The Millennial Kingdom is when Jesus reigns as the King of Israel.
I believe that He already is King. He spoke of His Kingdom in the present before He died.
John 18:36 NASB - 36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."
He is presently at the right hand of God, but I am working on if He is ruling and reigning.
Matthew 26:64 NASB - 64 Jesus said to him, "You have said it [yourself;] nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN."
Israel's Kingdom gospel (i.e. the previous dispensation, which Christ lived and taught under.) was not ended with the stoning of Stephen but merely put in abeyance. God is not finished with Israel and will return to her after the fullness of the gentiles has come in. (Romans 11:25-27)
I do not know what you mean by referring to Stephen's stoning here. I remember that when I was a dispensationalist I had a reason for getting hung up on something with Stephen, but that may not be what you are pointing to and I have no difficultly with it at present. I don't see this changing as I don't know what it even was any more. Suffice it to say if you are asking about if the kingdom came many go to when Jesus prayed or cried over Jerusalem and say that the coming of the kingdom that had been promised was then delayed.
In other words, the law, which you are so obsessed with, will be fully restored and in force (minus the sacrificial laws which have been fulfilled in Christ) during the Millennium. Thus, Israel's system of judges will be in place.
You aren't talking about a temple with sacrifice, which is okay for the Millennium if you don't associate a coming temple with it, but many do. I don't know what to think about it. So I simply recognize that you are saying something different.
Judges. Elders. Whatever I don't know I don't know and I can say that I don't know. Either? The Law? Some people believe that the Law will come back for the Jews with Christ. It is an idea of dispensationalists.
We, that is you and I and those who are in Christ, will not be doing any judging of anyone during the Millennium. The Millennium has to do with Israel, not the Body of Christ. The judging we will be doing (i.e. of angels and of the whole world (1 Corinthians 6:2-3) will be on judgment day which doesn't happen until after the Millennium.
I am of the body of Christ. I also observe Torah as a proselyte to or of Israel. Do you believe that a person can become a proselyte after Christ died on the cross or rose from the dead?
I have thought recently that my life is a lot less about observing the Law or an identity as a Jew, but in looking for work at my interview today I said that I am Jewish (I was wearing tzitzit and a kippah in addition to my regular clothing) for the purpose of the weekly Sabbath and Jewish Holy Days (not being able to work then), though I was simply saying it not necessarily saying it for that purpose without meaning, though I wondered even wearing what I was if it is basically like lying. A proselyte is a proselyte or a Jew or an Israelite.
Revelation 2:9 NASB - 9 'I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 NASB - 9 'Behold, I will cause [those] of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie--I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and [make them] know that I have loved you.
Here is the verse about proselytes. Is a resident alien a proselyte? Do they live in the land only? Such that the word proselyte has been associated with synagogues which I presume may have been outside of the land of Israel (I haven't checked this, I think I might remember something though).
Exodus 20:10 NASB - 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; [in it] you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you.
Exodus 23:12 NASB - 12 "Six days you are to do your work, but on the seventh day you shall cease [from labor] so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son of your female slave, as well as your stranger, may refresh themselves.
Exodus 12:19, 48 NASB - 19 'Seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eats what is leavened, that person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether [he is] an alien or a native of the land. ... 48 "But if a stranger sojourns with you, and celebrates the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near to celebrate it; and he shall be like a native of the land. But no uncircumcised person may eat of it.
Deuteronomy 5:14 NASB - 14 but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; [in it] you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your ox or your donkey or any of your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you, so that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.
Deuteronomy 16:11-14 NASB - 11 and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite who is in your town, and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your midst, in the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish His name. 12 "You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and you shall be careful to observe these statutes. 13 "You shall celebrate the Feast of Booths seven days after you have gathered in from your threshing floor and your wine vat; 14 and you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your towns.