Why do you like cats as pets?


I like cats because they have pride. They are natural predators as well.

Dogs on the other hand do not exhibit either of these things, and will become depressed if counted out or not given attention.

Cats don't get the respect they deserve :plain:


New member
I have always loved cats. They are so fascinating and mysterious. I have had several cats over the years. My favorite was Angel - found in my daughter's garage in Dec many years ago. She was just a baby and almost frozen to death. She was pure white but for gray ears and a gray smudge across her face, and gray legs,tail. Her name fit her well. She loved sleeping with me and was VERY affectionate.

My kitty now is Mistletoes - I call her Misty for short. After Angel died [we had a housefire and hid in the sub basement - we could not reach her. She finally succumbed after we finally lured her out after we returned to the house [she was 12 yrs old by then]. I think the fumes altered her brain and body. I came home one day and my kids had gotten me a new kitty a week before Christmas, hence her name. She follows me around like a puppy!

We also have another cat, 2 dogs, a canary, a huge red footed tortoise, and a crested gecko. The grandkids love love animals!!! ps: the dogs and cats all get along fabulously with each other!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
They eat bunnies. So I let him hang around the porch. I even give him food occasionally.

I don't like that cats only like one person. Unlike a dog. Sure, some cats are friendly to all, but most are not.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if you stare at them long enough, they tip over:



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They eat bunnies. So I let him hang around the porch. I even give him food occasionally.

I don't like that cats only like one person. Unlike a dog. Sure, some cats are friendly to all, but most are not.
What I do not understand is why more people do not keep possums as pets? :idunno:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For women, is it cats are like babies, which never grow up? What about men? I think St. John W. kicks women’s cats when women are not looking? Personally, the cat-box deal turns me off. I do not like strong odors.

What do they do in the house anyway, besides get your house full of cat hair? I can understand, somewhat, i cat in the city one puts out at night and allows in part of the house in the day, but not am ole cat sleeping in my bed!

We always had digs for pets, so, maybe I am a dog person and not a cat person?

Cats suck. I drop kick cats, and do it now, even when women are looking.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
OK, now we know you dislike cats and kick them. My question is to you also kick possums?
I don't kick possums, cuz I want them tender, for my possum stew.

Saint Jethro John W

And this thread sucks.

So there.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I agree, I like a 'two-reason-to-own' pets. Like rabbits; they are fun to play with and when it is dinnertime you can also eat them. Same with possums, although grown possums are not as fun to play with as rabbits.

This is a good thread, I have had pig pets too, but I ate them all up.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree, I like a 'two-reason-to-own' pets. Like rabbits; they are fun to play with and when it is dinnertime you can also eat them. Same with possums, although grown possums are not as fun to play with as rabbits.

This is a good thread, I have had pig pets too, but I ate them all up.

You probably ate your 7 year old goldfish, when it died.