Who goes to Heaven and who does not?


Active member
Serious question. Thanks.

God is going to build a Heaven. It's more like you are going to build a large mansion, and to invite people to live with you forever. Will you accept someone who keeps teaching your children to become drug dealers and additive to drugs? You won't. So before you accept anyone to live with you, you need to set up criteria and rules for everyone to follow if they would like to live with you. That's the nature of what Law is.

Once rules are set, all candidates are equally judged under open witnessing. There's not much you can do even when you are God, if some candidates failed the judgment under open witnessing and in an open judgment.

In a nutshell, those not chosen are those not "suitable" to live with God in a forever realm. God's job is to define a covenant such that they would be disqualified openly and removed. He also defines predestination/fates for those "suitable" to live with him for them to show up as who they are, such that they can be qualified openly in accordance to the covenant in place.

To put it another way, God knows before hand who is going to be saved and who's not. However there's not much He can do if someone is openly witnessed and openly judged as the "disqualified".

That being said. God is the God of living but not the God of the dead. If you want the dead to be saved legitimately, Jesus would have to be crucified twice (this won't happen, that's why God is not the God of the dead). If on the other hand, you would like the dead to be saved illegitimately, it only means that God is not a just God to fail to stick to His own Law and covenants. If so, God's realm is not a lawful realm.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Serious question. Thanks.

The answer to this question has changed several times throughout history. Today, the saved (i.e. those who go to heaven) are those who believe the following things...

  • God exists and is the Creator of all things and He is perfect, holy, and just.
  • We, having willfully done evil things and rebelled against God, who gave us life, deserve death.
  • Because God loves us, He provided for Himself a propitiation (an atoning sacrifice) by becoming a man whom we call Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus, being the Creator God Himself and therefore innocent of any sin, willingly bore the sins of the world and died on our behalf.
  • Jesus rose from the dead.
  • If you confess with you mouth, the Lord Jesus Christ (i.e. openly acknowledge your need of a savior and that He is that Savior) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.


Well-known member
The answer to this question has changed several times throughout history. Today, the saved (i.e. those who go to heaven) are those who believe the following things...

  • God exists and is the Creator of all things and He is perfect, holy, and just.
  • We, having willfully done evil things and rebelled against God, who gave us life, deserve death.
  • Because God loves us, He provided for Himself a propitiation (an atoning sacrifice) by becoming a man whom we call Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus, being the Creator God Himself and therefore innocent of any sin, willingly bore the sins of the world and died on our behalf.
  • Jesus rose from the dead.
  • If you confess with you mouth, the Lord Jesus Christ (i.e. openly acknowledge your need of a savior and that He is that Savior) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.

:thumb: Right on!


Well-known member
Each human that ever lived has the exact same ability to see that Jesus was real, but some are saying, "Nah"?

1. Then GOD is not loving and patient or HE would not wait for some to change their minds and not everyone.
2. HE grants some grace thru faith but not others which denies that their Nah has any force.


New member
Moving the goalposts is not a logical answer.... though the red herring that is the heart of your answer seems to have worked quite well....
I'm not moving the goalposts. I'm keeping you from moving the goalposts.
The real question is: "Why anyone?"


New member
Neither the sheep nor the goats of Mt 25 have anything to do with either salvation or benevolent works in this present time.

Context, context, context!
The context, context, context has everything to do with God's Sovereign choice.
One receives the inheritance marked for them from the beginning of time. The other receives the judgment brought by the curse.