Who will be in Charge of the Everlasting Torturing in the Eternal Hell?
I asked this question because I am not sure of its answer.
Thank you.
Who will be in Charge of the Everlasting Torturing in the Eternal Hell?
I asked this question because I am not sure of its answer.
Thank you.
There is no everlasting torture for anyone anywhere
There is a second death for everyone that lived who are the unjust
The unjust in being confronted by God and His son Jesus Christ will be fully aware of what they will miss because they rejected God is their punishment..
They will die the second death knowing fully how bad a choice they made
Their own evil will be the source of their own self destruction
Considering that "torture" is the wrong word, not used by the Bible...
Can someone be tormented (the word actually used in the Bible) without there being an external cause?
What is the need for a second death?
After the first death, one's flesh just returns to the state of void, the state before its birth (if not the state before Creation).
Jesus used a simple clear expression for this fact: "Everlasting Fire".
In fact, when someone realizes that he has things which cannot be useful anymore and in anyway, he just burns them at a very high temperature to let them return to their 'raw state.
In other words, "Everlasting Fire" is the opposite of "Everlasting Life"; 'not to exist forever' versus 'to exist forever'.
But if someone had the chance to live on earth the divine Love towards all others, as Jesus revealed and lived it even with a living human flesh, he would perceive, in his soul, the joy of God's Love, here in the physical realm then in God's Realm after the death of his flesh, How this could be possible, speaking logically, will be for anther thread![]()
What is the reason that God gives for the second death?
The everlasting fire in reference to the Gehenna, the place where carrion is disposed of is everlasting because it lasts as long as there is trash to burn.
Have you ever burned trash before?
There is no reason to continue the fire after all is burned up
It lasts ever as long as there is something to burn
Death is the opposite of life
Fires happen regardless whether or not life or death is near
When people reject God they reject life love and all God's goodness
Since they don't want God, God let's them do that and they reap what they sowed
They reject life they get death
Well said.
It seems to me that, to you, it is necessary for God to resurrect, at the end of times, 'all' humans so that some of them will stay alive in God's Realm while the rest will die again, but for good this time.
To me, being alive again to die for the second time is simply not necessary since they were already in the state of void.
By the way, if I couldn't find a logical/real answer about how I may join God's Realm after the death of my mortal living flesh, I couldn't see clearly the end purpose for which God (the One Will/power of the Father in Heaven, not incarnated, and Jesus, incarnated, unified, since before Creation, by the divine Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit) brought me into this temporarily life.
God did not consult me to determine what He would do in the future and why
Did He consult any of His creation?
Does God need a counselor?
There shall be a resurrection of the just first, then a resurrection of the unjust
The unjust will face the perfect justice of God and die the second death to live no more
Thus they will have experienced that eternal torment that are doomed to never experience God's eternal goodness and kindness
There is no everlasting torture for anyone anywhere
There is a second death for everyone that lived who are the unjust
The unjust in being confronted by God and His son Jesus Christ will be fully aware of what they will miss because they rejected God is their punishment..
They will die the second death knowing fully how bad a choice they made
Their own evil will be the source of their own self destruction
The correct term is everlasting torment.
You are right. Truth be said, I deliberately used the word 'torture'
for being much more attractive than the soft word 'punishment'.
My question was addressed to those who like believing that God prepared already an eternal place/realm . . . in which the [sinners] will be punished (if not tortured) for eternity.
much like the hell of Islam . . . infidels
If it happened you read my previous post #4, you would notice that 'hell' is, to me in the least, like fire that returns back something to its raw state; or to the state of void in case of a human who lost his soul (the parable of the sower).
So you didn't mind knowing that our Creator liked to watch a game (perhaps He was bored). So He created a huge universe and allowed us, the human species, to exist on Earth; on one of the zillion planets. And to let His game be real exiting, our Creator gifted us (unlike all other creatures) the Free Will and set a list of rules to be observed by the players (us). Then, He tell us:
"Let Me see who among you will be able to please Me by obeying My rules, besides glorifying Me, and who will deserve My wrath and torment."
I personally don't see Jesus telling us about a game but about God's Love. But this doesn't prevent that God's Love could be also seen by the majority of humans as God's Game. The reason is simple. Obeying rules is much easier than living the unconditional lawless love towards all others, even enemies, as revealed and lived by Jesus.
So whoever chooses to obey rules (since it is easy), he has to also believe that his Creator is just One Supernatural Being playing the role of the Supreme Ruler/King (much like on earth).
Only rare humans around the world are able to live Jesus Love and perceive the power of the divine spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit which unifies the will/power of two independent beings in the spiritual Realm; in Heaven and on Earth as well.
Please note, it is okay if you can't get what I say. After all, you have to live the way you are used to![]()
The correct term is everlasting torment.
Who will be in Charge of the Everlasting Torturing in the Eternal Hell?
I asked this question because I am not sure of its answer.
Thank you.
Can someone be tormented (the word actually used in the Bible) without there being an external cause?
How could I answer it
if, as I perceive my Creator, no one will be tormented for not obeying God's Law, on earth and after death?![]()
right...He is God of the LIVING...as the dead are dead...know nothing...can not praise Him...they are dead...as you were before your father's seed found your mother's egg...void...God is not the God of the dead.
He is not a God of confusion and there is hierarchy and order in ALL...So no one is in charge.
wow seriously...Satan lives for ever now too? Ruling? there is only One Immortal...there is NO OHER...we are mortals in need of the tree of life...once that was removed we DIE...never immortal never sustained as spirits/souls...beware the One who can and will destroy the soul...It runs by itself and naturally the most powerful and most evil shall rule, who is Satan.
So He controls what is inside this universe but not what Satan has out there? yikes...that outside the universe burning is in the presence of the Lamb...in a pit...That said. This universe is not a natural environment. It is God-made. The question boils down to what is lying outside of our universe, possibly filled with heat and energy (scientifically).
When you intentionally twist what the Bible says, you end up with a distorted view of who God is.
God created because He wanted to create.
God created man not for His amusement, not because He wanted to make a game, but to have a relationship with man.
God gave man the ability to choose between God or rebelling against Him.
God predetermined that those who choose Him will live with Him for eternity, and that those who choose to rebel against Him will not live with Him.
When God made man, He didn't give them a list (per se), but He gave them three rules, to have dominion over the earth, to be fruitful and multiply, and to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and it is the latter that represents law, throughout the Bible, and the law is what will condemn those who rebel against God. In other words, the third command was don't partake of the law.
As i said in my previous post, the consequence of rebelling against God, is death, and so the punishment is separation, because the wages of sin is death, and death is separation.
Your premise is flawed, and thus I reject your argument.
Your premise is that love is completely separate from the law.
The reality, as stated a few times in the Bible, is that love fulfills the law. If you truly love God and your neighbors, you will never violate His law.
Sorry, but that just doesn't follow.
This sounds more like "New Age" nonsense, another perversion of what the Bible says.
In other words, "live the way you think is right"?
Find out what IS right, and live that.
The correct term is everlasting torment.