White House Bachlor Pad


New member
Danoh doesn't like pretty women.
Not his type.

You were probably admiring yourself in the mirror when you typed that :chuckle:

Like my eight year old niece. One day, I walk in to find her staring at herself in the mirror.

I ask her what she is staring at.

"At how beautiful I am" the little brat replies :chuckle:

Here's one for you to doubt all over the place - ever heard of Photo Analysis?

That's where you can tell a lot about a couple by a picture of them together.

Whether they are leaning towards or apart from one another, and all sorts of other clues....

Something strange about the Donald and his wife: some sort of an estrangement vibe they give off.

Like that charade a lot of celebrity couples give off and later it turns out they were headed for separation.

And actually, she is beautiful. Not the type of physical attraction in a woman I am drawn to; but she is beautiful nonetheless.


New member
Originally Posted by ok doser
acw doesn't like her either

Melania Trump is an unrepentant pornography model, I'm not aware that she is a lesbian.

Regarding me "not being fond of sodomites": Both you and ok doser want to execute them, I want to help them through therapy if possible.

BTW sd, you never did tell me what you would do to a 12 year old boy that turned to homosexuality because he was raped as a child. Public stoning or tossing him from a roof?

How do you know she is unrepentant?

As for the other thing - I'd share the gospel of the GRACE of God with the boy.

EACH TIME I had opportunity to.

Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

Strange concept, I know...


New member
i'm picturing the oval office with a groovy austin powers vibe going on

Well, he's been saying good things about Bill Clinton, so maybe they'll be back running around again.

You know, each past President shows up to share their expertise with the new one.

Happy days are here again...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Melania Trump is an unrepentant pornography model, I'm not aware that she is a lesbian.

How do you know she is unrepentant?

Perhaps you've read some articles where Melania Trump has accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and denounced her past lifestyle, a lifestyle that has destroyed all kinds of marriages and lives?

Perhaps you've read where Melania Trump denounced her husband's article in Playboy magazine (he was on the cover as well)?

I didn't think so.

Repentance for celebrities and public officials involves publically denouncing the harm that they've done in the past and taking an active role in making themselves and society better.

As for the other thing - I'd share the gospel of the GRACE of God with the boy.

EACH TIME I had opportunity to.

Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

Strange concept, I know...

Not to worry Danoh, you wouldn't get anywhere near Donald Trump's son unless you're a racist (Alt Right movement), a homosexual (see my avatar) or some sick degenerate that he likes to hang out with (Howard Stern).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is a rare case of the White House being a step down for the new occupants.
The man lives in the gold plated penthouse of the building with his name on it.
He's most likely to treat it like a commute, it's 206 miles from the White House to Trump Tower which the chopper should make in around an hour and ten minutes after they build a pad on the roof.
He went home every night on the campaign trail.


Danoh would be a perfect news anchor.

Media be like



New member
he's hoping to be invited :banana:

Rotfl - good one, OD :thumb:

Whoops, there I go - being what your kind are simply incapable of - being fair :chuckle:

But, you are self-deluded, so I'm well aware you can't help your double-standard...click whirr...