Who are the True Conservatives?


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Taken for the Conservative Review

It seems Ted Cruz has the best conservative record. Scott Walker has a more mixed review, and while Mike Huckabee does well on moral issues, he seems to lack the political savvy to attract fiscal conservative votes?

Rand Paul is the other extreme, he is too much leaning on the fiscal side, and not really a social conservative/ same with Carly Fiorina, yet I think we may need a vice president candidate who is female to beat the democrat who will have fence sitters vote for Hillary because she is a women. Also Carly Fiorina does well on 2nd amendment issues, as well as carry a long fiscal conservatives, where Cruz may be perceived less focused, as well, although to a less extent, Walker.

I also think well of Marco Rubio, and see his point on immigration as one inevitable, if only he would find himself in agreement, by immigration, we need productive citizens, not welfare bums,, so please be selective! I worry about him giving free handouts, he has gone into an anti-poverity spin. At least he wants the states to have control on the money!

Bobby Jindal may not be so loved in Louisiana, yet he shows support for what may benefit America, as well, Trump would also know, and as well Carly Fiorina/ yet it seems unlikely he will be nomonated/

I also think, have we to face Hillary with Carly Fiorina, it would be least likely, she would voice for Cruz.

Jeb Bush is not George Bush, however, the bush name will not escape the George Bush/ Iraq fiasco, which made sense to a few oil tycoons, but not the general populace, who felt used.

Are any in the pink? here is all i know on that:

now conservative are they. More than Nixon, as much as Barry Goldwater?

BTW: Bernie Sanders is a pinko socialist:peach:

The Horn

Ted Cruz is NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist .
Cruz wants to turn America into an evangelical Christian theocracy and totalitarian police state which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .
Of course, he never comes out and admits this , because while he's
really stupid, he's not THAT stupid . He cynically panders to Republican voters, tells them what they want to hear in order to win support and votes , but unfortunately, too many people in America have been drinking his Kool-Aid .
Rand Paul claims to be a libertarian, but he's far from being one.
He's anti-choice and not at all sympathetic to gay rights, and is opposed to same sex marriage ,making him an orthodox right-winger.
Mike Huckabee is almost as theocratic as Cruz, but not quite .
Sorry, but there is not a single GOP candidate who iseven remotely fit to be president. They are all so far right they make Archie Bunker look like a liberal .
DwightEisenhower, Gerald Ford and Barry Goldwater are left-wing pinko commies compared to these whack jobs .
The GOP used to be sane, but it has gone completely bonkers !


Unlike liberals, conservatives indulge in this "pecking order" as to who is a "true conservative" - the farther one is to the right of the political spectrum, the purer their ideological credentials.

This mindset of "exclusion" works against Reagan's "big tent" strategy and benefits the America's "left" wing on the political spectrum.


Taken for the Conservative Review

It seems Ted Cruz has the best conservative record. Scott Walker has a more mixed review, and while Mike Huckabee does well on moral issues, he seems to lack the political savvy to attract fiscal conservative votes?

Rand Paul is the other extreme, he is too much leaning on the fiscal side, and not really a social conservative/ same with Carly Fiorina, yet I think we may need a vice president candidate who is female to beat the democrat who will have fence sitters vote for Hillary because she is a women. Also Carly Fiorina does well on 2nd amendment issues, as well as carry a long fiscal conservatives, where Cruz may be perceived less focused, as well, although to a less extent, Walker.

I also think well of Marco Rubio, and see his point on immigration as one inevitable, if only he would find himself in agreement, by immigration, we need productive citizens, not welfare bums,, so please be selective! I worry about him giving free handouts, he has gone into an anti-poverity spin. At least he wants the states to have control on the money!

Bobby Jindal may not be so loved in Louisiana, yet he shows support for what may benefit America, as well, Trump would also know, and as well Carly Fiorina/ yet it seems unlikely he will be nomonated/

I also think, have we to face Hillary with Carly Fiorina, it would be least likely, she would voice for Cruz.

Jeb Bush is not George Bush, however, the bush name will not escape the George Bush/ Iraq fiasco, which made sense to a few oil tycoons, but not the general populace, who felt used.

Are any in the pink? here is all i know on that:

now conservative are they. More than Nixon, as much as Barry Goldwater?

BTW: Bernie Sanders is a pinko socialist:peach:
Donald Trump is a true conservative. And he has said that the economy always does better under Democrats than Republicans. Since this has been a denied truth for years by conservatives, it is a good thing he is saying it now, for his conservative followers will probably begin to accept that truth and make the GOP into a better party that will actually improve the nation's economy.

Bernie Sanders is way out in front of Hilary because he is truly and unambiguously steadfast against corporations that engage in crony capitalism.

He speaks truth and the awesome crowds who have turned out to hear him realize that at a deep, deep level.

He knows that Americans have a strong, anti-corporate and anti-plutocratic strain of shared DNA in our blood.

It was the original Boston Tea Party in 1773 that successfully carried out a nonviolent protest against the East India Tea Company, which was the closest thing to a true global corporation in its time.

Sanders talks about having a government that works for us once again. My own father was able to attend school, join a union, buy a house and car and send his kids to college because of the government of the United States of America.

People miss that. And the power of our citizens will come back again.

Trump and Sanders are the only ones who are not politicians.


Conservatives are needed because they draw lines between things that need to be separated and liberals are those that tear down barriers that should never have been erected in the first place.

They are two sides of the same coin. Only the ideological tyrants want to stamp out ideas that they are opposed to. In that respect, obedience- and authoritarian-based political parties are a bit like fascists or national socialists: they cannot abide by different ideas.

The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street gang are a lot more united than we are told:






Is Donald Trump a Republican?

Yes, Donald Trump is a Republican. He is a registered Republican in the State of New York as of the year 2009.

It is interesting to note that Donald Trump was once a Democrat, and he actually switched over to the Democrat party in 2001 after being registered as a Republican.

He has also donated money to people in both the Republican and Democratic parties – most notably, he has donated money John McCain and George W. Bush of the Republican Parties, while also donating money to Ted Kennedy and John Kerry of the Democratic parties.

"The Donald" may be a registered Republican (since 2009) for the moment, but what he actually believes or is he a true conservative is anybody's guess!

While his supporters may think they know what Trump stands for, an examination of his website reveals a total policy vacuum!


Trump is basically bluffing his way through the presidential campaign but, with the exception of Megyn Kelly, Republicans have given him a free pass!


"The Donald" may be a registered Republican (since 2009) for the moment, but what he actually believes or is he a true conservative is anybody's guess!

While his supporters may think they know what Trump stands for, an examination of his website reveals a total policy vacuum!


Trump is basically making things up on the run and everyone, with the exception of Megyn Kelly, has given him a free pass!
Megyn Kelly needs to leave FOX "News" and take over Rachel Mad Cow's show.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ted Cruz is NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist .
Cruz wants to turn America into an evangelical Christian theocracy and totalitarian police state which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .....

Mike Huckabee is almost as theocratic as Cruz ....

Barry Goldwater are left-wing pinko commies compared to these whack jobs .

Well good, then people like you may ship out, since you hate them so much?

Barry Goldwater is still the most right on not fiscal policies.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump is a true conservative. ...

Bernie Sanders is way out in front of Hilary because he is truly and unambiguously steadfast against corporations that engage in crony capitalism.

He speaks truth and the awesome crowds who have turned out to hear him realize that at a deep, deep level.

He knows that Americans have a strong, anti-corporate and anti-plutocratic strain of shared DNA in our blood.

Trump is a natural conservative!

Bernie is a socialist. Not many I know care for socialists, in fact, they are anathema to what America used to stand for. You many know some things, but history and political science are not subjects among them.


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Hall of Fame
I also think, have we to face Hillary with Carly Fiorina, it would be least likely, she would voice for Cruz.

I like carly
the polls have her losing to hillary by ten

jeb is the only one who can beat hillary

a republican cannot win without getting votes from the

the religious wackos

jeb is the only one who can do that


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Hall of Fame
On immigration, is seems Donald trump has the more conservative view, especially compared with Jeb Bush. Scott Walker makes more sense, by having a statement, he listens to the people.

"Immigration came up frequently during the first Republican debate - in fact during the airing of the debate on Fox News, Google Trends data showed that immigration was its fourth most-searched GOP debate issue.

On stage Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defended his shift in immigration views, saying he no longer supports a pathway to citizenship because he "actually listened to the American people."

He laid out his own immigration policy proposals, saying he would "secure the border, enforce the law, no amnesty, and go forward with a legal immigration system that gives priority to American working families and wages."

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio claimed that "the evidence is now clear that the majority of people coming across the border are not from Mexico. They're coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras."

In depth: The 2016 presidential campaign

In fact, 3.5 percent of people living in the United States are unauthorized immigrants, and about fifty-two percent of that population come from Mexico, according to the Pew Research Center.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush also defended his earlier comments from last year when he called illegal immigration an "act of love."

"I believe that the great majority of people coming here illegally have no other option. They want to provide for their family. But we need to control our border," he said.

Then Donald Trump is now used to defending his comments about Mexican immigrants being rapists and criminals, and the topic came up again when moderator Chris Wallace asked him for evidence that the Mexican government is responsible for sending such immigrants to the U.S.

"Border patrol. I was at the border last week. Border patrol people that I deal with, that I talk to, they say this is what's happening because our leaders are stupid, our politicians are stupid, and the Mexican government is much smarter...they send the bad ones over because they don't want to take care of them," Trump said. "That's what's happening, whether you like it or not."

But his assertion about the criminality of Mexican immigrants coming to the U.S. is at odds with the findings of a 2010 American Community Survey (ACS), which found that immigrants are less likely than the native-born to be incarcerated.

According to the Pew Research Center, unauthorized immigration has remained stable over the past five years. In 2014, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I like carly
the polls have her losing to hillary by ten

jeb is the only one who can beat hillary

a republican cannot win without getting votes from the

the religious wackos

jeb is the only one who can do that
Bush is not more than status quo. I think Carly Fiorina, in the number two position would be more likely to stand against Hillary, if she went with Somme other than Bush


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Hall of Fame
Cruz on immigration:

"will you support Kate Steinle's Law," which would impose a mandatory five-year prison term for an illegal who is deported and then returns to this country? "And will you defund sanctuary cities for violating federal law?"

CRUZ: Chris, absolutely yes. And not only will I support it--


CRUZ: -- I have authored Kate's law in the United States Senate and filed that legislation. I tried to get the Senate to vote to pass Kate's law on the floor of the Senate just one week ago, and the leader of our own party blocked a vote on Kate's law.

You know, there was reference made to our leaders being stupid. It's not a question of stupidity. It's that they don't want to enforce the immigration laws. That there are far too many in the Washington cartel that support amnesty.

CRUZ: President Obama has talked about fundamentally transforming this country. There's 7 billion people across the face of the globe, many of whom want to come to this country. If they come legally, great. But if they come illegally and they get amnesty, that is how we fundamentally change this country, and it really is striking.

A majority of the candidates on this stage have supported amnesty. I have never supported amnesty, and I led the fight against Chuck Schumer's gang of eight amnesty legislation in the Senate.


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Hall of Fame
Bush is not more than status quo. I think Carly Fiorina, in the number two position would be more likely to stand against Hillary, if she went with Somme other than Bush

are you considering who will appoint the next supreme court judge?


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Hall of Fame
are you considering who will appoint the next supreme court judge?

Oh yes, Cruz and Walker would be best, for sure.

You know what Bush did? Ge swore off red meat to please the pansies, yes, he really did!

If you think you need to please wacky red meat haters, or animal wackos, you cannot be trusted to nominate a conservative judge.

We need some to is BOTH fiscal and socially conservative.


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GOP voters unconcerned about growing wealth gap

Well, it does make sense. It is simple to understand, those who work hard will not like giving their earnings away to the lazy

Then the super rich, many who did not earn their wealth, and not all Republicans. on fate more may be liberal, and this makes sense, they need a cause, same as the less well heeled turn to animal issues, these super rich wish to care for their human pets!



"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative."

--John Stuart Mill (1806-1873).



"...Now this isn’t to say that all Republicans are stupid. On the contrary: I fully believe that rich Republicans are some of the smartest people in the world. They literally trick poor Republicans into thinking it’s the big bad government’s fault that they’re poor, and in doing so, they make these people vote against their own best interests...."


Huckabee gets my vote
He is a true Christian believer. But many have turned away from him based on his blanket forgiveness and clemency of Maurice Clemmons, the killer who later murdered four Seattle-area police officers--one of whom was a woman.