like marbles on glass
we're hypocrites and trolls
You've made that abundantly clear.
we're hypocrites and trolls
You've made that abundantly clear.
someday, i'm confident that you'll read that last line and understand it
instead of merely responding with a hypocritical trolling remark
No empirical evidence to support this claim. Source
Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." |
kwip said:Perhaps,
dint have to dig far to find this:
Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation."
well, of course - if you redefine same sex child molestation by homosexuals as something else, then of course homos don't molest children
only child molesters molest children
and the fact that it's more often same sex doesn't have a thing to do with it :dizzy:
perhaps santy claus will bring me a pony for christmas next year
the rest of your supra dupra crap could be equally applied to other perverts, like pedophiles and those who prefer sheep
You're the one bringing up statistics as a concern. Seems you would be all too eager to seek all possible solutions. Unless of course you're being disingenuous.
How can you wag your ignorant fingers at homosexuals whilst simultaneously using them to plug up your own ears?
You must be prolifically talented at contortion....where homosexuality is concerned.
from the CDC (which i'm sure artie and quip will disregard):
any communication I've had with my representatives has always been acknowledged might have had a standard reply ...
Why does the far left want every perversion to be accepted as normal? Especially perversion of justicedisallowing a perversion like homosexuality is no more censorship than disallowing a perversion like pedophilia
sometimes it was personally composed, prolly by a staffer
i don't really expect anything else
i have had the opportunity to talk directly with my congressional Representative at rallies up here - she's very approachable
and cute :Shimei:
Why does the far left want every perversion to be accepted as normal? Especially perversion of justice
In the main that's exactly what it would have been.
well, it's a way of getting my opinion out there - it's all i can do
and i let them know how i'm planning to vote
because liberalism is a mental disorder
Romans 1:22 was written with liberals in mind
Fair enough, but your opinion wouldn't have counted for anything, just the same as 99.9% of other correspondence sent to politicians.
they know i attend the rallies, they know i write them (real writing, by hand, in an envelope with stamps)
that seems to impress them
Chances are if you met this representative again she wouldn't remember you from all the other faces she's seen at rallies.
you may be right, artie
you may know more about politics in new york state, especially upstate new york than i do
well, she certainly seems to remember me at the family reunions :idunno:
as i say, you may know more about it than i - i can only share my own experiences :idunno: