What people are missing...

The Barbarian

Ryan did not release the memo....duh...

Carter Page has been cooperating and working with the FBI for a very long time...... Why can none of the libtards here at TOL seem to process the fact that Carter PAGE is not in jail, and not been charged.... in fact..... he is running around doing national news programs......???

And your evidence is...?



What people are missing...

Like the stock market, this President and his motley crew of "deplorables" are only interested in the polls when they reflect good news!

Today the DOW fell almost 700 points (255%) - don't hold your breathe for this President to take the credit for that!

Prophetic. Or is it the higher one brags the bigger the fall.


New member
That sure explains Carter Page working as an informant for the F.B.I. and the FBI using Page as a mark to justify and illegal spying operation on a presidential candidate....LOL!

Obama and his buddies can't run from this now, the OIG has the texts..... they outed themselves.....

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that Forbes distanced themselves from the tinfoil hat guy:

"Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own."

That sure explains Carter Page working as an informant for the F.B.I. and the FBI using Page as a mark to justify and illegal spying operation on a presidential candidate....LOL!

It explains why Forbes was so emphatic about saying this letter was his opinion only.

Obama and his buddies can't run from this now,

More importantly,this diversion attempt isn't going to deflect the Russiagate investigation. It continues, as Mueller gets closer and closer.


New member
Poor Barbi, he missed the fact that the FBI is corrupt as hell, and was transmitting classified data on insecure devices.....LOL..... can you spell AUDIT??? Their fake investigation is busted now....

The Barbarian

Poor Barbi, he missed the fact that the FBI is corrupt as hell

That's what Putin was saying... But I think he's just upset that they caught him. Trump says it too, for what appears to be the same reason.

can you spell AUDIT???

I can spell "you're." :wave:

Their fake investigation is busted now....

Putin said that, too. But I don't think Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Popadopolous, et al would agree with him.

More to come. Be patient.



The left should really be skeptical of polls since they failed miserably in 2016. It's the same as it was then, the silent majority LOVES Trump.

"Silent majority "deep state" ... all stock terms employed by Trump supporters to insulate themselves from the truth, allowing them to reside in a world of "alternate facts!"



That sure explains Carter Page working as an informant for the F.B.I. and the FBI using Page as a mark to justify and illegal spying operation on a presidential candidate....LOL!

Obama and his buddies can't run from this now, the OIG has the texts..... they outed themselves.....

The news cycle has relegated the Nunes Memo to a footnote in history in less than a week - except for the fact that today is the last day for "The Donald" to provide his seal of approval for the Democratic rebuttal!

Given that its premise was so flawed and compiled in such haste, the Nunes Memo never lived up to its advanced billing, managing to self-implode within days - despite Republican attempts to suppress the Democratic rebuttal!