Galatians says God is one. Not God's representative is one.
Which makes Jesus the perfect mediator. He was with God and WAS GOD in the beginning. John 1:1
He became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 Making Him the perfect Mediator (God in the beginning become flesh/man)
That isn't what Scripture's what YOU say.
We see God our Saviour, and Jesus Christ who gave Himself a ransom for all. Think about it.
1 Tim. 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
I do believe scripture. You have erred in your interpretation.
I agree, God is one.
In the context, God is talking about the need for a mediator, it is not about whether God is three or one or if you include Moses and all the other humans that God refers to as God, the maybe thousands of people that God refers to as Gods.
God is very plain, we need a mediator between God and us. In order for there to be a mediator, a go between, there has to be two parties to have a go between. There are two parties. God is one and mankind is the other.
Are you suggesting that God was wrong to select the man Christ Jesus, that is, that the man Christ Jesus is not qualified to properly and accurately represent both God and man? What are you disputing?
One great error in learning is assuming we have the truth instead of looking for the truth. If we assume we have, we put blinders on ourselves and will not look at all the evidence. We do not search scripture because we have the answers but to find the answers.
I do not believe what I believe to a pain in the neck or to draw attention to myself
I was a defender of the trinity, but then learned a few scriptures that clarified for me that Jesus is a man, not God. I Timothy 2:4 being the turning point for me.
The traditional interpretations of John 1:1,14 do not fit with I Timothy 2:5 and other similar verses. No amount of tradition is more powerful than scripture believed.
John 1:1 has not been rightly divided for centuries
Of course the common interpretation is that it about Jesus being with God in existence and being God. I won't refute that that is the common interpretation.
However, based on a closer examination of the words used and their meanings as well as other passages I believe there is a far better and accurate way to look at John 1:1 that is by letting it speak for itself.
Of course, you might say, as others have, that since John 1:1 has been used to support the trinity for centuries, it must be true.
Well, there a plenty of examples of traditional doctrines that can be shown to be contrary to scripture.
One example is the information that Jesus taught his eventual death and resurrection as given in Matthew 12:40
"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
Jesus Christ was as clear as can be that he would be interred for a total of three days and three nights.
Why does tradition ignore the clear and plain words of Jesus Christ?
Who counts three days and three nights between Good Friday and Sunday morning, the assumed timing of those two events?
Let us count them. FriDAY, SaturDAY, SunDAy, that is three days and that is a stretch because Friday and Sunday would only be part days if tradition is right. Now, Friday night and Saturday night. That is only two nights, where is the third night?
Tradition has misinterpreted scripture, traditionalists have ignored Jesus Christ's clear plain words for centuries to the tune of way over a thousand years.
Granted, the scriptural use of the day could mean only a short time a part of a day a full day even times much longer, but when scripture speaks of day and night it means a twenty four hour period of time.
Jesus Christ is Matthew 12:40 is even more specific than simply stating three days and nights.
He does not say three days and nights, he said three days and three nights. He specifically and repeats three referring to days and three referring to nights.
There is no excuse for not believing three 24 hour periods of time.
I do not wish to expound the obvious solution though one verse is the basic verse people misunderstood, but because there are many other details that could be brought up.
Another example of tradition ignoring scripture and thus teaching error instead of scripture is regarding Noah and the ark.
By how many animals did they go into the ark?
Genesis 7:9
There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
The animals went in two by two
But how many animals does tradition say were in the ark of each species? They read Genesis 7:9 and conclude that Noah took only two of each species, one male and one female of each.
But is that what scriptures tell us?
No, it is not.
God told Noah the following in Genesis 7:2-3 how many pairs of clean animals and how many pairs of the unclean animals and how many pairs of the fowls of the air.
Let read it for what it says in Genesis 7:2-3
2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
How many of each specie do you read that God commanded Noah to take on the ark with him?
why was I taught only two of each species?
How many were you taught of each species?
For that matter, who is it that does not read Matthew 12:40 for what is says?
Why read that verse at all? If they want to ignore that verse why not ignore all of scripture? that would more honest. Unfortunately that is what traditionalists do, they ignore scripture all the time even to the point of not reading verses pertaining to the identity of Jesus Christ.
Since tradition has erred so obviously on the obvious truths in Matthew 12:40 and Genesis 7 why should I assume that tradition is right about anything?
Shall I go on?