I'm focusing on the highlighted part for now. What makes drugs evil? I'll even except a Biblical argument, just because I'm curious. Most of these intoxicating substances or the plants from which they were derived were, I presume, created by God, right? Or did poppies turn into an opiate on the day Adam and Eve ate of the fruit? Some drugs ease suffering. Is that evil? Or does God expect us to just bear the pain of compound fractures in quiet dignity? Alcohol was discovered by accident, must have seemed like magic, and was later discovered to be a bio-chemical process (once again, presumably created by God, I would expect).
Anyway, if drugs are "evil" then why do they exist? This isn't like wondering why evil exists at all and getting into discussions of sin and free will and all that, but the intrinsic properties of naturally occurring substances which, I presume, have no will at all, free or otherwise.