What is the Gospel?


New member
The cross is not the only saving instrumentality. It is part of the salvation package that includes calling, election and faith. There are millions of people who lived and died without hearing the gospel. Just because they did not hear the content of faith required for salvation does not mean that the atonement disqualifies them as rendered savable.

God chose to allow that one man's sin would bring sin and death upon every human being and has equally chosen to render every man savable by the righteousness of another Man Christ the Lord.

According to scripture no one can come to the Gospel unless the Father draws him. I was drawn, I'm elect, I'm born again.

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Sorry, I'm not following you. You assert that all men are savable, but not all men are savable. (because some are passed by).


New member
According to scripture no one can come to the Gospel unless the Father draws him. I was drawn, I'm elect, I'm born again.

It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.

You, along with everyone else are taught - but unlike some you learned. Isn't this possible?


New member
I don't think so.

The Gospel is what it is.

Where is the disagreement on the Gospel?

In fact, as I recall, Lon listed out what the Gospel is, and how there is agreement.

There are some things surrounding the Gospel that provides some controversy...perhaps that's what you're talking about.

You are claiming objective truth?


Well-known member
It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.

You, along with everyone else are taught - but unlike some you learned. Isn't this possible?

Did you look where that is written? It's Isaiah 54. Check it out.


Sorry, I'm not following you. You assert that all men are savable, but not all men are savable. (because some are passed by).

Everyone born after Adam is born already condemned and headed for hell by the imputation of Adam's' sin.
Including infants. Thus the only way to change that status is by the imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the believer. But the only way that the believer can be imputed with righteousness is by believing the required content of faith for salvation which is that Christ died a penal death for sin and was buried and rose again as our substitute. If we accept this truth we are declared justified before God and our debt for sin is paid. The death, burial and resurrection for sin is efficacious only for those that believe. All men could be saved if they believe but the majority will not do so. They do not have free will to choose to believe God, they are dead in trespasses and sin, left to himself man can not seek God. Just as God sought Adam in the garden, God has chosen to seek out for Himself a portion of humanity. Why did Christ die for all men even tho not all men will receive the benefits of the cross? I don't know.
“The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned; for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification. For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
**Romans‬ *5:16-21‬ *NASB‬‬

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Well-known member
Everyone born after Adam is born already condemned and headed for hell by the imputation of Adam's' sin.
Including infants. Thus the only way to change that status is by the imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the believer. But the only way that the believer can be imputed with righteousness is by believing the required content of faith for salvation which is that Christ died a penal death for sin and was buried and rose again as our substitute. If we accept this truth we are declared justified before God and our debt for sin is paid. The death, burial and resurrection for sin is efficacious only for those that believe. All men could be saved if they believe but the majority will not do so. They do not have free will to choose to believe God, they are dead in trespasses and sin, left to himself man can not seek God. Just as God sought Adam in the garden, God has chosen to seek out for Himself a portion of humanity. Why did Christ die for all men even tho not all men will receive the benefits of the cross? I don't know.
“The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned; for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification. For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
**Romans‬ *5:16-21‬ *NASB‬‬

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There ya go....the explaining is where you'll find the problems. ;)


It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.

You, along with everyone else are taught - but unlike some you learned. Isn't this possible?


1. Heard the message of the substitutionary death burial and resurrection of Messiah.

2. Learned, believes that message.

It is indeed available from the Old Testament alone to know the gospel of salvation. However in the case of the apostles and John the Baptist they needed the illumination of the Holy Spirit to understand the scriptures. On the road to Emmaus the Messiah expounded to them all of the OT scriptures concerning Himself.

3. "They will all be taught by God" is a summary statement regarding Israel during the Messianic Kingdom. It is not talking about the church saints.

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New member
I'm claiming the Gospel says what it says and no more nor less.

I don't think the basic Gospel is complicated at all. It's when men start explaining it that things go awry.

The Gospel of 1 Cor 15:3ff is pretty straight forward...as you say. And yet Calvinists (consistent ones) wont preach it to the unbeliever. And that remains astonishing...but then the scriptures they cite are pretty persuasive too.

The charge of doublespeak is a fair one I feel.


What is the Gospel?

Would you like to prove your assertion?

In the Hebrew bible all 12 minor prophets are counted as one book and are simply called "The Twelve."

Term minor prophets first used by Augustine because of their small size.

Chronological Sequence and Geographic Area

Obadiah 845 southern kingdom
Joel 835 southern kingdom
Amos 810-783 northern kingdom
Jonah 824-783 Assyria
Hosea 790-725 northern kingdom
Micah 758-710 southern kingdom
Nahum 710-664 southern kingdom
Habakkuk 650-622 southern kingdom
Zephaniah 640-610 southern kingdom
Haggai 520 to the Jews of the Restoration

Malachi 433-424 to the Jews of the Restoration

Main Themes:

1. Basic spiritual principles concerning God and man.
2. Strong condemnation of sin.
3. Provide comfort to the believing Remnant.
4. Prophecy things both near and far.
5. Prophetic Periods: (1) their own times socially and politically (2) the Babylonian and Assyrian captivities and restoration from the Babylonian and Assyrian captivities (3) first coming of Messiah (4) coming of the Great Tribulation (5) second coming prophecies (6) elements of the Messianic Kingdom.

OBADIAH The First One

Vs 1: introduction - the vision
* name means the servant of Jehovah
* no mention of king reigning
* Jeremiah quotes vs 1-4 in 49:14-16 and vs 5-6 in 49:9-10 and vs 8-9 in 49:7,22
*Joel quotes vs 17 in 2:32
Therefore Obadiah precedes Jeremiah's prophecies.
*10-14 describes a sacking of Jerusalem but which one? King Jehoram 845 BC Jerusalem sacked by the philistines, arabs and Edom likely the sacking described by Obadiah.

Locale: Judah
Historical Setting: The sacking of Jerusalem of 845 BC
Major Points: (1) God will avenge Israel (2) God will restore Israel
Theme: The doom of Edom
*edom had a brotherhood relationship with Israel even closer than Moab and Ammon but Edom was the most antagonistic against Israel that is why the prophets are more severe in their dealings with Edom.
Prophetic Vision: Not all prophecies came by means of visions but this one did come that way where a video is played out for the prophet and what is seen is written down.

Coming Total Destruction of Edom
Vs 1b: call goes out with an ambassador sent out. Possibly an angel is sent out to stir up the nations against Edom. Whether in the angelic or human realm something is going on.

Vs 2: Edom population reduction.

Vs 3: Edom's pride and security will be of no avail.

Vs 4: Edom's defensive heights seem impenetrable but they are not.

Vs 5: Description of the destruction seen in contrast of robbers and gatherers of the field. No one is ever capable of robbing every little item. But this destruction will leave nothing behind.

Vs 6: None of her allies will help Edom.

Vs 7: her allies will turn against her.

Vs 8: the counsel of her wisemen shall fail.

Vs 9: everyone cutoff no descendants left alive.

Reason for Edom's Destruction

Vs 10: For sinning against her twin brother.

Vs 11: For failing to come to the aid of Israel under duress.

Vs 12: For exercising glee over Israel's distress.

Vs 13: Edom followed after the invading armies and took what was left in Israel.

Vs 14: Edom blocked escapees from making it out.

And delivered those who they captured over to the enemy.

Ezekiel 35:1-5: Edom has had a perpetual hatred for Israel. Began in Numbers 14 twice Edom refused passage of the Jews thru their land even tho Moses made the request based upon blood relationships.

Timing of the Fulfillment of the Prophecy in the Day of Jehovah aka The Tribulation

Vs 15: The most common name for the seven years of future judgement is not the Tribulation but the Day of Jehovah.

Vs 16: Another reason why this will happen to them is because when they arrived on the mount the got drunk. Now they are to be swallowed up.

Vs 17: Israel will survive it. Those that escaped are known as the Remnant of Israel.

Vs 18: While Israel will have a Remnant, Edom will not. Ezekiel 25:12-14 - same point made. Esau to have no descendants in the Messianic Kingdom. Other prophets reveal that while the rest of the earth blossoms during the kingdom, Edom will be a land of smoke and Edom to be a confinement of demons.

Vs 19: Possession of land by the Jews.

Vs 20: The Jews captured anywhere else will be returned to the land and Zerapath which is Lebanon will be their possession.

Vs 21: The Jews will establish the Kingdom.

Obadiah is the first of the minor prophets and he sets the motif.


Name: means Jehovah is God
* no kingship mentioned
* Joel 3:16 quoted by Amos in 1:2 & 3:18 in Amos 9:13 thus putting his prophecy before Amos.
* he does not rail against idolatry like Amos
* Probably prophesied during the reign of Joash a good king in 835 BC
Locale: Judah probably Jerusalem
Historical Setting: a locust invasion that set the stage for two future invasions one demonic and one an army.
Two Major Points: (1) God controls world events (2) God always responds to repentance
Theme: The Day of Jehovah 1:15,2:1,11,31,3:14.
NT Quotes: 2:28-32 in Acts 2:17-21, and 2:32 in Rom 10:13.

Historical Locust Invasion 2-14

Vs 2: This invasion unique to all past history. The old men could not recall anything to compare it to.

Vs 3: Elders are told to tell of it to four generations.

Vs 4: Four stages of devastation: Four successive swarms. In the Old Testament the number four sometimes represents totality of destruction (Jer 15:3, Ez 14:21). Again by the time Joel writes these words this is not a prophecy but already history. But it will become the background for something prophetic.

Vs 5: The drunks are called to awake after their last binge and to weep and wail for there wine is to be cut off.

Vs 6: These things are destroyed by an army of locusts which symbolizes an army as in Pr 30:25,27.

Vs 7: The branches are made white meaning the bark itself has been eaten up. Not only are the drunks to mourn but also the rest of the population.

Vs 8: Those to lament (Hebrew word for lament "Betulah" used only here and nowhere else in the OT it's a feminine imperative because it pictures the whole nation as the virgin daughter of Zion).

Vs 9: Priesthood called to repent now because the things that sustained them from the tithes is now gone.

Vs 10 - 12a: Again emphasis on what has been lost.

Vs 12b: No Feast of First Fruits.

Vs 13: Refers to the priesthood as the ministers of the altar because they were responsible for the offering and as ministers of my God because they were responsible for representing God. They're told to keep the sackcloth normally worn only at day are to keep it on even in their sleep.

There is a real danger of massive starvation.

Vs 14: Joel calls upon all people to fast which would be a sign (Judges 20:26, Neh 1:4) of outward national grief and repentance. And to cry unto the Lord showing the inward repentance.

The Prophetic Invasion, Joel Shoots Forward to the Day of Jehovah

Vs 15: Begins with an announcement: (Joel's theme) The Day of Jehovah is at hand.

Vs 16: In this day also sustenance cut off from the temple as in the locust invasion.

Vs 17: In the preceding invasion things were destroyed by things eating them but here these things will be destroyed by fire.

Vs 18: Devastation on the livestock.

Chapter 2 Describes the Tribulation

Vs 1: once again the alarm is sounded to announce the approaching army the alarm sounds from the Temple Mount. That Day of Jehovah has finally arrived.

Vs 2: described in four terms (1) darkness (2) gloominess (3) clouds (4) thick darkness
Is 8:22,69:2, Amos 5:18-20 Zeph 1:14-16.
*As dawn spreads the Day of Jehovah will be both sudden and wide spread.
*Notice the words "AS" and "LIKE", in other words they don't really do this, they appear like they do this, appearance is of a human army but something about them makes them non human.
*As bad as the previous locusts invasion was, this one will be far worse.

Vs 3: The devastation they cause. Again not by eating but by fire.

Vs 4: Their appearances are "as" horseman.

Vs 5: They make noise like fire a crackling sound.

Vs 6: The terror they cause.

Vs 8: They are disciplined.

Vs 9: Description of their attack.

Vs 10: A blackout appears.

Vs 11: Joel points out that this is a divine judgement from God. This massive army is executing God's word. Revelation does not really provide a lot of new information besides the last two chapters 21 & 22. Most of what's in Revelation is scattered throughout the OT. What Revelation does is it gives the chronology of events. Here in Joel 2 Revelation chapter 9 elaborates that there will be 2 demonic invasions 9:11 where the demons are told not to kill but to torment men for five months. After five months comes the second demonic invasion 9:13-21 where they kill one third of humanity.

Similarities in Revelation 9 and Joel 2
*army has horselike and locust features
*fire causes massive devastation
*causes convulsions of nature
*causes a blackout - there are 5 different blackouts. (1) before the Tribulation (2,3,4) during the Tribulation, and (5) right afterwards. This blackout in Joel 2 is the third blackout.
*destruction comes from the destroyer.

What Joel is describing is what John was describing, a demonic army invasion. Joel says their camp was very great, John gives their number as 2 million demons. Not Chinese but demons.

The Exhortation to Fasting and Prayer

Vs 12: People now required to fast, weep, mourn. Inward and external repentance.

Vs 13-14: God does respond to repentance (Ex 34:6).

Vs 15-17: Alarm sounded again but not for warning but for the solemn assembly. Priests called to request of God that the people be spared on the basis of (1) Israel are the chosen people, and (2) based that Gentiles would not deride them and question God.

In the first part the book Joel has described a recent invasion and asked for the people to pray that there won't be mass starvation. That led to a prophetic invasion, a demonic invasion leading to a call of the solemn assembly to ask God to intervene.

The Salvation and Restoration of Israel

Vs 18-20: God's mercy, (1) God was jealous for His land (Zac 1:14,8:2, Ex 34:14, Ez 39:5), and (2) God has pity on His people, God will never allow a total destruction of His people.
The main army will die in the Negev in the north. Eastern sea - Dead Sea.
With such massive destruction of a human army there's a stench.

God will do positive things

Vs 21: Land rejoices.

Vs 22: Even the animals can rejoice.

Vs 23-26: The Jews rejoice and give thanks for five things (1) (the translators didn't know what to do with this so they wrote "he gives the former rain in just measure") there are just 2 Hebrew words here and should be translated "for the teacher of righteousness"the first thing they are to rejoice for is for their Messiah, (2) for the rains coming in their proper seasons, (3) for the grain, wine and oil, (4) the restoration of previous losses, and (5) because shame has been removed.

Vs 27: Ultimately Israel will know their God.

Joel Describes the Event that Leads to Israel's National Salvation, the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Third Invasion the Campaign of Armageddon

Chapter three in the Hebrew bible begins with 2:28.

Vs 28: The key word is "afterwards" after Israel's repentance comes this national salvation, this outpouring of the Spirit.

Vs 29: Pronoun "your" meaning all Jews living during that time and not all flesh in the world. This is what Paul talks about in Romans 12.

Vs 30-31: He points to signs heralding that this is coming (1) convulsions of nature (elaborated on in the book of Revelation), (2) blackout, the first of those five blackouts. This one coming before the Tribulation.

Vs 32: The prerequisite to the outpouring of the Spirit - Israel's calling upon the name of the Lord. Only one third of the Jewish population survive and these are the Remnant who are identified as those who escaped now called so the second time in the minor prophets.

The Judgement of the Gentiles

Chapter Three
Vs 1: The timing - in those days and in that time - what time? When Israel is saved. Daniel 12 points out that there will be a 75 day interval between the end of the Tribulation and the starting of the Messianic Kingdom during which time several things will take place.

Vs 2: The subjects are all Gentiles who survive,

Vs 3: will be judged in the valley of Jehoshaphat/Kidron. Judged on the basis of Matthew 25 how they aided the Jews during the Tribulation separated as goats and sheep. Judged for (1) scattering the Jews, (2) parting the land, (3) for enslaving the Jews.

Vs 4-7: those guilty are Phonecia present day Lebanon and Philistia present day Gaza Strip area.

Vs 8: Those who caused enslavement are enslaved.

Vs 9: Summary of key features of the Campaign of Armageddon. Proclaimed in Revelation 17:12-16 by the antichrist. When the people around world hear the decree to come against the Jews they do so with

Vs 10: with enthusiasm. With speed and with haste. What they don't realize is that God is bringing these nations together that will end in gentile defeat.

Vs 12: Gathered together on the valley of Jehoshaphat for judgement.

Vs 13: Rev 14:14-16 reaping. Reaping a symbol of salvation there will be salvation among the Gentiles. Treading - judgement just outside the city.

Vs 14: multitudes of Gentiles

Vs 15: accompanied with a blackout , blackout number 5

Vs 16: The goat Gentiles showed their lack of faith by their antisemitism and perish. But the sheep Gentiles showed their faith by their pro Semitic works and will populate the Messianic Kingdom. These are the nations that the church saints will judge over during the kingdom.

Vs 18-21: Ends his book with a description of the Messianic Kingdom. "It shall come to pass in that Day" is a prophetic motif for the kingdom.
*A special river. It flows into the Dead Sea causing life, fish.
*Different settlements than those in book of Joshua
*Dramatic changes in the land's geography explained by Zachariah.
* Edom suffers total destruction.
* Egypt suffers only for 40 years. Then they exist as a nation during the kingdom.
* Judah shall abide forever.
* Israel will be a saved state with Messiah ruling.


Name: name means burden bearer
From Tekoa in the southern kingdom of Judah
A prophet but did not attend the schools of the prophets set up by Elijah and Elisha.
He was a breeder of sheep and a grower of Sycamore figs

Date: Time of great wealth under Uziah in Judah and Jeraboam the 2nd in Israel. 2 years before the earthquake mention in Zac 14:5
770-750 BC

Locale: northern kingdom of Israel in Bethel, the only prophet of Judah sent to Israel. Bethel is one of two idolatry centers of the golden calf worship at that time (the other being Dan).

Historical Setting: (1) Time of outward prosperity and luxury (2) Time of heavy idolatry

Major Points: (1) Israel's unrighteousness (2) God's righteous judgements as a result (3) speaks much against social injustice

NT Quotes: chapter 5:25-27 in Acts 7:42-43, and 9:11-12 in Acts 15:16-18.

Means of prophetic revelation: visions

Theme: Judgement and Coming Destruction of Israel

Vs 1: Hebrew word for saw meaning visioned

Vs 2a: Joel 3:16 God roared against the Gentiles but for amos God roars against Israel

Chapter 1 Amos deals with 3 nations that are not blood related.

Damascus - Syria
Vs 3: the reason for the judgement was for the killing of the Jews of Gilead by laying down the captive Jews and killing them with threshing instruments (2 Kings 10:22, 13:3-7).

Vs 4: judgements - royal houses destroyed

Vs 5: the whole nation to be destroyed. Fulfilled in 2 Kings 16:9.

So far the Jews are probably saying amen to Amos since they don't like Syria.

Gaza - Philistia

Vs 6: the reason for judgement is they sold Jewish slaves to Edom

Vs 7: the judgement- city of (1) Gaza destined to destruction.

Vs 8: (2) Ashdod - inhabitants suffer (3) Ashkelon - the king will suffer (4) Ekron - the city will suffer until the remnant of the philistines are destroyed.
The 5th philistine city Gath was destroyed by king Uzziah 2 Chr 26:6.

Here again as Israel hears the prophecy against their enemy Philistia they can egg him on to keep on preaching.

Tyre - Phoenicia

Vs 9: again Jews sold to Edom this was worse for Israel than what the philistines did because they had made covenants with the Phoenicians Davin in 2 Sam 5:1 and Solomon in 1 King 5, these sold Jews to their worst enemy.

Amos now moves towards 3 nations that are blood related to Israel


Vs 11: the cause is for killing Jews. And as other prophets did Amos too Points out that Edom has had a long perpetual hatred of the Jews. That is why the prophets are so hard on Edom Moreno than any other nation.

Vs 12: Teman and Bozrah to be destroyed.


Vs 13: the cause is because the ripped up pregnant mothers. Their motive was to reduce the population of others to expand their borders.

Vs 14: the judgement is their capital city destroyed.

Vs 15: the royal family to be in captivity.

Chapter Two


Vs 1: the cause is they burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime. They showed a disrespect to one already dead. In 2 Kings 3:26 does show a special antagonism of the Moabites against the king of Edom.

Vs 2: judgement, key city destroyed
Vs 3: royal house slain

As Israel heard the judgement of Edom, Moab and Ammon they are probably feeling pretty close but now the prophet will get very close.


Vs 4: cause is rejection of the law of Moses.
Vs 5: judgement is a coming fall of Jerusalem (586 BC).

Israel now becomes nervous since Amos who comes from Judah has prophesied against Judah.

Vs 6: there are 4 causes (1) for oppressing the poor Deut 16:19, so oppressed the poor that they put dust upon themselves.

Vs 7: (2) for immorality as the father and son laying with the same woman (Lev 20:11), they do these acts of cult prostitution for the express purpose of profaning God.

Vs 8: (3) for taking the pledge of the upper garments of the poor and do not return them as prescribed by the law (Ex 22:26-27) and they use those garments themselves (Deut 24:12-13).

Vs 9: (4) they rebelled against God's blessings like getting rid of enemies and bringing them from Egypt and giving them spiritual leadership.

Vs 12: Israel's response was they tried to countermand the whole purposes of the prophet and nazerite.

Vs 13: the judgement is that God going to pressure Israel until the back is broken.

Results of God's Pressing:
Vs 14: the scourge of war

Vs 15: the failure of all weapons

Vs 16: failure to stand before the enemies

Chapter 3 The Hear Ye Judgements

Vs 1: this is the nation God brought out of Egypt.

Vs 2: "you only have I known" only with the Jewish nation did God enter into a covenantal relationship only Israel known intimately. Because of this unique relationship with God Jewish sins punished more than other nations (Is 40:1-2).

The cause and effect

Vs 3 -6: effects have causes and causes have effects.

Applied to the role of the prophet

Vs 7-8: Whatever happens to Israel are effects and effects have causes, but both the effects and causes will be revealed by the prophets. Prophetic utterances themselves are effects and the cause is that God has spoken, what God has spoken is an effect and the cause is Israel's actions. The judgement is an effect and the cause their sin.

Vs 9-10: God now calls Gentile nations that are guilty of their own sins Ashdod and Egypt and those of mountains that surround Samaria (Samaria sits lower than all surrounding mountains giving a downward view) to witness violence and robbery done in Israel.

For these reasons in 1-10 gives the reason for the judgements of 11-15 and every judgement begins with the logical connective "Therefore"

First Hear Ye Judgement
Vs 11-15: Therefore - (1) the city capital of Israel to be destroyed
Vs 12: (2) only a remnant will escape,
Vs 13-14: (3) the key city of idolatry, Bethel will be destroyed,
Vs 15: (4) their wealth will be destroyed
Recorded in 2kings 17: 5,6

Chapter 4
Second Hear Ye Judgement

Vs 1: the cause is for oppressing the poor by wealthy women and their husbands.

Vs 2: the judgement is they will be forced into captivity.

Vs 3: second cause is for idolatry.

Vs 4-5: idolatrous centers Bethel and Gilgal a few miles north. Proper sacrifices are attached to a false religion.

Vs 6-11: the previous Judgements failed to get Israel to turn to Jehovah.

Vs 12-13: therefore comes the judgement - get ready to meet God face to face, the Assyrian Judgement.

Chapter 5 The Third Here Ye Judgement

Vs 1: begins with a lament.

Vs 3: 90% taken captive

Vs 4-7: Israel condemned for failing to seek God.
God does respond to repentance.

Vs 8-9: a second hymn

Vs 10-13: guilty of unrighteous judgement and hate the righteous. It is an evil time.

Vs 14-15: guilty of not following the law of Moses.

Vs 16-17: the judgement involved two things (1) the wailing for the dead (2) total destruction of the crops.

The Woe Judgements

Vs 18-20: the people desire the Tribulation because of their misconceptions of it, they sought Jewish restoration at the end of that day ignoring the Judgements preceding the Restoration taught by Joel.

Vs 21: they are very religious outwardly

Vs 23: the sacrifices were not accompanied with faith and are unacceptable.

Vs 25-26: this was not only a present day problem but also a past one during the 40 years in the wilderness. Many sacrificed to Saturn during that time. The Assyrian Babylonian star god.

Vs 27: the judgement- therefore captivity in Assyrian captivity 722 BC .

Chapter 6 The Second Woe Judgement

Vs 1: the cause is their false security, those living in the capital city of Samaria sitting on the top of a hill felt like it would not fall.

Vs 2: reminder that greater cities than Samaria have fallen.

Vs 3-6: cause for their luxurious living on the backs of the oppressed.

Vs 7: therefore the judgement (1) Assyrian captivity.

Vs 8: (2) capital city destroyed.

Vs 9: (3) population decimation.

Vs 12-14: (4) just unnatural things for ox and the horse it is unnatural for sin to go unpunished, (5) there will be a total desolation of the whole land.

Third Division: Total of 5 Visions, Three then the Historical Interlude then the final two.

Chapter 7

Vision of the Locusts

Vs 1: shown a plague of locust. The King's mowings was the king's tribute. The latter growth would be for the people but it is this latter growth that the locusts are going to eat.

Vs 2: Amos watches this vision and mercifully now intercedes for the northern kingdom. God responds by averting this locusts plague.

Vision of Drought

Vs 4-6: Amos sees the result for the people and again intercedes and again God averts the judgement.

Vision of the Plum Line

Vs 7 - 9: This plum line is used to check the straightness of Israel.

God warns Amos not to intercede because this time the judgement will not be averted.

Vs 9: (1) high places will become desolate (2) Temples of Gilgal, Bethel and Dan will be wasted (3) House of Jeraboam II to be destroyed.

Historical Interlude: the Conflict with Amaziah (not the King Amaziah but the priest Amaziah of the golden calf)

Vs 10-11: Amaziah accuses Amos to king Jeroboam of (1) conspiring against Jeraboam (a lie because Jeroboam himself was not threatened by the prophecy), (2) land cannot bare his message (true), accusations are a mixture of truth and lies.

Vs 12: Amaziah now accuses Amos (1) you are a seer nothing more than a visionary (2) go back to Judah and preach for money there not here.

Vs 13: Amos is not to preach in Bethel because it is (1) the Kings sanctuary the temple & (2) the Kings residence.

Vs 14-15: Amos answers the charges points out two things: (1) tells him that he was not a prophet by trade but while he was working in his occupation he was commanded to preach to Israel, had no choice.

Vs 16-17: (2) Amaziah will suffer: (1) wife to be a prostitute, (2) children die, (3) land holdings given away, and (4) he will be die in a foreign land and (5) Israel will go into captivity and he will then know that Amos indeed was a prophet.

Chapter 8

Vision of basket of Summer Fruit

Vs 1: he sees a Kaietz (summer fruit) and God will make a Kaetz (end) of Israel - play upon words.

Vs 4-6: cause of judgement is for (1) oppressing the poor, (2) unjust rulings in courts of law, (3) enslaving the poor.

Vs 7: God will remember the crimes of vs 4-6.

Prophetic Future
Vs8: Massive earthquake
Vs 9: a blackout

Vs 11-13: declaration of a new kind of famine: God will be silent.

Vs 12: they will seek spiritual drink.

Vs 13: they will remain thirsty.

Vs 14: they refused to hear God and now God will remain silent.

Chapter 9

Vision of God standing next to temple in Bethel

Vs 1: judgement falls on all

Vs 2: nether heaven nor hell to provide escape.

Vs 3: neither mountain nor sea

Vs 4: nor Assyrian captivity to provide escape.

Third Hymn

Point is God's omnipotence.

Vs 7-10: God intends to destroy the sinful kingdom. God controlled the nations. But judgement is tempered with mercy. Because of God's unconditional covenants God must punish sin but will not totally cut off the descendants of Jacob.

A Worldwide Dispersion

Vs 9: dealing with not merely an Assyrian captivity but a worldwide scattering in the future.

Vs 11: But as the Tribulation ends there will be salvation for the Jews.

1. Restoration of David's House (Isaiah 11:1 house of david reduced to a stump) which was reduced to a hut.

Vs 15: this verse proves that this restoration comes after the Tribulation because in Mt 24:15, Rev 12:6 the currently restored nation of Israel will be plucked up out of the land!

Jonah 824-783 Assyria

II Kings 14:25 - Jeroboam the Second restored the border.

Name: Jonah means dove. Probably from tribe of Zebulon.

Date: 824-783 BC under Jeroboam the Second

Locale: he was from Israel near Nazareth sent to Assyria

Historical Setting: time of outward prosperity when the two Jewish kingdoms controlled the trade routes but idolatry a major problem in Israel.
By this time Amos had already come into Israel and prophesied the destruction of Israel by Assyria which explains Jonah's reluctance to help Nineveh.

Major Points: God's universality - God is willing to save Gentiles - God will not set a believer aside because of faithfulness He will discipline but not set aside.

Theme: The turning of Jonah

New Testament Quotes: No direct quotes but references made in Mt 12:38-41, 16;4, Lk 11:28-32 Trak 15 5:34.

Chapter 1 Jonah and the Storm

Part One

Vs 1: His commission

Vs 2: go to Nineveh because of her wickedness (discussed in the book of Nahum).

Vs 3: How could he think he could flee from the presence of Jehovah? He was fleeing from God's localized presence in the Holy of Holies where the Shekinah Glory was. He meditated on his departure and there was some satanic providence: (1) he went to Joppa and found a ship (2) happened to have funds for the fare (3) and there was room for him on the ship. It is not wise to assume that just because circumstances favor the believers it means it is God's will, there is satanic providence.

Vs 4: The storm. It came suddenly.

Vs 5: The reactions. The sailors who were very experienced sailors recognized that this was a very unusual occurrence that happened. Jonah reacts by going to sleep. This is the sleep that people often resort to to escape their conscience. They know they've done wrong and seek to avoid their conscience.

Vs 6: The captain of the ship reacts by calling upon Jonah to wake and pray to his God.

Vs 7: The cause revealed by the casting of lots. They think that someone's God must be angry.

Vs 8: Jonah makes his confession after being interrogated.

Vs 9: Jonah identified himself as a Hebrew. A very common way of identifying themselves to Gentiles. He tells them that Jehovah is the creator of the earth and caused the storm.

Vs 10: Their reaction: fear and astonishment- how could Jonah dare to disobey such a God as Jehovah who created all things?

Vs 11: The second interrogation of Jonah; The solution.

Vs 12: Jonah requests being cast over.

Vs 13: but the sailors attempt to row back to shore and avoid killing the Lord's prophet because it is this prophet's Lord that caused the tempest.

Vs 14: Before the men prayed to the other gods to no avail but now they pray to Jehovah not to die for Jonah's sins and also pray in advance for forgiveness for casting Jonah overboard.

Vs 16: The sailors make sacrifice and make vows to Jehovah.

Part Two

Vs 17: God commissions a fish and this irrational creature obeys whereas the rational creature Jonah failed to obey. Jonah dies. Jonah is resurrected.

Chapter 2

Jonah prays his 3rd prayer after being resurrected and mentions his first and second prayers in this prayer

Vs 1: Jonah prayed from the fishes abdomen.

Jonah mentions his 2nd prayer
Vs 2: Jonah's 2nd prayer from Sheol. Going to Sheol requires dying first. Jonah asked for a second chance to fulfill his commission.

Jonah describes his experience in the sea

Vs 3: for "Thou" didst cast into the sea (recognition of God's action in this)

Jonah's first prayer while bobbing up and down in the sea

Vs 4: he looks up towards heaven

Vs 5: Describes the drowning of Jonah.

Vs 6: the body now is at the bottom of the sea - expression referred to physical death in Job 38:17 Isaiah 38:10 Psalms 9:13, 117:18.

Vs 6b: the pit = hades , to bring up from the pit = resurrection.

Explains more about his resurrection

Vs 7: means physical death.

Summary: (1) thrown over board, (2) first prayer, (3) death by drowning, (4) second prayer for a second chance, (5) resurrected, (6) he prays his 3rd prayer while still in fishes abdomen.

Vs 8: Jonah marks out the status of idol worshippers like those of Nineveh. Jonah vows to follow the command to go to Nineveh.

Vs 9: Jonah will fulfill his commission

Vs 10: God commands the fish to throw up Jonah and the fish obeys.

Chapter 3

Vs 1: commission repeated.

Vs 3: Jonah arrived in Nineveh. Nineveh was a mega city.

Vs 4: preaching begins, it takes 3 days to pass through all of the city. He repeats his message of five Hebrew words over and over.

Vs 5: The people of Nineveh believe God and repented. They fast and put on sackcloth.

Vs 6: unnamed king too repents. Probably Adat N the 3rd.

Vs 7-8: king issues proclamation of citywide repentance.

Vs 9: to avert judgement. The king correctly read into Jonah's prophecy a conditional element. Jonah did not make it all that clear but the king rightly sees a condition of repentance to avert destruction.

Chapter 4

Vs 1: Jonah is angry because of the inhabitants repentance.

Vs 2: he's so angry that he wants to die again. He spells out why he left for Tarshish to begin with. Jonah did not want Nineveh to repent and be spared. Jonah already knew from Amos that Nineveh would eventually destroy Israel. Jonah did not want to be the instrument that would cause Nineveh to be spared. Because by doing so he would be the instrument by which Israel will be destroyed.

Vs 3: again he expresses his desire to die

Vs 4: God asks again if Jonah was right to be angry.

Vs 5: Jonah's response is he builds a booth just outside the city. The both was to watch Nineveh go up in flames. Just in case. Since the 40 days weren't up yet.

The Lesson for Jonah

Vs 6: The picture lesson: God commissioned a gourd to grow over Jonah to provide shade and comfort. Gourd obeyed Jonah didn't.

Vs 7: God commissioned a worm to eat the gourd. Worm obeyed unlike Jonah

Vs 8: God commissioned a heated wind. Jonah suffers from heat exhaustion and requests to die. Jonah still has not learned the lesson.

Vs 9: picture lesson done now - The verbal lesson: God asks for a second time "do you well to be angry?"

Vs 10: Jonah's concern was for that which was inanimate and irrational the gourd.

Vs 11: God's concern is for the animate the rational, the population of Nineveh.


1. Universality of God seen in relationship of God with Nineveh.

2. God is willing to save Gentiles.

3. Principal of a delay of judgement. Sometimes God will delay a judgement because He knows that some will repent.

4. God will not cast away believers away because of faithlessness. He will discipline but not throw away.

5. Lessons concerning nature of a ministry. Results may not be what we expect. God is responsible for the results.

6. Before we react to God's grace given to another believer we need to remember the grace we have received. The response is not jealousy the response is not name it and claim it. God will deal differently with different believers.

Name means: Salvation
He was the only prophet sent to the northern kingdom who was from the northern kingdom.

Family: father was Beeri, northern kingdom

Date: 790-722 BC lists Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He was living when Israel was destroyed he is a successor to Amos the prophet and contemporary with both Micah and Isaiah two prophets down south in Judah.

Locale: Israel

Historical Setting: at the time when Hosea began his ministry it is a time of outward prosperity. But by this time Assyrian might has grown more powerful than in the times of Amos. Social, economic and political picture for Israel is quite healthy. But after Jeroboam died their was instability in political life. The religious picture was bleak from day one. There was the worship of Baal and the golden calf. The golden calf was a corruption of the true religion it was a pseudo Jehovah religion. The worship of Baal was worse, an outright false religion. Idolatry included temple prostitution. Social picture full of wickedness, gangs of priests are robbing/mugging people. Thus Hosea was sent to prophesy to an already doomed nation.

Major Points:
Sins is Israel
Israel's lack of knowledge
Judgement of God for her sin
God loves Israel still
Prophecy of Israel's ultimate salvation

God's love for Israel

New Testament Quotes:
22:23 and 1:15 Romans 9:25-26, I Peter 2:10
6:6 by Mt 9:13,12:7 Mark 12:33
11:1 by Mt 2:15
10:8 by Lk 23:30, Rev 6:16
13:14 by I Cor 15:55

The Message of Hosea's Marriage 1:2-3:5

First Commission
The Wife

Vs 2a: The first message he is asked to do a strange thing. Members belonging to other tribes than Levi were permitted to marry prostitutes.
The law only forbade the priests.

Vs 2b: In essence God asks Hosea to have an unhappy marriage. Because his marriage is going to be a picture lesson of God's marriage to Israel.

Vs 3: Gomer means perfection, mother named double fig cakes making her "the perfect daughter of sensual pleasure."

The Children
Vs 4: A son named Jezreel name means God scatters and also God sows. Initially God scatters but eventually He will again sow. For now his name is to avenge on the house of Jehu. God commanded Jehu to destroy the house of Ahab but Jehu was not motivated to rid the land of Baal and restore Jehovah worship but rather to install the worship of the golden calf as well as being motivated to remove all political rivals.

Vs 5: This was an improper motive. II Kings 9-10 the historical account, II Kings 15:8-12 the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Vs 6: A daughter Lo Ruhama name means no mercy. Because there will be no mercy on Israel.

Vs 7: Hosea's side comment, Judah was more faithful and thus not going to experience Assyrian destruction. Two personalities here; The Speaker and the One that will save them. Judah going to be saved by God Himself and not by an army. Specifically the Angel of Jehovah, the second person of the Trinity.

Vs 8: A second son named Lo Ami means "not my people." Because for a period of time Israel will not be God's people and Jehovah will not be their God. Positionally Israel is always the people of God but experientially Israel will not experience what it means to be the people of God while in disobedience. The blessings of being God's people is conditioned upon obedience. So experientially for a long Israel will not be God's people.

Three children - Three Names - All apply to Israel - All negative results.
1. Jezreel - God will scatter them.
2. Lo Ruhamah - There will be no mercy.
3. Lo Ami - They will for a time will not be God's people.
However there is to be a future reversal.

The Future Reversal and Restoration of Israel 1:10 - 2:1

Vs 10: Five things (1) A natural increased population and Jezreel to have its second meaning; God sows (2) Israel will be "Ami" my people. In Romans 9:25-26 Paul is not saying gentile salvation fulfills this prophecy because contextually it is referring to Israel but rather it is a literal plus application because of one point of similarity the Gentiles who once were not my people now are my people, just as here Israel is not my people Israel will become my people. In I Peter 2:9-10 this verse is applied specifically to the Remnant of Israel.
Vs 11: (3) a national reunification (4) One leader. And

Chapter 2

Vs 1: (5) a national restoration to God's people (Ami - my people) who will have Ruhama - mercy.

Gives Further Application to Israel who is the Wife of Jehovah. Be cause as the wife of Jehovah she was guilty of adultery there would be a separation.

Stages of Marital Relationship:

1. Marriage which was with a covenant. The book of Deuteronomy is the marriage covenant.

2. Israel's guilty of adultery.

3. The separation Isaiah 50:1 it lasted for about a century.

4. The divorcement. The book of Jeremiah is the bill of divorcement.

5. Period of punishment for her adultery which is where we are now.

6. The remarriage.

Vs 2: Describes Israel's adultery that resulted in a separation from God she no longer His wife and He no longer her husband. Israel is told to put away her adultery meaning putting away idolatry. Gen 35:2, Josh 24:14, II King 18:4, 23:19.

Vs 3: The results is Israel became Lo Ami, "not my people"
stripped naked, marked as an adulteress she will be stripped. The result is the land will become naked of productivity.

Vs 4: Lo Ruhama no mercy.

Vs 5: A misconception Israel has because of the idolatry. And her misconception is believing that it was the other gods that blessed her.

Vs 6: Therefore (because of vs 2-5) because of her many adulteries and because of her misconceptions God puts hedge around her. Job 1:20, 10:11-12 hedge a good connotation.

Vs 7: Because of the hedge Israel will not find the other gods resulting in Israel's realization of her need for her real husband.

Vs 8: she failed to see the reason for her material benefits. Israel's lack of knowledge resulted in her fall. And she used the gifts God gave her to worship Baal.

The actual stripping of the wife of Jehovah
Vs 9: food and clothing removed.

Vs 10: the land becomes naked as the adulteress is found naked.

Vs 11: There is going to be a cessation of all mirth and all festivities.

Vs 12: A removal of her security because again she made the false conclusion that her other lovers gave her these things.

Vs 13: She forgot me - a sad note.

Generally when a stripping of the adulteress is done it is a judgement a punishment but with Israel it is a discipline to try and get her to return.

Jehovah will court her again

Vs 14: period of courtship.

Vs 15: valley of Achor given to her.

Vs 16: What results from this is a transition from Baali to Ishi. Baali means my husband and Ishi means my husband my man. Because that Baali sounds too much like Baal it is going to be removed from the Hebrew language during the Messianic Kingdom.

Vs 18: A restoration of security.

Vs 19: word betrothed used 3 times (1) forever (2) righteousness justice loving kindness and mercy (3) faithful and devoted.

Vs 20: Israel will know Jehovah.

A Reversal of the Names

Vs 21: Jezreel means scatters or sows. God now will sow them unto fruitfulness.

Vs 22:

Vs 23: daughter Lo Ruhama now becomes Ruhama.

Vs 24: Lo Ami to Ami.

Chapter 3

Vs 1: Somewhere between chapter 1 an 3
Gomer has left him and now is used up and sold into slavery now Hosea is told to go and buy her back. The application being made to Israel who had left Jehovah for her many lovers God will bring back to Himself. Because God still loves her in spite of her loving other gods.

Vs 2: Hosea purchases her back for the price of a dead slave (Ex 21:32).

Vs 3: Israel will suffer a lack of false lovers or idolatry and Israel will suffer without conjugal rights for a period of time.

Vs 4: For many days Israel will have no king nor prince meaning Israel will be without civil authority without Jewish government. (1) Under Babylonian captivity Israel was without a king but retained princes. (2) Under Rome Israel was without king and princes.
(3) Without Sacrifice (no Temple) and without ephod (no Priesthood) Israel will be without the two elements of true worship.
(4) Without Pillar (temple gods) and Teraphim (little household gods). Israel will cease from idolatry. For a time Israel on one hand has been without true worship but Israel also has not been guilty of idolatry.

Vs 5: afterward meaning the period of time of deprivation. Jehovah their God and David their King to reign over them.

Summary of Israel's Marriage
1. Kingdom will be destroyed and the nation scattered Jezreel (scatters).
2. Israel will be without mercy (Lo Ruhama).
3. Israel experientially will no longer be God's people (Lo Ami).
4. In the future Israel will be sown to Jehovah (Jezreel sows).
5. Israel will obtain mercy (Ruhama).
6. Israel will be God's people (Ami).

Chapter 4

Jehovah's controversy with Israel
Vs 1: God has this against Israel; Their lack of righteousness and knowledge.

Vs 2: Guilty of breaking the law. (1) swearing (2) breaking faith was (3) killing (4) stealing (5) adultery resulted in blood touching blood.

Vs 3: The stripping of the land.

Vs 4: they lack knowledge because they reject the priests, the Bible teachers of that day.

Vs 5: results for striving with a righteous priest (the mother the nation).

The rejection of knowledge

Vs 6: their lack of knowledge will lead to their destruction. Notice they are still called "my people"

Vs 6b: there was a failure on the part of the priests who rejected what was available to them. Obedience is a prerequisite to having a knowledge of Him.

Vs 7: The priests increased and their sins increased. Instead of teaching scripture they taught against it.

Vs 8: the priests led people into iniquity and then make their living off of them.

Vs 9: like people like priests in punishment.

Vs 10: like people like priest in sin.

Results of rejection of knowledge

Vs 11: further lack of knowledge is increased by drunkenness and prostitution

Vs 12: they seek knowledge from idols because failure to accept the knowledge of the truth available to them always leads to from some other place like eastern meditation. Results in a further departure from God.

Vs 13: false sacrifice and idolatry, temple prostitution, judgement to come upon those committing temple prostitution.

Vs 14: people who do not understand will be overthrown.

The principle throughout scripture is that people who accept light will be given more, Romans 1 teaches that there are things to conclude from the knowledge of creation. Not enough to save but if they acknowledge the light as coming from a creator then God will always send more light.
Israel had true knowledge. Their lack of understanding is do to their own rejection of the knowledge.

Vs 15: A side warning for Judah. Don't come up and play the harlot in Gilgal (Amos 4:4). Don't come to Bethel (a center of idolatry with Gilgal).

Vs 16: Don't copy Israel in willful disobedience.

Vs 17: Don't be as Israel in idols, Ephraim is so enslaved in idols, let him alone. Hosea will use Ephraim meaning Israel a total of 37 times in the book. Name Ephraim means double fruit.

Vs 19: Their sacrifices are not acceptable.

Chapter 5

The Judgement and the Return of Israel 5:1 - 6:3

Vs 1: Call to the nation to judgement especially the religious leaders the Priests and the House of Israel the nation as a whole and the civil leaders the princes and king.

Vs 2: The guilty and their rebuke.

Vs 3: Spirit of prostitution has endured for so long that the don't know the Lord.

Vs 4: God leads the witness against them.

Vs 5: Israel will stumble in their sin.

Vs 6: Israel will seek Him but not find.

Vs 7: Israel produced children of the other gods. Reference to new moon sacrifice offered to other gods as reason for the judgement.

Vs 8: Mention of 3 cities of Benjamin.

Vs 9: A description of affliction. This judgement will affect more than just Israel.

Vs 10: Judah included in this judgement. Moved the landmark. Stealing property considered a very wicked sin (Deut 19:14,27:17). Symbolically used as failure to distinguish between right and wrong (Job 24:2 Prov 22:28 23:20).

Vs 11: Back to judgement of Israel again (Ephraim). They followed man made commands. They ignored God's commands and followed human commands. So because of such sins God will become to both houses of Israel and Judah:

Vs 12: A moth destroys quietly with an internal destruction, becomes as rottenness from within.

Vs 13: Israel and Judah's response did not turn to God after her internal destruction. After the land being stripped. King Jareb not known in history, therefore this is speaking of a king in Assyria in the future day, the Tribulation. Must be referring to the antichrist whose capital will be in the area of Mesopotamia in Iraq when there will be this massive destruction. They will turn to this king for a covenant of peace (Dan 9:27, Is 28:14-22). But this king will prove to be contentious and destructive and of no help to the people.

Vs 14: To both houses God will be like a Lion, external destruction, tearing and tearing and tearing until no human agency will be able to help them. And only at that critical moment will they understand who they must return to for help. At this point vs 15 becomes crucial.

Vs 15: This verse speaks to the leaving of Jehovah and the returning to His place. In the biblical development the only time God ever actually left heaven was at the incarnation, the virgin birth of the Messiah. The cause for God's return to heaven was for one specific offense. The word for offense hear is in the singular and definite in Hebrew. That one specific offense was not dealt with by Hosea but was dealt with by Isaiah in Is 53 and is dealt with extensively in Mathew 12 as the rejection of Jesus as their Messiah on the basis of being demon possessed. That caused the return of Jehovah at the ascension on the mount of olives. From then on they've been subject to judgement. But the final judgement will come with the tearing of the lion after they've sought help from king jareb but didn't get it. When that day comes they will seek Jehovah's face he adds the words "in their affliction." When that affliction comes they will seek him earnestly. That affliction is the Tribulation and the prerequisite to Jehovah's coming back for them is they will confess their rejection of their Messiah.
The point of verse 15 is Jehovah came, an offense committed against Him so He left them and now He will not return to them until that offense is confessed to Him and He adds that they will confess this in their affliction. The word affliction is one of OT names of the Tribulation.

The first three verses of chapter six we have the return of Israel by responding to the demand of chapter five verse 15. There is a speakers switch because the first 3 verses issues a call from the people. Throughout chapter 5 Jehovah is speaking in the singular but now Israel speaks in the first person plural and God is referred to in the third person.

Chapter 6

Vs 1: A call issued by the leaders of the people to repent and confess. The Jewish leaders recognize that the root cause of this is their rejection of their Messiah, the same one who in chapter 5 is responsible for the tearing of the people has the power to heal them. Repentance like obedience is a prerequisite to the knowledge of God.

When this decree of verse 1 it marks the last 3 days of the Tribulation.

Vs 2: there will be 2 days of revival and the exact national confession of Israel will be the quoting of Isaiah 53. The national prayer is Psalms 79 & 80.

Vs 3: Israel's national salvation is the prerequisite to the second coming. He will come as the rain (refreshment) and latter rain (abundance of blessings).

The Ripeness of Israel for Destruction

The Broken Covenant

Vs 4: He points to the insincerity of their goodness and it's transitory nature.

Vs 5: Because of lack of knowledge

Vs 7: Adam broke the Adamic Cov they broke the Mosaic Cov.

Vs 9: sanctuary city became a hideout for murderers.

Vs 11: Harvest of punishment coming for Judah as well.

Chapter 7

Vs 1: Israel pictured as incurably sick onward and outward that God has withdrawn His hand.

Vs 2: God takes note of every sin and as usual sin has within itself the seeds of destruction.

Vs 3: Conspiracies within Israel one king after another.

Vs 4: kindled oven left alone - conspiracy aloud to develop.

Vs 6: The conspiracy now in full bloom.

Vs 7: The conspiracy leads to the assassination of kings.

Vs 8: A cake not turned cooked on bottom and gooey on top.

Vs 10: God testifies against Israel and still they don't repent.

Vs 11: Israel a silly dove going back and forth between nations.

Vs 12: this dove going back and forth will be caught in a net.

Vs 13: Israel a deceitful bow.

Vs 14: Israel assembles for more food and drink rather than to repent.

Vs 15: Israel takes God's counsel and misused it thus the unfaithful bow motif.

Vs 16: to miss the mark also means you hit the wrong mark.

Chapter 8 The Call of the Trumpet of Judgement against:

(1) the covenant breakers 8:1-3

Vs 1: They've broken the Mosaic Covenant

Vs 2: They make a false cry, they did not know Jehovah.

Vs 3: They threw away that which was good.

(2) because of their illegitimate kings 8:4a

(3) for their false idols 8:4b

Vs 5: golden calf destroyed

Vs 6: land not to produce

Vs 9: Israel to be swallowed up by the very nation she went to for help.

Vs 10: northern kingdom reduced down to 10% of original population.

(5) against the altars of sin

Vs 11: These altars of sin had been greatly multiplied in the northern kingdom.

Vs 12: the law of Moses had been discarded

Vs 13: Their many sacrifices are unacceptable. Because they took these sacrifices and applied them to idols. Now there's going to be a remnant in captivity in Egypt.

Vs 14: Judah forgot her maker by fortifying her many cities. They had trusted not in Jehovah but in their fortifications.

Chapter 9 The Coming Exile

Vs 1: Time of death of joy the death of rejoicing is coming because Israel like Hosea's wife is guilty of playing the harlot.

Vs 2: As the adulteress is stripped (which happened to Gomer) so it will be that the land be stripped and barren.

Vs 3: Israel not going to be able to live in Jehovah's land just as Gomer not able to live in Hosea's house.

Vs 4: The cessation of the festivals that were intended for Jehovah because they used them to honor idols.

Vs 6: they get buried in foreign land.

Vs 9: how deeply in sin have they fallen? Judges 19 - that far, as when the Levite's concubine was raped and murdered by the homosexuals of Gibeah. The whole nation now and not just Gibeah has become deeply sinful. Same thing in our day.

Vs 10 - 15: deals with the apostasy at Baal Peor (Numbers 24). Tendency towards idolatry.
Double fruitfulness shall become fruitless.

Vs 11: no birth nor pregnancy.

Vs 12: those born will die young.

Vs 13: to become wonderers among the nations.

Chapter 10

Vs 1: The fruitfulness of idolatry.

Vs 2: Results in a divine judgement on all idols to destruction.

Vs 3: Kings that took authority apart from divine appointment, will not help them.

Vs 4-8: there will be retribution to fall on idol and on king. Vs 6 king Jerab will be the one taking Israel into captivity. Revelation 6 quotes this.

Vs 9-11: Once again he picks on Gibeah emphasizing the terribleness of that sin that resulted in the reduction of Benjamin to just 600 males. Now God will punish Israel Israel with that same severity (Zac 13:8-9) during the Tribulation. Formerly free to tread the grain (header not muzzled) but now a yoke on the fair neck meaning labor.

Vs 12: Again a call once again for Israel to repent.
Need to seek Jehovah and he will come to them with rain of righteousness until they repent. Shalman is known Shalmanezer the 5th an Assyrian emperor. He threw women and children from the cliff, Israel should expect a similar execution in the future where only help can come from Jehovah.

Chapter 11

Vs 1-4: historical summary of God's love for Israel
Vs 1: Jehovah brought them out of Egypt
Israel is Jehovah's son.

Vs 2: although he sent prophets to them they chose Baal.

Vs 3: Jehovah continued to try and teach them.

Vs 4: Jehovah kept on drawing them with chords of love. And kept on feeding them.

Vs 5: Israel repudiated God's love.
They are destined for Assyrian captivity and those that do make it to Egypt do so as captives

Vs 6: Their cities destined for destruction.

V 7: Israel had something in them that was self corrupting. Bent towards sinning.

A Restoration?

Vs 8: Jehovah promises of compassion results in a restoration. Jehovah will never allow for a total annihilation. God's anger will allow for destruction as with Hitler but not allow total destruction or annihilation like Zeboim.

Vs 10: the regathering comes from three locations : West (such a regathering was only responsible from the west after A.D. 70 when the Jews were dispersed to the west. North Assyrian and South Egypt.

Vs 11: Jehovah will restore them to their own land.
Notice that these divisions begin along the same theme. Beginning with Israel sins leading to judgement beginning with immediate judgement with the Assyrian captivity and then a distant judgement the Tribulation but then ends with Jehovah's love for Israel and her restoration.

Vs 12: - 14:8 Final Division

Chapter 12

Vs 3-4: The difference between Jacobs attitude and the attitude of his descendants. Even in the womb the two boys are struggling and Jacob is struggling to get the blessing. As they grow Esau had the birthright but despises it, he doesn't care for any life in the Lord. The Hebrew word for quiet is the word used for Job, for Noah for Jacob - a perfect man. Jacob did not steal the patriarchal blessing, he owned it by Esau selling it. What Jacob was guilty of was deceiving his father.
Bethel means the house of God Bethaven means the house of vanity. Jacobs day Hosea's day. Jacob was a godly man Esau an ungodly man.

Vs 7: Israel instead of becoming like Jacob chose to become like a Canaanite. A trafficker the word for a Canaanite. Jacob left Canaan in order to avoid becoming a Canaanite, Israel pursued intermarriage in order to become Canaanized.

Vs 8: Jacob glories in God while Israel glories in wealth.

Vs 9: because Israel failed to be like Jacob comes the judgement. They will live in tents. And in tents outside of the land. When this judgement comes it will last for a very long time.

Vs 10: this judgement is not coming by surprise because the they had the prophets.

Deals with three periods of Israel's history

Vs 12: Israel's infancy

Vs 13: Israel became the national son of God.

Vs 14: Israel when full-grown was characterized by adultery.

Chapter 13 The Calamity upon Israel

Vs 1: Israel at one time was feared. Until Baal. The root cause of coming calamity is Israel's idolatry.

Vs 2: now the nations who once feared Israel now take part in her destruction.

A Warning to Israel

Vs 4: points out that Jehovah is Israel's God and only God, and only savior.

Vs 5: God is Israel's only provider.

Vs 6: yet Israel forgot.

Vs 7: Israel now is to be devoured. Lion (Babylon) leopard (Greek) bear (MedeoPersian)of Daniel 7.

Vs 12: no more room to add sin to sin.

Vs 13: picture of a son unwilling to come thru the womb endangering both life of himself and his mother - foolish

Vs 14: Sheol is the immaterial part of man and death represents the material part of man to which God intends on delivering Israel from.
God will not repent to change His mind from redeeming Israel.

Vs 15: the results are fruitlessness and

Vs 16: the destruction of Samaria

Chapter 14
In the first three chapters the marriage of Hosea and names of his children were promised that all the negatives would be turned into positives.
Then in chapters 4-13 it's been primarily negative talking about the coming Assyrian destruction and captivity and the destruction of the Tribulation.

Vs 1: the prophet promises that God will respond if Israel repents. Like Gomer returned to Hosea after her adultery, Israel is to do the same.

Vs 2: the admission and confession of Israel. Two things needs to happen for the Lord to return. (1) Israel must confess their rejection of Messiah (2) Israel must pray for His return.

Vs 4-5: When Israel does this God will respond (1) heal their backsliding/remove their sins (2) love them freely/restore her material blessings (3) anger turned away/no more Judgements (4) refreshes Israel.

Vs 6-8: future description of blessings of Israel.

Vs 9: Conclusion, to understand is to be wise and prudent is to know. The ones who are believers will walk in the ways of the lord.

The Book of Micah

Name: Who is like God

Family: unknown

Date: 739-702 BC He gives Kings Jotham 739-735, Ahaz 735-715 Hezekiah 715-686 BC. He is contemporary with Isaiah the prophet. Micah is a small town country prophet and his Hebrew is a simplified course version in comparison with the city prophet Isaiah.

Locale: A prophet of Judah

Historical Setting: Ahaz a wicked king brought idolatry into Judah and put Judah under servitude to Assyria. Hezekiah inherited the servitude. Micah deals with the Assyrian invasion.

Major Points: (1) God will punish the people for their sins, (2) the Jewish leaders are responsible for leading the people astray, (3) there will be a surviving Remnant and (4) Israel's redemption will come by way of the Messiah.

Theme: Wrath upon Judah and Samaria

New Testament Quotes: Jer 26:13-19, Mica 5:2 - Mt 2:5,6 and Micah 7:6 in Mt 10:35,36.

A 1:2-7 The Declaration of Judgement

Vs 2: The Call. A picture is that of a law court. The Israel is the You is the defendant the World is the witness and God is the prosecuting attorney.

Vs 3: The case itself, God coming forth in judgement. The ultimate fulfillment is that of the second coming but here a more immediate judgement of Assyrian invasion God's principle methodology is to use Gentiles to punish Israel. The place of worshipping was supposed to be at the Temple but the people built these high places to avoid the journey to Jerusalem. In Judah there was a perversion of Jehovah worship but in Israel it was outright idolatry.

Vs 4:

Vs 6: the destruction of Samaria.

Vs 7: the destruction of idols.

Vs 8-16 Southern Kingdom also to suffer similar results. The Assyrian invasion that will end the kingdom of Israel will also devastate Judah.

Vs 8: lamentation of Micah over Judah's judgement. There was an incurability of the sins of Judah therefore the Assyrian invasion followed by the Babylonian captivity one hundred years later. II Ch 36:14-16 verifies the reason for the judgement, "till there was no remedy. Jer 8:18-22 the prophet who came after Micah makes the same point. Jeremiah mourns for the same reason Micah mourns because of the complete sickness of the people. It is incurable.

Vs 9: The verse does not say that the Assyrians will take Jerusalem. They will take 42 Judean cities right up to the door of Jerusalem but Jerusalem is not taken.

Vs 10-15: the destruction of Judaen cities.
A play upon words: examples

Gath (tell it not in tell town)
Belahaphra (roll in the dust of dust city)
Shapir (beauty town will become unbeutified)
(Go forth town will not go forth to protect anything)
Batazel (Neighborly standing taken away from neighbor town)
Marot (bitterness will come to bitter town)
Mareshagath (inherited town becomes inherited by the enemy)


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New member
In the Hebrew bible all 12 minor prophets are counted as one book and are simply called "The Twelve."

Term minor prophets first used by Augustine because of their small size.

Chronological Sequence and Geographic Area

Obadiah 845 southern kingdom
Joel 835 southern kingdom
Amos 810-783 northern kingdom

Sorry - I am not going to read all this. The context of the verse we have been discussing is belief in Christ and Jesus is talking to those alive in his time.

29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

EDIT: I'll read it if your shorter answer is convincing.
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New member
Regeneration follows faith. This is what Calvinism doesn't admit. Because their doctrine requires regeneration before faith. But according to scripture, a man first believes and then is saved.

The reason Christ proclaimed that the gospel be preached to everyone is because the atonement made all men savable. Yet only those whom Christ chose are going to be saved and those that God passed over will not be saved. Those that are chosen are given divine enabling to exercise their will to believe the Gospel and those who are not chosen cannot believe the gospel because their sin nature doesn't allow for faith in the gospel.

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Jesus could not have enjoined belief in Him through belief in His miracles (to those Jews in John 10) if you are right about divine enabling. It would be unconscionable.


New member
1 Corinthians 2:14
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

If one interprets this as the Calvinists do then Jesus would not have implored belief such as He did in John 10:37,38. The words used in Paul's letter are, 'cannot understand'. To me that means unable.


Sorry - I am not going to read all this. The context of the verse we have been discussing is belief in Christ and Jesus is talking to those alive in his time.

29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

EDIT: I'll read it if your shorter answer is convincing.

Sorry but I'm not going to answer that tonight other than to show you I've done a verse by verse commentary on all of the major prophets and minor prophets they Micah. I can tell you that the Hebrew prophets have a similar theme in that they prophesied judgements both near and far for the idolatry of the nation, their rejection of the God Man King the Messiah and the future hope of the restoration of the nation when Messiah reigns and there will not be one unbelieving Jew. All Jews will have a right relationship with God through their Messiah during the kingdom and extending into the eternal order. In order to support my statement I have to separate the near judgement prophecies dealing with idolatry BC from the distant future prophecies where Israel is judged in the Tribulation from the prophecies and statements where Israel as a whole become a totally saved nation. It has taken several months to do the verse by verse notes, I started with the major prophets (monster task bro) and am stalled in Micah for a few weeks of laziness. I guess the repetitious nature of the prophets can dull one out because they constantly switch between their present day messages to future ones and I'm mainly concerned with the future. But the past is quite interesting at any rate as well.

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Jesus could not have enjoined belief in Him through belief in His miracles (to those Jews in John 10) if you are right about divine enabling. It would be unconscionable.

Maybe. I'm not sure I understand what you mean but, keep in mind that the first coming was planned to fail in man's eyes anyway. In God's eye the first coming did not fail because God pre planned Messiahs rejection by the people.

I had a thread here a while ago called Messianic Christology where everything Messiah taught on the road to Emmaus is documented. It includes every Old Testament passage referring to the Messiah 's first coming. By studying those passages as a unit we can see more clearly why Messiah was rejected in spite of the miracles He performed that one would think authenticated His claim as the Jewish Messiah.

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