Why Calvinist, Catholics, Others, Hate the Historical Gospel of Jesus Christ


Well-known member
Why the creator of this thread hates the historical Gospel ! Because he believes and teaches salvation by works, by the will of man, by what man will to do, or does. This in essence denies salvation by what Christ done alone !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Why the creator of this thread hates the historical Gospel ! Because he believes and teaches salvation by works, by the will of man, by what man will to do, or does. This in essence denies salvation by what Christ done alone !


No one can save themselves by what they do.

Salvation is by faith alone because it is by Christ alone.

You want to eliminate faith because faith is something that we do. The Bible plainly teaches that we are justified by faith, Romans 5:1. Only a devil would try to keep people from having faith in Christ.


Well-known member

No one can save themselves by what they do.

Salvation is by faith alone because it is by Christ alone.

You want to eliminate faith because faith is something that we do. The Bible plainly teaches that we are justified by faith, Romans 5:1. Only a devil would try to keep people from having faith in Christ.
That's what you teach and believe, that a person is saved by what they do.

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New member
Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the World, but what does World mean ? What or which World is He a Saviour of ? Not that you believe in Jesus Christ anyway, you dont !

They have to redefine world to fit their false gospel. More Greek philosophers from Mars hill.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That's what you teach and believe, that a person is saved by what they do.

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We are saved by responding to Christ and his Gospel. No response is a response. We respond with love and thanksgiving for what Christ has done to save us.

You have never responded have you?


Well-known member
We are saved by responding to Christ and his Gospel. No response is a response. We respond with love and thanksgiving for what Christ has done to save us.

You have never responded have you?
That's salvation by works, by what a person does. That's a disregard for salvation by what Christ did alone.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Responding to Christ and His Gospel

Responding to Christ and His Gospel

The Gospel calls for a response. How can one hear that Christ died on the cross for their sins and the sins of the world and not respond to that? Those who hear and believe respond with a heart full of love and thanksgiving for what Christ has done for them, But not all. Many hear the Gospel and do nothing, there is no response. Why is that? They should respond but they don't.

I had a good friend by the name of Jerry. I usually saw Jerry about once a week, he was a customer of the company that I worked for. I was not a Christian at this time. One day Jerry came in and announced that he had become a Christian. Well, that just about knocked my socks off. I said to Jerry, "Does this mean no more dirty jokes?" He just looked at me and smiled. I knew that he had a sincere conversion experience because he stopped smoking and cussing and there was no more dirty jokes.

Instead of the dirty jokes Jerry started talking to me about Christ and the Gospel. I responded by telling him that being a Christian was a good thing for him, but not for me. Every time that Jerry came in it was the same thing. I had to think of new excuses as to why I could not become a Christian. After a while when I saw Jerry coming I would disappear. Jerry did not win me to Christ, but he did have an effect on me.

Some years after my experience with Jerry, It was on a Sunday afternoon, I turned on the TV, Billy Graham was on and they were giving the alter call. All that I heard was "But that thy blood was shed for me" That did it. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my need for Christ and I became a Christian. It was very traumatic because of the many years of past rejection of Christ and his Gospel.

Did Jerry's witness have anything to do with my conversion to Christ? I don't know. But I do know that, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17, which is the Gospel. I heard, I believed and I was saved. I responded to Christ and his Gospel.


New member
The Gospel calls for a response. How can one hear that Christ died on the cross for their sins and the sins of the world and not respond to that? Those who hear and believe respond with a heart full of love and thanksgiving for what Christ has done for them, But not all. Many hear the Gospel and do nothing, there is no response. Why is that? They should respond but they don't.

I had a good friend by the name of Jerry. I usually saw Jerry about once a week, he was a customer of the company that I worked for. I was not a Christian at this time. One day Jerry came in and announced that he had become a Christian. Well, that just about knocked my socks off. I said to Jerry, "Does this mean no more dirty jokes?" He just looked at me and smiled. I knew that he had a sincere conversion experience because he stopped smoking and cussing and there was no more dirty jokes.

Instead of the dirty jokes Jerry started talking to me about Christ and the Gospel. I responded by telling him that being a Christian was a good thing for him, but not for me. Every time that Jerry came in it was the same thing. I had to think of new excuses as to why I could not become a Christian. After a while when I saw Jerry coming I would disappear. Jerry did not win me to Christ, but he did have an effect on me.

Some years after my experience with Jerry, It was on a Sunday afternoon, I turned on the TV, Billy Graham was on and they were giving the alter call. All that I heard was "But that thy blood was shed for me" That did it. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my need for Christ and I became a Christian. It was very traumatic because of the many years of past rejection of Christ and his Gospel.

Did Jerry's witness have anything to do with my conversion to Christ? I don't know. But I do know that, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17, which is the Gospel. I heard, I believed and I was saved. I responded to Christ and his Gospel.

Amen. Calvinists try to make a heartfelt response to the gospel as some kind of legalistic work. Faith is a work of God thru the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer which is the complete opposite of the works of the law or works of the flesh that Paul always contrasted faith with. We are commanded to believe in Christ and his gospel and Calvinism is an elaborate charade of unbelief.