Who can tell me when


Well-known member
They are not my calculations (for the millionth time). I have merely re-researched others research and calculations. :)

Doesn't matter, you are still making predictions based on your version of the calendar: I actually just replied to your prediction of the day of the appearance of the Anti-Christ in another thread by that same name:

You are still not understanding, the calculations AND calendar are not mine they. I have merely re-researched others research and calculations. Although the second one is mine to be fair.

Because as I keep trying to explain to you, you are using the modern Jewish man made calendar invented by Rabbi Hillel (the younger) in 359 AD. Which uses a mathematically calculated 19 year repeating lunar cycle and from which you get your dates from here: http://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/month_cdo/jewish/Month-View.htm and according to this today (21st February - midnight to midnight) is day 6 of Adar.

But God's Calendar as described in the Bible itself uses the real phases of the moon as observed visually from Jerusalem which makes today (sunset 20th to sunset 21st February) day 4 of Adar, which you can find from any of these sources or more:







After the sunsets this evening it will be day 5 while your man made Hillel calendar will still be day 6 till midnight.

There you go again: you say it is not your calendar but then you turn around and say it is "God's Calendar as described in the Bible itself". It is not "God's Calendar", and it is not described in the Bible, and that has already been shown to you but you reject what is written in the Torah, another of which passages was just shown to you in one of your other threads where you also kept trying to say that it is not your calendar. It is your calendar because you have adopted it and are preaching it everywhere in this forum. If you say it is "God's Calendar" does that not mean it is the calendar which you yourself follow and desire to teach others to follow? How therefore can it not be your calendar too? Have you not adopted the calendar which you claim is God's Calendar" or do you reject "God's Calendar" for yourself and only want to use it for your predictions and prognostications? And for someone else to say "your calendar" does not necessarily mean that they think you yourself came up with it. You have adopted it, but you did not get it from the scripture because the scripture refutes it, and therefore it is not "God's Calendar", and you got it online or from books written by man and the men who invented it, plain and simple. It is your calendar because you have adopted it and made it your own, for you continue to preach it and are trying to teach it everywhere throughout this forum, even though it has been shown to be erroneous many times over. How can someone with an IQ supposedly so high, as you yourself have boasted about, be so dense?

Is this better? Your calendar was concocted by men and is not "God's Calendar". :chuckle:


Well-known member
For the umpteenth time it is described six times in the Bible as shown in this video for example, which you choose to ignore. Just because you are ignorant of this does not make it magically vanish from the Bible:

Ahhr! Can you not see your own contradictory statements? Let me explain this to you:

The calendar I believe is the true calendar of God is the one described in the Bible (six times) which you are currently unaware of as you choose to ignore these scriptures. This calendar is God's Calendar which I recognise as being God's Calendar. I can't not say I follow it or have adopted strictly speaking as I do not observe its Sabbaths or feasts etc but that is because I am not under the law but under grace. I feel somewhat bad that I don't as the Sabbath is still a command but then I never kept the Sabbath even when I believed it was Friday to Saturday (sunset to sunset) so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

Now if I don't follow it nor have literally adopted it but I only recognise it and more over have not invented it then I certainly can not claim that it is my calendar. I'm mean if I have had made something by myself. say a chair for example, then I could confidently state that that chair is mine and you could state categorically that that is my chair and say; "Watchman that is your chair" but in this instance it is not my calendar!

Yes I did and here is the proof again which you are choosing to ignore:


No scripture supports it and here's the proof that you are ignoring:
Yes it is and here's the proof again:
No, again here's the proof you are ignoring:


For the millionth time no. The chance would be a fine thing but that would require someone watching the video or reading the scriptures that describe God's Calendar but most here seem incapable of this. No it hasn't. Only in your imagination because you don't even know where it is in the Bible because you choose to ignore it . Again this is just in your imagination because you ignore the facts. Only in your imagination because you choose to ignore the facts.

Okay, so you admit that you do not even observe the calendar you are pushing here, so why do you keep pushing it if you actually have no stake in whether it is correct or not? Oh yeah, that's right, just as has been said over and over again, which I already figured was the case: you are pushing it because you think it supports your false prophecies and prognostications which you came to warn everyone about, (lol).

And for the umpteenth time, you are the one who is ignoring the facts: there is only one answer to this, so why do you keep repeating the same errors and posting the same erroneous links over and over again, expecting a different answer? I cannot give you any other answer than what is written in the Torah which you keep rejecting:

Even your own statement is not factually correct because Lev23:24 says shabbaton, which is a rest, but not necessarily a Shabbat, while at the same time Yom Kippurim, (the tenth), is called more critically and importantly a Shabbat shabbaton, that is, a Shabbat or Sabbath of shabbaton-rest. Not even modern Judaism keeps it this way, so I suppose both you and Jacob will disagree with this, but this is what the passage says and thus teaches, (Lev23:24-32).

How therefore can you have a Shabbat on the first and a Shabbat on the tenth in the same month? Is this another place where you insert days that do not even actually get counted in your calendar? There is no way even this one little technicality will work on your calendar because if you insert extra days you must insert them at the end of the previous month, between the months: but there is no way to insert your extra days between the first and the tenth of any given month and there certainly is no way to remove any days. I understand why some will add days to keep the Shabbat on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in their calendar, but I have never heard of anyone trying to add or remove days between the first and the tenth of a month or anywhere in the midst of an ongoing month. And obviously you cannot have a Shabbat on the first and a Shabbat on the tenth if you have a seven day week consisting of seven twenty-four hour days: it's that simple, and yet Yom Kippurim is plainly stated to be a Shabbat shabbaton, (Lev23:32), which is a Shabbat of rest.

And since you claim to be the all-knowing chief kahuna when it comes to calendars you should have already known about this little technicality, eh kahuna? Why therefore do you say that Rosh Hashanah is called a Sabbath when it is not? A shabbaton is not always a Shabbat because the Shabbatot are called Shabbat shabbaton beginning in Exo16:23, (which also calls it holy, a shabbaton Shabbat kodesh). Other days which are not Sabbaths, such as Rosh Hashanah, can still be called a shabbaton-rest but that does not mean they are the same as the Shabbat.

I have already studied all of those things and know precisely of what I speak. Why are you ignoring the elephant in the room? Your calendar cannot be correct because you cannot possibly have a Sabbath on both the first and the tenth. Yom Kippurim is most definitely and absolutely a Shabbat shabbaton, a Sabbath of rest, and therefore the first cannot be a weekly Shabbat, and neither can the eighth be a Shabbat in the same month because it would fall two days before the Shabbat of Yom Kippurim. Can you not count? Eight plus two is ten and two days is not seven days by any stretch of the imagination. Your calendar therefore CANNOT be "God's Calendar" because it apparently does not even recognize the great Shabbat of Yom Kippurim!

No answer Watchman? Every place in the Torah where we find shabbat and shabbaton used together the passage always speaks of the weekly Shabbat, with the only partial exception being the sabbatical year, (but it still speaks in terms of sabbaths of weeks of years).

Exodus 16:23 ~ shabbaton shabbat kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Exodus 31:15 ~ shabbat shabbaton kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Exodus 35:2 ~ kodesh shabbat shabbaton, (weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 16:31 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (Yom Kippurim - weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 23:3 ~ shabbat shabbaton, mikra kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 23:32 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (Yom Kippurim - weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 25:4 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (the weekly Shabbat of years for the land).

Does your calendar properly place Yom Kippurim as occurring on a weekly Shabbat, Watchman? And if not then how can it be "God's Calendar" if it does not even recognize the greatest weekly Shabbat of the year, the Day of Atonements? Every other Shabbat shabbaton is a weekly Shabbat according to the Torah, whether it be days or the one place which speaks of weeks of years: and Yom Kippurim is called the same, and therefore it also it a weekly Shabbat. The evidence from the Torah is plain as day for those who are of a willing heart to receive it. And therefore the tenth of the seventh hodesh is a shabbat shabbaton weekly Shabbat of Rest.

Rosh Hashanah is not called a Sabbath and there are even more passages which reveal this wherein shabbaton is used by itself, without the word Shabbat attached in the context, and in such places like the following it cannot be speaking of a weekly Shabbat:

Leviticus 23:39
39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a shabbaton, and on the eighth day shall be a shabbaton.

In the passage above the eighth day cannot be a Shabbat but is rather saying that it is a shabbaton-rest: not a weekly Shabbat. The calendar you are promoting is faulty and corrupt and not "God's Calendar" by any means because it ignores the fact that Yom Kippurim is called a Shabbat shabbaton while Rosh Hashanah is not. YOU are the one ignoring the facts.


Well-known member
Because it is God's Calendar and the feasts which our Lord Jesus is fulfilling are set by this calendar and not any other calendar such as the Jewish Hillel man made calendar or the Catholic Roman man made calendars. Jesus has yet to fulfil Atonement and Tabernacles and these are the days He will return on. That is why I am 'pushing it'. Just because you ignore the scriptures that show all this does not make God a liar. Just because you ignore the scriptures that prove God's Calendar doesn't make them go away.Just because you ignore the scriptures that prove God's Calendar doesn't make them false.

None of that affects God's Sabbaths on His Calendar but because you ignore the scriptures that prove God's Calendar you do not understand this:



So it is "God's Calendar" only because you say so, got it.
Sorry to inform you, again, but it does not even comply with the Torah.
The tenth of the seventh hodesh is a Shabbat Shabbaton, a Sabbath of Rest.

If you do not fast from the world you will not find the kingdom of Elohim: and if you do not sabbatize the whole sabbaton-week you will not see the Father, (in His Creation). :chuckle:


You come across as robot like.


Today is Sheni, 12-11.

That could be taken in many ways but I can assure you that I am not a robot. What you have said here is an insult to any human being. Humans are not robots. There are many ways that you might think of a human as a robot. Maybe in thinking, or communication. If you do not see what a person is communicating via text using a computer then you do not know what they are saying. Often we communicate what we are thinking. You may not know what I am thinking, but you can know of what I am thinking what (that which) I communicate to you. I do not know what you mean by Artificial Intelligence. Do you think that the people that you communicate with online or on the internet are robots? Are you saying that you think or thought that I am or might be a robot? That is very peculiar thinking. I do not know why you would think such a thing. Whatever it is that you are thinking in this regard I do not understand. I have no idea what you mean when you said here or told me here that I come across as robot like. I have no idea what robot like is or why you would say that I come across as such.

