What people are missing...

The Barbarian

This chart, which doesn’t get nearly enough attention, shows the change in first-year presidential approval ratings from copartisans. That is, it shows Democratic approval of Democrats and Republican approval of Republicans:


After an admittedly wild first year in which he disappointed liberals with his budget, gays in the military, and a missile attack on Iraq, Bill Clinton ended 1993 exactly where he started. George Bush got a huge bump across the board after 9/11, but even if you look at his approval rating through 9/10, he only lost about one percent of his support. In 2009, during a brutal recession, Obama lost three percent of his support by the end of the year.

Donald Trump has lost eight percent of his support among Republicans. During a strong economy.

I know these seem like small numbers, but they’re meaningful. It’s natural that presidents lose support among independents and members of the opposing party. Many of them want to “give the new president a chance,” and then slip away as politics takes its natural course. But polarization being what it is, recent presidents just don’t lose much support among their own party. Only in Trump’s case has there been any significant erosion.

Losing the support of people who probably didn’t vote for you in the first place doesn’t mean too much. But losing the support of people who did vote for you means electoral disaster. It’s also good news: Americans aren’t reacting to the norm-busting buffoonery of the Trump presidency with indifference. Not only is the opposition movement enormously energized, but even Republicans are losing faith in him.


patrick jane

The left should really be skeptical of polls since they failed miserably in 2016. It's the same as it was then, the silent majority LOVES Trump.

It's basic psychology, TELL everybody that Trump's "approval" is low. Because we all want to think like the so called "majority", don't we?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The left should really be skeptical of polls since they failed miserably in 2016. It's the same as it was then, the silent majority LOVES Trump.

It's basic psychology, TELL everybody that Trump's "approval" is low. Because we all want to think like the so called "majority", don't we?

Well, yeah.
A short time ago Weinstein's approval polls would have been good.
If you were to poll the Hollywood leftists, it might still be good.

Gary K

New member
LOL. Let's look at Barbarian's post in a little detail. Let's analyze it a little bit.

1. It comes from a communist source. Mother Jones is unabashedly socialist/communist/fascist. I put all three ideologies together for all three say the government has to effective control of all business. All three give the government complete control of all aspects of society. All three ideologies are totalitarian. There's not a nickel's worth of difference between them. They all rest on exactly the same foundation.

2. The chart is very deceptive. Notice the starting point for all of the presidents. It says all of these presidents had a 100% approval rating within their own parties. That in itself is a flat out lie. None of them did, and Trump had, by far, the most copartisan resistance to his being elected. Yet where does the chart show copartisan support him when first elected? 100% approval. This in itself is laughable for he had avowed enemies in Republican Senate and House from day one. No other president ever elected ever had a group dedicated to anything but him like the Never Trump'ers.

Barbarian has just demonstrated one of two things. He doesn't even examine in the slightest the malicious stuff he posts. Or, he does and he doesn't care how dishonest it is.

patrick jane

LOL. Let's look at Barbarian's post in a little detail. Let's analyze it a little bit.

1. It comes from a communist source. Mother Jones is unabashedly socialist/communist/fascist. I put all three ideologies together for all three say the government has to effective control of all business. All three give the government complete control of all aspects of society. All three ideologies are totalitarian. There's not a nickel's worth of difference between them. They all rest on exactly the same foundation.

2. The chart is very deceptive. Notice the starting point for all of the presidents. It says all of these presidents had a 100% approval rating within their own parties. That in itself is a flat out lie. None of them did, and Trump had, by far, the most copartisan resistance to his being elected. Yet where does the chart show copartisan support him when first elected? 100% approval. This in itself is laughable for he had avowed enemies in Republican Senate and House from day one. No other president ever elected ever had a group dedicated to anything but him like the Never Trump'ers.

Barbarian has just demonstrated one of two things. He doesn't even examine in the slightest the malicious stuff he posts. Or, he does and he doesn't care how dishonest it is.
I learned long ago that when barb posts in "maroon" colored text it's hogwash from deeply biased sources.

The Barbarian

LOL. Let's look at Barbarian's post in a little detail. Let's analyze it a little bit.

Probably you should have read it first.

1. It comes from a communist source. Mother Jones is unabashedly socialist/communist/fascist.[/quote]

O.K., so we know that you don't know what "communism", and "fascism" mean. Not a good start for you.

I put all three ideologies together for all three say the government has to effective control of all business.

See, you don't know what they are.

2. The chart is very deceptive. Notice the starting point for all of the presidents. It says all of these presidents had a 100% approval rating within their own parties.

The graph sets 100% as all those who voted for the candidate. So it measures the change in support among those who voted for the president. As you see, Trump took the worst losses.

You've just demonstrated one of two things. You didn't even read the chart. Or, you did and you don't care how dishonest you are.

Gary K

New member
Probably you should have read it first.

1. It comes from a communist source. Mother Jones is unabashedly socialist/communist/fascist.

O.K., so we know that you don't know what "communism", and "fascism" mean. Not a good start for you.

See, you don't know what they are.

The graph sets 100% as all those who voted for the candidate. So it measures the change in support among those who voted for the president. As you see, Trump took the worst losses.

You've just demonstrated one of two things. You didn't even read the chart. Or, you did and you don't care how dishonest you are.

First, let's look at how much Barbarian really understands collectivism, which is comprised of socialism, communism, and facism. They all have the same foundation of ideas.

Even communists must have been some what shaken by such testimonies as that
of Max Eastman, Lenin’s old friend, who found himself compelled to admit
that “instead of being better, Stalinism is worse than fascism, more
ruthless, barbarous, unjust, immoral, anti-democratic, unredeemed by any
hope or scruple,” and that it is “better described as superfascist”; and
when we find the same author recognizing that "Stalinism is socialism,
in the sense of being an inevitable although unforeseen political
accompaniment of the nationalization and collectivization which he had
relied upon as part of his plan for erecting a classless society,” his
conclusion clearly achieves wider significance.

Max Eastman, Stalin’s Russia and the Crisis in Socialism
(New York: W. W. Norton, 1940); the passages are found on p. 82. p. 82,
and p. 154, respectively.

This entire quote comes from Friedrich Hayek's book, The Road to Serfdom.
p 79.
As the world knows the USSR as communistic, then it is plain there is very little difference between socialism, communism, and fascism. Who was Max Eastman? He was a dedicated socialist activist when he graduated from Davidson in the early 1900s. He was the first chief editor of "The Masses" and wrote a great deal of the content. He was also a very good friend of Lenin. And he was invited to Russia in the 1920s to examine what was going on there. He was given free access to their documentation of what they were doing. He came back very disillusioned with socialism/marxism because of what he saw there.

Do you know how Lenin described his own political beliefs? He was a dedicated follower of Karl Marx. So, when he called himself a Marxist he was acknowledging that he was communist/socialist. Friedrich Engels admitted that he and Marx, when they wrote the "Communist Manifesto", used the term Communist to create a space between themselves and the socialists who had come before them, for they both considered themselves as being socialists.

I have now created direct links between socialism, communism, and facism. I will tie these ideologies even closer together in a couple of later posts.

As to what I bolded above, the article speaks to copartisans. It uses the term repeatedly. What are copartisans? They are those of the same party as the person running for office. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partisan_(political)

The Barbarian

We're talking about Trump's loss of republican support, not your silly conflation of conservatives and socialists.

Instead of going of into a fantasy,you should have read the chart more carefully.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We're talking about Trump's loss of republican support, not your silly conflation of conservatives and socialists.

Instead of going of into a fantasy,you should have read the chart more carefully.

Like this chart, Comrade Igor:?


The Barbarian

Like this chart, Comrade Igor:?

Fascism seems to be missing. And in most of those forms of communism, private businesses are permitted. In China,they dominate the economy.

Just saying. Meanwhile...

Donald Trump is losing grip of his party’s support as he returns from his first Presidential tour of Asia, a new poll has found.

The latest survey from Lucid found that 71.85 per cent of Republicans approve of Mr Trump as President, a drop of more than 3 per cent from the previous week at 75.21 per cent.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll, the Republican president’s popularity is eroding in small towns and rural communities where 15 percent of the country’s population lives. The poll of more than 15,000 adults in “non-metro” areas shows that they are now as likely to disapprove of Trump as they are to approve of him.

In September, 47 percent of people in non-metro areas approved of Trump while 47 percent disapproved. That is down from Trump’s first four weeks in office, when 55 percent said they approved of the president while 39 percent disapproved.

The poll found that Trump has lost support in rural areas among men, whites and people who never went to college. He lost support with rural Republicans and rural voters who supported him on Election Day.


It's quite normal to slip a little. But as you see, Trump has slipped more than most presidents.

Gary K

New member
We're talking about Trump's loss of republican support, not your silly conflation of conservatives and socialists.

Instead of going of into a fantasy,you should have read the chart more carefully.

You just keep on digging yourself deeper holes, Barbarian. First you said it wasn't anything to do with party, only voters. Now you say it's all about Republicans. It seems you have an extremely short memory, for even among Republicans Trump had a lot of people opposing him. The Never Trump people were mainly Republicans. So to say Trump had 100% support among Republicans is ridiculous. It's even more so when we see how the Republicans have fought him since day one in the Senate and House.

However, let's just give you a point which you haven't made.... Trump has faced unprecedented hostility from the press. Ninety-five percent of what the press has said has been negative. They have slammed him, his son, his wife, his entire family, his every word, constantly. They have repeated lie after lie about him And still, even if what you allege is true, he has retained at least 9 out of every 10 supporters against that constant onslaught of negative publicity. That is an incredible record. No other president has even come close to doing that. No matter how we look at the numbers, they are positive with regard to Trump retaining his support.

Your assertions find no support in reality. But then, anything which comes out of the socialist/communist/fascist realm only has a slight tangential relationship to reality.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Fascism seems to be missing. And in most of those forms of communism, private businesses are permitted. In China,they dominate the economy.

Just saying. Meanwhile...

Donald Trump is losing grip of his party’s support as he returns from his first Presidential tour of Asia, a new poll has found.

The latest survey from Lucid found that 71.85 per cent of Republicans approve of Mr Trump as President, a drop of more than 3 per cent from the previous week at 75.21 per cent.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll, the Republican president’s popularity is eroding in small towns and rural communities where 15 percent of the country’s population lives. The poll of more than 15,000 adults in “non-metro” areas shows that they are now as likely to disapprove of Trump as they are to approve of him.

In September, 47 percent of people in non-metro areas approved of Trump while 47 percent disapproved. That is down from Trump’s first four weeks in office, when 55 percent said they approved of the president while 39 percent disapproved.

The poll found that Trump has lost support in rural areas among men, whites and people who never went to college. He lost support with rural Republicans and rural voters who supported him on Election Day.


It's quite normal to slip a little. But as you see, Trump has slipped more than most presidents.

Commie propaganda!!! Here is a recent pic, of you, and your wife:
