What is the Reason for Hell??


'God' has many names true.....as far as man's calling goes. But there is that aspect of 'God' that is beyond name. 'Names' serve us as conventions of language or reference.

1:1.1 Of all the names by which God the Father is known throughout the universes, those which designate him as the First Source and the Universe Center are most often encountered. The First Father is known by various names in different universes and in different sectors of the same universe. The names which the creature assigns to the Creator are much dependent on the creature's concept of the Creator. The First Source and Universe Center has never revealed himself by name, only by nature. If we believe that we are the children of this Creator, it is only natural that we should eventually call him Father. But this is the name of our own choosing, and it grows out of the recognition of our personal relationship with the First Source and Center.

- UB

The Bible speaks of one name for the one God, and some say with many titles.


Eclectic Theosophist


The Bible speaks of one name for the one God, and some say with many titles.

Well, the Torah does have God call himself by 'Eheyh', 'YHWH Elohim', etc.....many names and 'titles' he has yes. But the point of 'God' the Infinite being beyond name, definition or conception....stands as well. That's the wonderful thing about 'God'. This 'God' being a universal Presence is also not limited to the 'Bible' or any other holy book or writing, although He may be expressed thru-out such writings. Brahman holds as the fundamental unborn, undying, incorporeal essence of which all consists, being the source of all. There is in truth only this originating ground from which all things spring in their various forms or movements which is the play of creation.

Granted,...God's name or any appellation given Him (or 'Her' depending on your theology ) is not the Deity itself, although it may reveal or describe the divine nature or character. The most direct 'name' of 'God' is 'I AM' or "I Will Be", which can be explored from many vantage points, all sourced in 'Being' itself.

See 'The divine name and nomenclature' (and 2 links therein).



New member
Then drop all names, concepts, ideas, language, symbols, references for 'God' altogether....and be free of them. What exists prior to all these and is always already the case anyways? Reality itself....without the clutter ;) - but as soon as the 'mind' enters into it...thats when all the distortion & interpretation begins.

You have full permission to Void out! - that is, if your ego can take it :crackup:;):p



There are (( NO )) Names!! - (( God is )) the Only Reality!!

Paul -- 081412


New member
The Bible speaks of one name for the one God, and some say with many titles.

The only "Name" of God is the likeness of a King to his servant:> "Go tell that man to give me all that he has". - And the servant goes and says:> (( "In the "Name" of the King )) give me all that you have"!!
That is the (( Name )) of the Lord, which is his ( Authority )!! - Jesus' name is His ( Authority ) given to all His servants!! --- NOW debunk that!!!

Paul -- 081412


Well, the Torah does have God call himself by 'Eheyh', 'YHWH Elohim', etc.....many names and 'titles' he has yes. But the point of 'God' the Infinite being beyond name, definition or conception....stands as well. That's the wonderful thing about 'God'. This 'God' being a universal Presence is also not limited to the 'Bible' or any other holy book or writing, although He may be expressed thru-out such writings. Brahman holds as the fundamental unborn, undying, incorporeal essence of which all consists, being the source of all. There is in truth only this originating ground from which all things spring in their various forms or movements which is the play of creation.

Granted,...God's name or any appellation given Him (or 'Her' depending on your theology ) is not the Deity itself, although it may reveal or describe the divine nature or character. The most direct 'name' of 'God' is 'I AM' or "I Will Be", which can be explored from many vantage points, all sourced in 'Being' itself.

See 'The divine name and nomenclature' (and 2 links therein).

You are diverting from a Biblical understanding of the matter. This is first evidenced by your saying there are many names and titles for God. Second by your reference to a pagan god, whom you make out to be the one true God.


The only "Name" of God is the likeness of a King to his servant:> "Go tell that man to give me all that he has". - And the servant goes and says:> (( "In the "Name" of the King )) give me all that you have"!!
That is the (( Name )) of the Lord, which is his ( Authority )!! - Jesus' name is His ( Authority ) given to all His servants!! --- NOW debunk that!!!

Paul -- 081412
Genesis 4:26

And to Seth, h8352 שת Sheth

to him h1931 הוא huw'

also there was born h3205 ילד yalad

a son; h1121 בן ben

and he called h7121 קרא qara'

his name h8034 שם shem

Enos: h583 אנוש 'Enowsh

then began men h2490 חלל chalal

to call h7121 קרא qara'

upon the name h8034 שם shem

of the LORD. h3068 יהוה Yĕhovah


New member
God Almighty gave us His name, "YHVH" (Exodus 6:3 (NASB)).

You really need to go back and read the Book over and over because You're wrong!! - God turned over all (( Authority )) to Jesus which is His (( Name )), and Jesus turned over all (( Authority )) to the Church which was His (( Name ))!!!!

Paul -- 081412


You really need to go back and read the Book over and over because You're wrong!! - God turned over all (( Authority )) to Jesus which is His (( Name )), and Jesus turned over all (( Authority )) to the Church which was His (( Name ))!!!!

Paul -- 081412
I read from 1 Corinthians 15:28.

Never-the-less, you must read from Acts 4:12.


Eclectic Theosophist


You are diverting from a Biblical understanding of the matter.

That's ok, because the conversation isnt necessarily limited to what one might define as 'biblical',...this is the 'Back Alley' after all.

This is first evidenced by your saying there are many names and titles for God.

'God' is known by many different 'names' and 'titles'....just a fact. Debating if a particular 'name' is his 'only' and revealed name is another matter.

Second by your reference to a pagan god, whom you make out to be the one true God.

My commentary stands and the further explanations of the 'divine name', especially 'Ehyeh' which is traditionally translated 'I AM' but is more correctly 'I Will Be'. References were provided Here.

Furthermore, if you learned what 'Brahman' is you would not name such a 'pagan god' for it is not such,....'Brahman' is beyond any 'god'-concept, idea, form, name or knowledge...but is the incorporeal source of all forms, concepts, knowledge, gods/goddesses, etc. Using the 'pagan-god' card on a 'metaphysical concept' doesnt hold water, since the 'Brahman' I'm referring to is that which is more Impersonal, in a philosophical sense. Other aspects of 'Brahman' are personalized and express as 'The Lord' (Ishvara), or personalities such as Vishnu/Krishna, Shiva, but such depends on which school you accept, as to whether 'God' is without form or with. (Brahman exists as both modes simultaneously). We have this 'versatility' within Santana Dharma.



That's ok, because the conversation isnt necessarily limited to what one might define as 'biblical',...this is the 'Back Alley' after all.

'God' is known by many different 'names' and 'titles'....just a fact. Debating if a particular 'name' is his 'only' and revealed name is another matter.

My commentary stands and the further explanations of the 'divine name', especially 'Ehyeh' which is traditionally translated 'I AM' but is more correctly 'I Will Be'. References were provided Here.

Furthermore, if you learned what 'Brahman' is you would not name such a 'pagan god' for it is not such,....'Brahman' is beyond any 'god'-concept, idea, form, name or knowledge...but is the incorporeal source of all forms, concepts, knowledge, gods/goddesses, etc. Using the 'pagan-god' card on a 'metaphysical concept' doesnt hold water, since the 'Brahman' I'm referring to is that which is more Impersonal, in a philosophical sense. Other aspects of 'Brahman' are personalized and express as 'The Lord' (Ishvara), or personalities such as Vishnu/Krishna, Shiva, but such depends on which school you accept, as to whether 'God' is without form or with. (Brahman exists in both cases). We have this 'versatility' within Santana Dharma.

In the Bible God revealed to Moses and the nation of Israel that He has a name (singular). That is still the case, this being the Back Alley.


New member
I read from 1 Corinthians 15:28.

Never-the-less, you must read from Acts 4:12.

Paul said that he didn’t Baptize in (( his own name ))!!!! - He Baptized because the King sent him to preach and Baptize in the Lord’s ( Name )!! - Apollos did the Baptizing because ( Paul couldn’t ) for his (( Infirmity ))!! – ( The people still ) got ((( Baptized ))) because Jesus wanted the people (( Baptized )), or He wouldn’t have sent all the Apostles ( Preaching the Gospel and Baptizing them in the (( Name of the Lord )) (( Now throw it away with your Soul ))!!!!!!!

And ( You ) attempt to preach anyway!!!!!!

Paul – 081512


Paul said that he didn’t Baptize in (( his own name ))!!!! - He Baptized because the King sent him to preach and Baptize in the Lord’s ( Name )!! - Apollos did the Baptizing because ( Paul couldn’t ) for his (( Infirmity ))!! – ( The people still ) got ((( Baptized ))) because Jesus wanted the people (( Baptized )), or He wouldn’t have sent all the Apostles ( Preaching the Gospel and Baptizing them in the (( Name of the Lord )) (( Now throw it away with your Soul ))!!!!!!!

And ( You ) attempt to preach anyway!!!!!!

Paul – 081512
Who said Paul couldn't baptize? I have it that he baptized some and didn't baptize others.


New member
Who said Paul couldn't baptize? I have it that he baptized some and didn't baptize others.

I didn't say that Paul was totally disabled, and couldn't Baptize at all!! - He could walk a little, and move about a lot, but could not sustain himself doing something like Baptizing a ( bunch ) of people. Paul was severely crippled in both legs up to his waist, but had no pain. That was Paul's infirmity ( of the flesh ).

Get all the help you desire to prove me wrong in this!!!

Paul -- 081512


I didn't say that Paul was totally disabled, and couldn't Baptize at all!! - He could walk a little, and move about a lot, but could not sustain himself doing something like Baptizing a ( bunch ) of people. Paul was severely crippled in both legs up to his waist, but had no pain. That was Paul's infirmity ( of the flesh ).

Get all the help you desire to prove me wrong in this!!!

Paul -- 081512
Was Paul's infirmity something to do with his eyes and eyesight?

Acts 9:18 And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he regained his sight, and he got up and was baptized;

Galatians 4:15 Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me.

As for baptizing, Paul says he is glad he did not baptize many, because the gospel is not about himself/man but about God and His Son Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 1:12 Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, "I am of Paul," and "I of Apollos," and "I of Cephas," and "I of Christ."

1 Corinthians 1:13 Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

1 Corinthians 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,

1 Corinthians 1:15 so that no one would say you were baptized in my name.)

1 Corinthians 1:16 Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any other.

1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.


New member
Matt 25:41

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels or messengers:

That's who God casts into Hell, but that's not the ( Reason ) for it. God could have done anything for the punishment for the fools!!

Paul -- 081512


New member
NO, Nothing!!

It had to do with who Paul was, and what he was to do, and how he was to do it!! – There was no other person’s flesh at the time for the indwelling of Michael the Archangel, and Jesus wanted the Angel very close to Him at the last days!! --- Prove that wrong also!! – Gabriel was on hand already on the Isle of Patmos.

Paul – 081512


Eclectic Theosophist
divine name.............

divine name.............

In the Bible God revealed to Moses and the nation of Israel that He has a name (singular). That is still the case, this being the Back Alley.

That might be significant only to Jews. One that doesnt accept Jewish religous teaching or their Torah may find no value in the name.

Of course on an existential/metaphysical level....we could correlate this with a providential presence who abides with Man in space and time, guiding and providing for his needs. In this....the 'I AM' is the 'existential' omni-presence,....the 'I Will Be' is the 'experiential'...the creative unfolding aspect of future providence.



That might be significant only to Jews. One that doesnt accept Jewish religous teaching or their Torah may find no value in the name.

Of course on an existential/metaphysical level....we could correlate this with a providential presence who abides with Man in space and time, guiding and providing for his needs. In this....the 'I AM' is the 'existential' omni-presence,....the 'I Will Be' is the 'experiential'...the creative unfolding aspect of future providence.

If you choose not to accept this truth, it is on you (to your detriment).

Idolotry is a serious sin.