Who are the True Conservatives?


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He is a true Christian believer. But many have turned away from him based on his blanket forgiveness and clemency of Maurice Clemmons, the killer who later murdered four Seattle-area police officers--one of whom was a woman.

What you said is false, Huckabee did not give a blanket clemency. It was a reduced sentence clemency because of an unreasonable sentence for burglary.

In 1999, after having served 10 years of his sentence, Clemmons filed a clemency appeal with Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.[8]

In his petition to Huckabee, Clemmons wrote he came from "a very good Christian family" and was "raised much better than my actions speak".[6][13] Clemmons claimed he had just moved from Seattle, Washington, to Arkansas as a teenager, and because he had no friends he gave in to peer pressure and "fell in with the wrong crowd" to be accepted by his young peers, which led him to commit his crimes.[6][8] Although he apologized for his actions, Clemmons also complained that he received overly harsh sentences. He also claimed to have changed and expressed regret that his mother had recently died without seeing him turn his life around. Clemmons' clemency application was supported by Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Marion Humphrey, who argued the cumulative sentence was excessive and cited Clemmons' young age at the time he committed the crimes.[6]

The decision was made over the objections of some victims and prosecutors involved in Clemmons' previous cases but was supported by the bipartisan parole board and the trial court judge in Clemmons' case.[5][6][8][14] Mark Fraiser, an attorney who prosecuted early cases against Clemmons in Pulaski County, argued Clemmons was extremely likely to commit further acts of violence in the future, and said for a teen to receive such a lengthy prison sentence without committing a murder, "you've got to be a bad little dude".[6] On May 3, 2000, Huckabee commuted Clemmons' 108-year sentence to 47 years, 5 months and 19 days, which made him eligible for parole that day.[9] As a factor in his decision, Huckabee cited the unusually long sentence for Clemmons' age at the time the crimes were committed.[5] The Arkansas Parole Board unanimously approved Clemmons' release on July 13, 2000, and he was set free on August 1, 2000.[9][6]

All Huckabee did was reduce his extreme burglary sentence (108 years down for 47 years), which made him eligible for parole. Huckabee didnt release him or cause him to be released. The parole board was who decided to release him.

Also a burglary conviction doesnt indicate future murders. If so, then we need to never let out anyone convicted of burglary.


Trump is a natural conservative!

Bernie is a socialist. Not many I know care for socialists, in fact, they are anathema to what America used to stand for. You many know some things, but history and political science are not subjects among them.
America has many institutions and attitudes that are socialist. Our military runs on a socialist model. Our libraries, utilities, fire departments and police departments are socialist.

The early Christian movement held all things in common. Many have called that Marxism, plain and simple. But it could easily be seen as socialist. The care for both the widow and the orphan has been a part of Jewish tradition all through the Bible. Part of every farmer's harvest was to be given to them.

A huge mural at a dialysis clinic where I live is a quotation from the Three Musketeers: "All for one and one for All." That's about as socialist as you can get.


What you said is false, Huckabee did not give a blanket clemency. It was a reduced sentence clemency because of an unreasonable sentence for burglary.


All Huckabee did was reduce his extreme burglary sentence (108 years down for 47 years), which made him eligible for parole. Huckabee didnt release him or cause him to be released. The parole board was who decided to release him.

Also a burglary conviction doesnt indicate future murders. If so, then we need to never let out anyone convicted of burglary.
You may be thinking of what he told Bill O'Reilly on his program. He signed a clemency mandate as Governor of Arkansas. What he did on O'Reilly was to deflect blame and deflect blame and then praise the police.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
America has many institutions and attitudes that are socialist. Our military runs on a socialist model. Our libraries, utilities, fire departments and police departments are socialist.

The early Christian movement held all things in common. Many have called that Marxism, plain and simple. But it could easily be seen as socialist. The care for both the widow and the orphan has been a part of Jewish tradition all through the Bible. Part of every farmer's harvest was to be given to them.

A huge mural at a dialysis clinic where I live is a quotation from the Three Musketeers: "All for one and one for All." That's about as socialist as you can get.
:nono: :sigh:
You are very silly!

One can also say with greater force, the military operates on an authoritarian model~! Same with police and fire departments; how could you be so dopey to think they are socialist models? Is it because the government controls the military, so? Generals do share status with privates, and they often have become leaders in government, as well the private sector.

Utilities are not paid at a common rate, even in co-ops. The library is freely open to all, yet it is hardly a political entity.:duh:

The Horn

By today's political standards, and they are the most twisted ones ever,the late Barry Goldwater would be considered a bleeding heart liberal commie pinko .
He was pro-choice, pro gay rights and loathed and feared the religious right .
Regarding allowing gays to serve in the military ,he said "It's more important for a soldier to be able to shoot straight than to be straight ".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Good to hear you are a Goldwater lover, me too, and he wanted to nuke Vietnam and win, way cool. yepers/


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Ted Cruz is NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist .
Cruz wants to turn America into an evangelical Christian theocracy and totalitarian police state which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .

That is just silly.


:nono: :sigh:
You are very silly!

One can also say with greater force, the military operates on an authoritarian model~! Same with police and fire departments; how could you be so dopey to think they are socialist models? Is it because the government controls the military, so? Generals do share status with privates, and they often have become leaders in government, as well the private sector.

Utilities are not paid at a common rate, even in co-ops. The library is freely open to all, yet it is hardly a political entity.:duh:
Do you know what the word "socialism" means? It is public ownership of the means of production.

The United States military is probably the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to taxpayer dollars and protects the country. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

The fire and police departments are both excellent examples of Democratic Socialism in America. Rather than leaving each individual responsible for protecting their own home from fire, everyone pools their money together, through taxes, to maintain a fire and police department. It’s operated under a non-profit status, and yes, your tax dollars pay for putting out other people’s fires. It would almost seem absurd to think of some corporation profiting from putting out fires. But it’s more efficient and far less expensive to have government run fire departments funded by tax dollars.

Same with libraries and utilities. There are, in fact, already more than 2,000 publicly owned electric utilities that, along with cooperatives, supply more than 25 percent of the country’s electricity. And our highways are owned by the public.

Yas, yas, yas. I am definitely sometimes "silly" and "dopey" but I certainly remember my high school classes about what socialism is.


This nonsense again?
Rather than label it as "nonsense," why not be honest and just say you disagree with it.

I didn't believe it at first, either. Then I found a map of all the states that had low IQ scores. They were all conservative Red States. Republican.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Rather than label it as "nonsense," why not be honest and just say you disagree with it.

I didn't believe it at first, either. Then I found a map of all the states that had low IQ scores. They were all conservative Red States. Republican.
Try that with a map of neighborhoods with low test scores. I am fairly sure that a lot of poverty stricken inner city areas that vote Democrat across the board would make a very strong showing.


New member
Try that with a map of neighborhoods with low test scores. I am fairly sure that a lot of poverty stricken inner city areas that vote Democrat across the board would make a very strong showing.
Interestingly enough, despite the republican idea that all the democratic voters are people who don't work and have no money, the democratic party doesn't have that much of an advantage in the poverty vote. Keep in mind, states like Alabama have a lot of poor consistently republican party voters.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Interestingly enough, despite the republican idea that all the democratic voters are people who don't work and have no money
Red Herring alert!
the democratic party doesn't have that much of an advantage in the poverty vote. Keep in mind, states like Alabama have a lot of poor consistently republican party voters.

There is plenty of stupidity to go around on both sides of the isle. I am not claiming that most stupid people are liberal but he keeps using that quote that claims that most stupid people are conservative. It is nonsense!


Well-known member
Being politically conservative has nothing whatever to do with religion. As so many of you wrongly assume.

A political conservative is just someone who believes in and wants to maintain the status quo, usually because they're benefitting from it. Though sometimes also because they fear change, in general. Their religion or religiosity has basically nothing to do with it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Being politically conservative has nothing whatever to do with religion. As so many of you wrongly assume.

It does have to do with Christian principles!

A political conservative is just someone who believes in and wants to maintain the status quo, usually because they're benefitting from it. Though sometimes also because they fear change, in general.

Then one may say a liberals want to do away with status qou, which is another way for saying to do away with traditional values, as it benefits then in the purulent pursuits/


Well-known member
It does have to do with Christian principles!
Not really. Most of the people on TOL believe that the status quo has abandoned "Christian values". That's why they hate "RINOs". The people they call "RONOs" are actually the real political conservatives. The religious zealots on TOL that call themselves "conservatives" are not conservative at all. They are radical religionists. They detest the status quo, and want to change it. While the "RONOs" are very pleased with the status quo and want to maintain it as long as they can, because it's making them all very rich and powerful.
Then one may say a liberals want to do away with status qou, which is another way for saying to do away with traditional values, as it benefits then in the purulent pursuits/
It's not so much that liberals want to "do away" with the status who, but they do tend to embrace political change. And they do want to see positive political changes occur. It's why they're called "liberal", or "progressive". And it's why political conservatives oppose them.