When does the biblical day begin?


New member

A Catholic once suggested to me that the two sabbaths were together, i.e. they fell on the same date. So I countered that the suggestion would not work to Catholicism's advantage seeing as how the standard Good Friday model is short by one night.

With a little creative finagling it's possible to produce three days with the Good Friday model by counting all day Saturday as one of the three days Christ predicted at John 2:19, and counting Friday afternoon and Sunday morning as two days; thus producing three. But no amount of finagling can produce three nights as per his prediction at Matt 12:40.

The only way that Good Friday's one-night deficit can be rectified is by giving Passover's sabbath and the regular week-end sabbath their own dates; viz: have them run consecutive instead of coincident.

That would push Jesus' crucifixion day to Thursday; but hay, you gotta do what you gotta do in order to come up with those three days and three nights or be the laughing stock of the non Christian world because even a third grader can see right off that the standard Good Friday model's arithmetic doesn't add up.


Or realize that by three days and three nights He did not mean dead and buried but sold arrested tried tortured finally killed buried and rising on the end of the third day...all in the heart of the earth Jerusalem...not dead but confined as Jonah was...Jonah not being dead for three days and nights or at all...


New member
No girly, nothing is falling apart. Proving that unstable and biblically uneducated fools, are simply twisting the Holy Scripture to their own destruction, is the reason why I am here.

God did indeed call the light period, 'DAY', and the period of Darkness, he called night. Now the word of the Lord and our scientific community, all agree that the first period of Light came out of the darkness, therefore the Lord says, "There was evening then morning the first day.

There was evening first, now evening is the beginning of the period of darkness, then there was morning, this is the rising of the sun, which is the beginning of the period of light that followed the period of darkness.

Perhaps that might be too difficult for a biblically uneducated person such as yourself to understand, so let us continue.

Now nobody is interested in what 'YOU' or some self praising money making TV Evangelist wants them to believe, they are only interested in what God wants them to believe, so we wont even bother with the link that you provided.

The bible states that it was about the 6th hour of the day of preparation to the Jewish Passover, when Pilate sentenced Jesus to death, he was nailed to the cross at the 3rd hour of the day of preparation to the Passover, Darkness covered the land at the 6th hour of the day of preparation to the Passover, Jesus died on the 9th hour of the day of preparation to the Passover, and he was buried as the sun was setting on the day of preparation to the Passover, just as the Sabbath was beginning.

Matthew and Mark both state that it was in the evening as the sun set on the 14th day of preparation, that Jesus was laid in his tomb. Luke 23: 53-54; The body of Jesus was laid in a rock hewn tomb. "It was the day of preparation and the Sabbath was beginning."

So now, you still continue to argue that the 6th hour of the day of preparation to the Passover when Jesus was sentenced to death, is the same 6th hour of the day of preparation when the land was covered in darkness after Jesus had been nailed to the cross at the 3rd hour of the day of Preparation to the Passover, who died on the 9th hour of the day of Preparation to the Passover, and was laid in a rock hewn tomb as the sun was sitting on the day of preparation to the Passover, just as the evening, which was the most High Sabbath of the first of the seven day festival of unleavened bread, the 15th day of Abib, was descending.

John 19: 31; Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a HIGH Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.

John 19: 42; Now because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and as the tomb was close at hand the laid the body of Jesus there.

If you are still incapable of comprehending that the Jewish days in the time of Jesus, consisted of a 12 hour period of darkness, which was followed by a 12 hour period of daylight, then you of all people are the most to be pitied.

The day has 12 hours has it not? Said Jesus, so work while the light is with you.

So again let me ask you, do you believe the Holy Scriptures? Or are you here to simply disrupt the threads of the believers?

Darkness (not called night or even evening) was on the face of the waters...then He said let there be light...and called it Day...not evening but DAY...and the darkness he called NIGHT...and then it came to be evening when the daylight diminished and then it came to be called night...and then it came to be morning...and then it was called Day One/first day and completed...

the act of creating happened during the daylight portion and then it came to be evening and then it came to be morning--day two,three,four etc


New member
The date has not changed, the symbols have changed.

Oh ok thought you were with the Jesus celebrated Passover before Passover...

14th was still the time lambs were killed between the evenings...same time He died...same day He was buried...lambs eaten all evening THAT SAME DAY..the passing over at midnight...SAME DAY 14...and leftover meat burnt before morning the 15th...the Sabbath 15

As for change of symbols if you mean no longer need for blood to be shed yes...but Passover is still about truth and spirit as it always was


New member
All this discussion about a festival that doesn't apply to anyone on TOL.

:rotfl: :carryon:


Or realize that by three days and three nights He did not mean dead and buried but sold arrested tried tortured finally killed buried and rising on the end of the third day...all in the heart of the earth Jerusalem...not dead but confined as Jonah was...Jonah not being dead for three days and nights or at all...

A day is a period of Darkness followed by an equal period of light, a day on Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are all different, but all the days on all those planets have a period of Darkness followed by an equal period of Light.

Jesus died at the end of the three hours of darkness on Thursday, he was dead all that three hour day that followed the three hour night, (Day one) he was dead on the high Sabbath of Friday night (Night one) all of Friday, (day two) Saturday night of the weekly Sabbath, (Night two) all Saturday, (Day three) Sunday night, (Night three) and rose just as the sun was rising of the daylight hours of Sunday.

And you are correct in saying that Jonah was not dead in the whale, and nor was Jesus dead in the heart of the earth. His body was dead, but He, the invisible mind/spirit was not. 1st Peter 3: 18-20; He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually, 19and in his spiritual existence he went (Descended through time, and through the mouth of Noah) he preached to the imprisoned spirits. 20These were the spirits of those who had not obeyed God when he waited patiently during the days that Noah was building his boat.


New member
All this discussion about a festival that doesn't apply to anyone on TOL.

:rotfl: :carryon:

Says you not the word...He was our example so we do as He did...Paul affirms to celebrated the festival with unleavened bread of truth and spirit...and to copy him as he copied Christ...

"Church was born on Pentecost"...also still celebrated...


New member
As for change of symbols if you mean no longer need for blood to be shed yes...but Passover is still about truth and spirit as it always was

Paul said, "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

The terms Sincerity and Truth are a reference to the Bread of Life.

The Days of Unleavened Bread are about the ingestion of Jesus Christ, the epitome of sincerity and truth.
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Well-known member
No, here is what you said:

As I said, demonstrates that the passover was already over by the time that the 15th arrived.

We are going round in circles. I explained this in post #188, this is what I said:

'The Lamb they are eating is what is being referred to as the Passover, it is the Passover Lamb! It does not mean that the 15th is also the Passover.

The 14th is Passover when the Passover Lamb is killed but the Passover Lamb is not eaten till the 15th. Now does it make sense?'


New member
Says you not the word...He was our example so we do as He did...Paul affirms to celebrated the festival with unleavened bread of truth and spirit...

"Church was born on Pentecost"...also still celebrated...

On Pentecost people were added to Christ's assembly.

Today we can be added at any time.


New member
A day is a period of Darkness followed by an equal period of light, a day on Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are all different, but all the days on all those planets have a period of Darkness followed by an equal period of Light.
but none have a seven day weeks...

Jesus died at the end of the three hours of darkness on Thursday, he was dead all that three hour day that followed the three hour night, (Day one)
was He then on a different planet? A very small one or very fast spinning...

the day He died is the day they asked for His body...all of Jerusalem ate the lambs killed that afternoon...or do you have all of Jerusalem following the 6 hour night/day? So all the lambs were killed in three hours AT NIGHT? He died as the lambs were being killed...

An added 6 hour day would be a HUGE deal...altering calendars keeping Sabbath counts in all Jewish homes spread about the known world...not a peep

he was dead on the high Sabbath of Friday night (Night one) all of Friday, (day two)
already dead two days the day of preparation when the Passover is killed?

Saturday night of the weekly Sabbath, (Night two) all Saturday, (Day three) Sunday night, (Night three) and rose just as the sun was rising of the daylight hours of Sunday.
only thing that happened as the sun came up that first day of the week was the tomb was found empty..."He is not here"

And you are correct in saying that Jonah was not dead in the whale, and nor was Jesus dead in the heart of the earth. His body was dead,
yay we agree...

but He, the invisible mind/spirit was not. 1st Peter 3: 18-20; He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually, 19and in his spiritual existence he went (Descended through time, and through the mouth of Noah) he preached to the imprisoned spirits. 20These were the spirits of those who had not obeyed God when he waited patiently during the days that Noah was building his boat.

Oh good grief...some claim He went to hell...or to paradise THAT DAY to be with the thief...

Now it's back to Noah's time...through his mouth...that isn't even poetic like Jonah wrote...but sounds more kabbala like or gnostic nonesense
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New member
Paul said, "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.*Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

The terms Sincerity and Truth are a reference to the Bread of Life.

The Days of Unleavened Bread are about the ingestion of Jesus Christ, the epitome of sincerity and truth.

Sure but nothing there implies doing away with the calendar itself...Constantine was yet to come but 300+ years later

Year starts in spring 14 days later Passover and so the count continues...Yah's way > traditions of man


New member
We are going round in circles. I explained this in post #188, this is what I said:

'The Lamb they are eating is what is being referred to as the Passover, it is the Passover Lamb! It does not mean that the 15th is also the Passover.

The 14th is Passover when the Passover Lamb is killed but the Passover Lamb is not eaten till the 15th. Now does it make sense?'

What day did the Wrath actually pass over?

Same day the Passover lamb was eaten... same day it was killed...


New member
On Pentecost people were added to Christ's assembly.

Today we can be added at any time.

Sure but believers still assemble on Pentecost...Following Him His way...as they did that first Pentecost after the resurrection...

Remember you are a citizen of Israel now...when anywhere don't do as the romans do...lol


Well-known member
What day did the Wrath actually pass over?

Same day the Passover lamb was eaten... same day it was killed...

Yes I know the Passover Lamb was eaten on the night of the 15th and that the angel of death passed over at midnight on the 15th but nowhere in the Bible does it say that day 15th is called the Passover. The Bible clearly says the Passover is when the sun is going down which is still day 14:

Deuteronomy 16:6
except in the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name. There you must sacrifice the Passover in the evening, when the sun goes down, on the anniversary of your departure from Egypt.

And that the 15th is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread which lasts for 7 days.

However, many people including Jews just say that the whole week is called Passover but this is tradition and not scriptural. Although I don't think any of this is a big deal to God considering His Son has fulfilled this prophetic shadow picture by being killed as the atonement for our sins.


New member
Why? For what purpose?

Because they are following the law written in their hearts and minds...as His people

Doing His way...

For worship and fellowship and even reading about how the early assemblies assembled on Shavuot

To talk about the harvest the receiving of the Law and the Spirit of Yah...you know, fellowship


New member
Yes I know the Passover Lamb was eaten on the night of the 15th and that the angel of death passed over at midnight on the 15th but nowhere in the Bible does it say that day 15th is called the Passover. The Bible clearly says the Passover is when the sun is going down which is still day 14:

Deuteronomy 16:6
except in the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name. There you must sacrifice the Passover in the evening, when the sun goes down, on the anniversary of your departure from Egypt.

And that the 15th is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread which lasts for 7 days.

However, many people including Jews just say that the whole week is called Passover but this is tradition and not scriptural. Although I don't think any of this is a big deal to God considering His Son has fulfilled this prophetic shadow picture by being killed as the atonement for our sins.

On the 14th day light portion lambs are killed all afternoon between evenings...lamb eaten evening/night THAT SAME DAY of 14th...midnight Wrath passes over...leftover meat is burnt before morning...the 15th the day begins

As for what Jews say, or what their traditions are, I was clearly told they who call themselves Jews but are not...are snakes liars they are sons of their father a liar...synagogue of Satan...

Remember the ancient conspiracy was found in Judah...


New member
It's kinda implied with

"All this discussion about a festival that doesn't apply to anyone on TOL."

Able-bodied males were required by law to observe Passover each year in Jerusalem.

Are you claiming that is still valid or is the Mosaic Passover obsolete and replaced by a NT Passover, which hardly anyone mentions.

Instead people argue about when Passover was eaten millennia ago.

If you were planning to go to Jerusalem to sacrifice a lamb you might want to reschedule.