Of course you are advocating for harmful behavior when you deny that it should be punished, and instead of being punished it should be considered harmless behavior.
The other message I get from you is that those who harm others by their behavior should not be punished because punishment hurts. Where is your compassion for those who are harmed by those behaviors? That hurts too. Have you ever been molested? I can tell you by personal experience the long term effects of that are extremely painful. Where is your compassion for me?
Evidently, by the things you repeatedly say you're far more concerned for those who harm others than those who are harmed by their behavior. I look at things just the opposite for I consider that point of view harmful for society as a whole. I view punishing those who harm others as the way to protect society from them. I take the long view, not the myopic view. Victims, and potential victims, must be protected from their abusers. To deny that shows a major lack of compassion for out fellow man.