Who anointed Jesus as a Christ?

Zed Bee

New member
Kalliste, I don't wish to intrude on your private ding-dong with Totton (not much anyway), but the INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum) nailed on the cross of Jesus was the accusation of sedition for which he was executed, not a title or a proclamation of kingship. For it would be strange, even for the Romans, to acclaim someone other than Tiberius as "King of the Jews" while nailing him on a cross like a dangerous criminal, or in today's jargon, an insurgent.

As for the title of mashiakh > mushih > messiah > xristos > christ, I don’t understand why it is so difficult for the devotees of Jesus (or more accurately of Paul) to look up the original Hebrew meaning of the word, and follow that up with a short study of the history of christology, as anyone interested in the subject would do, instead of flying of the handle, screaming “bigot”, “heretic”, “blasphemer”, and others of this ilk of much used but little understood adjectives.
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New member
I would agree with you, Zak, but for the curious complaint of the Jewish authorities that they wanted "allegedly" - or it's equivalent added, and were rebuffed, reported in the gospels.

After all, at least one incarnation of the Messiah (I'll leave the variations on spellings to you) was a "king" - wasn't he?

After all, but for a few revolutions and insurgencies, some chap in Australia would be sat on the throne of England - and Chuck and Horseface could whistle :)


Well-known member
Jesus was anointed at His baptism with the Holy Spirit. He will be anointed ceremonially at His second coming at His inauguration as King on David's throne. It is then that He will deliver Israel from her enemies and crush all of His enemies under His feet. Will you be one of them?

Zed Bee

New member
Kalliste, I am sure you don’t need me to tell you that the practice of anointing kings of Judea and Israel by a high priest started with David in 1010 BC, and ended with Hoshea of Israel in 732 BC (the Assyrians put an end to the kingdom of Israel in 722 BC); and with Sedeq-Yahu of Judea in 595 BC (the Babylonians put an end to the kingdom of Judea in 587 BC).

Thereafter Palestine never had an independent king, although a string of vassal kings were allowed to rule under the suzerainty of such foreign occupiers as the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Persians (again), Byzantines (again), Arabs, a sprinkling of Gauls during the Crusades, Arabs (again), Turks, and finally the Brits handed Palestine on a plate to the Israelites in 1948 AD.

The exception to the 2670 years of foreign occupation in Samaria (Israel) and the 2535 years of foreign occupation in Judea is a short period of Maccabaean rule in Judea when Antiochus IV was defeated in a rebellion by Judas Maccabaeus in 167 BC. This period of Maccabaean rule ended in 104 BC when John Hyracanus I was replaced by the Hellenised Judas Aristobulus I, and this period of Helenistic rule ended when Pompey invaded Palestine in 64 BC.

It was the defeat of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 BC which prompted Isaiah to hope for a saviour, an anointed king (a mashiakh / messiah / xristos / christ) to lift the Assyrian yoke off the neck of the Israelites. Such a man (Emmanuel) was born and died in Isaiah’s time without defeating the Assyrians; their defeat was at the hands of the Persians, not by a christ aided by squadrons of angels dispatched by the Lord.

Several other mashiakhim (christs) whose names are obscure came, failed, and were killed. The only strong leader who was properly anointed a mashiakh (a christ) and whose exploits are well documented by Roman and Jewish historians is Simon bar-Kokhba who revolted against the Romans in 132 AD, but he too was defeated, and although he was anointed a christ, never made it as a king.

No proper authority, such as a high priest or the Sanhedrin, ever anointed Jesus as a christ leading the Israelites in battle against the Romans, let alone being made a king of the Jews. This is hardly surprising, since no Jewish authority in its right mind would risk anointing a preacher of dubious fatherhood to lead his nation against a vicious enemy, when he was going around advising his audiences to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Tiberius.

The virgin birth, the magical tricks, the anointing by his cousin while a god whispered in his ear and a ghost watched over the proceedings, as well as rising from the dead and walking on water are the stuff of myth and mystery not facts and history, which was in circulation in Rome about Romulus since his birth in 771 BC.


New member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

what Bible do you read???? (assuming you have read it??)

i have read the Old and New T's ... i have NO idea what you are talking about

but i do know that it doesn't square with the Bible


New member
Jesus ALWAYS existed

He is the Word of God Incarnate

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God" (St Jn 1)

Zed Bee

New member
If Jesus was around since before the Big Bang, then it is strange that he should wait 13.7 billion years before visiting Palestine on planet earth to rescue the Israelites from the Romans. Perhaps he was busy visiting the billions of other planets in the cosmos, and getting crucified billions of times to pardon the sins of endless generations of ETs who believed in him. Planet earth being something of an afterthought.

But surely that can’t be right, because Pope Clement VIII had astronomer Giordano Bruno burnt at the stake (with his tongue in a clamp) for the heresy of saying that there are other worlds than the earth in the cosmos, and popes cannot be wrong because they are the apostolic inheritors of the wisdom of Jesus, god, and the holy ghost. Not only that but they even became infallible (by action of the ghost) from Pope St. Pius IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti) onwards.

Stranger still is that there is not a single word mentioning Jesus in god’s biography, the Old Testament. Nor is there any mention in the OT about “the Lord” siring a son through a perpetual virgin. Was that an editorial error on the part of god’s biographers, or perhaps those turbaned Middle Eastern wallahs were spinning tales borrowed from Roman legends and created fresh myths of their own, leaving latter day Christians to make up tales as they went along, without benefit of scripture.

My money is on Giordano Bruno and Algerio Pomponio the law student who was boiled in a vat of oil by Pope Paul IV for the heresy of saying that it is possible for the Church to be wrong in certain aspects of its dogma, and that there is nothing in scripture which says that a Christian may not worship in any church of his choice rather than the one specified by papal authority. Yes, I know the Pope offered to have Algerio throttled instead of being boiled, but the law student was too stubborn to accept this church mercy. What are these students like. Oy Veigh.
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Well-known member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

Acts 10:38

"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth.



Well-known member
Keypurr, with respect, I am not here to “teach” anyone anything, but simply to pass on my conclusions on various tales, myths, and plagiarisms which infest “holy” books, after many years of research in my spare time and many hours of mathematical solutions which, unlike humans, cannot lie. It is for others to take it, leave it, or, if they wish, counter it with viable alternatives. Simply re-quoting passages from scribes who were ignorant in every subject under the sun, as most “pious” persons do, is an incestuous “proof” which runs in circles, not an intelligent answer.

If you wish to know more about the Jewish idea (indeed dire need) of a mashiakh, an anointed-one, a xristos, a strong man from the line of king David to rid them of an invader, then please read the whole of the book of Isaiah very carefully, not only the bits of it taken out of context and used by Handel in his famous (and beautiful) oratorio.

After that you need to look up the subject of christology which would explain how the Jewish need in the 8th century BC for someone to rid them of the Assyrian invaders, turned into a local religion 20 centuries ago, which, thanks to the Roman Empire and Constantine in particular, was catapulted into a world religion for non-Jewish goyim. I cannot précis the subject into small, easy to swallow morsels, and still do it full justice on these pages.

Then why are you really here?

I know that the Jews were lookiing for a military King as their Christ, but I don't know why. As you say they must have had other books to tell them this. I thought maybe you could shed some light on what these books are for I like to read. If you have some material to share I will look it over. I am not judging you, your thought are not mine but everyone is entitled to their own ideas.

I have not enough knowledge on Ancient history to be an authority on it. But I thirst for more on why the Nation of Israel had its ideas on Messiah.



New member
First, God anointed Jesus Christ. Acts 10:38


Secondly, as you accurately point out, the concept of a trinity is pagan and is not found in scriptures.

I CONTINUE to be confused when the concept of the trinity is said NOT to be found in the Bible when all I have to do is look for it: THIS IS THE TRINITY FOR ME: “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence.”

Yes, the word 'trinity' is not found in the Bible, but the “trinitarian formula” is mentioned in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19) and in the benediction of the apostle Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians (2 Cor. 13:14), just for starters.

The unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is portrayed by Jesus’ trinitarian teaching (John 14–16).

The love of the triune persons spills over into their cooperation in saving the lost (John 14:15–17, 25–26).

The Trinity was in the incarnation of Jesus (Luke 1:3-35).

At His baptism Jesus the Son received approval of the Father and the Holy Spirit delivered that approval (Luke 3:21-22).

In Jesus’ temptation the Trinity was present, as Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. The devil recognized Jesus’ Sonship (Luke 4:3) but he tried to destroy the faithful relationship of the divine family.

Paul also in Galatians spoke often of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:13–14; 4:6; 5:5–6, 22–24)

Paul used a trinitarian pattern to describe the plan of Salvation (Rom. 1:18–3:20; 3:21–8:1; 8:2–30).

EXCEPT James and 3 John ALL New Testament books contain the teaching of the Trinity.

However, I am sure you already know this. The hard part is believe what the Word really says. The doctrine is well laid out in the Scriptures, but we have freewill to accept it or reject it.


New member
I know that the Jews were looking for a military King as their Christ, but I don't know why.

Because of the prophecy of freedom from their bondage and they were under horrible subjugation from the Roman authorities. They wanted freedom from physical pain. They were not expecting a suffering Savior.

I think the prophecies about a Deliverer can be found in Ps. 14:7; Is. 59:20-21.

I think there is also something in Romans, but cannot remember the right verse though. :sigh:


New member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

don know where u get this info but it is NOT in the Bible

Jesus is not 1/3 God.. He is God

and man

Gill White

New member
Who anointed Jesus as a Christ?

God anointed His Son:

Acts 10:38 You know that God anointed Jesus from Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Jesus went everywhere and did good things, such as healing everyone who was under the devil's power. Jesus did these things because God was with him.

God made His son, Lord and Christ:

Acts 2:36 "All the people of Israel should know beyond a doubt that God made Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Acts 3:18-26 GW
(18) But in this way God made the sufferings of his Messiah come true. God had predicted these sufferings through all the prophets.
(19) So change the way you think and act, and turn to God to have your sins removed.
(20) Then times will come when the Lord will refresh you. He will send you Jesus, whom he has appointed to be the Christ.
(21) Heaven must receive Jesus until the time when everything will be restored as God promised through his holy prophets long ago.
(22) "Moses said, 'The Lord your God will send you a prophet, an Israelite like me. Listen to everything he tells you.
(23) Those who won't listen to that prophet will be excluded from the people.'
(24) Samuel and all the prophets who followed him spoke about these days.
(25) You are the descendants of the prophets and the heirs of the promise that God made to our ancestors when he said to Abraham, 'Through your descendant all people on earth will be blessed.'
(26) God has brought his servant back to life and has sent him to you first. God did this to bless you by turning every one of you from your evil ways."


New member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

First, paganism.... Then christianized paganism.... Then atheism.... Then this thing... I don't know what to call this. Can anybody help me?

I know you guys are discussing on a higher level here, so my apologies for the elementary question.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
"Christ" is a translation of the Hebrew "Messiah" - anointed one. (מָשִׁיחַ)

This is to be understood as a spiritual anointing, not a physical or military one.

This anointing, although not required as He was, from all eternity, the only "begotten" Son, fully God yet a distinct person, was given an anointing in the flesh for the world to see just in case someone questioned the legalities or asked this question out of ignorance.

After being baptized by John the heavens opened and a voice declared; "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

I hope this answers your question.


New member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

Ho boy! Another atheist.:dead: Don't you realize that you can't appreciate love, art or humanity without accepting Satan as your Lord and Master.:hammer:


New member
"Christ" is a translation of the Hebrew "Messiah" - anointed one. (מָשִׁיחַ)

This is to be understood as a spiritual anointing, not a physical or military one.

This anointing, although not required as He was, from all eternity, the only "begotten" Son, fully God yet a distinct person, was given an anointing in the flesh for the world to see just in case someone questioned the legalities or asked this question out of ignorance.

After being baptized by John the heavens opened and a voice declared; "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

I hope this answers your question.

There is always a physical to ALLOW, or is a Shadow of the real thing, which is the Spiritual. - Mary Magdalene anointed her "Husband" King and High Priest. - That was His Body, by the way!! Jesus' Body anointed His Body and Head, King and High Priest. -- Isn't that altogether lovely??

Paul -- 052812