What the Law and the Bible say about Homosexuality.


Jacob, to take actions that are against the law is to commit a crime. Do you realize that for more than 100 years adultery was prosecuted as a crime and many states still have those laws on the books?

Yes. Thank you for saying so. I don't have the history on this but it certain sounds right and true.

Gary K

New member
For starters I'm not "advocating" for behaviours. I don't condone adultery just because I don't think adulterers should be stoned to death or shoved off cliffs. Homosexuality isn't a behaviour. Some people happen to be gay, end of. Do you think it's loving to prevent people from having relations and force them into a closet or force them into "conversion therapy"? Any idea how much misery and suffering it's caused to those who were the victims of stuff like that? How many suicides because they weren't allowed to live free in society?


Of course you are advocating for harmful behavior when you deny that it should be punished, and instead of being punished it should be considered harmless behavior.

The other message I get from you is that those who harm others by their behavior should not be punished because punishment hurts. Where is your compassion for those who are harmed by those behaviors? That hurts too. Have you ever been molested? I can tell you by personal experience the long term effects of that are extremely painful. Where is your compassion for me?

Evidently, by the things you repeatedly say you're far more concerned for those who harm others than those who are harmed by their behavior. I look at things just the opposite for I consider that point of view harmful for society as a whole. I view punishing those who harm others as the way to protect society from them. I take the long view, not the myopic view. Victims, and potential victims, must be protected from their abusers. To deny that shows a major lack of compassion for out fellow man.


then they will fall under that code of justice

their previous behavior won't be examined, but any instances of adultery committed while serving would be liable to prosecution

oh, okay.

I suppose it would be like a person who wants to be a professional football player. They can never use drugs.


I know. It's still federal law though for the US army is a federal organization. I'm just being pedantic. And sort of pulling your chain a little while I'm at it. My sense of humor can get pretty obtuse sometimes.

How did the army come to have it as a part of its code or law?

Gary K

New member
How did the army come to have it as a part of its code or law?

Every army must have a specific code of justice for armies have a specific reason for existence, meaning that they must have their own codes of behavior. The lesser discipline enforced upon the general public could never be allowed in an army. Soldiers must obey if an army is to be useful and successful. Armies must have a higher level of discipline imposed on them for they do things that most human beings will not willingly do, such as charging into live fire coming from an enemy that is out to kill them. Without army discipline, put in place by the military code of justice, very few soldiers would be willing to face those high probabilities of death. The punishment for not obeying an order to attack is enforced though by the army's laws. If they don't obey orders they can spend many years in prison or even face execution.


Every army must have a specific code of justice for armies have a specific reason for existence, meaning that they must have their own codes of behavior. The lesser discipline enforced upon the general public could never be allowed in an army. Soldiers must obey if an army is to be useful and successful. Armies must have a higher level of discipline imposed on them for they do things that most human beings will not willingly do, such as charging into live fire coming from an enemy that is out to kill them. Without army discipline, put in place by the military code of justice, very few soldiers would be willing to face those high probabilities of death. The punishment for not obeying an order to attack is enforced though by the army's laws. If they don't obey orders they can spend many years in prison or even face execution.

What I mean is you are arguing that it is federal law but that it doesn't exist in other federal law. I am wondering how it became law or was adopted for the code if the federal government or law did not already accept it. Being that the states have laws, the federal government may have had no need.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
can you imagine His thoughts when He saw the first man having sex with another man?

"After all of My design work to perfect the functioning human body, and this is what they choose to do with it? :doh:

[666ers.] I made [666ers.] :nono: "
Pretty much. :thumb: Genesis 6:7 KJV

" it repenteth me that I have made them."


Where are there laws on the books against homosexuality in the United States of America?


Wherever there's a 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' lying around, for starters.


Anything you want to point out? You know that I am talking about the state or the government or states or our nation's laws?

I am not Catholic. I do not accept Catholic doctrine for the law of the United States of America. However, I have grown up in the church, and I recognize issues with law between church and state.

The nation of Israel has the Torah, and I believe the United States of America should too.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Anything you want to point out?
Text 2357:
The Church's authentic pastors said:
Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
You know that I am talking about the state or the government or states or our nation's laws?

I am not Catholic. I do not accept Catholic doctrine for the law of the United States of America. However, I have grown up in the church, and I recognize issues with law between church and state.

The nation of Israel has the Torah, and I believe the United States of America should too.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Of course you are advocating for harmful behavior when you deny that it should be punished, and instead of being punished it should be considered harmless behavior.

The other message I get from you is that those who harm others by their behavior should not be punished because punishment hurts. Where is your compassion for those who are harmed by those behaviors? That hurts too. Have you ever been molested? I can tell you by personal experience the long term effects of that are extremely painful. Where is your compassion for me?

Evidently, by the things you repeatedly say you're far more concerned for those who harm others than those who are harmed by their behavior. I look at things just the opposite for I consider that point of view harmful for society as a whole. I view punishing those who harm others as the way to protect society from them. I take the long view, not the myopic view. Victims, and potential victims, must be protected from their abusers. To deny that shows a major lack of compassion for out fellow man.

Hey, I have never been molested and have nothing but compassion for those who have been victims of any such atrocity and the like so that's not an argument you can begin to use with me as I've had a family member be the victim of rape. You think I don't want to see the perpetrator face justice for what he did? The guy was never caught. I know gay people who's only "crime" among some of the more zealous is for simply being "abnormal" if they act on attractions with other consenting adults. I count a couple of those as my friends . I don't conflate homosexuality with pedophilia and have nothing but contempt for the latter, rape or any other atrocity inflicted on another human being so you get that through your head, okay?