Why do you remain a blue subscriber?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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You have expressed this well.

For those of you who can't follow this, think of the following situation. Let's say there was a fundamentalist Muslim site that you made a point of frequenting and posting on. You did this in order to clear up misunderstandings of Christianity, and to show them teh weak points in there beliefs.

Would you contribute money to that site?
Indeed I would do so. If I felt called by God to provide a witness to such a venue I would share in the abundance that God has shared with me to bring all glory to him. It is a simple matter of rendering unto Caesar.

Folks seem to think that their mere participation is OK for such situations, but when it comes to money, well, that is somehow "above and beyond". These persons fall victim to the love of money admonitions of Scripture and have unwittingly given evidence of what their true "treasure" is. :squint:

See the animated gif to the bottom right of this post of mine? Or the various links in my sig? As far as I am concerned, the value of being able to share these things to whomever might encounter them is worth the monetary cost of subscribing. In other words, I have no reservation in sharing the abundance God has shared with me, to bring Him glory for the things that I believe.

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Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
This thread reminds me of people who listen to NPR every day and complain that they don't support it because it's too Liberal. :plain:


New member
Adopting your perspective, it would seem to me that you certainly appreciate the value received, in that you have a venue to hold forth on your views. By participating you have explicitly established a value to yourself. The only question that remains is whether or not the venue should continue to enable your pontifications. Said value requires monetization to support the venue, e.g., servers, license fees, technical support, etc. In short, your explanation is at odds with the obvious facts of the matter. Hence, you are being logically inconsistent.


I don't have to defend myself against your fast talk.

icilian fenner

New member
My money goes to plenty of causes that are worth it: food, rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, etc.

No doubt that it does, but you seem to have enough left over for the vices too ;) That expendable budget is the one that TOL could help eat into.



Not that you'll take me up on that suggestion.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

:geek: . . . A parable from the Old Professor who did proffer on excuses.


From the collective, but not complete works

Thomas the Psalmist

1 Thomlucas 14:16-30 (MV)

16 Said the old professor, "A certain man had donate-a-thon and invited many to participate, 17 and this certain many sent email notices before it started, and as promised on August 24th the donate-a-thon started, all things were ready.
18 Not many days hence and the donate-a-thon progress and getting close to the goal some began to make excuses, and say I ask you to have me excused."
19 The another said, "I'm expressing my freewill."
20 And another, "My presence is scarcely taxing to TOL, and TOL gives me the choice not to enjoy the perks of membership - so I don't. They're not worth the money (to me), and that's the deal that TOL offers me." [That’s like asking for a Christian discount when giving tithes and offerings.]
21 Still another said, "I won't support what is essentially a Christian site."
22 Then it was heard from another, "It may be worth noting that I also have very little money at the moment. I wouldn't budget for membership even if I wanted it. It's not even an option."
23 And thus came reasoning among the excuses, "The reason I have not subscribed (and I was strongly considering it). Is primarily due to the situation that happened with The Barbarian."
24 What was heard next, "I've subscribed before, and I've bought a subscription for Granite, but things have changed since then. I'm not here to support Christians, I'm here to tear them down. 25 It would fly in the face of my principles to contribute money to a cause that I am diametrically opposed to, and it would also fly in the face of my vices which require constant financial attention."
26 Of the vices that were told, like that of pot, cocaine and binge drinking, that seemed to be important whether it is real or not.
27 Then said the certain man, "We do appreciate all the members that participate on TOL even those that don't contribute financially. 28 However, truth be told . . . if we can't pay the bills . . . we will close up shop, so its great if you have the ability to help out financially. 29 TOL, has grown so much over the years. Growing can be a "good problem". It's neat to be one of the bigger, better, forums on the internet but with that comes the necessity of things like a dedicated server and those things are not cheap."
30 Then was overheard from the crowd, "Tis true, where the heart is, there is your treasure also."

Thomas the Psalmist has taken certain biblical liberalities.


New member
Take a nap. Maybe a little rest will help you defend against the "fast talk". lol

The yawn wasn't for a lack of energy, simply boredom. Your sales pitch is about as compelling to me as the exhortations of a swarthy used car salesman are. I have no reason to take either of you seriously.

I'm happy for you that you're so pleased with yourself.


New member
Hall of Fame
The yawn wasn't for a lack of energy, simply boredom. Your sales pitch is about as compelling to me as the exhortations of a swarthy used car salesman are. I have no reason to take either of you seriously.

I'm happy for you that you're so pleased with yourself.

I didn't make a sales pitch.



Well-known member
I enjoy coming to TOL ... but I'll be honest about why I've never joined... This will make me sound foolish in the eyes of many of you.

BUT, I once considered joining. Got out my credit card. Filled in all the blanks ... AND THEN I was asked for the pin number.

Well, I'm not accustomed to paying for things on the internet ... so when it came to giving that pin number I simply chickened out!

I've never tried to join since. I guess I just need to start cheeping like a little chicken.

The Berean

Well-known member
I enjoy coming to TOL ... but I'll be honest about why I've never joined... This will make me sound foolish in the eyes of many of you.

BUT, I once considered joining. Got out my credit card. Filled in all the blanks ... AND THEN I was asked for the pin number.

Well, I'm not accustomed to paying for things on the internet ... so when it came to giving that pin number I simply chickened out!

I've never tried to join since. I guess I just need to start cheeping like a little chicken.

I'm sure you can pay Knight the old fashioned way and mail him a money order.


I enjoy coming to TOL ... but I'll be honest about why I've never joined... This will make me sound foolish in the eyes of many of you.

BUT, I once considered joining. Got out my credit card. Filled in all the blanks ... AND THEN I was asked for the pin number.

Well, I'm not accustomed to paying for things on the internet ... so when it came to giving that pin number I simply chickened out!

I've never tried to join since. I guess I just need to start cheeping like a little chicken.

I often had qualms about that same thing. That's why I opened a PayPal account. PayPal can be used at hundreds of sites (including this one) and gives you an added measure of security when paying over the Internet. :)