Who are they who are condemned already ?


Well-known member
Are you in denial of Calvins past?

Calvin believed that executing unrepentant heretics was justified.
The best known example of this is when Calvin consented to the execution of Michael Servetus, a man who denied the Trinity and infant baptism. Servetus burned for one hour simply because of his theological views.

Calvin supporters are quick to point out that the great Reformer didn’t directly execute the man. He even tried to persuade Servetus not to come to Geneva. Calvin also tried to get Servetus to repent and sought for him to be granted a more humane execution (which was beheading instead of burning).

Calvin made this remark regarding Servetus, showing that he believed death for heresy was justifiable.

“But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come [to Geneva], I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.”

During Servertus’ trial, Calvin remarked:
“I hope that the verdict will call for the death penalty.”

That's just ONE abomination. You can see the rest here...


He's your hero!

Are you here to discuss calvins history or to debate the points made in the post , which you seem to evade !


Are you here to discuss calvins history or to debate the points made in the post , which you seem to evade !

I've already confronted your OP and you're the one avoiding it.


So in conclusion, Who are they who are condemned already in Jn 3:18 ? Its simple, anyone for whom Christ did not die !

For G1063 God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889

the world, the universe
the circle of the earth, the earth
the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God,
and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ

Explain to the forum HOW Christ did not die for unregenerated mankind when the word WORLD DOES NOT PERTAIN to Christians! You can't do it so you accuse me of avoiding the issue when ITS YOU who's avoiding it!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I'm tired of your inaction. Being that YOU are not confronting the issue, let me enlighten you about something. The word 'whosoever' is actually the word ALL!





Well-known member

I've already confronted your OP and you're the one avoiding it.

Thats not what I asked you ! Anybody can confront a OP, doesnt mean you read it and understood it ! Now are you going to prove to me that you understood the points I made or not ?


Are you in denial of Calvins past?

Calvin believed that executing unrepentant heretics was justified.
The best known example of this is when Calvin consented to the execution of Michael Servetus, a man who denied the Trinity and infant baptism. Servetus burned for one hour simply because of his theological views.

Calvin supporters are quick to point out that the great Reformer didn’t directly execute the man. He even tried to persuade Servetus not to come to Geneva. Calvin also tried to get Servetus to repent and sought for him to be granted a more humane execution (which was beheading instead of burning).

Calvin made this remark regarding Servetus, showing that he believed death for heresy was justifiable.

“But I am unwilling to pledge my word for his safety, for if he shall come [to Geneva], I shall never permit him to depart alive, provided my authority be of any avail.”

During Servertus’ trial, Calvin remarked:
“I hope that the verdict will call for the death penalty.”

That's just ONE abomination. You can see the rest here...


He's your hero!

The best know example huh? Let's see here. So give us a lesser know example.


I've already confronted your OP and you're the one avoiding it.


So in conclusion, Who are they who are condemned already in Jn 3:18 ? Its simple, anyone for whom Christ did not die !

For G1063 God G2316 so G3779 loved G25 the world, G2889

the world, the universe
the circle of the earth, the earth
the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God,
and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ

Explain to the forum HOW Christ did not die for unregenerated mankind when the word WORLD DOES NOT PERTAIN to Christians! You can't do it so you accuse me of avoiding the issue when ITS YOU who's avoiding it!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I'm tired of your inaction. Being that YOU are not confronting the issue, let me enlighten you about something. The word 'whosoever' is actually the word ALL!




So if someone can come up with one Bible example of a different world you are going to eat your words right?


John’s Gospel was written last after Paul and the other three gospels.

It casts Jesus as a theological figure who speaks in long, dense discourses--all about himself and the importance of believing in him.

John is not very historical, but it is heavily theological and mystical.


So if someone can come up with one Bible example of a different world you are going to eat your words right?

No! I'll just debunk it too! I challenge anybody to give it a shot!

There are several different words for 'world.' If the pre-tribbers and preterist (and Calvinist it seems) would have a sensible hermeneutic and accept the fact that passages like Mathew 24 has 3 different words for 'world' they would finally get the passage right and debunk their own beliefs.


No! I'll just debunk it too! I challenge anybody to give it a shot!

There are several different words for 'world.' If the pre-tribbers and preterist (and Calvinist it seems) would have a sensible hermeneutic and accept the fact that passages like Mathew 24 has 3 different words for 'world' they would finally get the passage right and debunk their own beliefs.

Ok. Then I won't spend any time on giving proof text from the bible on the term 'world'.


I won't spend any time on the execution thingy that you brought up except to say that you and I weren't there so you and I don't know much about it.


It probably is the only episode you can actually come up with. So when you say it is the best know example what you really mean is that it is all you got and you don't know much about it. (But the smoke screen is always a nice tactic to use on someone who can be bluffed. I just don't bluff easy.)


Ok. Then I won't spend any time on giving proof text from the bible on the term 'world'.


I won't spend any time on the execution thingy that you brought up except to say that you and I weren't there so you and I don't know much about it.


It probably is the only episode you can actually come up with. So when you say it is the best know example what you really mean is that it is all you got and you don't know much about it. (But the smoke screen is always a nice tactic to use on someone who can be bluffed. I just don't bluff easy.)

Talk about a cop out and then you blame it on me. WOW! Why don't you just put me to the test and give it your best shot!


Ok. (The following is a test.)

You gave the best know execution case that John Calvin was involved in.

Give a lesser known case.


Well-known member
Did you read and understand the OP and the points made ?

Yes, and here again is my problem with it.

You said "Its all for whom Christ did not die. You see, all for whom He did die, He took their penalty and condemnation upon Himself, this is so much the Truth that those whom He died for are born into this world as sinners and enemies, already reconciled to God Rom 5:10, already declared righteous Rom 5:19, so it cannot be anyone Christ died for without it being a miscarrying of Divine Justice ! Everyone Christ died for, for them He hath obtained for them Eternal Redemption Heb 9:12"

The part in blue is where you jump the track.

Nobody is born reconciled to God till they as adults accept Him as Lord and Saviour.


Well-known member
Yes, and here again is my problem with it.

You said "Its all for whom Christ did not die. You see, all for whom He did die, He took their penalty and condemnation upon Himself, this is so much the Truth that those whom He died for are born into this world as sinners and enemies, already reconciled to God Rom 5:10, already declared righteous Rom 5:19, so it cannot be anyone Christ died for without it being a miscarrying of Divine Justice ! Everyone Christ died for, for them He hath obtained for them Eternal Redemption Heb 9:12"

The part in blue is where you jump the track.

Nobody is born reconciled to God till they as adults accept Him as Lord and Saviour.

You said yes, then please explain what my points were even though you don't agree!


Did you read and understand the OP and the points made ?

Ok. John Calvin believed that the death of Christ was not in vain. Therefore the Atonement is not in vain.

Your retractors need to show how the Gospel message works for those who reject it. In other words if Christ died for someone who is now in hell then what is their explanation?


Well-known member
Ok. John Calvin believed that the death of Christ was not in vain. Therefore the Atonement is not in
Your retractors need to show how the Gospel message works for those who reject it. In other words if Christ died for someone who is now in hell then what is their explanation?


Well-known member
You said yes, then please explain what my points were even though you don't agree!

"Explain my points" implies a step by step proof.

You were doing fine until the part you made up which I highlighted in blue.

Then I explained that one is not born reconciled to God, but only adults who believe in Him are reconciled to God.

The reason I cannot explain your points is because there was no step-by-step proof of this, most important point.

Instead you just sucked it out of nowhere that some are born reconciled to God from birth and some not. The scriptures you gave to "prove" that said nothing of the sort.


Now I see one problem with rep resent. This hell bound loser is no longer in the red. Make it happen.

You talk this way because you don't have a real answer. Why don't you just light another smoke and have another drink. Lay back in your recliner and watch some more TV? I'm sure that things will get better for you.


Well-known member
"Explain my points" implies a step by step proof.

You were doing fine until the part you made up which I highlighted in blue.

Then I explained that one is not born reconciled to God, but only adults who believe in Him are reconciled to God.

The reason I cannot explain your points is because there was no step-by-step proof of this, most important point.

Instead you just sucked it out of nowhere that some are born reconciled to God from birth and some not. The scriptures you gave to "prove" that said nothing of the sort.

You don't believe the scripture which stated that believers were reconciled to God by the Death of Christ while they were enemies Rom 5:10!