and unfair when you had your time outs?

Now that you've gotten your latest drama queen rant off of your little homosexualist chest Art, we left off our discussion where you defend "consenual adult relationships" here:



New member
I was actually given an infraction for it, not a warning and fair enough. I'm not going to whine about it but to be called 'vulgar' by the likes of you is just too rich considering how many times you've been booted into the penalty box for your insidious innuendo - or was it all just so mean and unfair when you had your time outs?
As you say, he projects. He is so busy looking at the specks in our eyes he cannot see the plank in his own.
It gets tedious. Real tedious. :plain:
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