Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Remember Geefer's first avatar, Kentucky?


I am a way cool Christian, so don't dis me, Kentucky


The question is, how to be a Christian
and still abide in love for people like aCW?
'Tis not humanly possible....



As we've seen throughout this 3 part thread, when it comes to dealing with proud and unrepentant homosexuals and the movement that they're a part of, we're dealing with some very sick and violent people.

It really doesn't matter if you're an active participant in the culture war, all that you have to do is preach the gospel to homosexuals in San Francisco:

Chased out of the Castro

fire a proud and unrepentant homosexual that works for your church:

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

or simply tell a young homosexual that God has a better way for him then the 'deathstyle' that he's currently living:



Pastor Scott Lively, who does have the courage to fight in the front lines of this culture war, reveals in this article the new "hit list" that the child molesting drag queens, fairies and bull dykes at HRC have put out hoping that nutcases like GayForReal7 will act on their words.


See Pastor Scott Lively's article in my next post.


The So-Called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has Targeted Me for Murder

Sept. 18, 2014

Scott Lively

The so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has taken a page from the left wing hate group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and published a new report called “The Export of Hate.” A’ la SPLC, this publication is nothing less than an enemies list designed to help people like “gay” activist Floyd Lee Corkins identify their assassination targets.

I have special cause for concern in this matter because I am listed by HRC as Target #1.


Not every “gay” activist is physically violent, thankfully. Most limit their “human rights advocacy” to harassment, intimidation and slander. But make no mistake, if they thought they could get away will killing every person on the HRC and SPLC hit lists, they would do it. They smolder with malicious hatred against anyone who stands in their way.

So far it’s been the fear of harm they might do to their whitewashed, house-of-cards, Madison Avenue-created benign public image that stays their hands short of murder… except for a few random nut-jobs like Corkins.



They have needed to preserve that façade because their political power has largely depended on their victim-class status in the eyes of the public (which, ironically, is what has given them license to bully their “oppressors”).

But things have changed in recent years. Their man is in the White House. The federal judiciary is now packed with a majority of pro-“gay” Democrats. They’ve got the media, academia, Hollywood, the big corporations, the mental health associations and even the U.S. military under their thumb. Their movement is steamrolling over all political opposition even in conservative states, DESPITE public opinion.

The greater their power, the less they are concerned about hiding the true nature of their agenda or the true face of the LGBT community.

Frankly, that dramatically raises the threat level for people like me. Because, as the “gays” lose their fear of public opinion, they are increasingly less inclined to restrain the murder that is in their hearts toward their enemies, the chief of whom is now Yours Truly.

LGBT leaders have tried everything they can think of to stop me from speaking out against their agenda...

Because I am a Bible-believing Christian I am not afraid of death. But neither am I volunteering for martyrdom. As of today I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of being assassinated by agents of the LGBT movement. For one thing, I will no longer publicize my travel schedule in advance...

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2014/09/18/called-human-rights-campaign-hrc-targeted-murder/

If Jesus were here today Pastor Lively, he'd tell you and other Christians who have the courage to fight in the front lines of this culture war to arm yourselves with a sword Glock.

Luke 22:36


Like I have, I hope that you and others will take His advice.


New member
Because I am a Bible-believing Christian I am not afraid of death. But neither am I volunteering for martyrdom. As of today I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of being assassinated by agents of the LGBT movement. For one thing, I will no longer publicize my travel schedule in advance...

His precautions ought to keep him safe from any unstable or violent extremists. With his money, he ought to be able to have a personal body guard as well. But since that incident with FRC, I have heard of no others.

Of course my own pictorial joke is a famous scene from Hamlet, and full of allegorical meaning, but then, you've never read Hamlet so you wouldn't grasp that. :think:


His precautions ought to keep him safe from any unstable or violent extremists. With his money, he ought to be able to have a personal body guard as well.

For those of you that don't read homosexual activist jargon, what GayForReal7 said here is that if you speak out against immoral behavior, you should spend money on guns and bodyguards.

But since that incident with FRC, I have heard of no others.

This 3 part thread is full of stories of bullying and violence against those that speak out against homosexuality.

Of course my own pictorial joke is a famous scene from Hamlet, and full of allegorical meaning, but then, you've never read Hamlet so you wouldn't grasp that. :think:

I've been meaning to ask you: When Soren Kierkegaard broke off his engagement with Regine Olsen (and hence never married),

did he find himself a 12 year old boy that kept him...ahem...company?


While clicking on a link recently to a story about homosexual pedophile/pederast Jerry Sandusky, I came across this information about author Gore Vidal. Granted, it goes without saying that a good majority of homosexuals are pedophiles or pederasts, but I never realized how much into pedophilia Gore Vidal was.

Gore Vidal, Child Molester: Helped Found, Was Active in NAMBLA

August 2, 2012

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, I wrote about the death of the America-hating, far-left, anti-Semite extraordinaire, Gore Vidal. It was necessary, given the avalanche of drool over this schmuck by the mainstream media. Since then, reader and friend Matthew Scholnick drew my attention to the mention of Vidal on several sites about NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, founded by gay pedophiles to defend their rapes of kids. Apparently, Vidal was involved in the founding of NAMBLA and helped the organization fundraise, appearing at some of its events. I did some further research and it checks out. In fact, Gore Vidal supported the rape of kids by gay child molesters.

The book, “Sex and Isolation: And Other Essays,” by Bruce Benderson, published by the University of Wisconsin Press notes:

Today’s assimilationist gay liberationists are loathe to admit it, but a benchmark of the gay movement occurred in 1978, when a group of gay men formed the Boston/Boise Committee to combat a conservative district attorney who was exploiting a homosexual case of child molestation as a reelection strategy. Gore Vidal was involved in a fundraiser for the committee, which eventually sponsored a conference on man-boy love and the age of consent. An Episcopal Bishop, some social workers, and a psychiatrist participated in this conference, a caucus of which led to the founding of the North American Man Boy Love Association....

Read more: http://www.debbieschlussel.com/52489/gore-vidal-child-molester-helped-found-was-active-in-nambla/


Selwyn Duke also wrote an article about Vidal and his pedophilia.

Famed Leftist Gore Vidal Likely a Pedophile, Say Relatives

Nov. 14, 2013

A famed man of letters and sexual liaisons who never had a kind word for traditionalism, the late Gore Vidal hobnobbed with the rich and influential and locked horns with William F. Buckley on television. During one of these debates, Vidal called Buckley a “pro-crypto-Nazi,” prompting Buckley to call him a “queer.” Only one of these accusations was true, but both pale in comparison to a charge Vidal’s own relatives are now leveling at the writer.

That, as the Daily Mail puts it, he was a “globe-trotting paedophile who preyed on underage boys.”

The revelation came courtesy of Vidal’s half-sister Nina Straight and her son, Burr Steers, while talking to Tim Teeman, author of the new book In Bed with Gore Vidal. Both Straight and Steers were quite close to the writer during his last years; Vidal died in 2012 at age 86.

Vidal made no secret of his ravenous homosexual appetites and had affairs with actors such as Rock Hudson, Fred Astaire, Charles Laughton, and Noel Coward and also cruised male prostitutes from England to Egypt. This deathstyle even led to violence, with Vidal and a number of other men beating up a male prostitute in 1957. But it was what the foul-mouthed Vidal didn’t boast of, allege Straight and Steers, that was most damning. Writes the Mail, “Nina Straight suggested her half-brother had committed ‘Jerry Sandusky acts’ — a reference to a recent notorious case in which a U.S. college football coach was found guilty of sexually abusing young boys.”

Helping to complete the picture, the Mail wrote:

[Steers added,] “Gore spent a lot of time in Bangkok, after all.”

The Thai capital is infamous for child prostitution and Gore would visit every year. Friends say he had sex there with young male prostitutes...

Read more:http://www.thenewamerican.com/revie...t-gore-vidal-likely-a-pedophile-say-relatives


While re-reading Selwyn Duke's article, this caught my eye:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” said Hamlet’s mother Queen Gertrude. William Shakespeare knew man’s nature. When people devote tremendous energy to defending or justifying some action, they invariably have a vested interest in doing so. Usually this is because they’re guilty of it themselves.

As I've mentioned many times before: Those that incessantly denounce the recriminalization of homosexuality throughout this thread, are more than likely guilty of that behavior themselves.

Don't take my word for it, take Bill Shakespeare's word.



New member
While re-reading Selwyn Duke's article, this caught my eye:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” said Hamlet’s mother Queen Gertrude. William Shakespeare knew man’s nature. When people devote tremendous energy to defending or justifying some action, they invariably have a vested interest in doing so. Usually this is because they’re guilty of it themselves.

As I've mentioned many times before: Those that incessantly denounce the recriminalization of homosexuality throughout this thread, are more than likely guilty of that behavior themselves.

Don't take my word for it, take Bill Shakespeare's word.

I do NOT protest all that much, methinks. :think:


Referring people to Scott Lively isn't a great way to recruit sensible people to your cause. I've got to hand it to you aCW, you sure make it easy to continue my open and unashamed support for gay rights.

While GayForReal7 has been the best thing to happen to the thread since the cross-dresser who was engaged to a guy who was going to have genital mutilation surgery done posted here


, the thread definitely needs some new blood.

Welcome to the thread Caledvwich. Post away!


New member
While GayForReal7 has been the best thing to happen to the thread since the cross-dresser who was engaged to a guy who was going to have genital mutilation surgery done posted here


, the thread definitely needs some new blood.

Welcome to the thread Caledvwich. Post away!

You are a strange person. And there's no "i."

And I disagree. Your insanity is the best thing about this thread. While it's an unfortunate reminder that you are presumably eligible to own firearms and drive a car, it's also thoroughly entertaining to have you as a reference point for woo.


New member
While GayForReal7 has been the best thing to happen to the thread since the cross-dresser who was engaged to a guy who was going to have genital mutilation surgery done posted here


, the thread definitely needs some new blood.

Welcome to the thread Caledvwich. Post away!
Gee. :eek: I don't know what to say..... :BRAVO:


New member
As we've seen throughout this 3 part thread, when it comes to dealing with proud and unrepentant homosexuals and the movement that they're a part of, we're dealing with some very sick and violent people.

It really doesn't matter if you're an active participant in the culture war, all that you have to do is preach the gospel to homosexuals in San Francisco:

Chased out of the Castro
what violence?

a group of bigots had made a habit of showing up in a neighborhood at night with megaphones to shout hate slogans and after months of this the people of the neighborhood gathered together called the police and kicked the sickos out.


New member
You are a strange person. And there's no "i."

And I disagree. Your insanity is the best thing about this thread. While it's an unfortunate reminder that you are presumably eligible to own firearms and drive a car, it's also thoroughly entertaining to have you as a reference point for woo.
I went from thinking he was profound and admirable, to thinking he was insane and paranoid,
to realizing he is just plain dumb.
Don't try to reason with him. He is incredibly stupid. :idunno:


New member
The revelation came courtesy of Vidal’s half-sister Nina Straight and her son, Burr Steers, while talking to Tim Teeman, author of the new book In Bed with Gore Vidal. Both Straight and Steers were quite close to the writer during his last years; Vidal died in 2012 at age 86.
Since Gore Vidal seems to be representing all homosexuals here, 86? Why that's over twice the age that you told us is the life expectancy of homosexuals aCW, you haven't been feeding us misleading information have you? :nono:

Vidal made no secret of his ravenous homosexual appetites and had affairs with actors such as Rock Hudson, Fred Astaire, Charles Laughton, and Noel Coward and also cruised male prostitutes from England to Egypt.
It seems to me aCW that such famous people and many more were not all somehow corrupted or influenced to be gay, they just were. Fred Astaire was married with kids I believe. Sexual orientation is simply what it is, genetic, and not always exclusively one way either, right aCW?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You are a strange person. And there's no "i."

And I disagree. Your insanity is the best thing about this thread. While it's an unfortunate reminder that you are presumably eligible to own firearms and drive a car, it's also thoroughly entertaining to have you as a reference point for woo.

As much as I dislike aCW, I also completely reject this idea that "society" has a right to decide who has a right to own a gun or drive a car. Doubly so on basis of free speech, even if the speech in question is stupid.

For the record, I don't think homosexuality should be recriminalized either. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 would be my primary reason.

Of course, aCW doesn't actually believe in the golden rule, he won't defend the rights of people who he disagrees with, and he wants me imprisoned because I'm a "pervert." I definitely think he's a scary person, doubly so if he is a former cop as he claims. I'm not defending him at all. But I think this idea that government has a right to regulate who can own firearms or drive really needs to be challenged. Only acts of aggression should be illegal, period.
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