ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
The evil ideas are still there, and they're still being justified by modern racists, and alt-righters trying to pretend they're not racist.
in what way is the negro equal to the white man?
The evil ideas are still there, and they're still being justified by modern racists, and alt-righters trying to pretend they're not racist.
in what way is the negro equal to the white man?
In the Civil War, America suffered a fall from grace. But grace was used to turn enmity into comity.
This is why the Civil War monuments existed, in part, perhaps in the largest part.* A shattered nation needed to come back together.* Secession was treason.* Treason was disgrace; worse, treason was committed to protect the evil of slavery.* Men died to stop it.* Men died to save it.* We know who won.* But with battlefields stained with blood, and the shops, streets and homes filled with maimed bodies, broken futures, and fractured souls, how do you mend two warring sides?*
The President saw the need to overcome the conceit that a person can own another in servitude; he had to destroy the idea that slavery was acceptable; and once doing that, remove the disgrace from the person.* Let them restore their dignity, sense of place, recognizing those parts of themselves that were honorable and good.* They were made to see that this thing about slavery they got horribly wrong.* He believed that to be at peace and to become neighbors again, to be one nation again, they must forgive; they must get past it; they must see each representative of the former enemy as a whole being, fully vested with all the rights and privileges of citizenship.* There are no spoils for the victors because there is no one vanquished.* We are brothers again.
The monuments are there basically to give back dignity to good people who went wrong. Evil ideas can become acceptable in a society and we have no place as a modern enlightened society to judge them according to our full moral understanding today.
:liberals:in what way is the negro equal to the white man?
in what way is the negro equal to the white man?
Both are made in the image and likeness of God.
In all ways.
does that mean they're equal?
does that mean they're equal?
well, no
not if you consider diabetes, hypertension, cancer death rates, etc: http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-h...es/why-7-deadly-diseases-strike-blacks-most#1
They actually did believe it. They just couldn't fix reality just yet and still have a nation.you're referring to that "all men are created equal" crap that the founding fathers dint believe in?
Writers perspective is bigoted? How? As for telling the descendants what I just said, they would gladly accept it if they had been taught the truth in our education system.Tell that to the descendents of those slaves - who for way, way long after that continued to undergo the horrendous dehumanization, raping, and murdering, way into, and past the 1960's - not only at the hands of such "good people" but as millions of such "good people" ignored and or rationalized it all.
That writer's perspective?
The same old, bigoted, narrow-minded lens that not only allowed the above widely spread double-standard and it's horrors, to begin with, but the very double-standard being witnessed by all the world, once more.
But Lincoln did note in his writings that the slaves were an inferior being.
For Lincoln's had been a confused mix of Darwin and Replacement Theology's myth of some sort of a God inspired Manifest White Destiny.
As widespread as that myth as a disease was (and has somewhat remained) it would stand to reason that "the good white folk" of that time would have had no problem having allowed the criminals behind all that, way back when, to walk away Scott-free because - well, the war was enough towards helping these otherwise good people to see their momentary evil for what it was...
Must mean that the hunt for the criminals behind Hitler's Nazi atrocity - until they were brought to justice...had been wrong.
It is one thing to love our country.
Totally another to so willingly turn a blind eye to the obvious once more.
When a President is not only once more endorsed by the David Dukes of all that as "speaking to" them, but as "speaking to the heart" of so many supposedly otherwise "good people" - all that shows is just how far such have NOT come at all.
That just shows the actual compass of such.
Regardless of what such obviously delude themselves into believing is their true compass.
1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.
Equal in humanity and rights.does that mean they're equal?
well, no
not if you consider diabetes, hypertension, cancer death rates, etc: http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-h...es/why-7-deadly-diseases-strike-blacks-most#1
Writers perspective is bigoted? How? As for telling the descendants what I just said, they would gladly accept it if they had been taught the truth in our education system.
So, you have no logical response? Just admit you are wrong. It's no shame.That would be "Educational" not "educating system.
Even that much is perhaps a bit telling - about your own "educating" :chuckle:
Then again, Trump went (Trump's mobbed up crooked, dirty money old man bought his son's way in) to Wharton (til Trump dropped out; he found it so taxing).
Look how far that got him - all the way to the hit fake reality tv show known the world over as The Trump Flubministration.
I take it you have yet to vet the man?
It's never to late, ya know.
So, you have no logical response? Just admit you are wrong. It's no shame.
Just move on you little obsessive troll.Perhaps you linger on a thread like most Trump lemmings tend to do.
Me; I might post a thing and either move on to some other forum on TOL, if not just move on to some other activity in my life.
Try that sometime.
Just move on you little obsessive troll.