Where are the Fossilized Remains of Millions of Humans from the Flood?


New member
Differential Suspension

Not only would the turbulence of the sediment-laden Flood waters probably destroy some of the human bodies swept away, but differential suspension in the waters could have made it hard to bury those bodies that survived the turbulence. This is because human bodies when immersed in water tend to bloat, and therefore become lighter and float to the surface.
but dinosaur bodies don't bloat....riiiight.


Well-known member
True. We find modern type birds in dinosaur layers.
"Modern type birds" with *some* "dinosaur layers", not all.

We don't find the diversity of modern birds of prey, pelicans, parrots, songbirds etc. Some of the more primitive lineages are represented - fowl (waterfowl and gamefowl) - though not modern species.

And we even find birds in dino tummies and dinosaur in mammal tummies.
Yes, and your point is what?

Birds mammals and dinosaurs did live at the same time at some points in history, but not all. And the mammals and birds in question are not like the ones we see around us today.

We find most dinos that aren't dismembered in a typical drowning pose. We find dinosaur fossil graveyards. We find evidence of rapid burial and preservation
We also find evidence of scavenging on rapidly buried fossils indicating they were dead for some time before they were buried.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Another discussion on TOL about dinosaurs leads me to ask this question.

Young Earth Creationists maintain the Great Flood is responsible for the formation of fossils, as well as other geological constructs. If dinosaur fossils are the result of the Flood and we have found dinosaur fossils all over the world, where are the fossilized remains of the hundreds of millions of humans that would have perished in the Flood?
This is a good question. I think the fossils are there, but it isn't something I've looked into much. Let me cast around and see what's been reported.


Well, there ya go.

Exactly, even without a flood, where are they?

You need perfect conditions to fossilize anything. Floods tend to provide excellent conditions for rapid burial and fossilization. Therefore, if a global flood occurred then you should see at least hundreds of thousands of these human skeletal remains in the same strata as bones of other creatures alive at the time. According to YEC ideology that includes dinosaurs. Yet that's not what we see.

It all depends on whether you can put aside what is comfortable to believe in favor of what is true

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Even if you were to exclude a flood, an evolutionist would still need to ask where all the remains of the gazillion humans that have lived on earth for millions of years.
Where are they?

All too easy....Well done. Saint John W the great is challenged with your whipping you put on him.

The Barbarian

Even if you were to exclude a flood, an evolutionist would still need to ask where all the remains of the gazillion humans that have lived on earth for millions of years.
Where are they?

Or the hundreds of millions of people who have lived on the Earth the past 2,000 years. Where are their skeletons?

All too easy....Well done.

Not very well thought out. If that was a valid objection, we should see countless millions of skeletons everywhere in the earth from the last few thousand years.

Yet we don't. Why not? If you can figure that out, you will know what's wrong with the objection.


All too easy....Well done. Saint John W the great is challenged with your whipping you put on him.

Humans, unlike nearly all other species, have burial traditions that are thousands of years old. These are normally isolated locations that finding is sometimes impossible to do. The skeletons that aren't buried under the ground were taken apart and scattered by scavengers.

A global flood would not encounter either of these problems wholly, as a large percentage of people affected would've been swept under the earth by mudslides and the like, preserving them. And they would be concentrated in certain areas all around the globe, since the flood was global. They should be easy to find


Well-known member
In Genesis 7:11 KJV the fountains of the great deep were opened,,,in Genesis 8:2 KJV both the rain and the fountains were stopped. If so then the fountains of the great deep opening is comparable to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhkyXrWNoVA or some similar occurrence and the bodies of these collected together may well be frozen in Antarctica,that is it according to core drilling samples was once tropical,hence not discovering things we expect are not equal to things we may yet discover,,,


Pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs.

Pays to get your own sides' ideas right if you want to be taken seriously. :up:

This is not why evolutionists are laughed at. They are mocked because they have no ability to engage rationally in a discussion.

Neither were prehistoric aquatic reptiles. The only true dinosaurs that are thought to have spent much time in the water are spinosaurus egypticus, baryonyx, and their few relatives. The monstrous crocodiles that lived then made water dangerous


Just today I collected some gorgeous fossils. I found two 18 inch cephlapods along with smaller brachiopods and gastropods. Human fossils?..... not here. But why would humans be buried with marine life. And marine fossils make up for about 95% of all fossils in the world.

Because in a freaking GLOBAL FLOOD everything gets mixed together by the waters. Humans, dinosaurs, goats, mammoths, fish, barnacles, and every other thing should be together in such a situation


New member
Let me guess.....you have no reference for that ridiculous comment?
Do a little research Kdall. In a lab... no problem..... Fossilization can happen quickly. I previously posted an incident of a tree root fossilizing like solid glass in one night. (Rain/ high voltage wires on ground/ Grand Prairie, Alberta)


Do a little research Kdall. In a lab... no problem..... Fossilization can happen quickly. I previously posted an incident of a tree root fossilizing like solid glass in one night. (Rain/ high voltage wires on ground/ Grand Prairie, Alberta)


And electricity isn't a part of the fossilization process


New member

You can google yourself...
If you don't know how... I will help you tomorrow and give you a few links.
But something for you to ponder even without links, is softbodied animals such as jellfish rot rapidly (... yet the fossil record has perfectly preserved jellyfish. Its evidence of rapid fossilization)


You can google yourself...
If you don't know how... I will help you tomorrow and give you a few links.
But something for you to ponder even without links, is softbodied animals such as jellfish rot rapidly (... yet the fossil record has perfectly preserved jellyfish. Its evidence of rapid fossilization)

Rapid fossilization doesn't mean what you think it does. And yes, I'm going to google that and hopefully find it, post it

Unless you're referring to electricity turning other materials into glass through extreme heat (NOT fossilization, not even close), then I can't find a hint of anything you referred to. I look forward to you posting this groundbreaking fossilization story asap tomorrow, and not avoiding it. Deal?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Given a surface area of the earth of around 197,000,000 square miles, make an assumption of the population of the earth at the time of the Flood and divide that number by 197,000,000. This is a starting point to seeing how scarcely populated the post flood sediment would be for dead human beings per square mile.

Next assume fossilized remains do not happen for each and every dead creature, including humans. The per square mile density of potential fossils shrinks even more.

Assuming a billion people existed at the time of the flood yields only about 5 potential human fossils per square mile. In other words, go to a 640 acre plot of land (1 square mile) and find 5 dead human bodies buried there, possibly very deeply, too. Even at 20 billion people, that is still only 20 dead human bodies, and assuming fossilization took place in every instance (it would not), and whole human bodies, not just parts, were fossilized.

Given this, absence of evidence is no claim to evidence of absence to be used to discount the young earth view from Scripture.
