Who died on the cross? - a Hall of Fame thread.

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Eclectic Theosophist


I have no doubt that one cannot hide from God (i.e. Psalm 139), that isn't in question. The question is.... is God forced to be in hell 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Much depend on our definition/understanding of Omnipresence. God is not forced to be in 'hell' (again we have different definitions/understandings of what 'hell' is or if it even exists), however if we consider the nature of God as 'Spirit' being Unlimited, Infinite, omnipresent...and within this Spirit-Presence of Deity is a 'Living Awareness'(Consciousness) that is unlimited, infinite, omnipresent...then nothing can exist outside of God. God is Spirit, Light, Consciousness, Mind. God is the Medium, the Field in which all exists. All space/time, energy, spirit, substance originates in and subsists in the Unified Field that is 'God'. All states, conditions, realms, dimensions of existence that are 'knowable' then,...exist within God's infinite and all-encompassing Awareness. If anyone truly exists anywhere God knows it no matter space/time or location.

If we carry a pre-conceived belief that God can choose not to exist or be present (to be 'present' would imply cognitive awareness of that location or dimension of space) in some sector of His vast Universe...this would appear to undermine the original premise of His Infinity of Being. The Absoluteness and Infinity of God is still all-encompassing and all-pervading even if we assume that God could by his own volition limit himself in any way if he were to so choose. In the case of the traditional concept of 'hell', we might presume God has chosen to forever block his memory or awareness of these poor suffering souls...and/or that these souls have chosen to reject God so that they have blocked out all knowledge of God so that darkness is obscuring the whole field of vision either way. The fact however remains that the fundamental Reality of Existence is God's Infinite Presence/Being, and it is Omni in its original and eternal Preeminence. So,..whatever conditions we might want to put on God or presume that God puts on himself are conjectural, however logical they might seem.



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Hall of Fame
I am not a Calvinist. I deny knowing Nang or AMR. I actually can't spell kelvunest. I hate them, I say.

Please don't ban me.

P.S. If the two are banned, why not Beloved?


New member



Even google does not have that word.

Is this another question I have to get right to get to your heaven?

It was decided at the Smackadelphian Council A.D. 2008 that all Orthos are heretics for rejecting the Smackadelphian Creed...

We, then, following Jesus Christ, all with one consent, teach men that they need to be smacked out of their religious isms and unbiblical ortho boxies, and accept the simplicity of the gospel, which results in Christ in You - the hope of Glory! Jesus, the Son of God, who, having a divine nature, humbled Himself and came into the world in the likeness of sinful flesh, and in the appearance of a man, reconciled the world unto Himself by dying for our sins on the cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose on the third day, where He now is seated in the heavenlies!


New member
You are missing the debate.

I have no doubt that one cannot hide from God (i.e. Psalm 139), that isn't in question. The question is.... is God forced to be in hell 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Forgive my disruptiveness. Scripture says God is there.

Perhaps God chooses to be there, out of love.

Nathon Detroit

It was decided at the Smackadelphian Council A.D. 2008 that all Orthos are heretics for rejecting the Smackadelphian Creed...

We, then, following Jesus Christ, all with one consent, teach men that they need to be smacked out of their religious isms and unbiblical ortho boxies, and accept the simplicity of the gospel, which results in Christ in You - the hope of Glory! Jesus, the Son of God, who, having a divine nature, humbled Himself and came into the world in the likeness of sinful flesh, and in the appearance of a man, reconciled the world unto Himself by dying for our sins on the cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose on the third day, where He now is seated in the heavenlies!
:first: POTD


New member
Being there, doesn't mean God is forced to "be there" all of the time for all eternity.

Can you understand that?

I think we both easily agree that God can not be forced to do anything. God
chooses to do what God Wills.

Therefore, given that one cannot escape God's Presence even in Hell, as
Scripture states, its by God's choice, not something God is forced into.

Given that God is Love, this makes perfect sense, that God would choose to be
present even among those who would turn their back on God and not recognize
God's presence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Can God cease to be eternal, uncreated, triune Creator, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent? These are ontological characteristics of God (it does not mean God does illogical things or always uses power, etc.).


Well-known member
Then He is not present everywhere. Thanks for conceding.

i dont see how because he is not in cat poop does not take away the fact that its in his presecence lol...

If you see cat poop or any kind of poop does that mean you are in it or dwell in it ? Your thinking is absurd dude..how old are you ? 12 or 13 , 10 or 11 lol..quit playing on the computer..


Well-known member
knight ask

Originally Posted by Knight
I didn't ask if He was aware! I asked IS HE THERE?!!! Is He there 24/7 without exception?

ps 139:

7Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there

Yes He is There..24/7


New member

eve·ry·where –adverb

in every place or part; in all places.

Shall I also define the word "all" for you?

God can be anywhere He chooses. Do you think He is limited by material objects? If we build something big enough, can He not be present?
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