And with this statement you prove that you are woefully uninformed about these matters.
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!" And Jesus responded, "Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven. (Mat 16:16-17 CSB)
Jesus said "Why call me good? Only God is good."
Jesus did not preach in propositional theology or make statements of dogma.
He avoided agreeing with those who called him God in many other places in the four gospels. Even John's account, which is full of theology and not much history, has a tradition recorded where Jesus says "God is greater than I."
What do you do with these separate and contradictory traditions?
Do you ignore one and embrace the other?
Or, because they are both in the Bible, see them dispassionately and with respect and serious thinking?
All traditions and theologies in the Bible came from men who were inspired by God to give their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs to what they wrote. We need to respect them and give them some dignity.
They were people--not parrots. They were thinkers, not memorizers.
Sorry but I regard most of the theological language and interpretations that grew up after Jesus died to be later additions placed into his mouth by the gospel authors. For example, the vitriolic anti-Semitic language of Jesus in the Book of John reflects John's community's conflict with Jews who had not yet accepted Jesus as Messiah, Son of God, or whatever. So John put his own invective into Jesus' mouth.
We all want a Jesus that makes sense to us. John did it, Mark did it, Matthew did it and Luke did it. And more importantly, WE do it.