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Sam, Shetland Sheepdog, was amazing, brilliant really. Before mowing, I'd go out and pick up sticks from all our trees and break them until they were small enough for my mower to handle. Sam like to help. He'd pick up sticks too and break them in half or quarters, helping me. Jessie, our first Pomeranian, saw Sam do this one time so she wanted to get into the fun. I'm watching them from above on our deck. Sam rips a twig from out of Jessie's mouth as if to say, this is my job I'm helpiing daddy. She runs off in a huff to the other side of the yard, picks up a stick holding it by the end, and runs as fast as she can toward Sam and gooses him with the stick with his back turned. Instead of Sam getting mad at Jessie, he ripped the stick from her mouth and broke it until it was only chards.Not your Bible, the dogs! (Aw, you were just funnin' me, weren't you?)
Sam, Jessie and Teddy were unique.
No more amazing than my own salvation.A saved Pomeranian!! Will wonders never cease! :chuckle: