Lighthouse said:Why?
He looks like a dork, Brandon. :loser:
Lighthouse said:Why?
Lighthouse said:PM me.
Caille said:you know, for someone who gets so "excited" about homosexuality, that is kinda a gay looking avatar
Works for me.beanieboy said:Better yet, you PM me.
I want it to be clear that you are directly asking me about something, and not that I am initiating it.
While I can't know for certain, the odds are greatly in favor of the fact that you are lying.beanieboy said:I've never been molested.
Molestation only sets you up for failure. You must still choose to be a pervert.What I can't understand is, people claim that people who are gay have been molested, so the way they comfort and help the victim of molestation is to refer to them as vomit.
Now I know you're lying!You don't offend me, Clete. You sadden me.
And may God multiply your suffering in Hell every time you utter His holy and righteous name.May God have mercy on your soul for your words, and the cruelty of your heart.
Clete said:While I can't know for certain, the odds are greatly in favor of the fact that you are lying.
It would be roughly the equivalent of having lung cancer without ever having been a smoker. Sure it happens but it's not very likely at all.
Molestation only sets you up for failure. You must still choose to be a pervert.
Now I know you're lying!
And may God multiply your suffering in Hell every time you utter His holy and righteous name.
Resting in Him,
avatar382 said:Clete, et. all, homosexuality will eventually be fully out in the open, and accepted as normal by all but the fanatic fringe. Homosexuals will eventually have an equivalent to marriage. Homosexuals will eventually get the rights and dignity they deserve. It's just a matter of time. You know what your god (note the lowercase g) will do about it?
Preciesly squat.
Do you know why?
Because he/she/it (note the lowercase) is merely a figment of your self-righteous imagination.
History has seen your kind before - and the story is always the same. While some people oppress, the human spirit fights on and the oppressed always triumph. It just takes time, and the cost is high - but the human spirit will triumph. It was the same for women, blacks, jews, "heretics" when they were oppressed - and it will be the same with homosexuals.
I usually don't like to openly laugh and mock people - I think it's rude - but in your case, I'll make an exception. The day gay marriage becomes a reality - the day your kind is squarely at the lunatic fringe, where you belong - that look you will have on your face - :darwinsm: That's me, laughing at you.
I'll take that as a compliment comming from you. :thumb:granite1010 said:Clete, the idea that you can't even believe beanie or take him at his word is pretty sickening.
avatar382 said:Caledvwlch, I fully agree.
But before the hijack, I just want to throw in something.
Clete, et. all, homosexuality will eventually be fully out in the open, and accepted as normal by all but the fanatic fringe. Homosexuals will eventually have an equivalent to marriage. Homosexuals will eventually get the rights and dignity they deserve. It's just a matter of time. You know what your god (note the lowercase g) will do about it?
Preciesly squat.
Do you know why?
Because he/she/it (note the lowercase) is merely a figment of your self-righteous imagination.
History has seen your kind before - and the story is always the same. While some people oppress, the human spirit fights on and the oppressed always triumph. It just takes time, and the cost is high - but the human spirit will triumph. It was the same for women, blacks, jews, "heretics" when they were oppressed - and it will be the same with homosexuals.
I usually don't like to openly laugh and mock people - I think it's rude - but in your case, I'll make an exception. The day gay marriage becomes a reality - the day your kind is squarely at the lunatic fringe, where you belong - that look you will have on your face - :darwinsm: That's me, laughing at you.
Lighthouse said:I saw a video where someone said that to a guy once. By the end of the conversation the one who said it got saved. I hope that happens with you.
I think you people are frogetting where you are. Hijacking this thread isn't going to change anything.avatar382 said:Caledvwlch, I fully agree.
But before the hijack, I just want to throw in something.
Clete, et. all, homosexuality will eventually be fully out in the open, and accepted as normal by all but the fanatic fringe. Homosexuals will eventually have an equivalent to marriage. Homosexuals will eventually get the rights and dignity they deserve. It's just a matter of time. You know what your god (note the lowercase g) will do about it?
Preciesly squat.
Do you know why?
Because he/she/it (note the lowercase) is merely a figment of your self-righteous imagination.
History has seen your kind before - and the story is always the same. While some people oppress, the human spirit fights on and the oppressed always triumph. It just takes time, and the cost is high - but the human spirit will triumph. It was the same for women, blacks, jews, "heretics" when they were oppressed - and it will be the same with homosexuals.
I usually don't like to openly laugh and mock people - I think it's rude - but in your case, I'll make an exception. The day gay marriage becomes a reality - the day your kind is squarely at the lunatic fringe, where you belong - that look you will have on your face - :darwinsm: That's me, laughing at you.
You're a moron. And you're pathetic attempt at trying to insult me because I like comic books, is laughable. And seeing what you quoted, where did I say it wasn't real? It was a real event, caught on videotape. I've even met the guy who was doing the witnessing.Caille said:live in the real world comic book boy
Clete said:I posted this poll in response to all this tollerance crap that's been going around.
If nothing else this will be more interesting.
Clete said:We'll see who get's the last laugh.
Matthew 12:36
[Jesus]But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.[/Jesus]
One Eyed Jack said:I can't say either choice is particularly appealing, but given my druthers, I'd go with the first option.
One Eyed Jack said:I can't say either choice is particularly appealing, but given my druthers, I'd go with the first option.