Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yep. Walls reinforced with forts and gun emplacements. Much bigger and grander than Trump's wall. It failed....
Not that the Maginot Line is a good example of a wall, but to be fair, it failed against the Nazis. We're not trying to keep out an army with the thing.

The Barbarian

Walls don't feel good. They look bad. They bring up images of the Berlin wall. But they can be effective, up to a point.

A more effective way of dealing with the problem would be to help improve the economies south of the border.

Actually, Mexico's economy is doing pretty well. A lot of the immigration across the border is from Central America, now.

The Barbarian

Barbarian notes that the Maginot Line was a wall:

Nope, not a continuous single wall

You didn't know? Trump's proposed wall won't be a continuous single wall, either.

Donald Trump is going to build his border wall but some parts of it might be invisible, according to the man tasked with building it.

Despite Mr Trump's repeated promises to build an actual wall, it might actually rely on surveillance technology and not actually be made using any physical structure, according to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

You didn't know that, because when they're pitching the idea, they tell you it's going to be a continuous wall. Because they figure you're not smart enough to check and see.

So your answer to how long a wall can be before it becomes ineffective is what, exactly?

How much must a box weigh before it becomes heavy?

Give me a number.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You didn't know? Trump's proposed wall won't be a continuous single wall, either.

Donald Trump is going to build his border wall but some parts of it might be invisible, according to the man tasked with building it.

Despite Mr Trump's repeated promises to build an actual wall, it might actually rely on surveillance technology and not actually be made using any physical structure, according to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

you din't bother looking at your own link, didja? :chuckle:

barbie makes post after post claiming that trump's wall will be too long to be effective
Barbie then acknowledges that shorter walls can be effective
Barbie is asked repeatedly at what point a wall becomes too long to be effective
Barbie is asked for a specific number
Barbie's response?
Barbie said:
How much must a box weigh before it becomes heavy?

Give me a number.

classic Barbie dodge! :darwinsm:

good one! :thumb:
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Well-known member
So is the following your answer to my question, "What is so bad about a wall when compared to all the evil which is resulting from the lack of a wall?":

All the evil which is resulting from a lack of a wall huh?

Your problem is the fact that at this time the only practical way to end this abuse of women and children is by building a wall.

You don't live in America do you?

Neither you nor the Dems offer any other solution so I guess you are happy with the staus quo! Let the women continue to be raped because you do not like Trump's proposal and you and the Demos refuse to offer an alternative plan.

It happens here by Americans just as much. So what's your proposal to curb that?

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
You didn't know? Trump's proposed wall won't be a continuous single wall, either.

Donald Trump is going to build his border wall but some parts of it might be invisible, according to the man tasked with building it.

Despite Mr Trump's repeated promises to build an actual wall, it might actually rely on surveillance technology and not actually be made using any physical structure, according to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

you don't bother looking at your own link, didja?

Guess how I know you didn't read it. You actually believed Trump when he said it was going to be continuous over the whole border? Like the Maginot Line, it would have to be a series of disconnected walls.

barbie makes post after post claiming that trump's wall will be too long to be effective

Notice that long walls haven't been effective. Trump cited the Great Wall of China. And China was overthrown by the Mongols and again by the Manchus after it was finished. The Maginot line failed.

You correctly pointed out that short walls work more effectively, especially for keeping people in, rather than keeping them out.

And you learned why Israel built a fence at Gaza (kinda like the U.S. uses on the border) because a wall wouldn't have worked.

Barbie then acknowledges that shorter walls can be effective

Barbie is asked for a specific number

Barbarian asks:
How much must a box weigh before it becomes heavy?
Give me a specific number.

(Sod melts down)

Yep. As you learned, walls less than a hundred miles long seem to work pretty well, if you have huge numbers of troops guarding them, with sensors, towers, and barbed wire.

As you also learned, walls hundreds of miles long have consistently failed, even when protected by troops and forts.

Which of those would be more like Trump's wall?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Guess how I know you didn't read it.

but I did read it silly Barbie

and the first thing I noticed was that it was written over seventeen months ago, about two weeks after trump was sworn in

Barbie said:
Despite Mr Trump's repeated promises to build an actual wall, it might actually rely on surveillance technology and not actually be made using any physical structure, according to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

the article actually goes on to say:
“Kelly said the wall will take a multi-layered approach,” Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge said. “There will be the physical wall and then parts of the wall that you can actually see through because it will rely on sensors and other technology.”

so there will be a physical wall

:idea: hey, I wonder if that part of it will be short enough to be effective?

barbie said:
You actually believed Trump when he said it was going to be continuous over the whole border?

link please?

barbie said:
walls work more effectively, especially for keeping people in, rather than keeping them out.

ummm - we want to keep potential illegal immigrants in mexico :duh:

barbie said:
...Israel built a fence at Gaza (kinda like the U.S. uses on the border) because a wall wouldn't have worked.

looks like a wall to me :idunno:

barbie said:
(Sod melts down)

oh Barbie

projection is a sorry sight to witness

better find yerself a puppy to hug :wave2:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The only wall that could be of use is the one needed to be built around Washington. Seal up those cockroaches until they outlive themselves. Paul H. Yarbrough

reminds me of a Canadian joke, best told in dialect:

A Newfie, an Ontarian and a Québécois were walking the beach and found a bottle. They pulled the stopper and out popped a Genie who granted them three wishes.

The Newfie thought long and hard, his brow furrowed in thought and finally said that his family had been fisherman for generations, but the fish were getting scarce. His wish was that the schools of cod be refreshed for at least ten generations so his descendants would be fisherman as well. Instantly, the seas filled with cod so thick that the Newfie could have walked from Fogo to Funk on the backs of the fish without getting his taps wet.

The Quebecker took a long drag from his cigarette and said disdainfully "Nobody in Upper Canada understands how superior Quebec is. We have better culture, better food, and should rule. I want a 50 meter wall put up to keep Quebec pure and away from the rest of the country." Instantly, a high wall appeared.

The Ontarian ponders and finally asks the genie "Quebec is now surrounded with a wall 50 meters high?" The genie replies in the affirmative. The Ontarian asks "All the way around?" The genie assures him that it is.

The Ontarian says "Fill that swimming pool with water!"
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