Who anointed Jesus as a Christ?

Zed Bee

New member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.
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Zed Bee

New member
Steko, the Palestinian preacher was executed 2000 years ago for sedition against the Roman Emperor without leaving a diary or scribbling a single word about himself or his world-view, or even about his parentage. Why should anyone believe a single dubious word penned by turbaned Middle Eastern blokes on his behalf, long after his death?

What was it that made Western nations lose all pride in their own home-grown cultures, to swallow wholesale Oriental myth, magical tricks, and superstition?

Whether you seek him with your heart or with your head, the question remains:
Who anointed Jesus as an Israelite Xristos?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
We believed because we have recieved.

The very things Jesus spoke about are the very things we have, "joy unspeakable full of glory"

What have you got?

Zed Bee

New member
Since you ask, Totton, I have all the books of the New Testament, and others besides, where I don't see a single word penned by the executed Palestinian preacher himself. What is your evidence that what you have "received" is not made-up tales by orientals for orientals, and to them alone. Why is your faith in your own Western culture so feeble that you let turbaned and sandalled Middle Eastern blokes wearing nightshirts fill your head with their own myths?

What is it that the Palestinian preacher ever done which is even a patch on the immortal and monumental work of Frige, Ing, Tiw, and Woden? They gave us England, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and thanks to Thunor who gave us Thursday, Saturn who gave us Saturday, Sol who gave us Sunday and Selene who gave us Monday. You should be grateful to them. Where would the week be without them?

Yes, I know it was the Sumerians who divided the week into seven days, and the Babylonians who spread the year over 12 constellations, but they were Mesopotamians, and so we shouldn't be seen dead giving them any credit for it.
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I aint no monkey

New member
God sent Jesus to earth to be Christ and savior of all of mankind. He was in heaven with God from the beginning of the universe. He was sent as a man to die and be bodily raised again from the dead so that all who believes will be saved. Now if you are saying that there are other christs, where are they? Where is any other christ that saves people from their sins?


Well-known member
As far as I know, Emmanuel was the first christ, an anointed military leader to rid the Israelites of the Assyrian invaders. He was born and was addressed by Isaiah sometime in the middle of the 8th century BC

The last christ, properly anointed by the Sanhedrin to rid the Israelites of the Roman invaders was Simon bar-Kokhba.

There were other christs who tried to rid the Israelites of the Persian and Macedonian invaders, but they failed, thus proving that they were false messiahs and paid the penalty of failure by being stoned to death.

Who anointed Jesus as a military leader to defeat the army of Tiberius? And what Israelite High Priest (in his right mind) would anoint a man to lead an army against the Romans, when this man was going around advising his people to turn the other cheek and pay their taxes to Caesar?

I nearly forgot:

Jesus was of course one-third god, but so was Gligamish and several others. As well as being the son of god, born of a virgin, but so were 34 others, not least Romulus who was the son of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Sylvia, who was killed unfairly, went up to heaven, and soon afterwards was seen by fishermen to walk on the waters of the Tiber. Honest.

First, God anointed Jesus Christ. Acts 10:38

Secondly, as you accurately point out, the concept of a trinity is pagan and is not found in scriptures.

Christians who like to hold onto that pagan error are doing neither God nor Jesus Christ nor any one else any favors.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Zed Bee

New member
Here is where we run into a problem which needs to be resolved rationally.
The Old Testament of the Hebrews is either the word of a god or it is not.

If it is the word of god then it seems strange that there is not a single word among the 638,644 words in the Old Testament which mentions in passing, or refers to, or hints at, or winks, or nudges at any son of any Mary (whether virgin or not). Nor is there a single word about anyone being the physical son of El, YHWH, Adonai, Shaddai, Ha-Shem or any other name of the Hebrew god. Or that he had taken a wife (even temporarily) to sire a son through the offices of a ghost (not surprising really, since the very notion of such a profanity is a blasphemy to the Jews, punishable in those days by stoning to death). Nor is there a single word about the Hebrew god anointing any Xristos other than Emmanuel who, according to Isaiah, flourished in the 8th century BC.

If the OT is not the word of god then the Christians have no business hanging fraudulently on to it as an alibi for a virgin, a holy ghost and a godson (filioque). The latter having been settled belatedly in 325 AD at Nicaea by a democratic show of hands of bishops assembled under command and chairmanship of their emperor, the Sun-worshipping Constantine I.

If the New Testament, and not the Old is the very word of god, or it is at least inspired by him, and we must, therefore, accept every word penned by its authors as being the (gospel) truth, then let’s give this revelation a little thought:

For Jesus, or any other Jew, to qualify as a Xrsitos, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled. One of the most basic of these is that the candidate must be not only a Judite (i.e., from the tribe of Judah) but also a direct descendant of king David through the male line. Matthew and Luke took care of that in their messed up genealogy of Jesus, when they asserted that he was the son of Joseph (not of god) and all the way up to David. So bang goes philioque.

But if Matthew and Luke were telling porkies, and Jesus was indeed the son of YHWH and not the son of David through Joseph, then he is not qualified to be a messianic saviour of anyone, whether Jew or goy.


The Christians cannot have it each of three or four different ways as being equally kosher, and the Jews are perfectly entitled to their belief that their Christ is yet to come, although after 1948 AD and the might of the most powerful nuclear nation on earth behind them, that doesn’t seem to be necessary any longer.
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New member
What have you got?

He has sites like TOL where he can go to make himself feel good by engaging in the sisyphean task of attempting to tear down the faith of others using arguments common to the new atheists--a recent type of religion that is trying to muscle in on the action. I would assume, though I can't know this for sure, that his "arguments" come directly from a book or two by Hitchens, or Harris, etc. In truth, however, most people here will just ignore him. However those who happen to scan over his barbs (thinly disguised as academic arguments) will likely be emboldened in their faith... which is sort of funny.

I aint no monkey

New member
Here is where we run into a problem which needs to be resolved rationally.
The Old Testament of the Hebrews is either the word of a god or it is not.

If it is the word of god then it seems strange that there is not a single word among the 638,644 words in the Old Testament which mentions in passing, or refers to, or hints at, or winks, or nudges at any son of any Mary (whether virgin or not). Nor is there a single word about anyone being the physical son of El, YHWH, Adonai, Shaddai, Ha-Shem or any other name of the Hebrew god. Or that he had taken a wife (even temporarily) to sire a son through the offices of a ghost (not surprising really, since the very notion of such a profanity is a blasphemy to the Jews, punishable in those days by stoning to death). Nor is there a single word about the Hebrew god anointing any Xristos other than Emmanuel who, according to Isaiah, flourished in the 8th century BC.

If the OT is not the word of god then the Christians have no business hanging fraudulently on to it as an alibi for a virgin, a holy ghost and a godson (philioque). The latter having been settled belatedly in 325 AD at Nicaea by a democratic show of hands of bishops assembled under command and chairmanship of their emperor, the Sun-worshipping Constantine I.

If the New Testament, and not the Old is the very word of god, or it is at least inspired by him, and we must, therefore, accept every word penned by its authors as being the (gospel) truth, then let’s give this revelation a little thought:

For Jesus, or any other Jew, to qualify as a Xrsitos, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled. One of the most basic of these is that the candidate must be not only a Judite (i.e., from the tribe of Judah) but also a direct descendant of king David through the male line. Matthew and Luke took care of that in their messed up genealogy of Jesus, when they asserted that he was the son of Joseph (not of god) and all the way up to David. So bang goes philioque.

But if Matthew and Luke were telling porkies, and Jesus was indeed the son of YHWH and not the son of David through Joseph, then he is not qualified to be a messianic saviour of anyone, whether Jew or goy.


The Christians cannot have it each of three or four different ways as being equally kosher, and the Jews are perfectly entitled to their belief that their Christ is yet to come, although after 1948 AD and the might of the most powerful nuclear nation on earth behind them, that doesn’t seem to be necessary any longer.

That's funny, Jesus fulfilled many prophesies about himself, even that he would be born of a virgin, yet the OT never mentions him. That's spookie.

Zed Bee

New member
So far the replies have been assertions and generalities unsupported by scriptures, indeed contrary to them, but no simple answer to the simple question of what authority anointed Jesus as a Jewish king, a christ.

Dropping names and making up stories as we go along to reinforce what had been indoctrinated into us from birth is not an answer. The answer is either in scriptures or it is not. Neither we nor our gurus are entitled to add anything to scriptures, nor subtract anything from them. The scriptures are either the word of god or they are not. Either the gospel truth or poetic licence. It is childish trying to have it both ways.

I read the Old and New Testaments, and even the Koran, the Veda, and a host of others from cover to cover, but could find no reference either to a god or a High Priest anointing Jesus as a military king of the Jews, a christ, save for a passage in the New Testament where John is said (by a third party) to have anointed his cousin with a handful of water, but John had no more authority to make Jesus a king of the Jews than I have making my cousin the King of England, Europe, planet Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy and the entire Universe, for that is the stuff of unscientific fiction.

Indeed the very rumour spread by others (but never by Jesus himself) that he was made a king of the Jews by his cousin was sufficient evidence for the Romans to execute him for sedition against the Roman emperor, hence the accusation (not proclamation) nailed on his cross, abbreviated to INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum). No one, not even the Romans, would proclaim a guy as king while they crucify him.

Nor that the Jesus mission on earth was to wipe all yet uncommitted sins by endless generations of foreigners yet to be born, from Tokyo to Timbuktu, simply by believing in him, when it is clear from scripture for anyone who can read that what he was purported to have said was that he came for the sake of the twelve tribes of Israel, and to them alone, hence the twelve disciples.

One doesn’t need to be a Latin, Greek or English scholar, or read the books of Hitchens, Dawkins and others to see the claim that Jesus was made a christ by any proper authority is fraudulent, but if anyone has any evidence from scripture supporting the claim of the followers of Jesus, then please let us have it to start a meaningful discussion. Made-up stories outside scriptures are not good enough, and if, for whatever reason, others have lied to us about the christology of Jesus, then that is a shame on them, but to lie to ourselves and worse, to lie to our children, is surely a sin.

Finally, it is perfectly genuine for those who wish to use Jesus as a roll model to call themselves Jesuits, but it is a fraud calling themselves christians, unless they happen to be followers of Simon bar-Kokhba who was properly made a christ by the only authority entitled to award (or inflict) such an unfortunate title.
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New member
Jesus was anointed by John the Baptist and God (His Spirit, His voice). See Matt. 3:16-17; Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:32-34.

Zed Bee

New member
John had no authority anointing anyone as a military king of the Jews, a christ, even if he had all 2895 gods and goddesses whispering in his ear. On the contrary, the more voices he heard in his head the more it is obvious that he should have been locked up in a lunatic asylum, or "taken care of in the community".

John's blithering nonsense, cursing a member of the ruling family, and like a lunatic anointing his preacher cousin, caused his head to be severed and his poor cousin to be nailed on a wooden cross like a common criminal. If John was a mad oriental, what insanity is it that makes us here in the enlightened West abandon our common-sense and follow his madness?


New member
John had no authority anointing anyone as a military king of the Jews, a christ, even if he had all 2895 gods and goddesses whispering in his ear. On the contrary, the more voices he heard in his head the more it is obvious that he should have been locked up in a lunatic asylum, or "taken care of in the community".

John's blithering nonsense, cursing a member of the ruling family, and like a lunatic anointing his preacher cousin, caused his head to be severed and his poor cousin to be nailed on a wooden cross like a common criminal. If John was a mad oriental, what insanity is it that makes us here in the enlightened West abandon our common-sense and follow his madness?

Answer given. Conversation over. Don't accept it? Who could have seen that coming?

Also, calling the preaching of John "blithering nonsense" is blasphemous, which I think is against the TOL rules--just so you know.


Well-known member
John had no authority anointing anyone as a military king of the Jews, a christ, even if he had all 2895 gods and goddesses whispering in his ear. On the contrary, the more voices he heard in his head the more it is obvious that he should have been locked up in a lunatic asylum, or "taken care of in the community".

John's blithering nonsense, cursing a member of the ruling family, and like a lunatic anointing his preacher cousin, caused his head to be severed and his poor cousin to be nailed on a wooden cross like a common criminal. If John was a mad oriental, what insanity is it that makes us here in the enlightened West abandon our common-sense and follow his madness?

Teach us the differance between a Christ and the Christ of God.
why do you think he would be a military leader?

Zed Bee

New member
Without aiming this remark at anyone in particular, it seems to me that there are unfortunate souls in this world who are born stupid. Others have stupidity thrust upon them but can, perhaps, be nursed into an intelligent mode of thinking. There is, however, no hope for incurable souls who go to any length to achieve stupidity all by themselves, by all possible means.

Ancient oriental authors of “holy” books knew that perfectly well, took full advantage of it, and succeeded with a little help from thugs who enforced it with the sword and the stake for their own ends. TOL or no TOL, 84% of the world population today fall into one or the other of these categories, most without any hope of redemption. Sad.

Zed Bee

New member
Keypurr, with respect, I am not here to “teach” anyone anything, but simply to pass on my conclusions on various tales, myths, and plagiarisms which infest “holy” books, after many years of research in my spare time and many hours of mathematical solutions which, unlike humans, cannot lie. It is for others to take it, leave it, or, if they wish, counter it with viable alternatives. Simply re-quoting passages from scribes who were ignorant in every subject under the sun, as most “pious” persons do, is an incestuous “proof” which runs in circles, not an intelligent answer.

If you wish to know more about the Jewish idea (indeed dire need) of a mashiakh, an anointed-one, a xristos, a strong man from the line of king David to rid them of an invader, then please read the whole of the book of Isaiah very carefully, not only the bits of it taken out of context and used by Handel in his famous (and beautiful) oratorio.

After that you need to look up the subject of christology which would explain how the Jewish need in the 8th century BC for someone to rid them of the Assyrian invaders, turned into a local religion 20 centuries ago, which, thanks to the Roman Empire and Constantine in particular, was catapulted into a world religion for non-Jewish goyim. I cannot précis the subject into small, easy to swallow morsels, and still do it full justice on these pages.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Since you ask, Totton, I have all the books of the New Testament, and others besides, where I don't see a single word penned by the executed Palestinian preacher himself. What is your evidence that what you have "received" is not made-up tales by orientals for orientals, and to them alone. Why is your faith in your own Western culture so feeble that you let turbaned and sandalled Middle Eastern blokes wearing nightshirts fill your head with their own myths?

What is it that the Palestinian preacher ever done which is even a patch on the immortal and monumental work of Frige, Ing, Tiw, and Woden? They gave us England, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and thanks to Thunor who gave us Thursday, Saturn who gave us Saturday, Sol who gave us Sunday and Selene who gave us Monday. You should be grateful to them. Where would the week be without them?

Yes, I know it was the Sumerians who divided the week into seven days, and the Babylonians who spread the year over 12 constellations, but they were Mesopotamians, and so we shouldn't be seen dead giving them any credit for it.

It is impossible to get past such narrow minded bigotry....it's your loss


New member
It is impossible to get past such narrow minded bigotry....it's your loss

On the contrary - the loss is yours.

On another matter - just when did Jesus, a Jew, who died with the title "King of the Jews" on his cross become Christ, a Greek title?

Did it never occur to you that something might have been "lost in translation"? Or gained?