Prove it. I proved you are.
there IS such a thing as being too right
O'Reilly did not say all truth isn't contained in the Bible. He said some of the Words of Christ recorded in the Gospels are FALSE.
He wrote a book denying the reliability of the Bible. The payoff below is at 1:20.
[Still love you, O'Reilly... but uh.... hmmmm :juggle::think::think:]
I quit watching Bill O'Reilly years ago because he's not a conservative, he's a moderate. While sometimes he does test the boundaries that liberal America has put on it's journalists, it's rare.
O'Reilly did not say all truth isn't contained in the Bible. He said some of the Words of Christ recorded in the Gospels are FALSE.
If there is you would show it. But you haven't. Right is executing homos, adulterers, murderers, and slave traders. Right is restitution for stealing. If the thief can not pay back, they work off the debt to the debtor, not the state.
That would be an example of all the way to the right. There is no such thing as too much to the right.
put the EXACT quote here and i will believe you
The right wing blowhard O'Riled Up...a "moderate?!?!"O'Reilly has a lot of shows focusing on the race issue. But why does he never have such people on as
Darren Wilson
or people who defend him?
no, we have to sit there and listen to the racist Blacks who think all Americans or most of them are racist.
I will acknowledge that cops are often unfair, but they are unfair with virtually anyone (who is poor). It is not just poor Blacks, although, when you realize how high the crime rate is among Blacks (black on black murder), you see WHY the cops are leery of Blacks. They commit more violent crimes (%age wise) than Whites. Isn't the old axiom "Self preservation is the first law of nature" as true for cops as it is for others?
Last night O'Reilly didn't have ONE Black on who agreed with him (unless i was momentarily distracted drinking my yummy espresso and didn't catch it?)
why didn't he have Senator Tim Scott on, or that Riley guy (can't recall first name) or Clarence Thomas (Are Justices allowed to go on TV shows? Why not... the pres did)
[Still love you, O'Reilly... but uh.... hmmmm :juggle::think::think:]
The right wing blowhard O'Riled Up...a "moderate?!?!"
You really HAVE lost your cotton pickin' mind...haven't you?!?
well lefties think Shaprton is "valid"
you are unsaved