What is your definition of racism?


New member
Do you think the likes of Churchill would have supported the likes of Neo Nazi outfits? There were many people of all races, colours and creeds who fought among the allied forces in WWII.
What do I care whether or not Churchill would or wouldn't? By the way, there were many people of all races, colors, and creeds that fought with the axis, also.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How many replies have gone by with you still not being able to define white supremacy? Most of these groups, at root, just want separation. 'White supremacist' is just a weasel word, like the word racist. It's only use is to prime emotions, but it doesn't actually describe anyone or anything. You don't have to be convinced of your own superiority to want to exclude others. Are Tibetans Tibetan supremacists for wanting the Chinese to leave Tibet? I take it not?

Oh, grief, you could have googled the common term yourself. I've no argument with the Wiki definition and if you have then point such out. Otherwise, you made a tasteless post about a mother of two who was brutally killed by one reflecting the very same. Comparing that with a communist dictatorship and opposition to it is almost laughable.

Dude, this is just nonsense. I'm the one who wants to preserve diversity. I can appreciate other cultures and peoples and still want mine to have their own spaces.

And you can have those where you live already.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What do I care whether or not Churchill would or wouldn't? By the way, there were many people of all races, colors, and creeds that fought with the axis, also.

You're the one who brought him up...


The allied forces fought against the likes of the Nazis, not for the likes of nuts who emulate the barbarity they stood for.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You left while the city was still 70+% white. You're just abundance-signaling. What you're saying is "I don't have to live with the negative effects of diversity unlike those stupid gammon." You're contributing to centuries or even millennia old communities being destroyed, and you're mocking them in the process.
You are an evil, evil person, and there is no fire in hell hot enough for you.

Actually, just to pick back up on this oh so charming post of yours, I didn't leave Nottingham in 2008 out of choice, I loved the place for its vibrancy and bustle and am visiting there again in March. Circumstances dictated it at the time where I had little choice but to move back to my own home town. So, in turn I don't think you're an "evil, evil person where there's no fire in hell hot enough for you", but boy, do you need a wake up call.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
After you define it, give examples in your own life that you deem to be racist. If you don't like a certain culture, does that make you racist? If yes, where does race come into play other than a particular race seems to be the main members of that culture?
When someone is openly proud of their own race, and that makes you angry that they're doing that, then you are a racist. That's what I think.


New member
Oh, grief, you could have googled the common term yourself. I've no argument with the Wiki definition and if you have then point such out. Otherwise, you made a tasteless post about a mother of two who was brutally killed by one reflecting the very same. Comparing that with a communist dictatorship and opposition to it is almost laughable.
Way to miss the point entirely. The point isn't whether or not Cox's killer is crazy or a neon Nazi. Its whether or not you can call what he advocates for "supremacist". Does his group advocate for ruling over other peoples, or just having sovereignty for themselves? Supremacism is a political goal, not a tactic. Are Tibetans who want the Chinese, even those who were born there!, to leave Tibetan supremacists?


New member
You're the one who brought him up...


The allied forces fought against the likes of the Nazis, not for the likes of nuts who emulate the barbarity they stood for.
It was implied that having the same opinions as him on race and identity would make someone a "fascist." That's why I brought him up.
I didn't even try to imply that national action or national alliance share anything in common with Churchill. Not sure what you're even talking about, here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
To be fair, that was a little over the top. I do get really frustrated with people who, it seems, can't see past their own noses.

You assumed stuff that you had no idea about as if I'd left because I wanted to leave the place. It was anything but and your ensuing in that post of yours was more than just a little over the top. I get frustrated with people who make ignorant presumptions and don't even think to question before posting but you won't get the likes of that nasty garbage from me in turn. Learn to see past your own nose next time.

Political power is zero sum.

A soundbite defining what exactly?


You're using communist language, and you don't even know it.
why would it? My views on race and identity are the same as Churchill, Truman, and Patton. You know, the people who defeated fascism and national socialism.

You're just being flat out insufferable- trying to say on one end that I'm communist minded simply for identifying what racism is, but anything short of a Nazi can't be fascist so you're just star spangled perfect.

Yeah right. Save that hubris for someone else.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was implied that having the same opinions as him on race and identity would make someone a "fascist." That's why I brought him up.
I didn't even try to imply that national action or national alliance share anything in common with Churchill. Not sure what you're even talking about, here.

Look, I identify as "White British" when asked about it on forms for ID etc and most of the people I'm friends with and work with are the same. That's because where I've lived for the most part is predominantly the same so there's no "crisis", no "invasion" etc. I've also made such good friends with people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and miss many to this day. I identify as the above on a form for information purposes, not because of how I see myself as a human. Maybe that might explain the difference to you, or maybe not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Way to miss the point entirely. The point isn't whether or not Cox's killer is crazy or a neon Nazi. Its whether or not you can call what he advocates for "supremacist". Does his group advocate for ruling over other peoples, or just having sovereignty for themselves? Supremacism is a political goal, not a tactic. Are Tibetans who want the Chinese, even those who were born there!, to leave Tibetan supremacists?

Well of course it was, see who Thomas Mair was aligned with:


This is really getting lame now.


New member
Well of course it was, see who Thomas Mair was aligned with:


This is really getting lame now.

Cox's support for the European Union and immigration[1]
Would you call someone who advocated against Chinese government sovereignty over Tibet and who wanted to stop immigration into Tibet of non-Tibetans and Tibetan supremacist?

Seriously, what group doesn't advocate for political power. You have "representation" drives among every non-white category in Britain for a reason.


New member
Look, I identify as "White British" when asked about it on forms for ID etc and most of the people I'm friends with and work with are the same. That's because where I've lived for the most part is predominantly the same so there's no "crisis", no "invasion" etc.
Sure, but dude, there are places in your country that have effectively been ethnically cleansed of people who have lived there for decades if not centuries. I know that sounds over-the-top, and you can blame "racism" or whatever for it, but it is in effect true. The same thing has been happening in the us for decades. Do you know what an exurb is? It turns out that most white people want to live around other white people. Some don't, but when you make political decisions like importing tons of foreigners, while you disallow by law people advocating for themselves, you get National Action. Like I said, I'm not a fan, but I do understand where they come from.

I've also made such good friends with people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and miss many to this day. I identify as the above on a form for information purposes, not because of how I see myself as a human. Maybe that might explain the difference to you, or maybe not.
This might surprise you, but I also have many diverse friends. My master's advisor was Senegalese(seriously...I mean I'm a race realist, if you couldn't tell, so earlier when I said that there is variation within every population, I meant it.) I went out for beers last night with a Chinese dude, saw an old Hindu friend, and chatted with a Kuwaiti student of mine(which was uncomfortable...he failed my class.)
Anyways, the point I'm making is that this whole white supreeeeemism thing is just a cartoon. When you asked a few days ago if I'm a white supreeeeemist you were basically asking "Are you a cartoon?" The answer is no. No, I am not.
The reality is that "white British" is a thing. Its not just a social construct, and it has value. It doesn't mean you need to hate others, but you should not surrender sovereignty to foreign peoples.
Political power is zero sum.

Thanks for reading my blog post.


New member
You're just being flat out insufferable- trying to say on one end that I'm communist minded simply for identifying what racism is,
I'm not trying to be condescending here, but you really don't know what you're talking about. My explanation of the term's origin is actually true. You actually are repeating communist propaganda. This is just a statement of fact.

but anything short of a Nazi can't be fascist so you're just star spangled perfect.
You know who had the strictest racial ideology of everyone involved in WW2? The Japanese. The fascists didn't give a darn about race. Franco's troops were much more "racially diverse" than those he was fighting. And the Nazis weren't racist either. The Nazis believed in ice giants from the ancient land of Hyperborea. They thought that the descendents of these giants were Scandinavians, Germans, Scots and irish, not Slavs(except Croats,) Persians, north Indians, and...the Comanche. Literally. They actually didn't know if Hyperborea was an island north of Scotland, or in the Himalayas so they went around in northern India measuring people's nostril diameters to try to determine where it was.
The fact that people use fascist or Nazi to describe people with normal, healthy racial identity is just ludicrous.

Yeah right. Save that hubris for someone else.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Do you think the likes of Churchill would have supported the likes of Neo Nazi outfits? There were many people of all races, colours and creeds who fought among the allied forces in WWII.

Sir Winston Churchill expressed alarm about an influx of 'coloured people' in Fifties' Britain and looked for a chance to restore punishment by flogging, newly released cabinet papers from the national archive reveal.

On 3 February 1954, under the agenda item 'Coloured Workers', Churchill is quoted, with abbreviations, by Cabinet Secretary Sir Norman Brook as saying: 'Problems wh. will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in UK? Attracted by Welfare State. Public opinion in UK won't tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.'

Florence Horsbrugh, the then Minister of Education and Conservative MP for Manchester Moss Side, is recorded as adding: 'Already becoming serious in Manchr.'



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's exactly what it is, and you're insane to deny it.

>When it comes to crime, who are being pointed out? The cities with the large black populations.

same as when bammy was prez

>When it comes to rape or violence against police, who have you heard be brought up the most? Immigrants.

i would have picked "unarmed young black men"

>When it comes to healthcare, who is being pointed out? The poor and minorities.

i don't hear a lot of people talking about healthcare

>Minimum wage? Poor and minorities.

again, dead issue

Greg Jennings

New member
After you define it, give examples in your own life that you deem to be racist. If you don't like a certain culture, does that make you racist? If yes, where does race come into play other than a particular race seems to be the main members of that culture?

I would define it as: being biased against those of other races than your own, typically resulting from extrapolation of a few bad personal experiences onto the entire race of people.

I’m white, so I can’t say I’ve experienced much overt racism towards me. The closest I’ve come is having a young black man berate me and my girlfriend (also black) for our relationship and calling me a white devil while hitting his wrists together, which was meant to represent bondage. He was poor and jobless, and I think many poor, jobless people of color feel hopeless and lash out as a result. Black people in this country feel largely hopeless due to the fact that white people have been in charge forever and black Americans are not well off still. They don’t trust us, and though I disagree with much of their ideology, I can empathize with it nonetheless

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hey, TH, it's been a while.
How goes it?

As an interesting note, blacks in america get anywhere from 10 to 20 percentile point adjustment upwards to get into law school(which gets larger as the school gets more prestigious.)
Where'd you get your data? In any event, my friend had a great LSAT, a solid GPA, and a distinguished military service background, so I don't believe he needed any help getting into a good law school.

When we entered school emphasis was on the LSAT, though I know that some schools have been increasing the value of GPA as a determiner, which has led to the general lowering of standards in relation to applicants accepted. GPA can be deceptive. The LSAT isn't.

As for your poor, poor friend's day-to-day hardships..he's lying.
No, no he isn't. And it's disappointing to hear you say that about someone only one of us knows. Rather, he's a black man who grew up in the South and whose family has been here, generationally. I don't know your background, but I'm betting none of that applies to you. In his living memory a man was lynched in Mobile, Alabama. That was in 1981, by the way.

Blacks in America are significantly less stressed than whites are. We have actual data on this. Stop gaslighting yourself.
If a black man is less stressed than a white man he must be high or ignorant of statistical data on everything from healthcare to violent death, from how race factors into treatment by the justice system, to infant mortality rates.

"Oh, no! White people forming and protecting their own communities?!? The horror!"
I'd say it's more a sad and ignorant notion. When you divide yourself by race it's not a sign that you're being particularly rational in your approach.

Why? Because during the 60s we started defining 'freedom' as 'access to white people.'
In reality, we defined it as access, period. That white people had erected social and even legal barriers to all sorts of access was the problem confronted, from voting rights, to lunch counters, to busses, to the right to marry, or attend a public college.

Every individual, family, community, state, and nation has the right to associate with or discriminate against and exclude anyone based on whatever characteristics they choose.
That's untrue at just about every point, as it should be. Everyone in this republic enjoys the same rights as the next fellow. When we erect artificial barriers to the exercise of those rights we violate the principle upon which our law and existence is founded, one that for generations was subverted by fearful and irrational minds.

There is absolutely nothing immoral or wrong about "racism."
That's a silly statement, except as a personal expression of valuation, in which case it's your business. Rather, in this country we have accepted as a guiding principle that every man is entitled to pursue the exercise of his liberty and right toward whatever destiny his ability and effort will afford him. Any artificial stricture, any social impediment to that exercise is contrary to the public good, is immoral prima facie.

Racism, outside of the confines of one's mind, expresses itself as that sort of impediment.


Well-known member
Was Reagan a Racist??

Was Reagan a Racist??

A friend of mine responded to the recent shootings with a Ronald Reagan meme/quote that read: "We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

My response?

"To see those, those monkeys from those African countries — damn them, they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes!" Ronald Reagan

Or, the statute of limitations on using him as a moral authority has run.
...over-reaching and problematic

"Those two redneck hogs don't even wear shirts!"

Wrong. Sure. Racist? :think:

Does every white person get to be upset? What if it were a man of different color that said it? Do all Cajuns get to be upset? Doesn't a comment necessarily have to be addressed to the scope in order for it to actually be racist?

Above, I said "wrong." Long ago I've come to the decision to not use derogatory names. I still have trouble in traffic being kind, with "dummy" occassionally and "idiot" only once that I recall. I'm working on it. Point? I'm disinterested as a third party but to me, it certainly looks 'snowflakey' to me. Democrats and liberals cater to cry-baby mentality and entitlement. We have 'certain' inalienable rights, not every whim. To me, and I've been called naive likely appropriately, much racism problems are caused by people who needlessly take personal offense where the original was mostly none of their business. Repeated downtrodding of a race? Not talking about that. Of course it is racism.

I don't believe Reagan's comment was racist. It was poor, but not racism.