What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
You just wrote: "there are expressed images of God"

So my ability to read is not in question, your ability to be UNEQUIVOCAL is.

Yes, folks in the dark, like you, express a false God.

Only the Father is the true God, if you have a problem with that, take it up with Jesus as he is the one who tells us that.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus has a 'God'.............well of course.....

Jesus has a 'God'.............well of course.....

Yes, folks in the dark, like you, express a false God.

Only the Father is the true God, if you have a problem with that, take it up with Jesus as he is the one who tells us that.

And this view is logical to all so called 'christians' (and other religionists), so there is no problem here except with Trinitarians who insist Jesus must be more. Yet recognizing the humanity of Jesus is essential even within Trinitarian theology, so the above observation is relationally true, seeing Jesus as the 'Son of God'. Note the term 'Son'. - this implies a 'generation' of 'God',....an offspring. We could also say the 'logos' is the original creative thought, plan or principle within God extending out to orchestrate, order and uphold creation, and that it was perfectly revealed or expressed in the man Jesus, who was the 'Son of God' and 'Son of Man',....so we have Jesus expressing a perfect composite of both 'human' and 'divine' qualities/attributes. Of course there are many different views of 'Christology', where all the battles for 'orthodoxy' or 'heresy' of doctrine arose, some still percolating to this day.



New member
Yes, folks in the dark, like you, express a false God.
Only the Father is the true God, if you have a problem with that, take it up with Jesus as he is the one who tells us that.

Jesus tells us MANY things and YOU conveniently pick what you want to listen to keypurr so do me a favor and take your supercilious condescending attitude somewhere else. Your Jesus is the Jesus Paul warned true Christians to NOT follow. 2 Cor 11


Well-known member
Jesus tells us MANY things and YOU conveniently pick what you want to listen to keypurr so do me a favor and take your supercilious condescending attitude somewhere else. Your Jesus is the Jesus Paul warned true Christians to NOT follow. 2 Cor 11

If the heat is to much get out of the kitchen.

Your bully tactics do not scare me Stan. Your not equipped to understand God's word. I knew God and his son many years before you did or you think you did.

Your unable to discuss the topic because you do not see the truth about God and his sin.


Well-known member
No, I think we should take it up with you. After all, it's YOUR false doctrine.

Are you saying Jesus lied GM?

Are you saying that Jesus does not have a God?

You can not have a God and be God if there is only one God.

Time for you to wake up to the truth. Put on your big boy pants and start thinking about what is written, not what you want written.


New member
If the heat is to much get out of the kitchen.

Your bully tactics do not scare me Stan. Your not equipped to understand God's word. I knew God and his son many years before you did or you think you did.

Your unable to discuss the topic because you do not see the truth about God and his sin.

The heat here is NOTHING compared to what YOU will experience.

Only a fool is not scared keypurr. You don't KNOW anything.

I don't discuss with you because all you do is deny and condescend. You avoid the truth in scripture and belittle anyone who doesn't agree with you so you REAP what you sow.


New member
Are you saying Jesus lied GM?

Are you saying that Jesus does not have a God?

You can not have a God and be God if there is only one God.

Time for you to wake up to the truth. Put on your big boy pants and start thinking about what is written, not what you want written.

No, YOU lie. Jesus IS God.

As God CAN do anything your god seems very limited.

This is what you call discussing. Seems you 'discuss' the same way with everyone who shows you up.


Well-known member
The heat here is NOTHING compared to what YOU will experience.

Only a fool is not scared keypurr. You don't KNOW anything.

I don't discuss with you because all you do is deny and condescend. You avoid the truth in scripture and belittle anyone who doesn't agree with you so you REAP what you sow.

You do not have a strong faith in our God Stan.
Why would you be afraid of a loving Father?

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, wisdom brings understanding, which in turn brings faith. I do not fear my day of judgement Stan, I look forward to it. And at my age it most likely will be soon.


Eclectic Theosophist
tidbits of truth to nibble on......

tidbits of truth to nibble on......

Are you saying Jesus lied GM?

Are you saying that Jesus does not have a God?

You can not have a God and be God if there is only one God.

Also, GM may want to further consider :

Jesus indeed, as a MAN....claimed he had a 'God' and 'Father', and this same Infinite Spirit is also our 'God' and 'Father'. There is only One God and Father of 'all'. 'All' includes Jesus or any other human personality having 'God' as their source. Jesus ever points us to 'Our Father'....to worship that 'Divine Omnipresence One' as 'Real God',....in spirit and truth. Besides this One Universal Father-Presence'....there is no other. All apparent 'others' or 'personalities' are offsprings from this One Central SOURCE. The Universal Father is the First Source and Center of all.

As far as our own 'Christology' goes, whether its a more Unitarian or Trinitarian persepective,....we honor, respect and worship 'Christ' as the express image, revelation, representation/representative of 'God', and so to worship The Father, is also to worship that divine image/expression or 'Son' who embodies, manifests and reveals The Father, since in the divine unity of Spirit they are one, just as we when united in Spirit with God/Jesus.....are one community, of one mind, will and purpose. The analogy used by Paul of the 'body of Christ' depicts this unity.

Regarding John 17:

Don't forget Jesus prayer for all of us to be one,....EVEN as he and the Father are one. Meditate on that for a bit, and see that our spiritual unity with Jesus and 'Our Father' is all in the Spirit of God, for God's nature and will are indivisible. Remember, Deity is ONE.



Well-known member
No, YOU lie. Jesus IS God.

As God CAN do anything your god seems very limited.

This is what you call discussing. Seems you 'discuss' the same way with everyone who shows you up.

Lying is something I do not do Stan and you have no reason to say what you did.
You are the one who is spreading untruths because you are misguided in your theology. You should be able to discuss our differences without breaking God's commandments.

You do not see the difference between God and Lord.
Jesus Christ was made Lord by his God. Any power he had was given to him by his God.
There is only one true God, the God that Jesus Christ has.

You have not shown any one up Stan, your just arrogant and bias in your traditions. You fail to see that our early fathers have distorted truth to fit the pagan majority of the time.
My God has no limites, but he did not do things the way you have been taught he did. You have no conception of the content on the NT. A lot can be and has been altered in translating the original that are available.

If you wish to bully folks I suggest you find someone else to do it with as I do not allow it in my life. If you wish to be friends and honestly share thoughts I would like that.

Your choice.


New member
You do not have a strong faith in our God Stan.
Why would you be afraid of a loving Father?

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, wisdom brings understanding, which in turn brings faith. I do not fear my day of judgement Stan, I look forward to it. And at my age it most likely will be soon.

How would you know keypurr? You don't know the God of the Bible.
Your God is like your faith....uni-dimensional.

Yes fear of the true God and Savior Jesus Christ, is the beginning of wisdom, but seeing as you started there and went backwards in your faith, into apostasy, your fear has turned into pride.


New member
Lying is something I do not do Stan and you have no reason to say what you did.
You are the one who is spreading untruths because you are misguided in your theology. You should be able to discuss our differences without breaking God's commandments.

I think you are so blinded by your apostate condition that your probably believe you don't lie, bit in the reality of our living God, you do.

You do not see the difference between God and Lord.
Jesus Christ was made Lord by his God. Any power he had was given to him by his God.
There is only one true God, the God that Jesus Christ has.

I see what ALL scripture says keypurr and don't limit it to single connotations throughout as you and your ilk do. Clearly when LORD is used along with God, it connotes the same thing. IF you actually relied on true scholars to show you, you would be less inclined to pump out your chest, but like the old adage, "fools rush in".

You have not shown any one up Stan, your just arrogant and bias in your traditions. You fail to see that our early fathers have distorted truth to fit the pagan majority of the time.

Only your ilk, the blind people, say this. I don't really hold ANYTHING you and your kind say as credible so continued denial means absolutely NOTHING to me. You sound exactly like the JWs. Maybe you should go to one of their sites to have fellowship with like minded people?

My God has no limites, but he did not do things the way you have been taught he did. You have no conception of the content on the NT. A lot can be and has been altered in translating the original that are available.

If you could corroborate ANYTHING you claim, there may be a chance of productive interaction, but sadly you can't. Your continual denial is all you have and one day that will vanish in the face of our REAL and TRUE God.

If you wish to bully folks I suggest you find someone else to do it with as I do not allow it in my life. If you wish to be friends and honestly share thoughts I would like that.
Your choice.

It is very obvious you are full of yourself and nothing much else. You hide behind your keyboard in anonymity and act like you have ALL the answers, when you have absolutely nothing. I feel rather sad for your prognosis.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You do not have a strong faith in our God Stan.
Why would you be afraid of a loving Father?

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, wisdom brings understanding, which in turn brings faith. I do not fear my day of judgement Stan, I look forward to it. And at my age it most likely will be soon.
Proverbs 1:7 Modern English Version (MEV)

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 9:10 Modern English Version (MEV)

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

If you feel that your day of reckoning is soon be sure of him in whom you believe. The question my friend is; are you sure or is it really just some theory that has been concocted by the enemy to steal your salvation.

John 10:10 Modern English Version (MEV)

10 The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

I have become very frustrated with you friend in that you KNOW THE TRUTH but have strayed from it. You have no idea what is in store.

Hebrews 10:31 Modern English Version (MEV)

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Please take the time to reevaluate your position.


Well-known member
Proverbs 1:7 Modern English Version (MEV)

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 9:10 Modern English Version (MEV)

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

If you feel that your day of reckoning is soon be sure of him in whom you believe. The question my friend is; are you sure or is it really just some theory that has been concocted by the enemy to steal your salvation.

John 10:10 Modern English Version (MEV)

10 The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

I have become very frustrated with you friend in that you KNOW THE TRUTH but have strayed from it. You have no idea what is in store.

Hebrews 10:31 Modern English Version (MEV)

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Please take the time to reevaluate your position.

Fear of the Lord brings wisdom and understanding, I went through that many years ago. Now I have a relationship with my God and his Son and I fear not what my judgement will be. You see love will cast out the fear, that is what God wants from us, love for him and love for man. So as I approach the gate my friend I have no fear. I know he loves me as I do him. If you do not feel the same way you should question your faith.


New member
Fear of the Lord brings wisdom and understanding, I went through that many years ago. Now I have a relationship with my God and his Son and I fear not what my judgement will be. You see love will cast out the fear, that is what God wants from us, love for him and love for man. So as I approach the gate my friend I have no fear. I know he loves me as I do him. If you do not feel the same way you should question your faith.

More parroting.



Well-known member
Did you not say that you fear your God?

If you sincerely trust him, why would you fear him?

I would guess it is because you do not really know him.

I will pray for you Stan, even though do do believe he can help you.