I would like to thank homosexual activist TracerBullet for once again showing the readers of this thread how important children are to the homosexual movement.
If I may, I'd like to add another picture to Traci's "family album" (this is one of the more tame pictures) :
Let's hope that not too many unsuspecting parents that took their children to Disney World over this past weekend had to explain to them why men dressed in women's clothing use the women's restroom and the various other things that occur when proud and unrepentant moral degenerates gather.
Maybe Traci can tell us a little bit about the upcoming "Bear Bash"?
For those of you not familiar with the term "Bear", I talked about it briefly in part 1 of the thread.
"In male bisexual and gay culture, a Bear is a large, hairy man who projects an image of rugged masculinity. Bears are one of many LGBT communities with events, codes, and a culture-specific identity.
The term Bear was popularized by Richard Bulger, who, along with his then partner Chris Nelson (
1960–2006) founded Bear Magazine in 1987. There is some contention surrounding whether Bulger originated the term and the subculture's conventions. George Mazzei wrote an article for The Advocate in 1979 called
"Who's Who in the Zoo?", that characterized homosexuals as seven types of animals, including bears.[1]
Some Bears place importance on presenting a hypermasculine image and may shun interaction with, and even disdain, men who exhibit effeminacy...
Bears are almost always gay or bisexual men. Increasingly, transgender or transsexual men (trans men) and those who shun labels for gender and sexuality are also included within Bear communities. However, heterosexual men who have Bearish physical traits and are affirming of their gay friends and family (or their gay fans, in the case of a celebrity) may also be informally accorded "honorary" Bear status.[6] A smaller number of lesbians, particularly butch dykes, also participate in Bear culture, referring to themselves with the distinct label of ursula.[7]..."
As we can see, homosexuals are "equal opportunity perverts", as Bears allow those that have their genitals mutilated and even "butch dykes" into their exclusive club.