Who was the first human antichrist?


The problem with guys like Nimrod and Adam is that not enough was know about Christ to make a convincing imitation. Plus they would need motive. Adam had no motive. Nimrod had no reason to pretend to be a savior.

Here is what antichrist needs

1 the False Prophet
2 political intrigue
3 religious power
4 motive
5 opportunity
6 means

Here is an analysis of the false prophet

1 great religious potential
2 inability to rise above a certain level
3 willingness to climb up on a tiger's back
4 ability to mimick real prophets
5 luck
6 great deceptive power

I will not address the female rider as to many people here think I am a male chauvinist pig. But there are six points and all this is in the bible. As a matter of fact the first human antichrist is in the bible.



Sorry but a woman can't be the antichrist, not even Hilery. But keep trying as there is always Lady Luck.

Nonetheless interesting that the Bible commonly uses a whoring woman for symbolism, especially in Ezekiel and Revelation.

Revelation 17:5
Ezekiel 23:11-21


Listen up everybody. I have been call all sorts of names. Ktoyou is just the latest. Now that I have been publicly insulted everyone should understand how sick and twisted my mind really is. And that is exactly what it takes to understand


But not to understand it really. To explain it. I'm going to give you a sick and twisted look at the antichrist. Oh you will call me all kinds of names. Threaten me. Probably get old Sherman involved. But in the end you will come away with a whole different take on what is happening.

Good luck yea who's!


Anyone who denies Christ is an antichrist. Where does it say that Lazarus denied Christ?

"Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22).

Yes and No. Jesus does not use "Joseph the Blessing" to pay for everyone's sin, because we are not designed to distinguish our spirituality in heaven (that is something God uses Jesus to do ... you are designed with freewill, this also exists outside of our realm of control in the spiritual environment in an entirely different level, this is apart of the Judgment, and Jesus not only has the right to say no, but does so for anything that constitutes Genetic Dan, and also many people according to the law). "JOHN 11:5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus." ............... Jesus did not just love Lazarus, because God Loves all Men but that is not the point. Jesus loved "Lazarus, Martha and Mary" together, and because of that, Jesus claimed that Lazarus denied that Jesus was the Son of God, more so than the Son of Joseph the Blessing. Love and Blessings (Nightly walk after 4/17/2016, if the level of force continues, we will repeat what happened in May 2011, that is not something I want to see happen, but what becomes necessary that will be done).

patrick jane

Listen up everybody. I have been call all sorts of names. Ktoyou is just the latest. Now that I have been publicly insulted everyone should understand how sick and twisted my mind really is. And that is exactly what it takes to understand


But not to understand it really. To explain it. I'm going to give you a sick and twisted look at the antichrist. Oh you will call me all kinds of names. Threaten me. Probably get old Sherman involved. But in the end you will come away with a whole different take on what is happening.

Good luck yea who's!



Don't worry Patty Jane. You are not forgotten. As a matter of fact the Supreme Court decision is in keeping with the concept of the antichrist.

The easiest and most straight forward way to enslave a people or a nation is to destroy the sanctity of


patrick jane

Don't worry Patty Jane. You are not forgotten. As a matter of fact the Supreme Court decision is in keeping with the concept of the antichrist.

The easiest and most straight forward way to enslave a people or a nation is to destroy the sanctity of

Yep, crazy boy