Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I have a different perspective.
I don't ask WHY one does perverted things, I just want them to stop doing perverted things in civilized society.

Just like I don't wonder about whether there is a cure for rapists or not, I just want them to stop regardless if they were 'born that way' or for any other reason.

The problem with a society that starts allowing perversions (killing babies, adultery, homosexuality, stealing, etc.) as the norm, then I no longer think of it as civilized, but a multicultural cauldron of wickedness.

Welcome to Caligula's Rome.

Post of the month!!

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Consenting is not the issue of whether It is perversion.
Lot's of folks 'consent' to perversion.
If one can turn a blind eye to one perversion, might as well turn a blind eye to all perversion.
Live and let live.

Exactly correct Tam.

Consent is not the great divide between right and wrong or how laws should be formulated or interpreted.

If it is, a murderer can claim, as the only eyewitness, the victim consented.
If it is, let abortionists show the consent of the life being terminated.
If it is, slavery should be allowed for those who sign up for it.

...the list is a mile long.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber


New member
Good example.

Legalizing immorality is not the answer.

Its interesting that he is basically observing my same observation that all Trump did was to come along to an already in place, upside-down, moral compass compromised long before Trump ever came along, to begin with.

Sort of like the very end of Gibson's movie, "Apocalypto."

Where the Americas are rightly depicted as a land, which because it was greatly governed by superstition, left itself by that to easily being taken captive by any would be conqueror that might come along.

Would be conquerors it could not but at first have to have believed were "from the gods" and or "the gods among us."

And o how many a Trump supporter loves to superstitiously assert that Trump was sent by God...

Out the window goes the supposed Dispensationalism of such.

Out the window, goes the supposed Reformed of others such.

(Tongue in cheek) It appears that old Chinese curse (as a desired wish toward another) "may you live in interesting times" is upon us, here in the U.S.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It doesn't work and it's abusive:

The first five results on Google for "Does Conversion Therapy Work?"






The following five are no more positive and given that the "practices" have been roundly condemned as not only quackery but harmful in accredited scientific circles and that's there's no credible evidence that homosexuals can be "cured" anyway then what justification is there for "therapy centers" to be open anywhere at all?

Good for New Hampshire to be the latest state to outlaw such abuse but unfortunately there's still places where it's legal for minors to be forced into what is nothing other than degrading and harmful "treatment".

How can that be acceptable to anyone?
Meh. If people want to engage in medically questionable or inadvisable treatments, then who am I to judge? I say more power to them, and good luck.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Exactly correct Tam.

Consent is not the great divide between right and wrong or how laws should be formulated or interpreted.

If it is, a murderer can claim, as the only eyewitness, the victim consented.
If it is, let abortionists show the consent of the life being terminated.
If it is, slavery should be allowed for those who sign up for it.

...the list is a mile long.

Well, yes it is. Oppressing people and denying them civil liberties comes to mind.



Well-known member
Conversion therapies aren't needed, don't work and have been proven to be harmful but you think they are needed? Why?
There is a lot of loaded there. No therapy works unless a person wants to be there and is in it for the change. If you are talking about parents making their children go to therapy, for any reason, that therapy, regardless of what it is, likely will not work if the child doesn't want to be there, including drug therapy.

Educating children that not everyone is straight or can do anything about it isn't abuse, it's fact and will reduce ignorance and bullying.
There is no 'gay' gene. Media threw that in our face and there has never been anything to back it up. Regardless, Abstinence is best for teens. That is what needs to be taught.


Well-known member
And o how many a Trump supporter loves to superstitiously assert that Trump was sent by God...

Out the window goes the supposed Dispensationalism of such.

Out the window, goes the supposed Reformed of others such.
:think: Daniel 2:21? Romans 13:1?

(Tongue in cheek) It appears that old Chinese curse (as a desired wish toward another) "may you live in interesting times" is upon us, here in the U.S.

Do you have liberal leanings, by chance?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There is a lot of loaded there. No therapy works unless a person wants to be there and is in it for the change. If you are talking about parents making their children go to therapy, for any reason, that therapy, regardless of what it is, likely will not work if the child doesn't want to be there, including drug therapy.

Not really, it's quackery pure and simple. Why do you suppose these centers are being shut down all over the place? There's no accredited scientific evidence for any "cure" for being gay but there is a plethora of evidence for the barbaric nature of such "therapy" on record.

There is no 'gay' gene. Media threw that in our face and there has never been anything to back it up. Regardless, Abstinence is best for teens. That is what needs to be taught.

Well, tell that to those who would tell you that they knew they weren't "straight" while they were kids Lon. I happen to believe them, after all I knew at five years old that I regarded girls differently than I did boys even without knowing why at the time.


Well-known member
Not really, it's quackery pure and simple. Why do you suppose these centers are being shut down all over the place? There's no accredited scientific evidence for any "cure" for being gay but there is a plethora of evidence for the barbaric nature of such "therapy" on record.
Odd. Remember LoveMeOrHateMe? I think this is a gross oversimplification, has to be.

Well, tell that to those who would tell you that they knew they weren't "straight" while they were kids Lon. I happen to believe them, after all I knew at five years old that I regarded girls differently than I did boys even without knowing why at the time.
First, my neice-in-law and nephews-in law, were abused very young. They do not remember the sexual abuse, but it CERTAINLY affected them adversely. I've heard this same story over, and over, and over. Ellen DeGeneres remembers here sexual abuse and doesn't think that's what affected her, but such is an incredibly abusive and altering trauma. You wouldn't recommend therapy for ANY of these???

Second, until I was 6, I thought girls were icky (a good number of boys too, including that kid that ate paste). Sexual attraction doesn't hit until long after those prepubescent days.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Odd. Remember LoveMeOrHateMe? I think this is a gross oversimplification, has to be.

Yes, I do indeed. I doubt you'll find that he has much time for "therapy centers" either although I'll leave it at that.

First, my neice-in-law and nephews-in law, were abused very young. They do not remember the sexual abuse, but it CERTAINLY affected them adversely. I've heard this same story over, and over, and over. Ellen DeGeneres remembers here sexual abuse and doesn't think that's what affected her, but such is an incredibly abusive and altering trauma. You wouldn't recommend therapy for ANY of these???

I wouldn't recommend quackery for anyone Lon. Counselling for any child that's been the victim of abuse? Of course I wouldn't be against that, just as long as it was legitimate and qualified.

Second, until I was 6, I thought girls were icky (a good number of boys too, including that kid that ate paste). Sexual attraction doesn't hit until long after those prepubescent days.

What happened at age six that stopped you seeing girls as "icky"? You've just undermined your own point Lon. ;)


New member
:think: Daniel 2:21? Romans 13:1?

Do you have liberal leanings, by chance?

As is later evident in Daniel also, Romans 13's "powers that be" refers to a principle intended to work through secular government but that fallen man corrupted the moment it was dispensed to man - Genesis 9 in contrast to Genesis 11.

Genesis 11 being the chapter wherein man is depicted eventually building a Tower in homage to himself as being a creature who plays by his own rules.

And fascinating that is to me as a "moral compass" as I observe Trump through its lens: a man who's life-long corruption and even a Tower in homage to himself, mirrors that chapter's lesson about man.

If that makes me out "a liberal," or what have you, and or one who agrees with such on POTUS as to such issues, I'm fine with said mistaken identity.

Or as Joshua might have put that...

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.



Well-known member
As is later evident in Daniel also, Romans 13's "powers that be" refers to a principle intended to work through secular government but that fallen man corrupted the moment it was dispensed to man - Genesis 9 in contrast to Genesis 11.

Genesis 11 being the chapter wherein man is depicted eventually building a Tower in homage to himself as being a creature who plays by his own rules.
So does God raise up kings (leaders) politically? How do you interpret Romans 3:1?

And fascinating that is to me as a "moral compass" as I observe Trump through its lens: a man who's life-long corruption and even a Tower in homage to himself, mirrors that chapter's lesson about man.
Hezekiah, not a great king, was given 15 more years when he humbled himself. Trump has said things that we (Christians) need to pay attention to. He has asked for prayer. Even though one quote is 'no I don't ask for forgiveness' he has said that he wants to make things right. Media never tells the whole picture and we have to pay particular attention. It is the hope of my faith, that people can be changed by God. Like you, I think he's done some horrible things. Still? I don't know. I do appreciate him having people pray for him etc. 1 Peter 5:6 If not just a hope, a prayer as well, for him and I.

If that makes me out "a liberal," or what have you, and or one who agrees with such on POTUS as to such issues, I'm fine with said mistaken identity.

Or as Joshua might have put that...

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

You made a comment against Dispensationalists and Covenant, so I was trying to see where else there was left to go. Thanks.


New member
So does God raise up kings (leaders) politically? How do you interpret Romans 3:1?

Hezekiah, not a great king, was given 15 more years when he humbled himself. Trump has said things that we (Christians) need to pay attention to. He has asked for prayer. Even though one quote is 'no I don't ask for forgiveness' he has said that he wants to make things right. Media never tells the whole picture and we have to pay particular attention. It is the hope of my faith, that people can be changed by God. Like you, I think he's done some horrible things. Still? I don't know. I do appreciate him having people pray for him etc. 1 Peter 5:6 If not just a hope, a prayer as well, for him and I.

You made a comment against Dispensationalists and Covenant, so I was trying to see where else there was left to go. Thanks.

Ironically, you mis-typed Romans 3: 1, instead of 13:1.

Ironically, because all those raisings up and or allowings of various kings and so on, rising to power, of which Rome had been the last, were all during the time of God's dealings with Israel, given His repeatedly Prophesied purpose for the nations of the Earth to His glory, in and through that nation, alone.

None of which has been the issue since the end of Acts 7.

All Paul is doing in Romans 13 - if he is even talking about secular government - is asserting an attitude or outlook something similar to the following...

Matthew 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 23:2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 23:3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, 23:6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, 23:7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

Talk about a description way too similar to that of the ever preening individual presently in the WH.

You're blind if you can't see such an every day obvious.

For speaking of similar individuals...

Luke 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.