Where Is Prince Now?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If Prince accepted God's Grace, he's with God now. If he didn't, he's awaiting judgment and eternal damnation. Which it is, I know not? For his sake, I hope he made the right decision? He was a Jehovah Witness cult member and I highly doubt he would have found the "True Gospel" within the confines of that cult? That would be of great concern.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When your eternal destination is based on where you place your faith, it would be best to make that search a priority in your life. We spend zero to eighty/ninety years on planet earth and that is nothing compared to eternity. James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."


Eclectic Theosophist
Judge not, lest you be judged by the same measure........

Judge not, lest you be judged by the same measure........

Cool! Let's all judge and condemn someone we don't know, as if we were God!

This is all I know about the man …


He played dozens of instruments and was equally quite awesome on the guitar. He was amazing not only as a musician but as a human being, as attested by his friends, he also gave to many charities and was a true humanitarian - I just tire of so much judgment on a person when they don't know the breadth and the depth of his music or his personal journey. He always as far as I know spoke highly and favorably of 'God', and honored/inspired the free expression and individuality of each person.

Here is Princes first TV interview in 1985 where he speaks of his belief in God as one can tell he was raised with some religious values having some kind of 'faith' in Deity and the hereafter.



Eclectic Theosophist
Far from just a skull in some imaginary hell........I'd rethink your theology......

Far from just a skull in some imaginary hell........I'd rethink your theology......

Prince started out in life as a Seventh Day Adventist. Sometime around 2001 he joined the Jehovah's Witnesses; which is the missionary arm of the Watchtower Society.

According to the Society's theology, human life is entirely physical. In other words; people experience no conscious existence beyond the demise of their bodies; and if there is no conscious existence beyond the demise of one's body, then of course there is no hell.

But supposing the Society is mistaken? If so, then that poor man crossed over the river Styx totally unprepared to run headlong into his worst nightmare.

Up here on the surface, Prince was a celebrity. But down there, if he's down there, Prince is just another skull among the myriads of forgotten souls who no longer matter.


While you're picking on some particulars of SDA or WT theology that you disagree with, don't forget Prince grew up with the Bible and its study (whatever theology reflecting from its pages), no matter what 'denomination' he belonged to, so you don't know how much personal or community Bible study he profited from, no matter what peculiar doctrines the cult he was associated with believed in. There are dozens of religious sects all using the Bible and having different interpretations of such, on certain particulars, even though all share a common agreement on the most essential universal principles it teaches such as love of God and love for your fellow man.

Here is a good article page with video interviews of Prince's religious beliefs and some of his performances.


Eclectic Theosophist
He was in a cult. Having never trusted the Lord believing the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 125:1-4 KJV), he shall perish like all of the others who receive not the love of the truth that they can be saved 2 Thessalonians 2:10 KJV.

So? Any church, tradition or denomination can be called a 'cult' by the common standard definition, if you want to get technical. Furthermore, you do not know for sure the condition of Prince's soul before God, neither can make such a final or absolute conclusion on that. Even if 'salvation' was according to your concept or understanding of it, apparently mostly taken from Paul's gospel, you still don't know that that's totally correct, its just a portion of the NT that you have chosen to believe as some kind of religious authority.


Eclectic Theosophist
If Prince heard the "True Gospel" of God's Grace towards humanity and placed ALL his faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior, was sealed, indwelt, and baptized into the Body of Christ, then, he is spending eternity with God in Heaven. If he remained unsaved he is in a waiting place of torment called: Hades.

He will stay there until the judgment where he will stand before God, be judged by his works and cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
God only offers one way of salvation and that is through the death and resurrection of Christ and the faith placed in Him alone.

This is your personal religious belief. You do not know for sure the condition of Prince's soul before God, neither do you know about his personal faith in 'God', only Prince and 'God' know that.


Eclectic Theosophist
If Prince accepted God's Grace, he's with God now. If he didn't, he's awaiting judgment and eternal damnation. Which it is, I know not? For his sake, I hope he made the right decision? He was a Jehovah Witness cult member and I highly doubt he would have found the "True Gospel" within the confines of that cult? That would be of great concern.

Yep,...you gotta watch out for them 'cults'! (get your holy ghost machine gun out, and round up the heretic hunters!)


Don't forget, the J-dubs used to be called 'Bible Students',...they know their Bible very well, in fact better than some nominal protestant Christians out there. I'm sure if the 'true gospel' is tucked away in the 'Bible' somewhere, and they are diligent bible students,...they'll get the message contained in the Bible.


Well-known member
Wow. Freelight sure loved that Prince guy. He sure is offended that Christians don't like him and think he was lewd and immoral....

I have no idea where the guy is. I do know that a lot of his material, and that specifically lauded by Freelight, Purex, and others in threads about the man, is inappropriate Mature content and not something that should be discussed on TOL as nothing but'admiration' . Some things are about discernment which a few on TOL lack.


Active member
Prince is in the grave for now, but most likely will be in the resurrection of the damned, John 5:29.

No one appointed you as a judge over the living or the dead. The reality is -according to the Bible- no one other than Gods appointed Judge Jesus can determine the fate of the living or the dead. The one thing that Prince is assured of is the ressurection hope.


Active member
Prince started out in life as a Seventh Day Adventist. Sometime around 2001 he joined the Jehovah's Witnesses; which is the missionary arm of the Watchtower Society.

No its not. Jehovahs Witnesses is the religious name of the organization. The Watcher Tower Bible and Tract Society is the historical registered and legal name of the coporation that is the Jehovahs Witnesses. All Jehovahs Witnesses are evangelical and in a religious and secular sense are 'missionarys'.

According to the Society's theology, human life is entirely physical. In other words; people experience no conscious existence beyond the demise of their bodies; and if there is no conscious existence beyond the demise of one's body, then of course there is no hell.

But supposing the Society is mistaken? If so, then that poor man crossed over the river Styx totally unprepared to run headlong into his worst nightmare.

Up here on the surface, Prince was a celebrity. But down there, if he's down there, Prince is just another skull among the myriads of forgotten souls who no longer matter.


Ecclesiates 9:5 " For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all"

Wise King Solomon wrote this under inspiration over 3000 years ago. If you believe the word of God the Bible to be true as do the Witnesses how can they be wrong when it says clearly in Gods word the "dead are concious of nothing".


Active member
In other words: the Society maintains that Jesus' crucified body has to stay dead so Michael can be an angel again. But that's not the only reason the Society gives for keeping Jesus' crucified body perpetually deceased.

Another explanation is given on page 237 of the April 15, 1963 issue of the Watchtower magazine; where it's stated:

"If Jesus were to take his body of flesh, blood, and bones to heaven and enjoy them there, what would this mean? It would mean that there would be no resurrection of the dead for anybody. Why not? Because Jesus would be taking his sacrifice off God's altar."

But the Bible says that were Jesus' crucified body still dead, then God would have no basis upon which to justify letting people off.

†. Rom 4:25 . . He was delivered up for the sake of our trespasses and was raised up for the sake of declaring us righteous.

†. 1Cor 15:17 . .Further, if Christ has not been raised up, your faith is useless; you are yet in your sins.

If perchance Prince went out believing Christ's crucified body is still dead; and its remains squirreled away somewhere on earth in a condition and a location known only to God; then he went out an unforgiven man. I don't think I have to tell you what that means.


Im going to be pretty blunt. This entire post is nonsense. Either you're very adept in the art of mendacious sophistry or you know absolutely nothing about the beliefs of the Jehovahs Witnesses. For now im going to guess the lata is the case.....